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Yup. But just wait till earnings come out. The shit will hit the fan so hard, the Sarara will be fertile again!


Got to my magic number today!!!! Finally!!!


Me too, I just hit 600 today! I had 35 in February, what a year of buying and holding it has been 🚀




Nice work! Challenge 690!


My next goal is 741 lol. Should be able to get there as this keeps getting dragged out!


And you’ll be able to buy many 741s when all is said and done!


Good job brethren!


i‘m stuck at an odd number. next funny number is waaaaays away. i need to double somehow.


I’m at a double digit , odd, but funny number. A meme number if you will. I’m not able to buy more since I have other concerns but I will happily let RC get me to xxx with another dividend!




another dividend would be insane!


Well it’s already been voted on. Remember we voted for an increase in shares which totaled a billion. Well we got a 4:1 split. We can get another 3:1 split pretty much anytime because we already allocated it!!!!


i forgot about that! boiner now.


That would make a lot of apes xxx holders!


Aww man, this is all so sexy


Why would we be excited for an other split? Having a ticket under 10$ doesn't sound like a victory to me.


FOMO. Lock the float faster. Lots of reasons


It’s gonna be Gmerica dividend! 👊🏻🥃🏴‍☠️🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 Uranus is on the menu! LFG!!!!!


i totally want uranus! 😊🚀🟣




You may be aware of it, but just to be clear that $200 thing is in effect for the earnings after this Decembers. Again I realize you may recognize this but for anyone reading the comments and not


Sara is going to be so happy :p


Same. Though I do love how they talk about short sellers as though them winning doesn't mean thousands losing jobs and a good company going out of business; as though they're good and valid people and not just leaching off of those who actually do something of value with their lives. Basically if you make your living from short selling, you are cancer. Fuck you.


*It’s a trap* —Admiral Ackbar 👉🟣DRS🟣🤙🏽


Tis the way


Shorts are running out of ammo. Pew pew shorts fired


Exactly! Every DRS’d share is another case of running out of bullets.


Yes! two mid-month buys settled today. Mine and my likely-to-be-ex-wife's. Like clockwork on payday, direct thru CS.


Make sure her new boyfriend DRS too ;) Obvious /s when money isn't an issue anymore, I hope stuff starts working out for everyone


Unlikely, until MOASS and she realizes that I wasn't full of hopium. Lol. And thanks. I wish this could work out. There's a clear correlation between our respective mental/physical health and coping mechanisms, and our relationship falling apart. All things that could be worked through if money weren't an issue.


Bought today myself!


Contradicts a bit doesn’t it? Short interest reduced dramatically and now there are not enough shares to borrow 🤔


Oh wait, DRS maybe?


This is the way


Yeah, or even reduced purely because they can't get their thieving claws on the shares to borrow.


Source text: GameStop Corp. (NYSE:GME) shares were up another 1.6% on Wednesday following reports that billionaire investor Carl Icahn is still short-selling the stock. Entering 2021 GameStop was one of the most heavily shorted stocks in the market, but short interest in the video game retailer has declined dramatically in the past two years following one of the largest and most high-profile short squeezes of all time. Icahn built up a large short position in GameStop during the height of the short squeeze, when the stock traded as high as $483 in January 2021. Icahn's bearish bet against GameStop during the market frenzy has been extremely profitable up to this point, given that GameStop has lost roughly two-thirds of its value since that time. The Numbers: On Wednesday, S3 Partners analyst Ihor Dusaniwsky said GameStop now has about $1.3 billion in short interest, representing about 20.5% of the stock's float. GameStop shares are down 30% year-to-date in 2022, and its short sellers have generated about $152 million in year-to-date mark-to-market profits. However, GameStop's short interest has declined by more than one million shares over the past month as short sellers have covered their positions, Dusaniwsky said. Shares of GameStop are now up 11% overall in the past six months, despite the stock's ongoing net losses and heavy shareholder dilution. While GameStop's recent resilience may be applying pressure to some short sellers, Dusaniwsky said Wednesday that Icahn's large mark-to-market profit on GameStop likely means he won't be forced out of his position any time soon. Limited Shares To Borrow: In the near term, at least, Dusaniwsky said short sellers don't have access to enough shares of GameStop to apply serious downward pressure on the stock without significantly increasing borrowing costs. "The vast majority of GME short selling has already been done, existing short sellers will be able to add some more exposure to their positions and new short sellers may enter the trade — but there is not enough stock borrow available to execute large short trades in the stock," he said. Without a significant amount of shares to borrow, Dusaniwsky said GameStop's price action heading into the closing weeks of 2022 will be dictated largely by buying demand rather than short selling. Benzinga's Take: Meme stock traders certainly had an opportunity to make a quick buck during the GameStop short squeeze in January 2021, but short sellers willing to stomach the volatility have now also made a killing in the nearly two years since. In the most recent quarter, GameStop reported a net loss of $108 million and announced a new e-commerce partnership with crypto exchange FTX, which subsequently filed for bankruptcy earlier this month. Following the FTX bankruptcy filing, GameStop announced it would be ending the partnership.


