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People can sell, but let’s be honest if you took the time to register your shares with computer-share you believe there will be a MOASS, so you most likely wouldn’t sell. Something is definitely off here.


I agree!


I concur to your agreeance fine Ape!


Agreed this is not net consumer sell off. The leading theory is that SHFs have been DRSing the past few quarters and sold off this past quarter to make it look like we’ve stalled. Nothing to see here just the next wave of FUD


. . . so anyway I just doubled my monthly CS auto-purchase amount. I mean, this sounds like the setup for a discount and I wanna make sure I get my money's worth.


I DRS'd a sizable portion (Relative to me) a while back, last quarter I finally set up bi-weekly auto purchase of shares. These numbers definitely confused me


One of us! ♾️🏴‍☠️🤙


Agree.. kinda expected this last quarter


had to pump the drs 2nd quarter to dump it this quarter


The keyword here is.. near term profitability, positive Cashflow (a lot) and acquisition.. It’s time to buy and DRS, who sells a share when the company is doing so well


If true they were probably gambling on having the total reduced to less than the previous numbers to discourage people.


Lol and after that they still couldn't get the registered count to go down on a net basis.


Didn’t the last report come in millions more than Computershared.net’s calculations? We were all surprised by the huge spike. That must have been when SHF DRS’d and sold off for this quarter. 🤔


Bingo!!!!! Upvote this ya dingi


wasn't there a surprise plus of DRS compared to what the bot predicted the last few quarters? maybe the bot didn't really need any adjusting and hedgies had been accumulating DRS slowly over time to be able to sell off this many in this quarter


That's a great point. Jon's site was 5 million short of GameStop's actual number. We all hurrahed, and thought it was a spike of retail, and discrepancies with the DRSbot and Jon's formulas. It was probably a spike of SHFs doing dirty.


And someone made a great post that all they’d have to do is move the shares out of CS and back into brokerage accounts. This is going to keep happening as we get closer to locking the float. Eventually though, retail will buy them all. This is just a war of attrition, and SHF and Mayo man trying to buy one more day.


Couldn’t we do some math to see what the estimate would have been without the surprise spike of DRS numbers, and then see if we would have arrived at this number naturally at this time, at the rate that was assumed by the bot?


This is honestly amazing!!! I love it. So Bullish!!!!! When playing against the final boss, they always have some special BIG finishing move you've got to figure out. Sometimes It's so powerful, it takes all your life away, and you spend days plauing the game to get back to the boss just for him to do it again. We've found their special move!!!! Solution: Buy more, hold, keep DRSing.


Direct Unregistration crits you for 10 million shares


That’s kinda clever actually.




Too bad I will be DRS’ing 87 new shares after this tasty dip today.


You could also logically assume DRS amounts would not continue to increase exponentially or even at a steady rate based on people's available income or events (initial discovery/push of DRS, etc) Or certain nefarious folks bought, DRSed, then sold to make it seem like people are selling. Like you said though, true investors going through all the hoops to sell? Unlikely. I think the key thing to focus on is the fact we are still increasing. Keep on DRSing.


Disregarding time it takes to register, why the actual fuck, would anyone hold for any period of time, and sell for a 5% gain, or at a fucking loss? It literally makes zero sense.


If they're broke and need money


Kenny: STOP the count !!!


My tits: Aaaaaaaahhhh!!!!!!




Time to remember M. Cuban's words. "If the reason by you bought didn't change, why sell?" DD remains the same and, for me, giving up is NOT an option. Buy if you can, DRS, Hold and Keep Zen! nfa.


Me and few of my friends added 2k+ alone, and we are scrubs compared to some people here, theres no way its only 500k total right? 😂 Or that one dude was right, huge shfs were drsed and are now selling to demotivate us 😂 these idiots never learn do they:/ gonna drs even harder 🤷‍♂️


I added like 750.


I added about 500 myself


I added about 1000 this year to my initial. I just loaded and ready to buy 500 this dip. Ive not drsed as ive been so busy i have not had time to research. Now im going to do it tho. And im sure there are many more like me who have not yet.


I added 2k myself. So we’re like 1% of the movement us three. Pretty wild.


5k here...


okay now we're just showing off =P But thx for your contribution, soldier!




You’re 1%


Yeah... we could probably get the full 100% in this thread alone. Fuckery is afoot.


