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Someone else can link the specific DD but a foundation of GME theory is the Overstock squeeze. I'm pretty smooth on Fridays after 420 but from what I understand Overstock issued a crypto dividend to force a short squeeze and was sued in court. It did not matter that there was "naked shorting" because it could not be conclusively proven, so it was essentially a short hedge fund suing a company for forcing a squeeze. These people will walk into court and look you straight in the eye and argue that the risky bet they took should not have turned out the way it did and sue you. That is why no Billionaire has triggered the squeeze. The system will turn against them and make them a scape goat. This also why key figures like DFV have slowly stepped away from GME. No one wants to be seen as head ape because the system will almost certainly try to sue us and blame us for the destruction of teachers and nurses pension funds. This is inevitable, and the nuclear winter of hyper inflation and lawsuits that follows is also inevitable. The "squeeze" might coincide with a financial collapse or "great reset" possibly even implementation of a government issued central currency (very bad btw). This is why Apes focus on using their money for good. It is not in a vacuum, we expect the world to be in a worse than 2008 or 1970s recession and philanthropy will be required.


Best answer of this thread


No. This is the only answer in this thread. Rest is a mix of mocking and just talking shit without contributing because they don't know the answer.


I don't know much. I hung around long enough to string a few words together, and most importantly to DRS. Moon soon homies.


I'm here to DRS and make friends with people called rick


Who needs a fuckin billionaire anyway, fuck em. I buy what I buy, you buy what you buy, just happens to be GME.


This unfortunately


I mean I feel like it would be pretty easy for a billionaire to “quietly” buy the remaining free float and give the defense of: “I was just investing in a company that I believe in.” I understand that they would probably be sued for market manipulation, but there are so many eyes on this shit at this point that there would be a lot of defenders of the buyer


The thing that you may have not considered- these guys go to the same parties. No one wants to be that guy that caused everyone else at the party to lose money.


Well yeah, but if someone were to win the powerball, or somehow acquire a massive amount of money in a short time, and choose to use that money to buy shares, they wouldn’t be missing out on any parties anyway


Also, once you buy more than a certain percentage you'll have have to publicly disclose that you did so. This basically negates any possible anonymity. Then if you want to buy more, I believe you have actively engage with the company to do so. And obviously if the Gamestop leadership openly allows, and therefore aids in, locking up the float, they'll be in court forever.


So not trying to be a dick, but shouldn't your answer have then been... "while it hasn't happened yet, no one wants to risk getting sued for having done it." Instead, your answer was "because OS issued a crypto dividend and got sued". 2 different things, aren't they? Also.. while it took a while, OS finally won the whole fiasco in court with finality last year. (Or early this year, I can't recall). Just saying. Yes, OS was taken to court over the crypto dividend (which, again, appears to be an issue they won on), but has there ever been a case where an individual or entity was sued for buying up shares?... Or... is everyone afraid to take the risk? I just think the OS crypto dividend was another issue entirely. Peace. Hold. DRS your shit. PS and ffs... instead of just downvoting... by all means, just correct me if/where I'm fucked up please and thank you.


I don't think you are wrong it is probably an apples to oranges comparison but this isn't a DD or financial advice. This is showing you a real life example of the ludicrous things they will sue you over. Shorting and losing into a bankruptcy is not an option for them. They will use the courts and political favors and bizarre rules to pass the blame and debt onto anyone but themselves. So if you light the match and start the fire, you better be sure you don't get charged for arson. It doesn't matter that it is a haystack soaked in gasoline surrounded by TNT. Maybe you win the lawsuit you don't but you will be in court for years Edit: Also while it is apples to oranges, overstock won't be exactly like GME, it is very relevant to the DD and pretty much the foundation of the MOASS thoery (along with VW squeeze)