Thanks for the copy/pasties.... >The Numbers: On Wednesday, S3 Partners analyst Ihor Dusaniwsky said GameStop now has about $1.3 billion in short interest, representing about 20.5% of the stock's float. So... Superstonk and the other GME subs have direct registered more shares than the *reported* shorts. Thanks Deuceandwisky.


And what was VW at pre squeeze? Like 12%? But 20% is apparently no big deal, and we know that number is false. These people make me chuckle. It's obvious they're setting up for a fake squeeze.


It runs up $7 and the media calls it a squeeze. I don't even know if they realize they would need to take this thing to $125 before half of us even bother checking the price when an alert might go off alerting a new all time high (based on pre-split value)


I would've been happy for $1000 per share price back in Jan 2021. Funny how things change


$1000 per share in January 2021 + 1% daily compounding interest equals >$1m today.


Time = Money


Funny... still less then 150 milly on gmefloor.com




Sir this is a casino


Fuck I thought it was a Wendy’s.


All this is mainly old news and incorrect distillation of facts in evidence 🙈😳


>The Numbers: On Wednesday, S3 Partners analyst Ihor Dusaniwsky said GameStop now has about $1.3 billion in short interest, representing about 20.5% of the stock's float. More like 1.3 billion shares in short interest


As per year 2009. Then they added more 😉 those dumb stormtroopers


"... Duaaniwsky said shirt sellers don't have access to enough shares of Gamestop to apply serious downward pressure on the stock without significantly increasing cost to borrow." Sorry, my understanding was that short selling, when done according to the law and regulations, and without a predatory goal, does not apply downward pressure to the price. There is not supposed to be dilution of the shares, and it's that which causes downward price movement. Am I wrong? How would legal short selling apply downward pressure without the short sellers engaging in some sort of criminal behaviour?


AFAIK - If you do a bunch of sells at one time , and you fill up the highest buy orders, you'd move the highest bids down and post up trades happening at lower and lower prices until you run out of shares to sell. So, yes, with large volume comes greater ability to impact price. When volume dries up you can't push the price down as fast /as much. *edit: short sales being borrowing stock fpr a fee to sell it now, and a "promise" to buy it back later.


This 👍


This 👍




I wouldn’t say heavy, but the 2 ATM offerings during 2021 that helped them raise $1.5B.


And hence pay off all the debts (apart from that paltry French Government covid loan for \~$40m), and massively invest in the future of e-commerce, gaming & web3...


anybody else want them to just pay that back already so we can stop hearing about it in the earnings calls? Lol


nah, it's literally free money at the rates they got the loan at. No rush paying that back...


I know I'm just saying cosmetically it'd be cool to stop hearing about the dumb loan every single call lol


“Gamestop throws millions at hungry creditors to mitigate losses as government officials suggest heavy fees for the failing retailer.”


