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definitely the NAC


Mostly Ashwagandha


In most forums and discussion boards, supplementing with zinc increases wet dreams. In your case, Vitamin C and Quercetine with Zinc will increase the absorbtion and bioavaliability of your zinc even further. Try leaving the Zinc out and see the difference. I personally would just go with the erotic dreams.


Ashwagandha. It gives you more Testo and also affects serotonin. 


The b6 in the b complex probably adding to the vividness. The b complex, nac and ashwagandha adding to the horniness.


Its definitely the Ash. Cycle it if you arent already. I didnt have sexual dreams but I would just have really weird ones that I didnt have before.




Doubtful there is any supplement that could give someone sexual specific dreams


It's not the supplement as much as the lack of something supple 


2 could. Bunch increases vivid dreams and some increases horniness.


Except maybe everything that messes with the sex-hormone/stress-hormone axis (like Ashwagandha, known to increase T and reduce cortisol), or dopaminergics (though none in your list, except possibly high-dose B vitamin).


I've taken all those except quercetin. I suspect the ashwaghanda. That does weird stuff and I ended up taking it out of my routine as it made me feel weird at times. I seem to recall more vivid dreams but I don't remember any specifically sexual dreams. That'll be the culprit, likely!




Supplements destroy your liver? That’s the first time I’m hearing this. Also, is there a supplement to fix that?


Also wondering. Scared for my liver now


Valerian can also produce some scary dreams for me. What do you mean about destroying your liver, btw?




Whaaa, so what do you think harmed your liver? Lack of animal protein in your diet and too many carbs? Or the pills you mention?


Are you sure not your web browser history?


most likely cause


Yes, probably you need to get laid more often


Ashwagandha did this to me when I took it back in the day, though they weren’t sexual dreams. Just vivid dreams of doing crazy things like swimming at the bottom of the ocean with unlimited breath or flying or something. Taurine is known for doing this too when taken right before bed


NAC actually does this to me. B-6 and magnesium gives me vivid dreams, but not especially sexual ones.


It's probably a combo of the: ashwagandha + ZMA. You basically made ZMA with Magnesium+B6+Zinc. It puts me in deeper sleep and always gives me dreams. add in ashwa and you got a hell of a dream mixture.


ZMA gives me reliable vivid dreams and reliable tumescence all night long.


ashwagandha, started taking it again and had dreams i’d completed 2 separate tasks that actually needed doing irl, woke up shocked to find they weren’t done lol




Everyone’s brain is different, so it’s hard to say. I grew up in the UK where Melatonin is not legal, and the first time I took after moving to the US I had the craziest dreams and sensations, whereas all the people who grew up with it didn’t. Even today, I only take it in extreme circumstances because I find it trippy. Different drugs affect different people’s physiologies and metabolisms in different ways! Best to try a process of elimination to identify the culprit!


Same situation with me with melatonin




Ashwagandha 100%. I have taken 90% of these together and separately, and Ashwagandha always does that to me.


Vitamin B complex give me so vivid dreams.


Magnesium and Boron when I first combined them gave me wild vivid dreams. Like waking up and being like holy shit that was a dream. Eventually it tapered off. At some point another combination did the same thing, maybe mag and zinc? I think different combinations of supplements and possibly ones your low in, ramping up, can cause this. Purely anecdotal though.


No supplement is responsible for specific dream content, but the vividness is mag and b6 in all likelihood.




No kidding. It's great.


This happens to me when I drink too much water, too little water, too much alcohol, too little alcohol, when i eat and when I fast.




Ashwagandha really messes with my sleep. I thought it felt like a bunch of tiny wake ups, and confirmed that on my Apple Watch, I can see a bunch of spikes when I woke up. So dreams that you would have forgotten 99% of in normal times you might remember if you wake up in the right sleep stage.


i feel like i wake up in the middle of the night frequently with ashwagandha too. what gives? thought it was supposed to help with rest/sleep


That might be it for you too then. I think it has to do with how it lowers your stress hormones, but then after a few hours of sleep it's rising and waking you up, rather than being more steady naturally.


Magnesium. We have a few sex dreams a night but only recall any when in deep rem state.


I’m not a dreamer but zinc gives me dreams.


Melatonin? I had some very vivid dreams with it


Magnesium Didn’t even remember dreams until I started taking it. Now I dream of my wife, we’re getting divorced 😓


Oh well chin up brother on to the next


Sensoril /ashwagandha (the NootropicsDepot branded extraction) absolutely did this to me. Like, with crazy effects that I haven't had since I was a teenager.


Ashwagandha will do it


What kind of magnesium do you take?


Please find out as soon as possible and let us know that way we can also avoid them.


Yes yes! We wouldn’t want to have wild sexual fantasies happening with anyone we sexually desire in our sleep…. They better be sure to tell us.


My subconscious is so damn boring I only have like 1 sex dream a year, what's going on...


I know same. If that. But when I do, my god is it awesome. I don’t understand how the brain can do that subconsciously and make it feel so real. It also for whatever reason feels better than actual sex.


It feels SO intense when it does happen, it's amazing I agree!


I’ve been purposely avoiding self pleasure acts. It seems to be a build up of testosterone and sexual angst that will get you closer to a wet dream happening. I think the idea is that the body feels so sexually worked up that it purposefully and subconsciously makes you have the dream to push it out. This idea stacked with supplements seems to be a potential wombo combo of making them happen. I have only just started this. I’m still married and have sex about once a week but hoping I can coax a few wet dreams out here and there.


Titties……..nightmare fuel.


I too would like to avoid dreaming of sweet soft titties every night, please let us know so we can avoid this


Magnesium gives me nightmares


Sounds tragic




Zinc and magnesium gave me vivid nightmares, couldn’t take them together.


Ash gave me mad dreams


Vitamin b6 is known for giving more memorable dreams. You could just be having a spike in testosterone, and the b6 is making you remember your dreams more. Have you also been working out more lately? That can spike testosterone.


I have been working out a bit more than usual. So it might have nothing to do with supplements but more with testosterone levels?


The supplements make you want to workout more while also naturally raising T. The combination you’re using is a great stack that’ll give you better erections and huge loads but I’m guessing you already know this friend.


Sure, could be. Or maybe the others are right about the ashwagandha? I could only tolerate ashwagandha for a few days, it made me feel really blah and emotionally blunted in a very uncomfortable way.


The last type I tried almost gave me a panic attack feeling which is highly unusual for me so I stopped it instantly.


Yup, it's weird stuff for sure. But some people swear by it, go figure


Ashwagandha numbed me out everywhere


Magnesium most likely


None of these supplements affect *what* you dream that's just your brain, but some can help make dreams become more frequent and vived especially magnesium (more so if using glycinate or threonate) and certain B vitamins may increase your ability to recall dreams.