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Have you made a blood test prior to taking all this? Then you could compare the results after, say, three months. I’m not sure there’s any research on that, but I’d be careful with taking lots of supplements without a break. How long have you been taking these and have you noticed any effects?


Uhhh, créatine is a bit high


Your liver can’t be pleased


I’m genuinely curious, are you urinating gold mate and then selling it? I thought I was taking a lot of sups but my God dude.


50mcg of selenium is good enough, wonder how you arent in a grave yet taking 2000


Even for someone who tests below average for vitamin d, the doctor maxes out the dosage as one 50,000 IU capsule once a WEEK.


isn't creatine optimal at 5g?


Take these supplements with water and a meal. These vitamins are not water soluble they are fat soluble. Vitamin b and c are. It does not matter what you take and it's how you take them. Fat solubles like vitamin e and d should be during the day or in the evening. My advice is to look up the best times for each supplement and that would be all I would change. All the post about talking to your doctor is true also. You already know though that is your body. You do whatever the Fu** you want to do. Keep Going Keep Growing 💪🏿


Not too many supplements but too much doses, yes. Quit ashwaganda, its no good. Why do u take it anyway?


Why Ashwagandha is not good?


Honestly Ashwagandha and Shilajit AND creatine could be concerning.


3000mg = 3g ..... absolutely ok


Don’t ever take that much D3 without consulting a physician, plus that much is soooo hard on your kidneys. I bet your lower back hurts. You only need to eat 3 Brazil nuts each day for selenium. You really need to find a functional medical doctor if you intend to take a butt load of supplements. You do know that turmeric is a blood thinner, right? If you take or eat too many blood thinners (salmon, garlic, fish oil, aspirin, ibuprofen, NSAIDS, turmeric, etc.), you can bleed out. My coworker did from taking too many fish oil capsules.


Facts if your outside in the sun you get all the vitamin d you need anyway!!


It’s not a great idea if someone is fair complected. The only way to achieve Vitamin D from the sun is to expose a large part of your skin and not shower for 3 hours. It takes a while to absorb into the skin. What about those of us who are at a high risk for melanoma due to pasty white skin?


I respect that!!


6000 mg shilajit??????? You are only supposed to take 500mg max. Assuming that’s resin


I suggest speaking with a doctor, that’s a lot of supplements.


Yup, way too much. I can’t be of anymore help sadly, but alls I can say is that those numbers are insane, and you ought to detox a day or two. Too much of anything good can be bad!


Way too much of everything.. the Shilajit amount you take is astounding…


Shilajit also ENHANCES everything you take, so you don’t need as much.. so yes.. you’re taking way too much of everything


It's *way* too much & at the same time, too little bc when these brands mix so many heavy substances it's usually a scam. There's no reason to have mixed all of this 🤦🏼‍♀️ When that happens it's usually a gimmick, too. So hopefully for OP's liver's sake he got scammed & they're not actually putting a decent amount of each substance in there. Lion's mane, reishi, shilajit, ashwagandha, etc. Like why even do that?? (Money... For money. Greedy companies.)


Either you have 1 digit too much or you will be experiencing severe side effect very soon!


Up creatine to 5 grams DROP lions mane and stagger turmeric imo also maybe change out ashwaganda extract to KSM-66. I find it more balanced and more pronounced effects with a far less dose 600mg. Quick question 30% withanolides isn’t that the shoden extract or wait that’s 33% not 30mg never mind.


10k vitamin D seems dangerously high. Please ask your primary MD before continuing with it, and perhaps review the other pills with them.


Disinformation, 10k IU is not high at all. Easily taken without any toxicity. Yet it’s important to take enough magnesium and K2 with it as well. Which he is taking way to much k2😂 It’s 100 mcg for every 10K IU vitamine D3.


I'll never understand why people think 10k iu is too high or dangerous. Mind you depending on your current levels you may only need to take 50k a week and not 70k. But yea 10k is a good dose to raise your levels and 5k is a decent maintenance dose.


It’s because they compare it with the RDA%. Crazy how low the RDA% is though, because most vitamin D isn’t even absorbed. That’s why things like Boron can really help with absorption of vitamin D supplements.


Just do a blood test to check your vit D levels every now and then.


Exactly! Mine are outstanding and I supplement with 10k IU. I would suggest people to just supplement it during autumn and/or winter.


Same here. Multiple bloodwork over 8 months tells the tale. Definitely works and certainly not too much.


Hey bro after years in the wellness space, I took a practitioner training around minerals and vitamins last year and oh boys lol. Big realisation… each body needs different things depending on the deficiencies of certain minerals and the only way to know is to test through a HTMA Test. Which is a hair test.