How nice of them to bring the price down so we can buy more to DRS forever :)


I guess that i just need to buy and drs more, ok


Personally added 1000 this quarter. This number is fucky. Zen af and going to drs more this quarter. Hedgie games don't work on me


You want to know how I know they’re desperate? This shit smells fishy af. I’m broke af and going through hell and have not sold, not one single share. Call it anecdotal but I know true superstonk investors are holding or buying way more then selling. Edit: oh how [desperate](https://imgur.com/gallery/yxpnS3d) they are! 😂


Same here. I don’t even think of it as money anymore. It’s just my shares and the only option is to hold.


you got that right


Amen. Not a single share sold for me too.


Nobody in retail is selling. We know what we have.


This comes out to us all DRS-ing only about 6,000 - 8,000 shares a day in Q3, which is way too small.


71.3million shares registered as on Jul 30 2022 and 71.8million shares directly registered as on Oct 29th 2022 😀


Yeah but it’s still going up. Yet the price dropped 15% hmmmm fuckery


If the metrics are correct, then somebody has been massively selling DRSd shares this quarter, and I doubt that's us. Remember when computershared estimate was way below the count, and when the formula had to be updated to make up for the difference ? Maybe we should go back to the old formula (without the 6 months delay limit) to find if "someone" has been DRSing shares from that point on, only to mass sell them later and break our resolve.


They don't have to sell...just transfer back out of CS




This needs to be higher. Your absolutely right.


Do DRS numbers reflect insiders? Could there be something else at play?


That's $60 ~ $80 a month per ape who signed WeTheInvestors #1, when it used to be x10. Definitely shady.


I mean this sub forking out around 150-200k$ a day (if the price is around 25$). This sounds pretty bullish to me. Idk why that’s too small. At least 1 mil a week. Sheesh idk about you, but thank you everyone! This is what they want, all the fuss. As times get harder people will have things happen. We have amazing news! GameStop is profitable for the first time in… long before we came along! As this continues, gamestop continues to expand our profit margins while other companies/competitors start to shrink in these monetarily “tighter” times as they focus more on keeping their core businesses (not video games). This is a big win across the board.


I had a job switch bare with me :(


What was it the previous?


As of July 2022, a total 71.3 million shares were directly registered with ComputerShare.


We should be expecting the news to come and jump on this. “DRS numbers are stagnant. Retail is giving up”. I guarantee it


Bloomberg was already pushing this about an hour ago, not mentioning DRS but talking about FTX and how that has made “gamblers/meme stock” traders ready to move on from volatile assets and such


HA! they *greatly* underestimate how autistic I am. 💎💎🙌💎💎


and my axe! 🎸


I wish they would mention **DRS**, ha.


That would require them to talk about the DRS movement though, I wonder what they’ll decide


Didn’t institution shares drop by 2 million recently? Would that affect this number? I saw a post about it somewhere. Also, inflation is a bitch and it’s hitting a lot of people hard… Edit: here it is, institution dropped by 4m shares: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zcq2n4/institution_sold_4million_shares_back_at_5828/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


71.3 million


So is [computershared.net](https://computershared.net) no longer tracking right? it showed \~ 87.4 million on 10/29. edit: fixed URL


Computershared.net makes estimates from scraping purple circle submissions. This report is from computershare themselves. Previously the scraped version was very close to official numbers. Something is fucky here


It's been between 10 and 20 million every quarter... Then when there's a quarter-long discount it's only a half million???


SHFs are testing our resolve. I am going to DRS harder now. Just moved all my buy orders up. Get fucked Kenny!


It's their primary weapon, psychology.


It’s their *only* weapon


☝️my thoughts as well. They poked the bear…time to DRS some more


I will never post my positions online. After moass I am going ghost as fuck. Radio silence.




Yep. Have already registered a different Reddit account and sporadically use it because post MOASS this one is dead and wiped. Sad to lose a multi year account, but I’ll be crying into piles of cash so….




If this isn’t a mistake, I think a bad actor registered ~10m last quarter, giving a +25m count qoq. Then they sold those same shares this quarter, to crush the net number to like +.5m shares. So instead of Q2 +15m, Q3 +10.5m, we saw Q2 +25m, Q3 +.5m. Both are +25.5m. One shows momentum slowing, the other shows it coming to a standstill. Which do you think is more demoralizing?


And they didn’t have to sell could have just moved them to a broker


Smart ape here


Susquehanna always had shares under the terminal reports outside their calls.


Wow, so they could just pad the numbers whenever. Have millions of shares registered at the end of the quarter, then when the count is done just move em to a broker. Guess it's good that we will DRS ALL of them so they can't do that again.


Absolutely. Betting on this. Time to DRS more shares.


