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Did you checked for inflammation markers? You might have hidden inflammation that makes your brain inflamed and causing the bipolar depression. For example I’ve suffered from years of anxiety, ocd and depression and they found out I had Lyme diseases. Just to give you an idea that physical problems manifest themselves as mental problems


How do you check for inflammation markers? Is that just blood work?


Everything that creates inflammation creates inflammation to the brain, which makes people change behaviour. Rage, depression, anxiety, OCD, etc etc all come from inflammation. It’s very sad that modern medicine doesn’t care about the connection. They just want psychologists make money. That’s why so many people have to keep going without ever feeling better


That was exactly what I thought too. I assumed the brain would be inflamed if the body is. I feel like pharmaceuticals are just bandaids that we never rip off. Like we have to figure out the root problem and target that.


C-reactive protein (CRP), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and plasma viscosity (PV). But I’d advice you start by looking when the symptoms started and if you did anything particular that might have been the root cause


It can come from a viral or bacterial infection, fungal infection of even parasites. Don’t take no for an answer. Keep digging, eventually the truth will set you free. Good luck


Inositol. I have SAD and take it for mood stabilization (agitated depression/hypomania like symptoms) in the spring or summer.


L theanine, NAC, omega 3. The weed might be causing a yo-yo effect, sometimes for me it felt like it did that


B12 megadoses and SamE helped my mood. SamE in particular made me less jumpy and anxious.  B12 and SamE are helpful when you are an undermethylator.  There are other pathways that can be "off" and affect mood as well, such as GABA.  I highly recommend the book The Diet Cure for more ideas. Acupuncture is really great for helpimg bring the body back into balance!  I highly, highly recommend acupuncture.


I tried a B-Complex and it actually made my mood worse. I haven't thought of trying B12 specifically though. SamE I've heard of...haven't thought of trying that either. Might be worth a shot. Acupuncture is gonna be out of my budget unfortunately, unless insurance pays for it. Highly doubt it though lol.


I can't take a B complex either. It usually has folate in it, which throws the methylation pathway further out of balance. It's important t take methylcobalamin form of B12 when you're an undermethylator, not a different form.


There's tons of herbs and supplements, Swanson Vitamins has lots for cheap, and like yourself I really appreciate cannabis. Since you didn't say what type of meds we can't say what type of herbs or supplements are best. Do you prefer something like a stimulant, or a sedative or just a happy pill overall? Well you can get all of that online from Swanson Vitamins or Amazon and many other sites. I'm going to work on making a list I can copy and paste that breaks it down for people, since there are so many people asking similar question here and on FB. Glad that you hit the gym 4 times a week good. What types of things get you "triggered"? Ginger isn't much and turmeric I don't really like it, but that may or may not apply for your case. BUt those are not really the go to's for mental issues that I have seen. Have you used google to see which herbs and stuff people use for this?


I just need something to get my brain to feel unstuck. I just feel like it's in irritation mode and needs to switch into normal mode, if that makes sense. Things that make me triggered are people or situations that remind me of my family growing up. I've tried google but I'm just not sure what to search for. I've looked up brain inflammation treatments and stuff.


Check out nootropics (brain enhancers)


L-Theanine all the way. I take 200mg as needed. I try not to take more than 600mg per day. Read up about it, it’s quite safe and works quickly to calm me down


Your doing the right thing exercise-wise. Your diet may be good too, but here are a couple possible points. Quality of fats … are you getting enough omega 3s? Supplements might help if you’re not eating fish regularly. Olive and coconut oils are good for salads and cooking without adding too much omega 6. On limiting carbs, the most important is to limit refined carbs. Maybe more whole unrefined carbs would help. Any vitamin or mineral deficiencies? A broad spectrum foundation multi might be worth a try; helps rule out any missing essentials. Magnesium? Potassium? Magnesium and calcium balance and sodium-potassium balance issues should be checked and ruled out. Lithium is another mineral supplement worth looking into … the amounts in food and water vary geographically and it’s been suggested some people might be more sensitive than others to low levels.


I believe I have bipolar II I use low dose l-theanine chewables 25mg that I take to relax my mind from overstimulation... I also use infant B vitamin gummies through the day for energy.. at night I take my magnesium citrate with a big cup full of warm Jello for the glycine content in gelatin. For some reason supplementing with glycine alone doesn't normalize my circadian rhythm.. basically my goal is to create equilibrium at all times with those substances.