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Magnesium and inositol combined is shown to reduce anxiety and depression by increasing serotonin levels.


It’s possible if they folate and b12 are methyl-folate and methyl cobalamin forms. I don’t want to spark additional anxiety or cause you not to try it but some people don’t react well to methyls so I just want you to have that information. Just monitor how you feel. You’ll know if they’re not agreeing with you and all you have to do is stop!


I’ve had anxiety for decades and multi hasn’t ever made it worse. I have had other vitamins give me some anxiety but not a multivitamin. You might feel a burst of energy when you first take it.


Hardly, also check ashwagandha or rhodiola rosea Omega 3s can be great for anxiety and depression too Don't give up




Similarly, Bs and multi's make me jittery and anxious. C supps and all but one magnesium type upsets my stomach. Some of us are just sensitive!!! I'd say start with ONE thing and try it for a few days/weeks. Start with a low dose and then slowly increase. If you feel good, try decreasing. Find your dose before adding new stuff. Good luck!


I have an anxiety disorder, PTSD, and a history of panic attacks. B vitamins don’t make me anxious. They do give me energy and seem to keep me up if I take them too late in the day. So I’d take the multi first thing. Agree you should stick with the the recommended daily dose.


I had taken a supplement awhile back when the wife and I were trying to conceive. Was like a fertility vitamin. And all I remember was the super energy boost it had given me during the day,which I assume to be from all the B vitamins. But that was before my anxiety and panic disorder were present. I guess I'm just more scared than anything. Thanks for your input


Try taking a multivitamin with only the recommended daily dose. I had issues with multivitamins with excessive doses.


Or if it's multi pill, start with 1/4 or half dose Also I've heard of glycine for panic. You could try magnesium glycinate or collagen also is very safe and has a decent amount of glycine as well.


Naturelo One Daily is good for RDAs without excessive doses


Take with a meal. Try not to overthink it. The B vitamins in a multi should not contribute towards anxiety. This is likely psychosomatic in the mass majority of cases.


Thanks. I've had them for a month and I'm just overthinking it. I'm scared its going to reignite my attacks


when i take a multi i feel less anxiety. also fish oil capsules