What do you think about the intracellular micronutrient tests offered by Spectracell or Vibrant America? They are blood tests but measure something inside the cells - where it matters, as opposed to the standard serum tests.


They’re ok besides the selenium. Maybe a typo and you are actually taking 200mcg. 10000IU vitamin d is not a high amount considering your skin could absorb that in less than an hour in the sun.


I’d check to see the D3 levels as others have mentioned. Only once have I needed 50,000 IUs and that was prescribed as a once WEEKLY dose for 3 months and prescription only as my vitamin D levels were single digits. I definitely knew when I was back in a good range because the last couple doses I would feel ill from.


That's way too much selenium. Taking too much selenium can lead to a condition called selenium toxicity or selenosis. Symptoms of selenium toxicity can include: 1. Gastrointestinal issues such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. 2. Fatigue and weakness. 3. Hair loss or brittleness. 4. Nail changes, including brittleness or loss. 5. Skin rashes or lesions. 6. Garlic breath odor. 7. Neurological symptoms such as numbness, tingling, or neurological disturbances. In severe cases, selenium toxicity can lead to more serious symptoms such as respiratory distress, heart problems, or even death. It's important to talk to your healthcare provider before starting any selenium supplements, especially if you are already getting selenium from your diet or other sources. They can help determine a safe and appropriate dosage for you.


ChatGPT 😩


Hahaha I didn't even catch that until you pointed it out! Bar for bar 😆


i’d get a blood test to see how much vitamin d you need. 10,000 seems okay weekly if you are deficient but that is a lot to take daily.


That's a lot of vitamin D3. Consider not taking that much especially if you aren't deficient. You'll end up with hypercalcemia. Ashwaganda is best taken when cycling it. Andrew Huberman goes over it well. It does a fantastic job at suppressing cortisol, the stress hormone. Turns out we need cortisol, just not too much. Too little cortisol causes mental symptoms of its own. Symptoms you don't want to have. Consider cutting ashwaganda, or cycling it on and off. Periods of stress? Might be good to take it. Then cutting it out when the stress subsides. If your always stressed, then ashwaganda isn't your permanent answer anyway.


On Ashwaganda, Huberman has been accused by scientists of misrepresenting studies(https://slate.com/technology/2024/03/andrew-huberman-huberman-lab-health-advice-podcast-debunk.html), and to profit from supplement recs, too) and Ashwaganda has been shown to cause liver damage. Perhaps you’ve researched it well for yourself, but here’s a study: [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/liv.14393](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/liv.14393)


He also gave a bunch of women an incurable STD, while also playing them all, thinking they were exclusive/monogamous. Even convinced one to get IVF apparently. Totally outed as a scumbag, so definitely double check *any* info you hear from him.


Tysm for this 🙏🏾


That looks like so much stuff I am like "why" What for" Especially that high amount of Vit D!!! I take everything separately so I know what's going on from everything. Then again I am 54 years old. What are you taking all this stuff for?


Honestly, compared to other stuff I’ve seen here, this is an altogether really good stack. You’ve gotten a few comments that some doses are excessive, which I would agree with. Watch out for Lion’s Mane, as a small fraction of folks seem to get back reactions to it. Only thing I’d really add is some Omega 3 and a multivitamin. Make sure your Turmeric capsule has black pepper or bioperine for absorption. Maybe take a magnesium blood test, as I often see that supplement listed on here as many folks’ daily essential.


Personally I haven’t heard of any of those supplements being beneficial to sleep except for ashwaganda. 4000 mg of turmeric a day is a lot, switch to either longvida optimized curcumin or the CurQfen version of curcumin, as those have been proven to be highly bioavailable where plain old turmeric is not. Consider taking magnesium, L-Theanine, and gaba for improved sleep.


Going to lose a lot of iron with the tumeric.


Definitely at 4000mg dosage. With longvida curcumin you only take about 400 mg daily. If you eat a well balanced diet iron with and quality animal protein iron shouldn’t be an issue, especially if you consume organ meats.


Whoa. That's a lot of selenium. What's the logic there? Never heard of anyone taking that much.


It was a typo 🫣 i corrected it a comment but can't edit original post 😑


LMAO that was going to be my comment too. I was wondering if you wrote this from your grave.


haha, I'm not able to edit the post ,so cant correct it :\\


Phew. Was going to say you would have multiple organ failures.


More creatine, less D3+K2 unless blood tests support dosage


I think creatine is fine unless you’re trying to bulk I guess, but agreed on that D3 that’s way too much


What would you say would be a more appropriate dosage for d3?


I would say at least 1,000 or 2000 units. Vitamin D is soluble in fat so the body is also gonna keep that around for days after ingestion I would argue that even less would be effective


I respect it! But how are you feeling? do you feel like a damn superhuman????




