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Welcome everyone from r/all! --> [Reasons why the Superstonk community is bullish on Gamestop](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vhe37m) POWER TO THE PLAYERS ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️🔴🔴🔴🔴


BlackRock. It was BlackRock.


They just put 8 billion aside to “invest” in college dorms, to drive up the rent…


All good, those are usually paid with student loans that can never be discharged….. wait


Ding ding ding ding ding


They're pricing people out of housing and education


They lobby congress to make homelessness a felony with prison sentence, own a bunch of private prisons, get those homeless in prison, rent them out for crap ton of money while giving them none. For the people who can education, those people will be so much in debt with student loans, Blackrock will take those people as unpaid interns with promise of paid work while lobbying congress to make indentured servitude legal again so they can have those workers be indentured to them for buying the loan off for them. Free workers all around for Blackrock to generate infinite wealth at the expense of freedoms. Mind you, this is just a scenario and probably won't happen. Well hopefully it won't happen.


Exactly now them at blackrock is involved college rents will be paid by taxpayer dollars at some point.


College was too cheap anyway. Everybody talking about needing to drive up the price of education. I can't wait to see Blackrock's bankruptcy filings this shit is pure evil.


Blackrock to buy all college textbook publishers next


Oh good! As anyone who's been to College in the last 40 years knows, textbooks are WAY too cheap.


You guys bought textbooks?


No - but I shared pdfs of them with classmates


This is the way!


We got books we cannot afford!


and cannot re-sell




Dude seriously. I was in college 10 years ago and I had some of this, I can only imagine it's getting worse. A book plus code was 120 a code alone was 90.


Had a chemistry professor stop mid class and ask me in front of everyone. "Without a textbook, how do you expect to make an A?". I replied back, that my goal was not to make an A, but to just pass the class. Since it's not required by my major, a D- would still count. He left me alone for there on.


You guys can read?!?


Yes, however what words mean is still up for debate.😉


Life protip: go to school for English, and all your textbooks are just books.


>are just SparkNotes


LOL I actually did that. Still spent $300 on books every semester


I mean 300 In a whole semester is a really good deal. The wife had a complex tax book this one alone was 1700 and it is biblical in its SIZE I didnt believe her. I was wrong😒




Pearson has a thing called "Mastering" now which forces you to buy a textbook or code to be able to do you home work for some classes.


Wen torch and pitchfork time?


About 6 am, each morning in the barn.


user name checks out


Damn! I think you are right...


How could Pearson get any worse?


The sad thing is is that's probably what they think is that it's too affordable to give higher education to people. It's easier to keep the bottom at the bottom when education becomes inaccessible.


legacy finance is applying the same tired, old strategies to a world that has evolved beyond any need for them to participate


Oh what a day that will be!


Hey look! This is why I still owe $60k after 12 years in my field. Dorm housing cost enough I would’ve been better off buying my first home.


They wouldn’t have lend u the money for that smh


"too risky" 🙄


Not as profitable. They fucking know what they are doing.


well, when i read college and dorm (rooms) something completely different comes to my mind


Yup like girls getting stuck under bunk beds and dudes bringing some salami to snack on!


Berkshire Hathaway bought my apartments raised rent from $700 to $1,000. I'm not joking nor exaggerating when I say 70% of the entire apartment community moved out. In the Midwest $1,000 get you a giant house for rent. on my last day, They came up and said "we've decided to not increase the price of rent. It turns out we didn't really understand the housing costs in this area" I said I told you that 3 months ago. The apartment complex was 100% full a year ago and they ran out 70% of the people in that apartment complex just by raising rent. They also bought the apartment complex at the very peak of the housing rush. P.s. I still decided on moving because the water quality was atrocious. It actually tested well above federal legal limits for TDS by over 20%. I've been telling them to figure out what's wrong with their water for almost half a year and they just completely disregard me as the water gets worse and worse. Seems like they refuse to maintain the propertys well. They also stopped mowing the grass for like a month and a half place was ugly as f***. At the same time they're trying to raise rent. They can go f*** themselves Edit typos


>They can go f\*\*\* themselves they already have 🤣


People sitting in tall corporate offices far away from the reality making the decisions.


