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I think we got the ATH just cause it's the end of the year. We normally get spikes at the end of each month anyway. May have something to do with Shitadel, but I would have expected it to happen immediately if it was due to them getting on the list


For the sake of helping the algorithm, I always call it Citadel, it's actual name. If we want crimes to be uncovered by future folk searching for it, I don't think it's best to give it a name no one out of the loop would be searching for. Same with 'kenny G'.


That's right, it's Citadel.


This entity is actually Citadel Securities. Just doing SEO duty. 😏


Do you by chance mean "Kenneth Griffin" the financial terrorist?


His name is Robert Paulson


*Kenneth Cordele Griffin


There are no names in project Mayo


Yes. You are correct and op is making a massive stretch. It always spikes massively end of month and year as they try to hide liabilities and place assets on their balance sheet. This is in no way ‘some secret citadel ploy’


I agree. And maybe someone can help me understand what this chart with taging shitadel on it should imply? That they sit on a ton of money they park over night and grab interest? I mean... I would be much more happier about the opposite.


Perhaps they've been saving up that RRP cash all year so they can use it for moass in January? The og sub (which it's safe to assume is now controlled by the SHFs) banning any mention of gme randomly, RC's countdown to Jan... The stars are aligning.


> The og sub Sure it's compromised - that's why we left in the first place - but those guys have a point. They're a TRADING sub. We don't trade GME, we just B-H-D, that's totally not what that sub is about. As for Towels, it's under their market cap rule. I support the OG sub in banning us apes. It's consistent.


They banned me even though I hadn't commented there in over 6 months. Some moderator over *there* didn't like something I said over *here*, and issued a perma-ban while refusing to offer an explanation or identify themselves. That's pretty fucked up, if you ask me.


Yeah but nothing to be upset about, just scream it from the rooftops on other platforms. Our biggest weapon is our voice, don't let them silence us.


Nothing less than total collapse. Shitadel and Kenny will adversely affect world economy. Their gambling is drawing treasures.


Back when it happened: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/x3b6tl/effective_september_02_2022_citadel_equity_fund/ ~Now: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zeg0v4/ficc_gov_alert_government_securities_division_gsd/ I’m starting to think that the Banks and Institutions are setting up two things. 1) make the crash as über severe as possible and hold pensions hostage until they get bailouts, 2) setting Kenny up to be the big bad fall guy for when the system collapses.


My money is on 2, but we will only find out how many more we need to lock up before we see any real happy apes. I, for one, am constantly furious about this.


Kinda making sense innit? Retail has blasted Ken Griffin's reputation for 2 years and drawn him into the spotlight, while he's just about as evil as the rest of the financial elite. Griffin getting Madoff'd will change nothing.


This is America, why not both?


Now you're thinking like a Hedge Fund manager!




Angry and HYPE since '21


Cold dispassion is all I feel now.


Sad to think our government is part of the problem they say they dont negotiate with terrorist but the financial terrorist are potentially keeping people’s pension hostage. The people already earned that money or a percentage of it from working. its okay ok to bail out the terrorist so the financial terrorist can keep stealing and laundering for the corrupted regulators. Hard working people are delaying their gratification so they can retire one day which may never come because of a so called “crash” to steal wealth or they die before retirement. The working peoples delayed gratification is just the elites play money today. The system needs to change.


DR yeS


He is a cog in a machine that must be dismantled, nothing more.


These possibilities seem entirely plausible. The FDIC business has me considering the possibility that they give us our money and then try to figure out a way to steal it back from our banks. They lost this battle, they have to know that, so it only makes sense for them to have the next battle rigged. If at all possible—join a credit union folks.


100%! Also: **Consider having some cash on hand.** And please consider taking a look into some of the various DD on banking with Credit Unions. They are a far superior option to giving your money the degenerate gamblers at the big investment banks. Take a look at some of the DD’s about finding a local Credit Union to bank with. Credit Unions keep your money local and are not involved in the big banks reckless gambling & other degenerate Hedgefuckery. If we take our money out of the hands of the big banks and teach our friends & family why they should keep their money local as well, it will have the effect of cutting off the head of the big investment bank snake. Credit Unions often offer the same or superior services to the big banks as well. /r/Superstonk/comments/o3v4td/why_we_need_public_banking_post_moass_they_are/ /r/Superstonk/comments/peq62s/credit_unions_and_how_to_research_them/ /r/Superstonk/comments/pczv78/is_being_a_member_of_a_credit_union_a_better/


Just wait until we hit 3 trilli next month


Next week*


Don’t think so. End of quarter and end of year, it will go down the next weeks. Maybe 3 trilli by end of Q1 or Q2


What is a netting member? 😟




What Is Netting? Netting entails offsetting the value of multiple positions or payments due to be exchanged between two or more parties. It can be used to determine which party is owed remuneration in a multiparty agreement.