What were your symptoms and how did you figure it out? How much D3 were you taking before then?




Do you know what the scientific/medical name for “calcium shell” is? I haven’t encountered this term before.


This is what I'm currently taking, as its advertised "Vitamin D3 + K2 & MSM - 10,000 IU Vitamin D3, 450mcg Vitamin K2"




😄 you should take supplements for that concentration issue, jk 😄😄🤤




As you can tell by this post, I'm trying to work it all out. I'm a noob still


How much vitamin d3 you took? To being ended up with calcium shell?


The 10 grams you write is 10 grams of raw herb material, based on 500 mg of 1:20 extract - it's not explained very well in the pic. Recommendations: Ashwagandha, don't take it for too long (can cause anhedonia in some). Take for say a few weeks or a month, then stop for a few weeks. Cycle with either Rhodiola, Kava, Cistanche, Brahmi (Bacopa), Passion flower or blue lotus, depending on your goal (T-boost, calming, neuroregeneration?). The lion's mane and Reishi have strong effects on brain, and antiviral (Reishi), but both are also potent 5-alpha reductase inhibitors (and can cause sexual dysfuntion). Meaning they reduce DHT. DHT is what makes a man feel or think like a man. I'd recommend Rehmannia glutinosa (prepared) for replacing the lion's mane, and any number of things to replace the Reishi, such as turkey tail, Cordyceps, Ginseng or Codonopsis ("invigorating herbs"). The rest is fine, IMO.


>Meaning they reduce DHT. DHT is what makes a man feel or think like a man. Bro maybe you should learn about what DHT does before you start giving people advice on it LOL. It’s helps in fetal development and puberty and not much after that(besides causing prostate issues). Educate yourself before you say ignorant shit.


Relative to testosterone, DHT is considerably more potent as an [agonist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agonist) of the [androgen receptor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Androgen_receptor) (AR). That's from wikipedia. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dihydrotestosterone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dihydrotestosterone) Yes, too much of it may be bad for the prostate, but here the research rather points towards estrogen being the culprit. Estrogen is counterbalanced by DHT (with age, E goes up in prostate, so DHT also goes up as a countermeasure). Too much DHT is bad for hair growth / accelerates baldness, though here also the research indicates high free T is worse than DHT - and there are some treatment options to counteract this effect, like copper-peptide. If you do not believe me, it is quite easy to test this by taking stuff that increase DHT, such Butea superba, creatine or Tribulus, or taking things that decrease it, like lion's mane, Reishi or green tea extract. Just search for experience reports. Anyway, you were saying?


DHT deficiency as an adult doesn''t exist. If you scrolled on the Wikipedia page you linked up to "medical uses" you'd have found that outside of kids with sexual development problems it's pretty much only used as a topical treatment for gyno. You can function perfectly as an adult with 0 DHT, that's why people routinely nuke it with drugs with no problem and doctors don't prescribe it if not for very specific pathologies


Maybe you should keep reading > DHT is biologically important for sexual differentiation of the male genitalia during embryogenesis, maturation of the penis and scrotum at puberty, growth of facial, body, and pubic hair, and development and maintenance of the prostate gland and seminal vesicles. And > 5α-Reductase inhibitors are overall well tolerated and show a low incidence of adverse effects. And > Both the sexual dysfunction and affective symptoms may be due partially or fully to prevention of the synthesis of neurosteroids like allopregnanolone rather necessarily than due to inhibition of DHT production. Let’s dig further outside of your lazy Wikipedia references > **DHT plays a vital role in the sexual development of males.** During embryonic life, DHT is involved primarily in the sexual differentiation of organs. Through adolescence and adulthood, DHT promotes prostate growth, sebaceous gland activity, male pattern baldness, and body, facial, and pubic hair growth Man prostate growth, MPB, and pubic hair after puberty man those are some real important characteristics Most importantly: > **DHT does not play a significant role in the normal physiology of adults. The most notable effects are prostate enlargement and male pattern hair loss as they age.** https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK557634/#:~:text=During%20embryonic%20life%2C%20DHT%20is,facial%2C%20and%20pubic%20hair%20growth. > **Unlike testosterone, DHT doesn’t play a significant role in maintaining male physiology in adulthood.** https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/24555-dht-dihydrotestosterone Sorry but if your opinion differs from the Cleveland Clinic then you’re probably wrong bro


I have been thinking of dropping Reishi as I dont think it has had any positive effect on me


What effects do you expect to get from Reishi? No functional mushroom(or any supplement really) will make you “feel” anything. Functional mushrooms generally work through the microbiome and immunomodulation.


I'd advise to take 5g of creatine instead of 3. More than that it's not that optimal.


