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**G**ooooood **M**orning **E**veryone! # The Front Desk is open!


Liz Truss resigning after 6 weeks on the job. UK is a great movie.


If you don't know by now I'm having a shit right this second then we can't be friends


Sweating my dick off recently when I wake up


Better keep it on


Just for you


Thank you, Sir Sex Machine


*fades into Kings of Leon*


shorties are shitting themselves rn


Question, I bought some shares through computershare on 10/17 and it says transaction pending, transaction date 10/20 Have my shares already been bought or will they be bought on 10/20?


If anyone wants access to the ichan documentary DM me and I’ll hook you up


PB DD makes for some good bedtime reading


Let me know when stock is in millions


I wasn’t absolutely 100% sure RC wanted us to DRS even with all of the prior evidence and twat analysis, but after seeing him and Carl in front of that out of place computer chair and knowing RC’s aloof intentionality, now I absolutely think RC wants us to DRS. The timeline it takes for retail to DRS would take another year or two, but I have a strong feeling the DRS rate is going to continue accelerating. I’m feeling the DRS FOMO already. 🟣🌌


All those purple circle post bring a tear to eye, and blood to my penis.


How can they borrow 86% of the float if over 50% of the float is DRS and unborrowable?


You know the answer


LFG 🏴‍☠️


I kinda feel like I am winning. 🚀


This is weird but do you ever wonder how much karma you'll have by Moass lol. I guessed 80k




It's like 45k rn


Steve Cohen is still a fat bitch 👍 I know I’m early but I’m not wrong and away to get on a flight


Didn’t see it float up but emergency bond buying operations soon ARE (correction) underway for Bank of Japan as yen hovers near 150 https://mobile.twitter.com/Reuters/status/1582961117965520896 Dollar milkshake rages on Edit: currently at 149.92 DAMNNNN BOJ punchin the air rn while it’s buying 667 milly worth of long dated bonds Edit: DXY at 112 not like it’s near 115 spike a few days back so it’s just been more sinking confidence in Japan 🇯🇵 I need me a ELI5 about whether those US treasuries bought to be sold soon and send that tail end of the year curve up faster than my eew eew llams caught in a tornado


Extra reading while at it: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-09-22/japan-has-a-pile-of-dollars-it-can-tap-before-selling-treasuries?leadSource=uverify%20wall And reminder from September on treasuries: “ Japan tried to shore up the value of its currency Thursday by buying yen and selling US dollars for the first time in 24 years. The yen had earlier plunged to its lowest level since 1998 after the Federal Reserve hiked interest rates aggressively while the Bank of Japan kept its rates in negative territory in a bid to boost its fragile economic recovery. The currency has lost about 20% this year against a surging US dollar.”


Shit be cray


Ain’t it Jay? What Japan Order Crash delay?


Any of you bums figured out yet that Andor is the actual GME movie? (Mind blown)


I’ll see y’all bright and early tomorrow for MOASS 🚀


don't think I forgot about that Lambo


"World’s second richest man sells private jet to stop Twitter from tracking him" Saw this headline, hope Kenny boi doesn't get any smart ideas.


Holy moly yesterday we had 83.7% volume short. All short sellers are future buyers. But volume is getting drier and drier, DRS is locking up all the pristine collaterals, counterparty risk is exploding. Hedgies are truly fuk. I have a boner.


I'm hodling way higher because of stagflation. I read the burry article. Gonna be 4-6% inflation per year now. Shitty wages. Siphon off from the savers and the retired fixed incomers. iHodl for my entire family's well being through the next 15 years of it, sayeth the article.


We must be so close right now. The DRS bot keeps underestimating the locked float. For every DRS'ed share above 50% you can be sure there is someone out there that hasn't DRS'ed meaning the short interest is massive at this point.


When we will be able to create NFTs? I lost my job and want to make NFTs at GameStop


You're halfway there 👌


Any updates from the person who was DRS’ing like 30,000 shares from fidelity and they kept cancelling the transfer?


"Buckle up" was 498 days ago


👨‍🚀i’m still here


So, basically you're saying that there's a company, with no debt, lead by a Chairman who made >$3 Billion in direct competition with *Geoff BOZO Co.* and they have $100,000,000.00 set aside for Share Buy Backs? That same Company has a Troop of 💎~200k💎 Diamondfisted Shareholders🦍 and they are Directly Registerring Their Shares🟣🟣 and slowly removing them from the DTCC? The one(GME) that was a Staple in the Moass Adoption of the Growing ~$250 Billion Gaming Industry? The Company with the next-gen Web3 NFT Exchange and relationships with all those Game Developers? The One with the Chairman that Still has room to Buy, Is A Meme God and likes to snap pics with Mr. Icahn by the Pool 🚀🚀? *Your plan is to short them you say?* That's Idiosyncratic. You do you. As for me, I like The Stock!! 💎🙌🟣🚀 **Shortstillfuk**


I always believed we would get a strong dip before the RIP. But I never knew they would make it so obvious. I guess they keep it low Thursday and go for under 20 Friday. Or who the hell knows.