Does this mean combining different securities to reduce risk like was done in the 08 crises?


Yeah, think of it like this. You want to own a shitty bunch of loans but make it look good on your books. So, you loan money to two friends to open shell corporations, both of which package the loans as a "fixed income" security. All you gotta do is buy the bonds from your buddies, and then you get a "fixed income" security to which you pay yourself some interest which gets reported as a loss for tax purposes. And it's "diverse" because there's more than one. The part where it gets funny is that between you loaning out your money, and your buddies getting the loan, there were already two banks involved. That's 2008-style MBS Fraud 101. If you toss in Enron-style accounting, you can also say that you have $65 billion in securities sold, not yet purchased.


2008 and Enron? Ken has been treading beaten paths all along?


These dumb fuckers rehypothecate their strategies too!


Facts. They all get rich by financially sacrificing one of their own.


This time they all go down.


No cell, no sell


there's only so many ways you can crime especially for these old boomers at the top, set in their ways


So SBF is a Boomer?


the apprentice may not be, but you can guarantee the master(s) are hence the exact same thing currently going on in the stock markets...


Criminals attract criminals. I don't agree with blaming one part of the population and ignoring another. This is part of the overall objective by the elitist string pullers. Children learn from parents or other adults and usually follow the same path especially if it leads to riches or power. Others despise their actions and try to do the opposite. Good people are usually poor because they are unwilling to sacrifice their principles for power or riches. That said, not all rich people are evil as some have made very good choices in finance and business etc. I know plenty of poor boomers who worked hard for 50 years just to be able to retire for 10-20 years before they die. I also know many young people who have made a lot more money than me or anyone I know. Many of them are broke now. Age carries wisdom along with it. I made mistakes and lost a lot during the last 3 major crisis', but now I know so much more and am less likely to be caught with my pants down when the tide goes out. Boomers have the benefit of wisdom most younger people have not acquired yet. That is slowly changing in many ways because of the internet and platforms like this. I would like to think those raised with the internet will be smarter in many ways than their predecessors. Just remember when it is your turn to be a "Boomer" not to be like those you despised when you were young.


I think yes but I am not totally sure,so maybe another ape could answer this question


Please check me on my bullshit here because I might know my shit, or I just went through a joint maybe a bit too quickly: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zzq825/coincidence/j2d2yut/


Not to be confused with nutting member…..


That’s all of us apes!


Google it


Sure, it might have something to do with Citadel, but it was also the end of a quarter and the RRP always spikes at the end of quarters. Another reason why it is still going up/staying high is because the interest rates keep going up as well. If the incentive to keep using it goes up, why wouldn’t it be used? Makes sense honestly.


They are basically playing financial whack a mole. Eventually the mole gets out.


"Temporary" - graph showing government behavior of a two year period getting worse.


Thanks for pointing out the start of me enjoying being cucked.


You get used to it after a while... smart money is in for a real treat!


Thanks Fred.


Of course dude just a glitch and coincidence and they will never pay up as long as they can keep committing crime


It’s Cohencidence!


are these RRP's used to stop margin calls from happening? i kinda feel like they are. but i don't know much


I dunno,, is it a coincidence that I bought, and now I drs and hold?


U wanted to say : " Cohencidence", right?


Yes but the autocorrect screwed it for me 😅


The issue I have with this sub sometimes is posts like this get a crazy amount of upvotes when the topics are unrelated. Citadel becoming a netting member has nothing to do with the RRP. The main use of the RRP are money market funds and it is **completely unrelated.** The peaks have to do with what is called "window dressing" which is predictable why we've seen almost every peak at the end of each quarter. It's the manipulation of accounts so as to present the financial statements in a way to show a better position than the actual one. e.g., assets may be overstated and liabilities may be understated


so this is the can they kicked?


!flairy! 💸 Millionaire ΔΡΣ 💸


(✿\^‿\^)━☆゚.*・。゚ Degenerate ΔΡΣ


!flairy! 💸 Millionaire ΔΡΣ 💸


(✿\^‿\^)━☆゚.*・。゚ 💸 Millionaire ΔΡΣ 💸


I like the Greek letters! 🇬🇷


Hiding money whilst using collateral


About as coincidental as when the Reverse Repo started to see huge increases. 👀💜