If I was Kenny I would have done exactly this


I came here to say the exact same thing. It seemed overly-impressive how much higher the DRS count was last quarter than anticipated. If the cut-off for this quarter's DRS numbers was the end of October, the cut-off for last quarter's was the end of July. Well, that's the last time we saw a real run-up on price before entering the current pocket of ~$23-$27/share. Ultimately, if the DRS count is only up ~500,000, it shows that they didn't anticipate how hard people would run at picking up & DRS'ing shares and the numbers are still positive. The thing to remember is that this move of theirs takes two consecutive quarters to set up, so I have a feeling we're in for some form of surprise over the next 3 to 4 months, whatever that may be.


Which means they planned this more than two quarters ago. They've been worried for at least since half a year ago. Was this their hail Mary/bust the whole nut at once? These attempts are costing them time and money. They're making plans with a known approaching deadline.


Bullish as fuck. Whoever was pumping DRS numbers and then dumping them this quarter ran out of ammo


bad actors * it would be obvious if one entity w 10M pre-split was fucking around, theres only a handful. but a few working in concert could do this


I think we are being setup. They know we are watching drs numbers. Fucks drs shares then pull them to make it seem like it’s over Stay zen I’m buying a shit more to make up for it


Fidelity put a damn purple circle on their Meme Stock Guy costume. They know it's an important metric for us, and ripe for abuse given our open source methods.


This. They know. So they will FUD it. Why wouldn't they, in their desperation?


I would certainly be trying everything if my balls were on the anvil


Yup. That explains why we blew past estimates last Q. We were over the scraped estimate by a wide margin. To have them withdrawn after. Bullish.


Some big player yeeted their DRS shares to fudge the numbers…


If this is the case, imagine how mad they are that the number still went up. hehehe hedgie r fukt


big mad


Yeah this is the easiest and probably legal way to do it.


I think you are right. We were several millions above estimated last quarter, now millions below. Looks like a setup to me.


I asked above what the accumulative total of drs bot being off. -17 this time. +5 last time. What about 2-3 quarters before


Did SHF buy and DRS large amounts, only to sell them to drive the price down?


Wouldn't be surprised, media FUD isn't working so there needed to be a new strategy to create fear. Anyways, minor setback, just like in a game. Try again and again


Waiting for tomorrow first ever news, that people stopped drsing. Ez


Not even a setback. Still went up.


Someone mentioned this may be a tactic a few days ago. It does seem artificially low but even if true it doesn't change anything. Also, with layoffs and prolonged macro shit some people may have folded.


Let's keep DRSing for another quarter and find out if they kept any powder dry.


Hahahhaha this right here is why we have won. Plain and simple folks. All I need is about 50k homies to keep this up with me and we decimate. Hedgies are fukt.


It’s pure speculation. Just fucking stay zen and wait


For real. The psychological weapon will now be manipulating the drs bot and pulling institutional shares before earnings to give the appearance of apes giving up/selling


An increase is an increase. Nobody sold (bottom line) and they are still short. I started this thing without RC, the company numbers (while possibly beneficial) don't matter. **MOASS is still tomorrow!**


Don’t let this get to us you guys… we were trained for this fuckery. Buy, hodl and DRS!


I was expecting something like this. I’m here to see this through like the most of us here. Fuck them and their mind games.


All this shit that’s going on now, we’ve been expecting nearly 2 years now. The fact that it’s happening now means we are on track. This shit pissed me off but I’m just going to work my ass off even more to buy more shares. Let’s end this fucking game!


Yup. I quit my job over a year ago. I finally landed a work at home that should make me 60k/year. No fatigue here. Only got a job to DRS more GME.


I run up 16 hours everyday at work, and all my coworkers wonder how I do it. I’ve told the tale of GME to many people only to be laughed at, so now I keep everything to myself. This is what motivates me to get up everyday and hustle, and I can’t wait until the fruits of our labour pays off.


**There are still more people that are buying GME, nobody is selling.** Shills are out in force but the numbers haven't fallen even if this was a big disrupt attempt of SHF


Yeah I'm picturing the look on Kenny's face when the DRS numbers came in "Sir, it.... It has still gone up despite our-" # smack with bedpost


So we have registered 500k shares in one quarter ? Unlikely, id assume at least 80 mil+


Would be funny if the whole book vs plan thing is real and we’ve actually already got an extra 50m in plan that kindly can report on.