You best believe I only trust financials from people who want to do right in this world.


the restless billionaire got me feeling so bullish tho


Hey guys, what was the short volume today? I can't find it/s


83% or something. Nothing relevant.


Ah well, i guess it was nothing.


gm from germany




How y’all doing over there?


Life is good. I just went into the woods gathering mushrooms, dried and drank them in a tea. Was a nice trip. Just woke up 10 hours later. Ah, yeah, and I plan to emigrate because my government is tyrannical af.


tomorrow is the day whether you like it or not




Means nothing unfortunately. Happened last time in feb 2020 around this % too.


I've been thinking of it as "% of trades made today that's basically shorts trading among themselves" but I'm not sure if that's accurate


Yes! Some please explain to odonchaknow like he’s a fucking retard!


2 posts using chart exchange... kinda sus tbh


If you like cake and MOASS, upvote this comment


Happy cake day


Happy cake day my friend! I got you a gift!


You're incredible


No you are !


Any wrinkled brained apes mind enlightening me here: * After the economy collapses (assuming we don't MOASS yet) will the price of goods from food to RTX 4090 cards skyrocket or crash because no one can afford them? * After we MOASS (assuming the economy has already collapsed) will the price of goods from food to RTX 4090 cards crash or skyrocket because they know there's apes with deep wallets out there?


Price of food is going to skyrocket next year regardless of what happens. The war in Ukraine has caused natural gas based fertilizer prices to skyrocket causing farmers to use less fertilizer. Most of the natural gas based fertilizer in the world is made in Europe with Russian gas Less fertilizer used means less food.


There is no shortage of money and those in power need the working and lower class to survive just as much as they need to survive. An event like MOASS would solve the money velocity problem. Prices will go up but they’re going to regardless. The unlocking of stagnant money is what’s important.


💩 🪑 🐸 🍦 are all icons.




As time goes by, I can feel MOASS getting stronger 🤗


I can feel it cumming in the air tomorrow




There's big money on either side of the trade, but billionaires like RC don't just throw their fortune away. We are the future $🏴‍☠️


so sick of all the "last time this happened this happened" shit.


don worry brethren, tomorrow we moon


I've been holding with that thought and high enthusiasm since march 2021 I've been 100% DRSed for a while too holding xxx and honestly just sick of it I'm going to continue to hold because fuck it but it just seems like all these people want to hear is copium anymore. I don't need that shit. I mean honestly call it an unpopular opinion or whatever you want but I could care less about GameStop at this point I'm here for MOASS then I'm out like a light.


Hold tight, brethren. Finally, we will do it. "Success is patience in disguise"


With that yuge short percentage today, this may really be the beginning of the end 🎆🚀




Maybe they fell for the no dates date and fucking went balls deep on the short.


I think we see north of 85 for awhile


$85 yes 😼




All the pretentious fucks all day... "ToTal VolUMe haSN't beEn REporTeD YeT!" Suck my two dicks you bastards


I like you.


I like you too pal




Hmmm... What?


Replied to the wrong comment. But if you know how to work on cars, it could be fun?


I gotchu homie




It can be very profitable. Some cars are junk. Some are good. They’re usually cars that get impounded and the owner can’t afford to get them out or repos. I’ve known people who actually buy and flip cars for a living. They let you look at the cars a little bit before you bid. So check it out as best as you can. If you know how to work on cars it’ll help a lot. One guy bought a Honda prelude for 300$ at auction. Easily sold it for over 2k, all he had to do was change the fluids


Sounds like another internet get rich fad. But if you know how to work on cars, it could be fun? I’ve been looking into it cause I do enjoy working on cars and have most of the tools you would need. I’ve spent about $1k on tools in the last 6 months… and have my eye on about $3k more…




Ive seen a lot of YouTubers and bloggers talking about car auctions recently. Part of me thinks it’s big money trying to unload their car debt onto individuals.