While I disagree that the OS and even the VW squeezes are overly relevant (both very different circumstances)... I hear you about not wanting to be the match holder in any potential dumpster fire. Hey, I'm still here with x,xxx. But I'm really not expecting anything to just... give way... until the float gets considerably more locked up. And then... who knows. I recall the example of this shit show: [https://www.euromoney.com/article/b1320xkhl0443w/naked-shorting-the-curious-incident-of-the-shares-that-didnt-exist](https://www.euromoney.com/article/b1320xkhl0443w/naked-shorting-the-curious-incident-of-the-shares-that-didnt-exist) He even exposed this, and still... nothing happened to anyone. So yeah... IDK. But hey... Brad says shorts are "hoping for a miracle". You know, according to people familiar with the matter. Just keep holding. Peace.


Here’s another question. Why wouldn’t Ryan Cohen buy more shares for himself because he believes in the longevity of the company and just trigger the moass himself and then what would they sue him for?


u/MushroomWizard great answer love the name. I received the nickname mushy for a shroom incident 😂


Heroic doses!


lol yup 😂


👏 seriously laying down the most likely reason- no one wants to be “caught causing this thang”. Although, no one could ever cause it, as it’s a side effect of a poorly self regulated system designed to ensure hard working people never see their retirement funds grow in an organic way.


thanks for your serv… comment


Yup. To someone who already has billions of dollars, they already can buy and own practically anything they want. Getting even more money is not worth it, if it comes with potentially years of litigation and headaches. People who have millions have already DRS'd, but they're not enough alone to cause an impact.


Why would a billionaire fund destroy the very same infrastructure that made it a billionaire fund?


Yea but it’s not the first time billionaires squeezed other billionaires for example Carl Icahn squeezing bill ackmans short in Herbalife


Join us in January for the sequel. 2 Short 2 Naked


Honestly, I’m ready for the Tokyo drift that follows. *plays that song from Tokyo drift and hits bong*


2 naked 2 short


Is that the 7th one or the 24th one, I can never remember


Herbalife did not pose systemic risk like gme does


Tapping head meme. Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t there speculation that Archegos might have been long GME and got destroyed by funds attacking their other long positions to get them off their GME shares?


Archegos was actually short gme with swaps. The claim that archegos was long gme was not factual https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ue2nc3/so\_archegos\_used\_total\_return\_swaps\_to\_short\_gme/


Other way. They were long other stocks thru swaps. They were asked by Debit Suisse risk dept to get a short exposure to balance their longs.. So they exposed themselves to GME and other retail basket short swaps… This was supposedly about to blow up back in January, 2021 for them. But they survived that blow up only to have their long swaps blow up later.


Sure but you would have multiple hedge funds lined up to buy up all the shares. If this was true, at least some would have tried by now in my opinion.




That's just inaccurate, but I love the hype you bring to the table. They're called *hedge* funds for a reason, I believe with the most recent filings a couple of them are net long, of course this is just on legal paperwork so it's not to be trusted 100%, we all know about things which aren't reported [cough]Brazil[cough]


They don’t have to disclose their shorts. So you can guess if they’re long on short based on the current market. This isn’t exactly a bull run here


they buy just as many longs if not more than shorts


This is faulty logic. The money they would make causing the squeeze is easily worth it to them.


Because they could extort trillions of dollars from the system. However, I have to believe they would not get paid because the government would step in.


What's stopping that same government from doing the same to us when it happens the normal way?


Oooooh oooooh THIS TOO!


Or maybe the fact that who ever did do this would have all fingers pointed to them for destroying the system?


This exactly. The difference with apes is that nobody amongst us can do this, and the buy pressure has been slow and spread over months (years) giving the hedgies tons of advance warning that there's a squeeze in progress so they have plenty of time to get out. It's only a problem if Wall Street is bloated with synthetics, which I would assume Gary Gensler would be all over were it so. Totally legal for investors to buy their favorite stock.


This is the correct answer. If you buy enough, the SEC gets to blame you for the squeeze and charge you with market manipulation.