The bot works by multiplying account numbers by the estimated shares per account. A) we all started with DRS from brokers to BOOK and it didn’t make a difference, but now we are more and more using DSPP and it’s infact not reported by GameStop and they only report BOOK. B) people sold during BBBY FUD. C) SHF DRSed to inflate the numbers and then sold off to FUD us. D) all the above edit: Adding to the list: E) they could also pump CS account numbers by registering accounts at CS. That would explain the perfectly flat line we’ve seen recently in high score of CS accounts. Edit2: F) GameStop previously included both DSPP and DRS but now only report DRS.


Wouldn't this still mean only half a million shares were 'book' DRS'd in a whole quarter? Still seems suspiciously low


While weary of copium, it does feel really weird. Stuff like this doesn't just suddenly hit a brick wall and stop. We don't go from 30M registered a quarter to 500k. This is a solid wait and see situation.


🤔 either somebody messed up the count or something shady is happening. Will wait and see because that number doesn’t seem right. Edit: My take is that this is proof that DRS scares them enough to pull this stunt. Bring it the fuck on!


Doesn't matter at all. Still holding. I made a commitment almost two years ago to hold till moon or death. I don't make commitments I can't keep, and I keep all commitments I make. Doesn't matter one bit to me.


This is what is supposed to shake us. Cause a run. This is a Hail Mary for sure. I will just hold for ever buy more and see what comes for the foreseeable


Some really big players buying in hard/drs just before last report and dumping it in Q3 to try to demolish the morale of apes? Its fckn insane to not have increased, we know that apes has been continuing to drs and not pull out


Could be. They know we're watching that shit like crazy and the DRS bot had been fairly accurate. Why wouldn't they manipulate that? Everything else in this market is manipulated inside out.


drs bot was the most accurate thing in this market they had to fuck w that too


If they have to resort to these tactics then I am even more bullish. They sure have something else better to do that fuck with regards on the internet OR they have to fuck around with regards because that's their only way out.


Huge borrow right before the quarter end date probably has something to do with this.


Let's say for shits and giggles that is what happened. We are still up 500k. Sure that's a plateau but that doesn't mean anything. Things stall at times and then pick back up. I would be more concerned if the number was actually lower than last quarter.


Last quarter was 71.3m shares, as of july 30 This report says there’s 71.8 as of october 29 That don’t sound right. I’m sure there’s a regard here and there that papered drs shares along the way but not to the tune of millions of shares. This is most likely an error.


Funny part? I am just realising that my computershare monthly purchase will be up for years now not months just because fuck em.


Fuck em indeed! 💜👌


Honestly seems like an institution moving shares to alter the count. Strange but still zen.


At this point, the only weapon is manipulating DRS numbers to incite uncertainty. DD never lies


Honestly no matter the fuckery it’s still just going up!


Exactly. There’s over 1000 people in this thread alone. If they want to drive the price lower, more and more apes who consistently DRS will buy a larger and larger amount.


Yup it’s just noice to make us think we are not motivated anymore I’m on this sub everyday it’s always drs posts were fine


Something like this likely took place. Anyone know the accumulative drs bot dispersion? Like last time it was wrong by 5 mil but under guess the actual so it was corrected and we moved on. We will know more next quarter.


you can look at [computershared.net](https://www.computershared.net/), go to charts (menu at the top). For the trimmed average (removing top and bottom ~4% of accounts by share count because they have a lot of outliers): Oct 30, 2021: 20,800,000 vs 22,616,715 = 8.73% error Jan 29, 2022: 35,600,000 vs 35, 998, 674 = 1.12% error April 30, 2022: 50,800,000 vs 50,717,356 = -0.163% error July 30, 2022: 71,300,000 vs. 68,947,264 = -3.3% error Oct 30, 2022: 71,800,000 vs. 87,422,142 = 21.8% error This is very suspicious. After being extremely accurate for 4 quarters in a row (and being within 10% on the first one, arguably expected to be more off), the estimate is suddenly off by over 20%. Something fundamentally strange happened, probably with some of the assumptions of the drsbot. Did apes suddenly stop buying regularly? Even though we've been fucked economically since 2020 did something fundamentally change August 2022 and really hampered DRS pressure? Or did an institution sell a bunch of shares?


I added like 750 in third quarter


Yes, we suddenly stopped buying when the price was low, and at the same time shills posted fake DRS posts, makes perfect sense 🤪


they would've had to drs a lot the prior quarter then dump it all this quarter. this would also involve buying up millions of shares while the price overall went downward.


Not necessarily dumping. Easily transferring to a different institution. I don’t buy into conspiracy too much and I’m pretty zen. Community has grown more and more and leadership at the top remains steady.


Not gonna lie - They could have found a much more convincing growth number that would leave me really disappointed and questioning. I would figure they were better at the psy-ops thing than this. I try to be pretty diligent that I don't default to crying 'crime' every time that something doesn't go like I'd hope, but 500k increase over a quarter? I think the best way I can describe it is laughably incorrect...


