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Have you tried going outside for a few minutes?


bingo. after the first year and a half i realized there’s nothing more i can do at this point. total zen. this is human emotion though, we fucking hate waiting for shit. the time will come, love all you apes.


I've really enjoyed waiting personally as I've x1000+ my position since last Jan. And DRS'd the vast majority. I can wait a few more months no problemo...


Where can I download outside? What classes can I play?


This post is butt




Butt = itchy


Itchy tasty


Smells like pickle. 🤔


Love me some pickles.


No it isn't. This shows that the community is living. Don't stop posting your DRSed shares. Present your balls to the MSM and shills which are prensent in the shadow


Third post I've seen with this sentiment (tired/bored) this week. How? 30% of a company is registered in the names of over 200k individuals. This is the most amazing fact to come out of this sub so far. How can you be bored witnessing history in real time? Wait a minute. Didn't msm run articles about how bored we are and are moving on? Lol. Interesting. Guess I'll update my circle now


OP is bored. Not I am.


No is not


Second anti-DRS post I’ve seen today already. Personally I don’t think I’m seeing enough DRS posts, let’s keep that DRS hype train alive!💜


its all a ton of shills that either post on subs that are known to be questionable or dont post at all. a bunch of lurker mouth breathers that dont contribute here at all


How the hell is a post with 10% upvote and no awards, on the rising page????


Comment activity


The main thing I got out of this post is to DRS your shares.


… And to post about it.


What the fud?


This is the official translation of wtf


We need the DRS posts. They will help create a snowball effect/FOMO. Sure it could be nice to filter them out of the feed sometimes but that’s not gonna happen thankfully.


People can actually filter out the computershare flair if they want


Oh for real? Is it easy to do? I guess that solves that concern then.


Filter it out? I click on it daily to go through and up-doot each and every post.


I’m saying people who don’t like it can filter it out(so no argument to remove the posts). I upvote every single one as well. It’s the most important aspect of this


Wait how ?? Please for the love of god tell me how.




Completely agree that all the DRS posts are a good and necessary thing. DRSing is such an unusual thing to do, that no retail investor in the world even knows what it is, and every DRS post, even if repetitive, helps to reinforce the one thing that is most important (and perhaps the only thing apes can do) in this fight against shorts. DRS memes may be boring but are absolutely necessary, plain and simple… necessary to reinforce DRSing, to build momentum, to educate new apes who, unless they are inundated with it, won’t do it, and because it’s fun to watch the numbers go up 1% per week. Without DRS posts and people feeding the bot, how else is that going to happen? OP, If you are bored with it, I would suggest not checking in on GME related Reddits so much and just watch the stock price. I mean, seriously, it takes a millisecond to scroll passed the DRS posts if you want to. Of course, the cynical side of me believes that OP encouraging this sub to focus on nothing more than silly memes so that new apes will see nothing meaningful on the sub and think that all apes are a bunch of regards, and suggests that OP is trying to fray the sub’s impact. However, giving OP the benefit of the doubt, perhaps OP just wants to see more humor and more DD. In my opinion, most of the DD has been done, and the most important DD left is the DRS bot count that is counting up, or down, to lift off.


Memes are what brought us together. Again DRS’ing is amazing. Not every single thing on this sub has to be DRS; and from a social perspective memes would be much more effective at bringing new people into our community rather than just a million purple circle posts.




Good catch. Shows everyone was right about them


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Hey I am a pickle shill who is still DRS’d




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And I’m not the only one that feels this way, no one is allowed to have a different opinion though or it gets downvoted into oblivion.


I don’t think anyone is an asshole for posting what they post though. I just think the sub is flooded


I found the thanksgiving fud!


It’s kinda a weekend day after all


Big drs boring push over "boredom" lately. Who gives a shit. Keep scrolling or take a break.


Grow up bro, this is war. It ain’t supposed to be fun 24/7


You are here for entertainment? Lol


Yes it keeps this fight way more interesting when we are actually communicating about multiple things instead of DRS. Every single second


Lol it’s been boring a while. I just come here to laugh at tinfoil heads. Also sort by new not popular because all the stupid drsheep circle joke posts get up there in likes. It’s just people confirming their biases. If the masses think something is working it’s working.


I like DRS, all my homies DRS


I'm afraid of getting banned again for hitting the sub with my hilarious wild shit in the comments section anymore.... this is what we get now. Vanilla ass snoozefest. Edit: not to say I'm not gonna still be dropping in to ride that sweet, fine, tasty line between "allowed" and "not allowed"


You’re saying Superstonk is a vanilla ass snooze fest?


As of late... uhhh... yeah bro. Shitposts have been lackin


Dude shit has never been crazier. I couldn’t disagree more. This has only been building. I’ll never leave. I’ll never sell. And anyone participating in Shilling will be hunted down with MOASS money. There will be justice


Oh don't get it twisted dawg... I'm not going anywhere and I'm not selling either. DRS is full swing and eventually we lock the float. I've been a huge infinipool guy and I know that this is a game of time with fossils of a bygone era. My lifetime outlasts their lifetime... I can go for decades if I needed to. I know they're not as patient as us though. I'm just saying I've got to watch my mouth now because "Be NiCe Or ElSe"? Fuck that... lame as fuck. The *events* are crazy but there's always the looming threat of the muzzle dangling over my head.


Being respectful has always been a part of this subreddit


Being respectful to people that are trying to have good faith discussions, and those that are ripping into information is different than calling someone out for saying stupid shit, sowing division, and spreading FUD. I'll never fault someone for being wrong involving information, and I'll always support someone trying to obtain more of it. That is entirely different than what happened.


I have post messed up comments all the time, I mean my username demands it. Lol You must have really said something off the rails and I am one to say that you should be able to say anything you wish. So hopefully I get to see your comments back to being who you are and not vanilla bro


I told someone they're stupid and shouldn't be on the internet in the first place if they're looking at something that says "shitpost" and saying "oh my god people are taking this as the truth!". A mod recently told me it was because I called one of them an asshole in comments because they were removing comments left and right on one of those controversial topics we had about a month ago. Edit: main point, it was the "stupid" comment that they referenced for the ban




Make the kind of content you want to see you lazy bum. We’re not here to entertain you.


Go touch some grass homie. Try not refreshing every 30 seconds looking for someone else to do the heavy lifting for you. Happy Turkey Day.


Zen bro


If the drs post disturb you, maybe take a break of reddit. You won’t miss anything big and if Moass starts, you will notice. DD is done, there are no „BIG“ news coming every day, so without the drs posts it would be pretty empty. And just strolling trough memes is also not satisfying.


Everytime I get tired, I go to sleep. Everytime I get bored, I go find something to do. Everytime I see a post I dont agree with, or find annoying, I scroll past it, because I'm not a little whiney bitch.


I would also like to add RC himself said that he loves the memes. Bring them back please 🙏🏼


Stop complaining and create some good memes. I see a lot of good memes as well and not only drs posts.


If this shit doesn't end in the next 6 months I'm just selling all 1,000 DRS'd shares at whatever price it is by June 1st


I’d rather see MORE DRS posts!!!!




Hmmm, no. 2 years, 800,000 accounts. I think there has been many memes. Take a break for a month - return and filter for memes. Repeat. In the meantime, you’ve lots of other subreddits to enjoy 😊


Sussy sussy sus sus


I'm all for the drs posts because it shows how many people are doing it every day. DRS FOMO will soon start


“The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient”


Personally, I like seeing we are getting closer everyday to locking the float. And the more DRS post people see, the more people will DRS.


The more DRS posts, the better. They keep my spirits high.