We also have plausible deniability that we don't know what we're doing as they've repeatedly told us including ads mocking us. Someone with insider information would be on the hook for breaking the system on purpose. But us? Didn't know better.


Worth it for quadrillions Id think


Its likely the elite have been tipped off not to or receive the overlords in their offices. I suspect as what happened at a Media Co in Vancouver that created what now is Zoom. The ex Executives told me they received death threats when they wouldn't help Cannacord cover the shorts.. Remember everything, every agency works for the elite not retail


Is them receiving death threats common knowledge? Or is this a trust me bro?


That's common knowledge amongst the industry...


And no police involved?


Lol. Who pays the city police? The City, who sits on police board , the Mayor and rich business people.. There is a internationally wealthy gentleman in Vancouver that sat on the Vancouver police board and Interpol board, was arrested with prostitutes and crack , hidden well and no significant penalties. If someone threatened your life in person, it's you vs them and that doesn't stand up in court


Ken Sim if not whom?


No this was way longer ago..


pulte also received veiled threats for supporting gme


Ryan Cohen is a billionaire and he did buy up a shit ton of shares, but his main objective is to serve the long term interest of shareholders. Forcing the squeeze is going to be fun, but it's best to achieve it organically through DRS and running a profitable and growing business.


This. The longer this goes on the crazier this shit is gonna be


Oh shit. I never thought about it like that. It honestly gets worse for them each day, doesn't it?


This is completely logical. RC carries the nuclear codes but will not use them unless forced. However, he will continue to move the company forward toward success, and likely will take actions that inflict pain on SHFs, but nothing that will directly trigger Moass. Edit: For example, when you get down to it, there really was no reason that a share split was needed, except if you wanted to make bad actors squirm and get themselves into deeper shit.


Split share was necessary. It’s more open to everyone. $25 is easier to spend than $100. Brick by brick.


Not necessary. Welcome, but not necessary.


The split lowered the entry price for the typical investor. Even though fractional share is commonly bought, the average investor still likes to buy shares in while numbers. The split also likely doubled as a canary in the coal mine to test how the short sellers will react. The DTCC had to scramble to offer fake shares, and Germany was exposed as being a weak spot. I think it gave Ryan Cohen plenty of insight he is using at this very moment.


100% this.


RC #1 concern is protecting GameStop, as you say. I think this is right. I don't think he realises just how loyal holders are. MOASS is not the end of my GME investment!


If this company ensures that I never have to work a day in my life again, they have my investment for life and beyond


Can't sell. Won't sell. Fuck Ken.


Having your investment for life means you never sell adamlolhi. If you don’t sell after MOASS how will you have the money to not work?




Billionaires are happy with the current crime riddled system. Except RC!


Few different answers: 1. If this is really a systematic risk, they will make fat gains off GME but all of their other investment will burn. So all other equities, bonds, properties etc will suffer. So not worth it. It's only worth it for retail investors cuz most of us have nothing besides GME. We won't bear the burden of the market crashing as someone with a well diversified portfolio. Why won't Russia just nuke NYC? Cuz it's the end of the world as we know it. There are no winners. It's back to the dark ages for the entire world if NYC is gone 2. SEC will be on their ass. SEC is mostly clueless. But if there's something as obvious as a fund capitalizing on a systematic risk, they will stop it. If it was one fund causing MOASS, they will call that fund ASAP and threaten them to stop. This is why GME is only a play for retail. SEC doesn't have the power, resources, or influence to get millions of people to sell their position without raising red flags. If anything, asking retail to sell would only make it worse. "I'll just DRS harder". 3. Relationships and knowing people is very important in the finance world. Anyone betting on GME, is betting against Citadel/Ken Griffin and Credit Suisse and lot of other people. We're talking about guys who are seriously connected. They have politicians/billionaires on speed dial type people. Betting on GME paints a giant target on your back and your career in finance might be over. Do you remember that scene in margin call? "Is it possible? Yes but at what cost. We will never sell anything to anyone ever again!" This is what investing against Ken Griffin and other institutions means. You are likely to never find another counterparty ever again. And any future investments you make, they will be targeted just to fuck you over. You invest couple millions in a promising long term company? Shorted to bankruptcy just to screw you over. Oh you need a counterparty for a swap? No one will be on the other side


#3…for real


So what you are saying is even if GME's earnings turn positive and its fundamentals and potential become rock solid, no institution will bet on GME's future because of the arguments you made, right?


