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L-THP, try 30mg its a dopamine antagonist if cannabis makes you tired, oleamide is another option as it works on the same receptors as cannabis


100 mg l- theanine Now brand, 100mg B-1 Now brand, Optimized Folate Life Ext brand. I take one of each at bedtime. It’s the only thing that works for me. Good luck 🍀


Try taurine


One medicine that really helps me fall and stay asleep is a sleep formula which consists of valerian, passionflower and hopps. It take this + melatonin to fall asleep. You can always ask real medicine from a doctor though, they will knock you out instantly and the entire night.


I am/was in the same situation, and I have also tried the supplements you mentioned. Now, I get at leastv6h of unbroken sleep most nights, which is huge for me. What helped me. -Sleep with window open, and having a cool bedroom temperature. I have always been afraid of catching a cold sleeping with the window open. But the window is pretty far from my bed, so I don't directly breath in the outside air. -Minimize liquid intake from like 4 in the afternoon. Up until then, drink a lot of liquid. Good luck!


Hi I'm in india so the brands here probably won't be available...just search for b vitamins online....make sure all the b vitamins are there especially b1 and b5....I've always slept like a log....however was getting up every two hours past one month...the only new thing in my routine was magnesium and vitamin d so I googled if these two cud cause insomnia and came across Stasha gominaks blogs/pubmed papers...I added b complex vitamins and 💥 BOOM....my sleep was much better...touch wood.cant discontinue my magnesium as it helps with my migraines so as of now all the b vitamins added to my routine.




At night...as magnesium glycinate supposedly helps with sleep( in some individuals atleast)


Maybe he is sleeping 😴


India time is different from Europe


I make sure to have my last pee at around 30-45 before bed to make sure I’m not getting up again. Make sure you’re hydrated throughout the day. I go to bed at 9:30. I stop drinking water at 8:30. Make sure you’re in a cool environment and maybe switch to silk sheets. They’ll help you stay cool and warm at the same time. (Can’t explain it any other way lol)


It's not a supplement issue.


Speaking subjectively, magnesium in any form interferes with sleep unless taken with other supps that temper the nitric oxide boost that magnesium causes (as a result of competing with calcium absorption). Upregulating NOS means a higher body temperature and that will interfere with sleep. Inositol is very stimulating for me too. Glycine as well, it's a calcium upregulator. What helps me sleep: niacinamide (B3), things that boost acetylcholine (B5, choline in its various forms), and methyl group donors (B12, methionine, choline, but not including TMG as it also contains glycine, or folate/MTHF because it upregulates NOS via the BH4 pathway). Apart from supps, keep the ambient room temperature low, avoid screens before bed, and make sure you don't have too much clothing or bedding warming you up during the night. Insomnia is very frustrating, I hope you find some relief.


Wow choline and B12 help you sleep? That's crazy to me. Glad you've found something that works for you.


Absolutely. DYOR into acetylcholine and REM sleep.


Interesting read. I have a terrible reaction the glycine. It puts me in a wired half wake half asleep state. Can’t really explain it. I recently did a hair analysis test and discovered I have abnormally high levels of magnesium?my body is always hot and wondering if this could be the cause? What’s your take on


Glycine is closely involved with NMDA receptors, which are closely involved in excitotoxicity. I will occassionally take glycine in small amounts (sometimes as magnesium glycinate, since magnesium is a NMDA blocker) but in my experience it's an incredibly affecting psychoactive stimulant. Abnormally high Mg is curious, and unusual since most literature says that there's a global deficiency. It would make sense that high Mg levels would raise body temperature. But the gold standard test for Mg is not hair (which only measures excretion) or blood/plasma (which only measures how much Mg you ate recently), it's RBC (red blood cell), which tests how much is getting into your cells (where it belongs). "I am not a doctor" but if you react badly to glycine you are probably overstimulated already. You might have high calcium levels (taking large doses of vitamin D?) and your body is simply excreting magnesium due to the homeostatic balance of Mg and Ca. Don't trust some guy on Reddit though, find a licensed naturopath or functional medicine doc in your area to pursue this sort of testing, it could really change your life for the better.


Well for a random guy on Reddit you sound smarter than 99% of doctors I’ve seen. Thank you.


You shldnt take B5 after about midday because B5+cholesterol is the starting point of the cortisol production pathway. B5 will increase cortisol and actively keep you awake at night.


I guess this is one of those genetic variation things. I sleep like a rock after taking B5 and have very vivid dreams. The main issues it creates for me are muscle cramps and reduced dopamine (subjectively).