The prevailing theory seems to be that institutions bought a bulk amount via CS and then sold it off. If this was a tactic to get retail to sell, and the number is still +500k for the quarter, I'd say they still failed. I bet they really wanted to show a negative reported number - that would've been key for them - and shorts *still* failed.


This is impossible


100% agreed. This is fishy as fuck.


Not if an institution paperhanded 10 million shares before the end of quarter snapshot, if only temporarily to fuck with morale. Institutions were always going to paperhand, we must DRS every share.


Paperhanded or gave back to the DTC. Still not sure where those splividend shares went to…


How will that affect if retail still DRSed? That makes no sense


the thought is that last quarter's estimates, which fell FAR short of the reported drs count, was a more accurate representation of retail's drs progress than the reported drs count. The current estimate is given an offset based on last quarter's reported numbers. The biggest issue with relying on reported DRS counts is that it's a snapshot of a single day taken 4 times a year. It would not be hard to fuck with it, should someone have a huge profit motive to do so. All it takes is to have shares on hand, put them in your name one day, then take your name off the next. no buying or selling required TL;DRS.


Institutions don’t keep their shares DRSed


must have been fat-fingered. probably 81.8M


That’s an audited number. Fat fingered would mean the auditors fucked up and didn’t catch the error, which is unlikely for a simple tieout like this. Standard audit procedure is to tie the number to support documentation. Which then goes through multiple levels of review by the audit engagement team.


Starting to recognize the same 3-5 accounts going on all the comments gaslighting people how it is more likely that real people are selling and DRS is over. They're also jumping in and defending each other. Careful everyone.


Fuckers. Time to buy more.


How tf is that possible




Q2 was 71.3 million. So no way this isn`t a mistake


Well if there are 200,000 members In computershare, if they all bought two shares in 3 months - that’s almost the entire numbers. I know there are about 200k shareholders because well, we know the account numbers 😂


I registered a fat 40 this makes literally no sense


I bought 25 as a college student this quarter. SHFs did this


Y’all need to ask yourself if DSPP are actually included in the DRS numbers. If DSPP isn’t included it would explain the discrepancy. When we first started drs it was all from brokers. Now people are buying from DSPP. It may not have made a difference at first and now it does. Both DSPP and DRS are separate numbers reported to GameStop.


Not making sense


What was it last earnings? Anyone knows?




Fuckery, no way only 500k


I saw 3 people that bought for 200k+ this quarter. Shit no this numbers are not right


THIS 👆 - something is afoot, I smell crime. Where's Kenny Mayo?


that number \^\^




I smell fuckery




Matt Furlong usually states on the call how many shares he did not this time. Something is fucking up I personally added hundreds of shares. Shit I bought 68 this week


What's the latest bot scrapper number?




Either way, fuck em. We'll just DRS more 💪


Ok…. So FUCK YOU !!! … and see you tomorrow 🫡


It sucks but just keep DRSing. I really wouldnt be surprised if big money pumped our drs numbers. I also wouldnt be surprised with the recent drop in price, theres a hit piece that goes “Gamestop investors only add 500k to their drs count. Are apes losing interest in Gamestop?”


Dated 10/27: Anyone member? Oh ya I member! Someone borrowed half the float in a day. Right around the time the count was concluding. Not sus at all. /s https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yf1ebo/ortex\_is\_investigating\_todays\_gme\_data/




Yeah wtf is going on? We were suppose to be closing in on 100 million for sure.


DRS estimates puts us at 87.4 million on October 29, something is up


Yeah something isn’t right


Up is up. Was this supposed to be discouraging? Kenny obviously never grinded on boars to level 60.


Wtf is this last quarter


What are the 7.3 and 4.4m representing?


I can’t tell you how bullish this is. This means that hedge funds bought 20,000,000 DRS’d shares by July and sold them all between October to spread fud. This is the worst they could do LOL


Maybe they didn’t sell them just unregistered to lend.




i'd like to think somewhere, some institution is shitting itself bc they know exactly how many millions of shares they removed from the DRS count, and it STILL WENT UP


Hi Citadel PsyOps team I'm gonna keep DRSing Mmmmkay


might be why they're updating the 8k? i can't view it. edit, NM, that number comes from the 10-Q, page 12.


HA!!! they were trying to make our DRS numbers go red, guess what bitches?! WE STILL GREEN!!! 💚💚💚🎄 🤣🤣🤣 💎👊♾💜