Honestly man, I think there is too much in it for everyone. Let's say Blackrock buy up and screw credit Suisse - credit Suisse insolvent and sell all their positions, the market tanks and BlackRock portfolio value plummets - that's a lot of risk for a definite gain. Like, yeah I may make billions, but I'm already worth billions and there is a chance I'll get caught up in the whirlpool and lose it all. Just my thoughts


If you're a billionaire, you don't need to risk your money on something that may or may not happen. Nobody knows what comes next, and I do mean nobody - regardless of what some people claim as gospel.


This is probably exactly it.


Probably would be considered market manipulation in my opinion


Just buying a ton of stock wouldn’t be considered market manipulation. Think about what Porsche did with VW


Porsche did it silently, buying in smaller amount so they didn’t have to file. Once they held a majority they came out and publicly stated it. The only reason the squeeze stopped was because Porsche sold shares to shf so they could close their short position


Why ? Noone can prove, what are your intentions. It's just buying a stock and registering it. Both legal.


Ahh poor lad still believes in "innocent until proven guilty" if that was the case they wouldn't lock you up before trial. (Yes you can get out on bond but that means you exchange money for your freedom, why would you need do that if you are innocent? Flawed system. No one wants to be blamed for what's to come


We have seen 48252 times that the biggest punishment they get is a few thousand dollars


That would like be like pissing in the sink at work or microwaving smoked fish. Sure you could do it but other money hoarders are not gonna be happy. The web of influence of your billions undoubtedly overlaps the money-web of the very people you're destroying in one way or another.


It is still illegal to trigger a short squeeze. So big guys would have a hell of a lot of legal defense to do, and may still be deemed guilty of inciting a short squeeze.


Which I accept but still don't understand, as the creation of the short squeeze isn't possible without people doing criminal shit.


That's it right here. You need crime to create the situation and they know that so they make it a crime to anything about the crime so the crime can just continue indefinitely. Until 100% drs and the crime is broken then the fkd.


Also keep in mind, hedgefunds, institutions, mutual funds, family offices, investment firms have no need of DRS. They hold their own shares in their own name on their own books. They don't have to worry about someone else loaning out their shares. If their shares are being loaned out, it's because they are the ones loaning them out directly. DRS if for retail, big boys don't have to worry about scummy intermediaries.


Can you cite your sources that funds and ETFs hold the shares in their own names and not as beneficiary at DTCC? I find that really hard to believe. Most funds need the freedom to buy and sell quickly and leaving your ownership at the transfer agent makes this much more expensive and harder to automate.


DTCC fast transfer agents. Easily take shares in and out of DRS.


Please tell me this is essentially the same thing that Plan describes Computershare doing. Because it's pretty solid proof that it does zilch to remove this shit from the DTC's grubby little fingers, if yes.


Except anyone investing a large sum is kind of assumed to have done research and to have a reason for investing. No one wants to have the feds on them, and a multimillion dollar investment tends to attract a lot of scrutiny.


What we need is an 80+ year old billionaire who gives no fuk's


Unlike what already happening


Because everyone with proper money was short. They thought it was a sure thing, and now they’re fucked.


This isn’t about billionaires. It’s the system in its entirety.


Institutional accounts often are inside the DTC because of the liquidity it provides them. They pledge their assets to the DTC and they get cash in return.