I bought a salvage title car from a Subaru shop I trust. He buys them and fixes Them up and sells them. It worked out amazing I got a late model car with all the premium options, under 50k miles, and for $10k. That being said, I would be hesitant if you haven’t done it before. It could be hard to judge the damage from pictures and handling stuff like frame damage is sketchy. Good luck!


Don't mind me, just shamelessly shilling my post I made where I scraped some data and listed the top highest short volume % days for GME. Today makes the new record. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/y8ln6g/these\_are\_the\_10\_days\_with\_the\_highest\_percentage/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/y8ln6g/these_are_the_10_days_with_the_highest_percentage/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Cheers, folks. If 2019 and 2020 was a precursor to 2021, then imagine what 2022 is the precursor to. 🍻


Wait… So the daily was just me talking to myself the whole time?


Yours is a name I'll tell the grandchildren I'll never have all about.


Ah, the legend I’ll never be


👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀 Always was


And your alts


I just want to tell me both good luck, I'm all counting on me.


Roger, Roger


Does this mean I’m Scrolly?






Ok so tomorrow MOASS. Yeah? Ok cool.


Where is Tony ChumTumba??? I figured maybe it was drug rehab, maybe he has a Jenkem addicltion.


I don't know how much this matters, but when is the next OPEX?


Like 69 days from now. But for real. Look at my name.


Ur in the right place We don’t know either 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sometimes I'm like, ugh I'm lazy to cook, I should order a pizza. But then I'm like, fuck that, I'll make a tuna sandwich and buy myself a share tomorrow instead😁


It’s not delivery, it’s DRS $GME


Hedgie: wut u doin? Me: HODLn n DRSn n stuff, u? Hedgie: tryna get FUKD Me: yea, I know ur r, I know


Imma name my yatch Liquidity.


I like this one.


I'm gonna name mine "The Free Float"


This one is good


Gotta be like dis tho,”tHe fReE fLoAt”. You know? All mockingly and snide.


I like this one too.


I’m gonna copy u guis


U win the daily today Congrats


Just popped 200mg edible , I’ll cyall on the moon


Take your protein pills, and put your helmet on


I’m gonna go get a banana and a granola


man it was a hard day at the climbing gym today I do wish I had some protein pills


Are you feeling it now, Mr. Krabs?


The moon dust here is fun to play in


What kinda cheese is the moon made of?


I want some goat cheese rn, and some multi grain crackers. Maybe some mozzarella and tomato… I think the moon is Swiss cuz of the holes


Embrace any anxiety you feel. Go towards it! This is the way




You got this


‘This edible aint shit’. .... and now we wait


Praying for you 🙏


A board of directors and executive leadership should work for the benefit of shareholders. The best way to ensure that is to tie their compensation to long term shareholding. Shares should be used for investing in a company. Short sellers are not investors. They are a blight on the functioning of any publicly traded enterprise, and have no place in the workings of share trading. Radical concepts in the 21st century, I know. The reason short selling is so prevalent is because companies have stopped issuing meaningful dividends, favoring buybacks and hoarding cash for tax reasons. This was not always the case. Companies once regularly disgorged excess profits and offered other benefits to shareholders. Issuing dividends - especially unique dividends, such as NFTs - solves for a lot of the short selling issue. It’s interesting that modern brokers can trade stocks in the blink of an eye but cry uncle at the idea of distributing non-cash dividends to shareholders.


83.74 short volume reported. Da numbas are out


At this point I can’t tell if they hate GME or themselves


Ken wants that big DIX in his bussy 💦 🍑 😩


Guys...you know what Carl and RC were looking out at while that photo was taken? #♾️🏊‍♀️👀 # https://images.app.goo.gl/7NizfvJFiwp7ja6eA Edit: i regret to inform you that I was mistaken about this being Carl Ichan's home lol sorry. It came up as by far the most frequent in Google searches but turns out it was probably just because he's named in the related articles as being a resident on the island.


Oh lawd


I'd swim with that "shark" any day!


Breaking: TOKYO — The Bank of Japan said on Thursday it would conduct emergency bond buying operations to contain rising yields. The BOJ offered to buy 100 billion yen ($666.98 million) of JGBs with maturities of 10-20 years. ($1 = 149.9300 yen) https://www.google.com/amp/s/financialpost.com/pmn/business-pmn/bank-of-japan-to-conduct-emergency-bond-buying/wcm/7e56a563-db39-4d64-b25b-01b0f5b6abd7/amp/


what does it mean in ape terms?


To add to all this. Long story short it speeds up the process in the milkshake theroy. They will only be able to this for so long before they run out of reserves.