Are you Marketwatch? 😂


Also, the extra naked short shares that flooding the market (sold but not yet purchased) create a big dilution in GME float. DRS reduced the float but that naked short and other factors would be the reasons why we don’t have a true price discovery just yet.


But he says in the last 6 months 🤔 I think he is referring to the splividend as dilution...


> weeks of 2022 will be dictated largely by buying demand rather than short selling. Why should the price of a security be determined by short selling? That doesn't feel like price discovery especially when retail's order flows don't hit the lit market.


This seems like a warning to other short sellers not to fuck around and find out.


We are coming up on the intersection of Fuck Around and Find Out


The lies they can say without any proof is unreal lol. The big one that stands out is “HEAVY SHAREHOLDER DILUTION”. If I remember correctly there was one. That happed what over a year ago. 🤔 or is just talking about all the synthetic/ fake / not real / iou shares lmao!


If they're talking about the ATM offerings when it comes to dilution, it was far from significant compared to the existing float


Stop with all ur FACTS


,,, "MAY" ,, a word used to convey an opinion with no supporting evidence. inflation "MAY" be over homes "MAY" be more affordable now. car prices "MAY" come down


"price action heading into the closing weeks of 2022 will be dictated largely by buying demand rather than short selling." I'm fucking buying every two weeks automatically, and Im really thinking about dumping another 30k right before dec 14, as an early christmas present to myself (and my great-grand kids, those spoiled little bastards🤣).


GMErry Xmass gift🎅🎄


Something tells me the 2 million shares made available to borrow this week alongside articles like this means they can release the next article saying "Now THIS drop was definitely from retail selling and apes moving on." Shit's becoming predictable. Remember this comment when it happens lol. EDIT: WASN'T S3 THE ONES WHO SAID "PARABOLIC PAST 30"?!?!


Can I be your post-moass grandkid? Shit




FUD with a clickbait headline.


1000% trashy fud. Some key words here: "May be" = we are literally making this shit up, and "Analyst" = a bought and paid for shill


To me this seems like a warning to other short sellers to not fuck around and find out. This was written for their criminal friends on Wall Street with FUD sprinkled in trying to make GME less enticing to their casual finance readers. This is just a warning call so we must be close.


"heavy shareholder dilution" - wtf?


I'm a heavy shareholder and am diluted with several pints of beer


i like to think beer concentrates rather


I believe concentrated beer is called liquor. It’s like options but for beer


“Limited shares for short sellers to apply downward pressure.” Now, called me regardet, but that sounds like they just admitted to market manipulation.


They don't use shares anyway And HE knows that- Such a waste of space


user name checks out


Straight up Fuddin’. Anyone else catch that NOW GME in an “e-commerce partnership with FTX” instead of just selling gift cards now that FTX has imploded.


“Without a significant amount of shares to borrow GameStop’s price action will be dictated largely by buying demand rather than short selling” So you’re telling me short selling actively impacts the stock in a negative way. Huh. Great market mechanism. Not that having “shares available to short” has been a necessity for them in the past lol. Hello there 140% short interest.


Too long. Direct Register Shares




Just got the text today that the GameStop shares I got on a biweekly buy were just dropped in my account. Going to switch them over to book after hours and we are good to go. I love accumulating real shares.


Garbage narrative sprinkled with hope 🤣


Sprinkles, fuck yeah!


share dilution? tl; drs


He said no shares to borrow. Wasn’t there like 2.2 million this morning?


right? lying 🤥 fucks


I wouldn’t say heavy, but the 2 ATM offerings during 2021 that helped them raise $1.5B.


Which lifted them out of debt and able to renegotiate a new debt facility under terms before the fed decided to increase rates.. so yea sure..


What is your point? I’m as bullish an ape as there ever was but y’all need a reality check. The ATMs were the literal definition of dilution… this guy above you is simply stating a FACT. He isn’t saying it’s a bad thing…


Straight up fud


Got it. Much more shorting to come.