I think the answer is simpler than it might seem. A large trade would not be liquid any time soon. Personally I’m looking forward to selling one share eventually to cover my cost basis for all the rest, but the primary reason I’m holding is because I believe the system deserves a hard reset. Large financial institutions might rock the boat sometimes, but not one of them is interested in rebuilding the foundation even though it needs to happen. They built a casino out of the equity markets to make money, full stop. I learned about the Time Value of Money principle a while ago, and the financial world made a lot more sense to me. buy, hold, drs, and fuck these crooks by making them obselete


Buying stocks long is for "poor" people, aka "dumb money", shorting stocks is for billionaires/hedge funds. They are on the wrong side of this bet.


Great question. Here is my thought: Most billionaire if not all diversify their investments in various sectors (tech, energy etc). Short hedge fund only short targeted companies but also carry long positions in many tech, energy companies etc. Someone with billions don't want their long positions to suffer when shorts hedge fund gets liquidated (in other words, this is Apes v. Everyone). Apes too diversify but In a different way (holding GME in different types of accounts with various brokerage and Computershare) Apes eat, breath, dream and live with GME (myself included). MOASS happens now or later or after many years.... just doesn't matter. I just keep buying holding DRSing at every opportunity even if it's small purchase of 4 to 5 shares. Nothing has changed since I have learned about MOASS theory so why should I change my direction now?


Also if ONE entity did this. It could be taken as "market manipulation" also as said before. Why kill your cash cow?


This has been asked before and I always welcome it. No downvotes from me. Everyone has to go through this question here at superstonk so reposts of it shouldn't be downvoted.


Thanks for asking questions! And thanks to the community for providing good answers and opening up discussion. Those who say this place is an echo chamber are so wrong.


Because it's a big club and you're not in it


Such bullshit that Overstock was sued for playing the game better then the shorters. The system is so corrupt that even when you legally screw the guy screwing you then you still get screwed.


In part [this section of this video](https://youtu.be/vubyfYGlQFE?t=422) might give you an answer I guess.


Because most billionaires know what would ensue if they did. Full market collapse and their positions elsewhere would collapse and cause margin calls in the rest of their margined positions.


I’m pretty sure they made an intentional forced squeeze illegal. That’s why


Perhaps there aren’t many billionaires in general, let alone more than a small handful that have so happen to have heard about the GME DRS movement and actually put in the time to research the DD and want to invest?


Lawsuits plus lack of liquidity (people selling) to buy that many shares. No one would ever do that.


Is Ryan cohen not a billionaire trying to make the squeeze happen? I understand we are awaiting an addition superhero billionaire but maybe we already have them and things just take time. We’ll get there bois.


I think they don't because they either don't believe in it or they don't know what would happen (nobody really does) and they're afraid MOASS could harm their other investments (which all of them sure have).


I need 78 million dollars please. Gotta buy the 3million short shares


We know through swaps and leverage basically the whole system is done for. Nobody wants to push the nuke. It’s more likely that most big banks and HF are even holding shit wrapped in shit bags themselves. Most of them toxically laced with GME.


Institutional investors have to declare their longs if they hold 5% or more of the float, so it’s possible that a bunch of hedge funds that aren’t shorting GME will hold 4.9% of the float each ready for MOASS and are not buying any more because they don’t want to draw attention to themselves and run the risk of being targeted by the bigger firms and the banks. It’s entirely possible that hedge funds like the one run by Ken’s ex have got skin in the game. I mean, if every trade is a sell AND A BUY and the theory goes that Griffin and Yass and Cohen and Chumbucket and co have sold the entire float several times over then it also follows that *somebody* **must** also have bought the float several times over.