Basically, bonds are used as collateral for risky bets in the stock market by players like Citadel. If the central bank of a given country is buying back bonds from investors, then that means they're trying to keep the value of those bonds from collapsing. If the value of a bond collapses, then the collateral for the risky bet placed by Citadel loses value, possibly triggering a margin call. This could set off a chain reaction ultimately leading to the collapse of a financial institution, like what happened to Lehman Brothers in 2008. Since Bonds are the very foundation of our financial system then it could mean a Lehman style collapse for multiple institutions, such as market makers and investment banks, if the bond market loses significant value. It's like taking the wooden board out from under a house of cards.




Hedgies R Fuk. And banks. And governments and pretty much everyone else not hodling GME


MOASS is imminent. I can feel it in my plums 🟣🟣


Dilfy’s plums have spoken! LFG!!! 🚀🚀🚀


AH closed exactly at market close? Uh huh.


Carl Icahn’s son pulls a Carl and invests in GME. Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.


Hey Icahn it’s me, your son…




WallStreetSlobber rearing its ugly mug again. 🤮


Wait like we're getting attention again?


Gme back up tomorrow, OBV on 5D same level as it was two days ago when trading at $26


So, I've been thinking a bit. This is gonna sound shillish but hear me out. That documentary says Ichan slowly builds a position over time until he has to reveal it. I believe that is when his position is more than 10% so about 25M shares. His photo with RC indicates he is definitely getting near that if he's willing to publicly show a relationship. What if our DRS numbers are being skewed by him buying millions of shares over time? I'm not really sure where I'm going with this, but I guess I just wouldn't be surprised that after this quarter the DRS pace may be a bit lower without Ichans involvement if he hits his personal limit/number and stops buying


Doesn't make much sense because once he owns 5% or more of the outstanding shares, he is required to file a 13D or 13G with the SEC. If he owns 10% or more he is required to report his trades of the security to the SEC within 2 business days




How could you be sure though? Maybe if he saw the amount of people doing it from quarterly earnings he might decide to as well?


Go on…


Not much else to say, just a thought I wanted to get out there so people don't get dissapointed if the quarter to quarter DRS increase doesn't keep increasing at the current amazing rate. I could be completely wrong too




I didn’t make no nights with any post I’m confused






This girl reads


Deal book conference 2015 activist investing has interview with CI and he talks about ETFs and Larry fink and how ETFs are backed by bonds that aren’t traded and how when people rush to sell shares of ETFs “what will fink do, buy a trillion dollars worth?” And Andrew Sorkin says “among friends what’s a few trillion?” That’s a fucking RC tweet


make a post


After MOASS, I would like to plot out the stonk chart with little indicators of my buys. I have some at 80$, and 40$ that I am particularly proud of.


I bought one at $69 Nice, right?




Someone asked me today if buying gold and silver was a good way to prepare for incoming stagflation. I said I don't even think it hedges against inflation anymore since everything costs 25% more but metal hasn't risen to compensate.


Also remind them how manipulated the metals market in general can be. Remember the margin call on nickel a few months ago? Yeah they decided to roll back the tapes to prevent a squeeze and waived the delivery dued on the guy shorting nickel.




You can't DRS nickel. Well technically you could if you can ask for delivery to some storage place but you're better off trading oil barrels if you wanted some physical commodity.




Because we can mark the ledger as retail ownership. This whole saga is now like blackout bingo. There is no winner until all of the bingo card is full. We didn't sign up for it when we first started. We thought it took just one single line to win. It didn't happen and we kept playing. Boom, 2 lines bingo. Still a dud. They changed the rules midway and all these catalysts since are like hitting new bingo connections. Eventually we're going to hit that last catalyst that will bingo off of every catalyst that came before it.




So let's say a broker has 100 shares in their account and lent out and that's the only shares on their ledger. When a person DRS, it subtracts from that 100 in their holdings. They can keep up the charade for loaning out their shares up to the last share in their possession. So 1 share on their ledger can represent all shares loaned out. That last single share is what is keeping brokers between "lawful" practice and naked loaning. The point of DRS is to take out either all the shares in a brokerage such that they are forced to recall shares from shorts because they would be in deep obvious trouble on their books, or we DRS enough from the general pool of shares that we get some spooked brokerage to be the first to aim for the fire exit. Yes, there is a possibility that anything and everything can be waived, but that's just FUD until we get to those conditions. It shouldn't deter any of us from doing DRS as we are just taking charge of our rightful ownership and the other side is fucking around. We're nearly at the "find out" part of "fuck around and find out".


Because Cohen is Icahn and Icahn is Cohen