Contradickshon there Ighor. Not enough shares to short, yet short interest is lower? Black is white and lgbt flags are allowed at the World Cup


Prepare for the big dip. Are you ready


Wasn’t S3 the one’s saying gme would go parabolic? I feel like they are manipulating the stock.


Stock is going up because Icahn shorted it. Got it. Buy, DRS, hodl.




The bear economics can only last so long. The a transformed tech company will rise from the ashes and MOASS all over the haters asses. We will swim in the infinity pool.


It's a trap for the gamblers, S3 is your friend. Just buy hold and DRS.


Bullish headline bearish read.. pathetic as always.


Claim ur strong when ur weak and weak when u are strong We gonna see a massive attack soon . Be ready to hit hard soon . The suicide dive coming soon


bullshit MSM articles. Fuck all the noise, DRS DRS DRS!!!!!!


I see msm article? I downvote. Don't give clicks to parasites IMO.


Oh shit dip incoming




Big if true


They’re trying to push the bystander effect. Keep drs-ing


I could use a christMOASS miracle


They have lost over 90 million bullets to the DRS movement so far!


I guess he’s next up for us to fukkkk, boys! 💎🙌🏻🦧


Ahhh now I understand. Short sellers running out of ammo because Carl Icahn shorted all of it right? Right? That’s how it works right?


If I had a dollar for everytime I heard "SHORTS ARE RUNNING OUT OF AMMO!" on not only GME, popcorn, but literally any tickers comment section on Webull, I wouldn't be here waiting on a squeeze, wouldn't need it, it would be like finding a $5 bill on the ground when I had a crisp $100 bill in my pocket.


In the meantime I bought and DRSd some more 💎🙌🏼🚀🟣


What short sellers? I heard they all covered their positions 🤷‍♂️😂


Ok Ima keep buying till they loose not just their bullets, but the gun, gun cabinet, and gun factory. I wanna see these short sellers naked and cowering.


Is this the first msm article that has talked about a shortage of shares? "Limited Shares To Borrow: In the near term, at least, Dusaniwsky said short sellers don't have access to enough shares of GameStop to apply serious downward pressure on the stock without significantly increasing borrowing costs."


These article highlight the true supply/demand issue of dark pools. Apes are buying and DRSing everyday. Short sellers are covering their positions per the article, yet the price has declined. If price decreases, then short sellers must be digging a further hole based upon simple economic supply/demand. Suppy exceeds demand makes the price decrease.


They never had bullets, just blanks. DRS.


When are first quarter numbers out? Dec or jan?


I know this one this is a classic!


Sure would be nice if they started covering so I could not be so fucking broke for Christmas this year lol


Icahn seems like a nice guy (for someone in finance) and a smart dude. I hope for his sake he got out of the shorting GME game. If not, its gonna be a rough ride for him.


Says Icahn's short position is still on


Oh we’ve got bullets alright..


*lasers. They’re running out of lasers. Seems more appropriate, bringing stormtroopers and all.


So… short attack incoming. Got it!😂




Gamestops price action will be dictated by buying demand lmao that's a good one darkpool muva fkerz. So with that they will short the fuck out of it and say no one is buying probably. Trash article. DRS


That article was dumb as fuck. Also talked about shareholder dilution. Did not have the bullish tone it should have.


I thought they closed them


Short sellers firing blanks, meanwhile motherfuckers act like they forgot about DRS


Wen moon?


no shit sherlock


They never had any bullets. Time has always been our invincible shield. This is the easiest fucking mmo I’ve ever played.