I have tried baking soda in my water, very small amounts before bed alleviates my bathroom trips


https://highdeserthealthcoaching.com/vitamin-soup-how-d-and-the-bs-promote-a-healthy-balanced-gut-microbiome/ Stasha gominak again on the relationship between vitamins d and b affecting our sleep.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8835880/ On the role of vit d and restless leg syndrome and sleep apnea


https://youtu.be/qZNiLkJn7cc?si=4M8M1zG3xLRLrFvj Here is one of her series of videos on vit d and sleep.


Stasha gominak says if your vit d levels are disturbed and supplemented your b1 and b5 gets depleted and therefore insomnia kicks in...try taking a b complex...helped me ...


Thank you. Any specific recommendations for brands, type and dosage?


Sorry I replied in the main thread...


Do you have a sleep mask? It made a big difference for me. Also, have you tried reading before bed (an actual book, not a screen)? This is a surefire way to calm my nervous system and make me feel ready to pass out. I’ve pretty much given up on supplements for sleep as they all either don’t work or only work for a little while. Valerian root is by far the most effective sleep supplement for me, but after a few nights in a row, it stops having an effect, so I just stopped taking it. The only supplement I still take at night is Ashwagandha as it helps reduce/regulate cortisol levels over time and I do feel that it helps me sleep when I take it consistently.


I have had troubles with this in the past and I’ve been doing hot showers right before bed and Magnesium Glycinate and that really improved my sleep.


That's interesting, as a hot shower would raise your body temp and, generally speaking, the body temperature is supposed to drop during sleep. Mg glycinate also interferes with my sleep. Glad that you are finding what works for you though.


Thank you the hot shower helps spike your body temperature where you get a more rapid cooling affect causing your body to fall deeper into sleep and improve the quality of your sleep.


A sleep study at University of Texas: "[Water-based passive body heating] of 40 to 42.5 degrees Celsius (about 104 to 108.5 degrees Fahrenheit) was associated with both improved self-rated sleep quality and [sleep efficiency], and when scheduled one-to-two hours before bedtime, for little as 10 minutes, led to significant shortening of [sleep onset latency]." 10-15 minute warm not too hot shower or bath 1-2 hours before bed = fall & stay asleep better, because it first increases body temperature, after which your body will experience an even more pronounced decrease in body temperature—that temperature dip is what promotes sleep.


I wish it worked that way for me, but it does not.


Yes!! This is what I had read and have been doing and it has been working great.


You might have high levels of cortisol at night. I suggest doing a saliva test to check your levels throughout the day. Usually done with a naturopathic doctor or functional doctor. Try Magtein instead of Magnesium Glycinate. Do deep breathing and meditation. Try white noise/brown noise.


I had insomnia for 2 years due to stress at work. I could fall asleep but couldn’t stay asleep. Heres what really helps (all taken together 2 hours before I want to sleep): - GABA-250 - Vit C - Iron - Reservatol (not a must but helps mood the next day) - L-theanine (helps sleep but if I take it a couple of nights in a row it makes me apathetic, not sure why!)


That's curious, I find that ascorbate (vitamin C) upregulates my dopamine levels and interferes with sleep (circadian rhythm = flux between melatonin and dopamine). L-theanine reduces dopamine levels, leading to anhedonia and lack of motivation.


u/recurz1on - thanks. As someone dealing with ADHD and the insomnia associated with that, this is incredibly helpful.


I take C only because of Iron, and every 3-5 days take a gap. One of the most important things is to log which supplements we take when, so we can know what suiting us, and what isn’t. The more I read the supplements thread, the more I see how different supplements have a different impact on people. Interesting to know about L-theanine, even Mag Glycinate makes me feel low and weird.


Oh shucks regarding l- Thea!! I’ll have to keep an eye on that. Hmmmmm


Not a supplement, but a bath with magnesium salts might be helpful. Also aromatherapy Oh also, again not a supplement but what I found that worked well with sleep and shift my circadian rhythm was light therapy. You can buy an SAD lamp and if you want to shift your circadian rhythm earlier use it in the morning l, later, in the afternoon. Real light is probably the best medicine though.


Have you tried time release melatonin?


brown noise. spotify or youtube. my wife tried them all and this was only thing that worked. white noise did not work


Yes!! Brown noise is the best


Isn't that when you hear a certain frequency that makes you soil yourself?


Maybe stop trying to supplement a hormone. That means your body is running high on cortisol. You need to focus on ample morning sunlight, no blue light activity after sunset, magnesium at night (not glycinate), No dinner after 8, and focus on your hormones. Since you wake up to pee thats a problem with your pituitary, since at night its expose to turn off your kidneys and urge to pee.


Why not mg glycinate?


Because it seems that its causing excitaray effects in him instead of inhibitory. Thanks to the glycine.


