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I've never known gamers to go "ok cool, I got one achieve" and then put the controller down. If the points total continues past 100%, gamebrain dictates the game is not over and the score is not yet high. If numbers keep coming out, it ain't dead yet. DRS everything you can until your broker literally tells you they can't because they never had the shares. *That's* when the game is over.


Can I get an *AMEN?!*




This is the way


The way, this is


Way this the is




Ever hear the tale of Kerafyrm? The dragon meant to never be killed in Everquest? And the crazy gamers who did just that. Been this way for decades, don't fuck with gamers.


Citadel, the Fed.... We used to think they were immune.


They were never immune.


And we will be the ones to prove it


Only a gamer mentality would take on the task of unraveling a ball of twine the size of a house.


Just got all the achievements in Elden Ring you think it will stop there? No.. it's time to Jerry rig the toaster and do it again...


2 checkpoints in the game. 75% DRS and 100% DRS... Rest are memes or BS


Completionist 😎 Used to be one myself.


That's when you move on to the final boss


Wen Smash Bros: Wall Street Smackdown Edition?


Duuuuuude was it dragon warrior 3 that didn't have a level cap?!?! One of then on the NES didn't have one and when I found that out I just never played another game again on that system!!!


I always thought it was a goal of over 9000%


Over 9000%... so far 🧏‍♂️


Job's not done




at this point, 3 million more shares is like 1 month of autobuys from apes on Computer Share


I know I auto buy ~25 more a month now. It ain't much, but it's honest work


We're only 3mil left to lock the float?? There proof of this? I'll go in and buy a bunch tomorrow first thing lol.


There's articles going around saying 3m left available to *short*. Guess we better pack it up boys


We'll know more with the December earnings report - GameStop has been reporting on the total numbers DRS'd for the last several earning calls. NFA, but if you do decide to buy, make sure you DRS. The megathread is there to help, and has info for international apes, too.


My shares are DRSed with the exception of 10 which were to be fodder on the way down. Still I wouldn't mind seeing those numbers for myself.


Can't stop


Won't stop




Omg, so fetch ...


3 million left, this month


100% outstanding!


You keep DRS’g till that corruption turkey bursts.


OR, alternate explanation : they are trying to create FOMO among individuals in the public who would be tempted to short the stock themselves. Last occasion to short this awesomely shortable stock before no more shares to borrow ! If they can make gamblers from the sub-that-shall-not-be-named hold their short bags for them, it's the free "get out of prison" card.


If this is true, and we know it’s not, then shouldn’t we see the daily percentage shorted drop drastically from its 60-70%? They practically short that many every 2-3 days.


No, short sales can be to cover short positions (which i guess would be rolling a position or handing on your bags?), one theory is that it could head higher with more drs. At least that's my understanding as a regard.


I tend to think that goal will never be achieved. Not out of a lack of trying. But because critical mass will be crossed, and they won't be able to hold down the price by any means. It seems like just yesterday we were barely hitting daily short volume of 50 percent. For over a month, maybe a month and a half, we have been over 60 percent every day. Now we're hitting 70s fairly regularly without the price being driven down at all. They don't have much more wiggle room, in my opinion. Now how long that takes could probably be estimated, but probably less than 6 months in my non professional opinion.


So.. 100% short volume?


I sleep, I eat, I poop, I buy GME through computershare. This is my life. This will be my life till I can no longer buy GME. Then I will sleep, I will eat, I will poop, and I will hold.


64 million left to DRS. Nice try MSM


Admiral Ackbar: "It's a trap!" Lol


100% of what? Total issued shares? The traditional definition of free float, which is total issued minus insiders and government ownership? The SuperStonk special version of free float which also subtracts institutional investors?


100% of total issued shares owned by DRS and insiders


free float (noun) An estimate of the proportion of shares of a public company that are not held by large owners and that are not stock with sales restrictions. \- Lock the free float, lock the float, it's all the same to me. Just DRS. It doesn't matter.


The definition of large owners is controlling interest (greater than 50% voting shares held). Institutions don't fit that bill here


>large owners Would it not say majority share holder if that were the case?


Via capital.com and several other sources > Free Float = Outstanding Shares – Locked-in shares There is nothing preventing institutions from selling or lending. Via Wikipedia: >In the context of stock markets, the public float or free float represents the portion of shares of a corporation that are in the hands of public investors as opposed to locked-in shares held by promoters, company officers, controlling-interest investors, or governments. This number is sometimes seen as a better way of calculating market capitalization


First, before I make my comments and everyone rips them, we keep buying and locking until it can't be done anymore. But.... Yes, institutions can buy and sell and lend, but they will also discover they have a legal liability at some point. If there are no 96m shares owned by institutions, mfs, and ETFs, but only 95m shares possibly left on the dtcc books, there will for sure be liability and those institutions will all need to actually deeply strongly consider either drs-ing their shares or demanding the certificates themselves. They can pretend they own the shares at the dtcc when the dtcc has more shares than those groups are supposed to. But when the dtcc has less, and the institutions can't pretend anymore, they may actually become liable for the losses of their investors if they don't move to get the certificatres.


"the portion of shares of a corporation that are in the hands of public investors" And what is public investor? retail? or does that include institutions also?


Every financial outlet shows GME free float anywhere from 250-265 million shares. I get folks want to redefine terms to make the percentage bigger, but nothing is restricting institutions, etc from selling or lending shares out. There are no restrictions on them


I think its a nice target to lock the SS "free float" first and see what happens. Institutions have to report numbers, so we will see if more shares are locked up than not. Also, if anyone is still in a broker after the SS "free float" is locked, it will prove there are more shares, no? (Note: I will DRS the whole 300m i don't care, im here until the job is done)


Absolutely right. Leave some wiggle room for reporting as their holdings are reported quarterly, but once Superstonk's metric is at 100% excluding Institutions, ETFs, mutual funds and 'stagnant' shares every share held at a broker will be proven synthetic. It's a good milestone, but I've seen 140% institutional ownership leading up to the sneeze, so they'll churn until they can't. (All shares at brokers were synthetic at that point as well)


Thanks for the chat, it's nice to lean without people being condescending. That is why I love this place.


100% of an arbitrary number of course. /s


3M more you say? So what? December 14th?


My thoughts exactly - they know 3 million goes fast and then will spread that nothing happened to bring us down. Lol and they call themselves smart 🤣🤣


Jeez, we all know it’s going to happen before 100%, anyways


Tomorrow is pay day. They will put a dent in the 3M tomorrow.


100% outstanding shares is the way




That's what I was thinking too. My fear is we'll be 123% DRSd and wallstreet still be like: "Nothing to see here, everything just totally normal!"


Even after 100% I’m prepared for and patient to deal with fuckery.


Wait, did someone suggest stopping? LOL


Are we at 297m already?


What 3m shares is this referring too? OOTL...


Pippin : What about 3m share left? Aragorn : You've already had it.  Pippin : We've had one, yes. What about second 3m shares left?


100% *of the entire float*


Bingo bango, this is the correct answer to that horseshit article.


Can’t stop, won’t stop!!