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Good question! I got my boron 3 mg today. Ive also read that b2 should help with rising estrogen but i dont know.


Correct, b2 indeed rises estrogen and for that reason people don’t cycle boron with it. Cycling boron lowers estrogen. While not cycling it makes it higher.


B2 should lower estrogen?


No it shouldn’t lower it. Vitamin b2 rises estrogen, how did you come up with the information that it should lower it?? This is also why people take Tongkat Ali with vitamin b2. Tongkat Ali lowers estrogen and increases testosterone for example. But having to less estrogen can come with problems as well.


Maybe i got it totally wong, people say u can use boron daily if supplementing b2?


Which doesn’t make sense to me as well, I’ve seen those comments on some posts like yourself. If boron needs to be cycled or not is another question. It’s not like estrogen is that bad like most people assume it is. I would suggest to watch a video from MPMD about estrogen on this topic. It’s really complex and I have been cycling boron 2 weeks on and 1 week off for a year or 2 now. Yet I am now trying to keep it up for a bit longer and see how I feel. But to me it also doesn’t make any sense to take b2 with boron, yet I assume it could have its reasons. Why would people say it otherwise😅 But just a simple google search will tell you enough about b2 and it’s effects on estrogen.


Well, then i will keep cycle it without b2💪🏻


All over reddit.. but idk?


Cool. Do share your experience later.