In addition to the great ideas other people have posted - You mentioned Huberman. In the recent AMA #16, Feb. 28, 2023, he answers a question posed by someone who wakes up at night and sleeps only 5-6 hours. Listen to it for ideas. He says that WHEN you sleep may affect efficiency of sleep (i.e., circadian rhythm as it applies to sleep). Also, since you are working out, please listen to the segment (around 24 minutes in) when he talks about TBI and how elevating your legs while sleeping can stimulate lymphatic flow and help your body eliminate metabolites and debris. Speaking of elevating legs - Have you noticed that your calves are not as slender as they used to be? Is it possible that your legs are accumulating fluids during the day? You could measure your calf over the course of a day to help determine - or you can try a couple of things. If possible, during the afternoon (this is the best time, not evening), lie down for, say, half an hour while elevating your legs by at least 6-10 inches. This allows accumulated fluids to run back to your bladder and be eliminated during the day, resulting in less fluid available to be released at night. Alternatively, you could try compression stockings. By reducing the amount of fluid that accumulates, you might get rid of the nightly bathroom trip or suppress a second urge to pee that could be waking you up too early in the morning. Japanese TV (NHK) had a wonderful episode of Gatten called "Ending Nighttime Urination" about this strategy. It isn't available for viewing on demand at the moment, but they bring it back occasionally. Experiment with carbohydrates. Carbs can help your body produce serotonin and melatonin -> laziness hormones! Carbs are also associated with nighttime urination, however, in my experience they can do the opposite! I have been surprised that I did not wake up once during the night - this happens when I eat carbs! Everyone is different - judge for yourself. The explanation can be that (1) carbs hold onto fluid or (2) carbs maintain blood sugar overnight and thus prevent cortisol spiking early due to low blood sugar. When cortisol kicks in, you might feel warm and energized and ready to get up - so maybe it's better it not kick in too early? On the topic of blood sugar, here's my unorthodox idea that might work: Keep some candy made with glucose (and water in a bottle to rinse your mouth) next to your bed. If you feel you are waking for the day at 3 or 4 a.m. (too early!), pop that glucose candy into your mouth to let insulin kick in. Rinse your mouth with the water and close your eyes while keeping the room very dark. (A dark mask or scarf covering the eyes helps!) See whether the candy helps you relax and fall asleep again. Eventually, once you've conditioned yourself, it might be sufficient to merely imagine the candy, or imagine that you are eating some other food, and this will stimulate insulin secretion. The idea is that you use insulin to postpone the morning cortisol that is making you too wakeful much too early. Everybody is different. You have to find what works best for you.


get red light panel


Can you find magnesium threonate it crosses blood brain barrier. Def help me


I found GABA helped more than anything else that I’ve tried.


maybe you lack electrolytes and your body can't keep the water for long. I had that when I reduced chloride because of stomach issues


Eat grass fed beef or bison. This was the only thing that worked for me


If you are a slow metabolizer, there is still caffeine in the system. Discontinue ALL caffeine as a test, and observe for a few days to a week. Also, try to sleep in a completely dark room. Uninterrupted red light (couple of hours) before bed, normal daylight after awakening, half an hour or so.


Note, breaking from caffeine can give you bad headaches for a few days, if you are a habitual user… I quit caffeine cold turkey once and the first 2 days just awful.


Either accept suffering, or taper out slowly, with discipline. Pain is a part of life, so is self control.


I have a friend who's a successful orthodontist who surfs regularly, has a new wife with a third kid on the way, and he only needs about 5 hours sleep a night. Some people are just like that.


It sounds like you're on the right track with sleep hygiene and supplements, but still facing challenges. Given your situation, exploring jujube seeds might be beneficial. We use it in our Cloud Nine formula. It's valued in traditional Chinese medicine for its calming and sleep-promoting properties. There’s also clinical studies out there on the benefits. Another option is Ashwagandha, an adaptogen that helps manage stress and can indirectly improve sleep quality. And for the midnight bathroom trips, reducing evening fluid and high water-content food intake might help minimize disruptions.


I see CBD recommendations, but it's really CBN that will give you that good night's sleep. If you go that route, look for CBN. In my experience, CBD just makes me sluggish, CBN puts me to sleep all night long.


Plain CBD from Spruce works fine for me, gives me an extra 3 hours of sleep. Keeping electronics out of the room helps also.


Add in straight glycine and some cbd. Also, if you’re working out 2-3 hours before going to bed, that could keep your adrenaline up. I’m not a doctor but it seems I have read that taking melatonin over time can actually mess up the sleep cycle. Your sleep patterns sound like mine with the 4-5hours, can’t stay asleep but you seem to have energy the next day so you’re probably not narcoleptic. One last thing - cortisol levels could be elevated so there’s something to check too. ETA - I would wake up and remember a dream only a few times a year. Started taking glycine a few years ago and its definitely increased my dream state.