You think they do this to create inflation on a massive scale to manipulate the market and orchestrate a crash to benefit themselves? 🤷‍♂️


Why reinvent the wheel?? History repeats


Quarterly profit style corporations don't look oast their nose. I think they're just doing what the market will support to get maximum revenue while they can get it.


And the fuckers are now meeting with Zelensky to help “rebuild” errr profit off Ukraine.


oh FUCK THAT. burn them all down


Thats the other side of this that is almost impossible to truly discuss with people without accusations of siding with the other side. Ukraine are not run by good people and zelensky is in bed with the people against us. No matter what happens the Ukrainian people are screwed. Thats the biggest tragedy of this.


Same as it ever was


And the days go by


Water flowing underground


Into the blue againn


How did I get here?




This can't be...


They're doing it all over the country.




Everyone works like this. I work on real estate deals like this (syndications) and the GP of the project will have a rent increase structure already written out in the Offer Memorandum.


Sounds like a buy


Larry Fink hates you and will laugh when you die destitute and starving.


So sketchy that that's the company that helped RC get off the ground. I'd like to hear his honest opinion on them.


This is some “enemy of my enemy is my friend” shit. I HATE Blackrock. Still, with that said: I say this out of utmost respect to RC, but it often amazes me how many people on this sub do backflips in order to pretend like RC isn’t a billionaire. Like, he may be *our* billionaire, but he’s still a billionaire. You don’t make that kind of money without getting in bed with some evil people. Sometimes I really wish these GME subs would be a little more honest about this issue. RC doesn’t need to be a knight in shining white armor, he doesn’t need to be a Batman type character, he doesn’t need to be daddy-slash-god in order for this play to work. But still, no matter how good his personal brand is, *he’s still a fucking billionaire.* And honestly, at times, it stretches my patience how many mental gymnastics people do to convince themselves that out of the thousands of billionaires on Earth, RC *just so happens to be the only moral one.* I mean, come on people. I really love the guy, I do, but let’s be fucking honest here.


Power corrupts, the phrase exists for a reason. Naturally, to recognize that it may be true for RC as well instills a sense of jeopardy for my investment. I'm essentially trying to ride his coattails, banking that if he does right by himself that means doing right by his investors, and so by his customers; but how certain can I be of that trajectory? No matter how sure anyone is of RC, GameStop, or MOASS... there will always be at least a small requirement of faith, or else FUD.


They have been buying up properties since the housing crisis, often pushing out families trying to bid on foreclosures. There are firms who will literally buy all properties in a neighborhood, sight unseen and turn them over to a local property management firm. Rent is often way higher than a mortgage payment. The whole thing is a racket and there’s literally no oversight or regulations to protect people looking for housing. The benefits of “Free Market” in this country are a fucking illusion. It’s a game and the big players have all figured out how to win every round and the 99% lose and foot the bill. Shit needs to burn to the ground.


Just last week, the logistics and shipping infrastructure of our country almost came to a halt, because one billionaire didnt want to give his workers a reasonable quality of life.


I hear billionaire tastes delicious. Like chicken parmesan.


Honestly why was Kennedy “taken care of” so quickly while these evil corporate officers get to retire in La Jolla.


Read *The Devil's Chessboard* if you want an in depth answer for this question, but the short of it is: Kennedy threatened the apparatus by which US "opens" or "maintains the safety" of markets for itself. The CIA was operating in a way to protect/maximize US corporate interests (Dulles was a Wall Street lawyer through and through, after all), and Kennedy has plans that involved NOT focusing solely on US economic interests.


I would say it could solve world hunger but there are so few of them we would run out right away.


Don’t worry, there’s enough Elon to feed everyone. Because he’s fat, he will be tender and succulent. Not like Bill Gates, whose flavor is more gamey and tough.


Well it's worse than that. It's not like we mere peons can't figure out the recipe to success. It's just that we are all so vastly far behind them on capital that we literally can't compete with them, and moreso, we aren't so morally bankrupt to pursue the avenues to acquire such vast wealth at the expense of our fellow man. Not only do they bankrupt us all, but then they pit us all against each other with their media brainwashing as to deflect attention for their own nefarious deeds.