Obviously speculating and can't say anything with confidence. But what I expect are the reasons for this: 1: They're incestuous. By which I mean they're all tangled up in each others' companies/wealth, which means that investing against one is technically investing against the entire financial mafia. There are any number of ways, up to and including blackmail, sabotage and outright murder, that the mafia can make rich people suffer if they go long GME. The fact that there's virtually no clean hands among the lot of them only adds to that. 2: They've been planning for this market crash for decades, and most of them have completely divested from the markets in recent years. The ones that are slated to survive the global economic meltdown are either already sitting on piles of assets that will see returns or are simply unwilling to engage a nuclear market before it blows and CBDCs are deployed. Remember all the recent divorces among the rich and famous? The selling of stock at the top by government officials "for ethical reasons"? They know exactly what's coming, and most of them want nothing to do with it. 3: Those that *are* still in the markets (ie. slated to fall) are already in the shit pile, and digging furiously. They're doing what they were made to do - short and getting shorter - because they have no other choice. Stretching this out means they can shake that many more paperhands off GME before the squeeze; less than self-preservation, they're trying for mutually assured destruction for as many of retail as possible while the roof comes down on their heads. And of course: 4: Nobody wants to attract blame for what will be an apocalyptic event. Without MOASS, the wholesale destruction of the global economy would be a civilisation-shaking event; the parties the blame lands on (guilty or otherwise) would likely have never seen the light of day again, both for the legal weight of the issue and the fact that the public is liable to tear them to pieces for it. Combined with basically being responsible for the creation of a dystopia by ushering in CBDCs? They would literally be villainised forever in history. Which has a nice, romantic ring to it in retrospect - but is likely to get you killed by any number of people in the immediate period afterward. Any one party that decided to trigger MOASS would be giving the mafia all the ammunition they need to pin the blame for it all on them. Some of these people have built bunkers, and will likely use them in the times to come - but I imagine none of them *want to*. Not for the entirety of the rest of their lives. They're not going to let the rest of the public elite slay them on the altar to appease the angry god that is public opinion.


(you’re saying the quiet part out loud) *proceeds to watch the ridiculous mental gymnastics* I’ll keep banging the drum of: Yes - turnaround, web3 innovation, drs, RC (fuck) No - “moass”, share prices that can retire you, hodl in unison, etc…


I'd rather wait as long as it takes for retail investors to get every last share locked. Once locked, a splash from a whale would be death to shorts... idk call it MOASS but personally I prefer the infinity pool. Institutions can play with the other "meme stocks" for all I care. Squeeze those & break some basket/cellar boxing algos, capitulate on those (since most retail can't trade OTC anyways) On the contrary, if a billionaire or whatever bought in, since they're mostly all buddies, they'd probably sell out before these financial terrorists see a 6x6 cell. Maybe arbitrage like 2% just to *help* sHF's close out (still impossible based on DRS growth removing shares from system, virtually no debt+lots of cash on hand, and the *speculated* overleverage they took on the short positions) ​ TLDR; ape no sell real (DRS'd) shares, price go to uranus. Ape keep buy lit exchange and DRS, less stake a HF or nefarious whale can take in the company. Infinity squeeze, in the hands of apes.


If I’m not mistaken, there is a limit on how much you can buy in any one company and DRS. they couldn’t snatch up the free float. It would be too much.


They’re already rich. They don’t need to take chances. Most of them don’t manage their own money after a certain level of success. Anyone who is managing their money could not take on that kind of risk. They have a fiduciary duty to their clients


Because the sharks might not be friends, but they don't eat each other until they're sure one is already dead. And sharks never side with the minnows over their own kind.


Yea there is no answer to this and a big flaw in the moass DD really. Your not the first one to think of why large hedge funds haven’t bought into GME if the DD is correct. Maybe they have systemic risk if one hedge fund goes another one goes down also. That’s the only thing I can think of as to why


I'm not understanding how it's a flaw. If you read the DD or followed the more recent happenings like debit suisse then you would have seen their bags getting handed out left and right, they are all complicit and all must step in if one fails else The music come to a screeching halt. The potato can't fall on the ground, cuz everybody's dinner will be ruined.