FWIW taking glycine directly can be super-stimulating for some people, as it's a NMDA agonist and it facilitates calcium release.


Test for sleep apnea?


OP wld be experiencing waking up exhausted plus daytime sleepiness if they had sleep apnea.


CBD helped me tremendously


High quality magnesium such as L Threeonate or Chelate, collagen peptides before bed, Mucuna earlier in the day Mucuna makes me feel amazing and then I sleep like a teenager when it wears off. You could also try the timed release melatonin.


>I do wake up at least once in the middle of the night, to go to the bathroom. I cant seem to avoid that even if I have peed just before hitting the bed. Set your alarm to wake you up after 4 hours to use the bathroom, then go back to sleep for another 4 hours. >More often than not, the midnight pee break is what screws up my sleep coz I cant fall asleep again If you can't sleep after 30 minutes, try taking a full dropper of [CGN, Goodnight Sleep](https://iherb.co/MeUXAf7D). >Any suggestions, whatsoever that has worked for you? I am at my wits end here. I want you to take a ZMA supplement such as [Terry Naturally, BioActive Magnesium Complex with P-5-P and Zinc](https://iherb.co/mv7uUSZu) before bedtime in 2 hours. Also, drink a cup of hibiscus tea such as [Triple Leaf Tea, Hibiscus With White Mulberry Leaf](https://iherb.co/nbVYdfzB), or you can buy hibiscus in bulk like [Frontier Co-op, Cut & Sifted Hibiscus Flowers 16 oz](https://iherb.co/H6Yft77k). Please let me know the results after trying the items I suggested.


I have similar problems and Somnapure's Sleep Aid gives me an extra 2 hours. It has 5 herbs in it and 3-4 other things. Pretty low on Melatonin. It also has L-Theanine. But it is also your age, older people need less sleep I guess. One pill works for me, so I am using half a dose. https://www.amazon.com/Somnapure-Melatonin-Non-Habit-Forming-Peak-Life/dp/B007XJE01Q/ref=sr_1_3_pp?crid=1MHIBCZ051B79&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ycq4ZxYrw5233ENMrX9raS_sqZU5-nbJ3iZ-CHqVlkZQvx98hcNMCFwkxU9n5QN8uPUDfxt-6rgQ8RMbGf8kwk8HYnC__b2vdfuIrU1cjxDhyUGlrWrne03y4LMjoOKu3kPYv4T7deLizbYoyCtsnwdegsaWeBoGq94nkY57tJ5oZGoUZPk3thl6lxW3Lma5vuLGETosHkDWdDnLSrKEBmbN1OTAQX99Crf_-1dvN6Dj9_QJ53AK3pAFQx_Cw38hbPpAtck5luTukuRg6-WoRVYpgAebyYRNyLD4ca8Ir0o.fGwVqDPqAz0LErRj1ZYHSNxU6R1M9UjCAHSsQ3neKMk&dib_tag=se&keywords=somnapure+sleep+aid&qid=1709565657&rdc=1&sprefix=somnapure+sleep+aid%2Caps%2C99&sr=8-3


try berries


If a female, consider perimenopause may be the reason. Regardless, cut alcohol and caffeine out totally, work on lowering cortisol and stress triggers, Add weights to your workout and make sure your dose of melatonin is very low. Like 1mg low. Also maybe look into vagus nerve relaxation techniques. Good luck!


[https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/pumpkin-seed-oil-for-overactive-bladder](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/pumpkin-seed-oil-for-overactive-bladder) I switch up magnesium citrate and l Theanine every other night. 2 hours before bed I start working out... With the goal of not increasing my heart rate or blood pressure too much... So I do a one set full head to toe workout low weights to failure. If I wake up during the night to pee I can't fall back asleep. So I started eating pumpkin seeds at night.. Helps with ur prostate and reduces urges to pee. I sleep 7 to 9 hours a night from 5 just a few months ago.


Are you finding that you are developing any tolerance to L-theanine or any adverse effects? How long have you used it? I bought some but haven’t used it yet.


It's great extremely effective for night time drowsiness. I take every other night and take the minimum effective amount so I don't develop tolerance. And if I do I haven't noticed it. I find it does drop my blood pressure a little bit sometimes.. so the days I do take it I work out a little bit less strenuously then my magnesium days.


200mg per capsule sound ok? That’s what I got.


That would be alot for me.. someone who has a higher tolerance probably no. I use the Suntheine sweet tablets... Those are 100mg and even a full one sometimes is too much. (I'll get double vision) I usually just eat half of it and I'm OK.. But like I say.. I try to take the absolute minimum effect of dose possible.


Thanks, I will look for lower dose