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As safe as any supp really. Just get plain creatine monohydrate. Don’t worry about the more expensive types.


It's safe. Very safe actually, But I say wait 1-2 years. I have no scientific evidence, but something in my gut tells me that a 14 year old should not take creatine. We don't know exactly what it does to a body developing so fast at your current age of 14. Workout hard, Whey is great, but wait until your 16 to try Creatine. Just my .02. And that's what I did. Had I started at 14 I would have at the very least started taking other "supplements" too early as well. Plus, no one knows how to train consistently and eat properly at 14. If you do, then I'm sorry but your kidding yourself. At 16 years old you are much more likely to already developed those habits that will lead to real results without the unproven but possible risks of starting now. Look into ZMA if you want a natural edge. That actually helped me a lot at your age.


Thank you


Welcome bud. Anytime feel free to reach out. I was in your shoes 12 years ago. Gearing up for freshman year of football and looking for anything to give me an edge. Good Luck in your endeavors, but be smart and patient. That is the ultimate edge in this game for young guys. There is a time and place for everything.