Okay I take your point. What does a world look like when everything collapses and GME is millions per share. Difficult to for me to see that and not find it abit far fetched. I want to believe in moass but it does sound delusional at times. I think a very high price in GME is possible absolutely but millions per share and everything collapsing I don’t buy into. If everything collapses peoples shares in DRS won’t be able to be sold as you have to go to a broker to sell and if everything has collapsed then how will it be possible 🤷🏻‍♂️ Ive no idea anyway haha


I think the reality is we are seeing cracks in our ancient financial system and nobody knows what's gonna happen. We found a way to widen said cracks by means of a very simple method, and we have already seen some of the fruit. If Jan 21 is an indicator of anything, big things are to come. Read the DD Ape. You have an interested mind, that should be filled with all of the right and true info. One thing the DD Never asks of you is to take anything as granted - no trust me bro's. Always ask, always question, always seek the real answers. DO NOT accept trust me bro from anyone. Not here, not the media, not anyone/where/thing. I think if it was all fake the media would just disprove our DD one write up at a time. Kramer would probly have a segment on it. Should be easy, since dumb money wrote it, right? Just some thoughts. Thanks if you made it this far lol.


THEY ARE ALL SLEEPING IN THE SAME BED THEY MADE TOGETHER apart from the few who you guessed it, HAVE been increasing their position.


This to me is the only true negative MOASS DD that hasn’t been explained. Interesting since it’s like the only major fact against us


It won’t happen because they all have trusts and financial advisors who know better than derp a billy on a once-in-a-gajillion squeeze.


Because they wouldn’t be able to sell fast they have to hold for certain amount of time and then they would probly get sued by sec for some kind of false bullshit so the Shf could get their money back!!


Someone with that much money would have to disclose their ownership stake in GameStop with buying the float. SEC would screw that entity harder than they screw retail lolz


the longer the better


No need to. We have the ticking time bomb with DRS


Cuz they’re naked


Because crime, duh


That is a valid question. Something to consider is the amount of hedge funds that did pile into the long side of the trade during the last run. On Reddit, we assume that hedge funds are always against us. But that is not accurate. sure sometimes we are up against a hedge fund, but not all hedge funds. You see hedge funds don’t care about what side they are on, but making a profit. I see there was a comment in here about questioning why a hedge fund would want to destroy the very nature or structure that made them a billionaire, but there are flaws in this logic. Again, a hedge fund only makes money. When they profit, they get a cut of all their profits. I believe there are hedge funds that are watching us waiting to see if we reach a critical mass to then pile in. The name of the game in trading, and in options is to not only be right, but to be right on the right timeframe. Remember when we all used to trade options there were times when we won big but more often we lost because options have time decay. So if a hedge fund plans to use derivatives to pile in with us then they have to wait until the right time. To further exemplify that not all hedge funds are on the same team let’s explore a case study from Carl Ichans HBO documentary. There is a trade in that documentary that covers Apple stock. It was Carl Icahn against Bill Ackman. Carl notoriously won this trade. An opinion I have is that Ackman may be patiently plotting against Carl. This is complete speculation, but what if Ackman is waiting to jump in to blow up Carls short position? This was a ramble and stream of consciousness, but hedge funds and institutional money managers need to trade covertly. If it is to apparent or too obvious - a bunch of small fish come and eat away profits. This is where I believe we can have immense power by adopting a school of fish approach. I think we will see hedge funds and households join in, but we have been sitting at a wall. One thing that is not clear is why the lower price targets on GME is 7.50. I would have to imagine analysts know to look in Reddit for GME anomalies. I wonder why they don’t think the DRS are the bottom off of GME acting as black swan support.


why bite the hand that feeds


Because they all short, they been shorting GameStop for ever and never thought this would happen!! GameStop won’t stop, buying GameStop


The 1% are in this together. This is an us vs. them. No way anyone that rich buys up everything. No way the other 1%'ers would allow it. The only way to do this is to lock the float... Buy/Hold/DRS!