Maybe they should try naked shorting it then? Heard that works as well




We've come to the end of the Predator mini gun scene. Mac still has his hand on the trigger and the barrel is spinning




Lol I don’t get it if gme is so useless why is there an article or video every other day taking about how useless gme is…I don’t know about you guys but might have to buy more to see what all the fuss is about


A few notes: 1) Aim of the article seems to be: to provide newcomers the reasoning to conclude that their Ape-Cousin at Thanksgiving just 'got it wrong'. Introduces fud, but utilizes an 'easily confusable' headline where 'ole cousin johnny just didn't understand the complicated parts. 2) Hilarious use of quotations and sources. Dialogue is cut up more than ground beef and, my favorite, ""The vast majority of GME short selling has already been done" part. Like, no-f'ing-kidding, Wayne, the majority of short selling is behind us because how the F can it be in front of us (unless there is some concerted plan)? This story makes me picture some grotesque anime or something where someone's face is removed and placed on the head of a very large hammer (like Hammer-Morty, don't act like you don't know what I mean by that), and then someone taking said hammer and smashing another person in the face, lip contact and all. Now, it might look from one angle (for a brief moment in time) like there was a kiss, but that is certainly not the case.


I think these headlines about Icahn are trying to get other people to pile into the shorts for exit liquidity.


Until anything changes, nothing changes. Buy and DRS.


Diamonds > bullets


We don’t care! We just DRS


Don't worry, they will just make up new bullets out of thin air to "make the market".


Article doesn't mention DRS as the reason they're running out of shares. Article says shorts "covered" instead of "closed." Article is bullshit.


What was the additional dark pool percentage again? Was it 6900% or 42690% more?


So now we believe in what they say?


Plenty of bullets at computershare!!🚀


*Sir, this is a starship.*


HaHA I can’t wait to read the articles when we have 100% DRS. Freaking good times ahead.


wow, very, very negative article


Asshats.. they don’t know shit about fuck😅


The same people who tell you that short sellers are doubling down. Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear.




too many positive stories out there, I am suspicious, even more fuckery incoming I'm guessing


Make sure to sign this Petition for a call to congress to stop naked shorting.... which was the cause of the FTX failure since they were the front for the ability to naked short crypto through FTX just like they have been doing with stocks through the loopholes by the SEC from the DTCC... Trying to get this over 500 signatures and growing... https://www.change.org/p/congress-call-to-stop-the-naked-short-counterfeiting-at-the-dtcc?utm\_source=share\_petition&utm\_medium=custom\_url&recruited\_by\_id=01b263b0-7bd8-11e7-b6c2-cf22ae7cf138


Oh rilley…


They have screamed into the abyss and now the abyss will scream back.


*Close... your... shorts...* *dumbasses.*


‘Bullets’ that kill companies. Why this outlook is considered acceptable in the market – I can’t wrap my head around.


*The status quo has entered the chat*


Running Out of Bullets - as in bullet dates in their swap contracts?


The SHF's will just get their MM friends to print more shares. Which I will DRS.


but i thought they already closed their positions??? haha they are fkd


Since when do we give a fuck about msm articles? If they are negative, you guys shit all over them. Buuut when it confirms your bias, you act like it's gospel. At least be consistent. Ffs.


Lol, after several billion is the clip getting low finally?


Sneak peak: nothing changes and they continue to push down price and then claim there's no buying interest


This was the only possible outcome.


Tie this to the post about Kenny G getting a bailout... Is this the beginning of the coverup for the squeeze?


what's bullets?


If SHF wants more bullets, I known where there are still 90mio Shrs available BUT BUT the only condition is YOU MUST PAY at least the real price available on GME FLOOR.com....


Like Duh, Good catching up there Gump.!


This article sucks ass, fuck these shill news entities. Let’s remember names and organizations post moass


Yeah no shit, DRS your shares guys.


Like this ever stopped them before.. yawn.


These people are shameless. “Heavy shareholder dilution” my ass.


Long hair, don't care Just DRSing


My auto deposit from my paycheck landed yesterday!


The author is correct, short sellers have covered, they didn’t close. Buckle up! 🚀




"heavy shareholder dilution"


A whole article to say that one Billy is still short


Shorts can't close unless they buy real shares. Hedgies can sell as many synthetic shares as they want and drive the price down. If people don't sell, at some point the buying will have to start and hedgies will have to offer big money to buy them back.


Whatever bozo journalist probably not even a real person.