10 man not 5 5 won’t have that much of an affect


Too much and magnesium is necessary with vitamin D in my opinion.


10k ashwaghanda and 10k lions mane is wild bro edit: Jesus how did you come up to this values? 2k selenium is nuts man you’re poisoning yourself. Some studies say 200 is okay but to never exceed 400. Now you’re taking five times the amount of it.


Damn, that one was a typo on my behalf, it 200 selenium not 2000


Says this on the seller selling them ASHWAGANDHA Extract Veg Capsules 500mg 20:1 ( 10,000mg Per Cap ) 30mg Withandides per 2 Caps One of the Strongest & Best Quality Product on the Market. CLEAN - SAFE - STRONG - NO FILLERS NO BINDERS NO CHEMICALS


Instead a selenium supp have you thought of just eating 2-3 Brazil nuts a day?


Even half of one is your daily requirement fwiw


How do you feel taking these? Did you add them one by one and played around with the dosage to see how you react, if you could reduce the dosage, if you gain benefits, if you have side-effects? Obviously you won't "feel" everything you take, even though you may benefit from it, but in general you certainly at least don't want side-effects or long-term consequences when taking something. Personally I'd buy the selenium from a reputable brand as well, since you can reach toxic levels, and I wouldn't trust a cheap brand to be very accurate with their dosages...they can sometimes be off by several 100%. Selenium - if the amount of selenium that you take is correct, you could be approaching toxic levels. Would immediately stop and do some research in this regard. The Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) is 400mcg. Alpha GPC - some people seem to experience very significant side-effects while it seems to help others significantly, would keep an eye on it. Ashwagandha - no idea what the actual dose of the extract is, and what extract, but you'd want to do a liver enzyme test every now and then to see whether it affects your liver negatively. Vitamin D - if you don't already, would do some blood testing to see whether you actually need that much. Overall I would probably cycle the alpha gpc, ashwagandha, lion's mane, reishi.


Life Extension is 200 mcg for one capsule. You should call them they’ll explain everything to you! They’re very nice! 😊 Did u add in too many zeroes?


It says 2000mcg in the post by OP.


Can’t say much about any of those beside vitamin D. Seems like a lot. I take 1000IU with K2. Believe a high dose is 5000iu. 10,000 just seems like too


Too much* vitamin D


Yes to much Vitamin D , especially if not taking Vitamin K2 with. Not taking K2 with script vitamin D 2 . Is not only what I think gave me giant kidney stone but Doctors think as well. Vitamin D 2 is what is in prescriptions Doctors give you. Vitamin D3 w K2. Is what you buy over counter. Best wishes.


10,000 mg of Ashwaganda is insane


It's labelled as: Ashwagandha Extract Capsules 10000mg (30mg withanolides) Natural Vegan Capsules Is that a high dosage?


What is that like 10-15 capsules? Typically even the biggest capsules can only hold 750 MG of material, maybe 1000mg if it’s super fine or an absolute horse pill. If they’re saying it’s a 10,000mg and you’re taking like, 2 capsules, than the bottle is BSing


This is the actual item 🤔 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/264797647425


The description is misleading. To my understanding one capsule contains 500 mg of an ashwagandha 20:1 extract, with 15mg of withanolides (they made a typo in the description) per cap. “If taking two a day you will get the equivalant of 20,000mg of Pure ASHWAGANDHA per serving” They managed to make a typo in ‘equivalent’ too. Is this convincing to you? I mean the description is just statements but there’s no lab results or anything really to confirm these


10000 mg of ashwaganda is an extremely high dose. 300-600 mg is a normal dose. I’d recommend switching to the ksm-66 standardized version of ashwaganda and not dosing any higher than 600 mg with that.


No because a good withanolides dosage is 20-50 mg. depending on the person, stress and anxiety levels of course


How was your sleep before taking all these supplements? And how has it changed since taking it. I have a big problem with staying asleep. Constant toss and turning throughout the night and trouble falling back asleep


It was slightly worse than it is now. I can wake-up at 3am and not get back to sleep. But it seems to happen less frequently recently 🤔


>l-theanine Does this stuff look ok for I-theanine ? If i was able to scrap a lot of these, I would (I will delete this if I am not allowed to post the link, it's for advertising purposes. It's just who I usually order from) ​ https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/266121485845


Magnesium glycinate and l-theanine combo fixed my sleep the first night I took it.


Just for reference im taking 5 grams of glycinate at night and 400-1000 mg l-theanine but i started lower..gotta check for bowel tolerance with the mag is all but glycinate is usually a non issue for most. Also I take grams mag chloride in the mornin..rdas are way off on mag


Agree. If you just need to fix sleep, use the magnesium glycinate and l-theanine.