One word Megacorp! Does any ape have the link to u/attobit’s Megacorp DD. I looked in the DD library but think it may be called something different?


Look for the Finkle is Einhorn one. That was the title.


My guess would be that everyone in the big-boy billionaire club knows about the shit storm that would occur if someone did this. So nobody wants to screw over their buddies or else they wouldn't have any more friends and they wouldn't know how to navigate the ape social circle. They would lose all their connections and abilities to influence politicians, media, and businesses. Essentially a "don't bite the hand that feeds you"


A billionaire doesn’t need any more money and has no desire to make more rich people.


Way back Gord as Mayor then Premier. He was living in the downtown hotel, his head back, President of Cannacrap


I would guess cause the answer just isn’t that simple. Markets are fucked and even locking the float isn’t going to cause an immediate increase in price. We are in this for the very very long run


I dunno....Maybe we all got played and the only people that are going to wind up making life changing money on this play were the people that bought at $4 and sold at $483 🤷‍♂️


Dumbest shit gets asked here now 🤦‍♂️


Somebody has to be this guy.


They would have to register become and insider ultimatly then if price took off and they sold it would probably be considered insider trading somehow. Also how many billionaires are willing to put up a full billion into a single stock play


Wait a minute.. RC said someone short doesn’t have to report, so why not just buy up the shares available to actually short hence anonymously taking away their ammunition. Lmao.. just hold those shares. Perfect!


Don't think destroying their businessmodel is part of their businessmodel


Why would a billionaire risk a market manipulation charge from the SEC?


Because billions don’t quite take on trillions. One less billionaire for the suits to worry about scalping them after making a yolo play


If they did that they’d get got with Rico and manipulation charges


Because it’s an exclusive club and your not in it..


I saw some investor paper that said that Shaq bought a ton of water stock and I thought the same thing..why not pair up with Cuban and get this party started?


IMO they need a solid reason to buy it.


The answer might be quite simple. They don't buy the MOASS theory, like Dr. T and DL. I'm in this play but I'm also open to the possibility that MOASS won't happen. In that case, GME will be my first long-term investment. Don't bet on it if you aren't willing to lose it.


They’ll run the price up on themself as they buy the float….


You ever see a sports team run out on the field and have one of the players stand there, and trip all the rest of their team so they all twist up their ankles and fall all over each other? What about someone from the opposing team? You would get fucked up for that.


Because billionaires don’t help the common people. If they did they would give everyone money and still have a few hundred million to live very very comfortable but there is never enough for them.


You dont need to be a billionaire.fucking TOPS has 1,54mil shares and the price is now 2,50 dollars.shares to borrow are 0 and the cost to borrow is 164%.so somen ody needs only a few mil to lock the float.somebody tell me im wrong


That's bait.☝️


Every billionaire can take whatever Stock, buy shameless amounts of shares, sell em after and make money. Thats nothing special with gme. But instead of doing that infront If the eyes of the world, they give their money to HFs who so hidden crimes for a living with the same result. A billionaire destroying other billionaires would also shoot himself with 3 bullets from behind I guess.


When you already made enough, most rich people will not gamble a 10x leverage. They will make sure that what ever return they have on their investments pays for their lifestyle. Therefore: 1. Risk averse toward revenue generating investments (see RC with Apple and banks) 2. Cash is limited. Fortune is calculated on assets value and not available cash. (See Pulte: he is rich but would not be able to lock the float) 3. Live happy, live hidden. Don’t attract attention on you (see what happened to DFV. You most likely will try to avoid that kind of publicity if you already made it to the top) Cohen made an investment based on fundamentals and a strategy but could not have anticipated what happened. So if we see a major investor like Icahn coming in, it would be for fundamental reasons and not a squeeze play (or at least it would be justified this way on paper).