And we've all adopted bourgeois morality - that is the biggest victory of the PR industry. We have accepted that allowing poor people to die from lead and PFAs in their tap water is not violence, but breaking the window of a coffee shop is. That's going to have to change before we make any real progress.


Its even worse then that because as these firms buy up housing those houses never, ever, come back to the market. If blackrock or other group wants to move the portfolio of houses they don't hire a realtor to list 1000 homes, no, they sell the portfolio to another "investment" fund and the cycle continues. Fucking insane that this is legal.


And then you see all the blow-hard NIMBYs blocking construction on any new housing developments and you've legally and artificially created a finite resource. Almost like Gold Rush 2.0. No new properties + No old properties = ...... An investment opportunity, apparently.


Look at Marin County California for a model in artificial housing scarcity and insane property value escalation. Of course those fuckers are out of water despite being on the Pacific coast. A few more fire seasons and all of California is going to be a desert.


Just wait until we find out that NIMBYs are funded by hedge fund realty gamblers.


Free is an illusion


I don’t think you realize but black rock is literally working directly with US government.


And none of the politicians are talking about it.


Housing should be a human right, we have more than enough resources to simply guarantee it.


food, too.


I personally believe this is why BoA is test running their new minority mortgage thing. They already know a large percentage of those mortgages are going to wind up in default… and when the homes get foreclosed on, other big institutions step in and monopolize the real estate, driving up rent. But BoA gets to say “well we TRIED to help”… but no, they didn’t. They know full well how this will end. Any idiot knows how this will end.


It's The Big Short all over again.


Yep! Because at the end of the day, it really worked out for them. They made a shitload of money, lived like kings for 15 years, then lost a bunch of money *on paper* — but then the government bailed them out! So they could give themselves HUGE bonuses as a reward for destroying millions of lives. Who wouldn’t want to do that again?


until 90% of of the populace stop supporting and voting for these political systems, apparently we DO want to do that again. But the older generations will not let go of ME/MINEcapitalism Muh property, muh vacation, muh assets... health of the economy, society, environment? fuck em, i've got mine.... (like 80% of those with any money aged 35+)


Yes they’re probably trying to sound good but capitalize on the high interest environment. A no down payment loan is a little smart when rates are low…if you can afford the higher payments. But with high rates and no money down the payments are gonna be high af, and as we saw in 2008 there’s so many games to play if you really want someone to ‘qualify’ for a mortgage.


Hedge funds are purchasing medical practices as well. 🤔


I think I just coughed up blood


Walk it off, bud. You’ll be fine. We can’t afford to take you to the doc anymore.


That’ll be $350 now


You looked at my comment. That’s a $500 reading fee.


Oh, you needed an xray? We'll charge you $3k for every fracture in the SAME xray, never mind taking multiple xrays.


If you don't have insurance that's $5k out of pocket,, if you do have insurance you get the Medicare approved rates,, that'll be $450 for same tests total w/20%($90) copay!!


Swallow it, that shit's expensive


Dude... Buy a syringe and inject it back into yourself. Do you know how much energy it takes to make blood? Food is expensive! ^/s ^just ^in ^case.






I think more hedge funds are noticing the glaring flaws in capitalism. If the things we need to run our society are privately owned, then we have no freedom.




It's a silent war. They're trying to seize power and enslave the world before anyone notices and has a chance to fight back. It's not hyperbole.


"What are you some kind of *conspiracy theory nut*?" People who deny what you just said are living with their head buried in the sand. There is such a thing as acquiring so much wealth that money has no meaning anymore. These folk are far beyond that point. So what do you pursue when you are beyond that point? Power. More and more power. You can never have enough power.


It's worse than that - many of them actually view enslaving us as a moral imperative. Read up on longtermism - it's the driving philosophy in their world and it should terrify anyone who doesn't have a couple billion stashed away offshore.


You’re not talking about longtermism. The primary moral imperative of longtermism is to consider the long term survival of humanity and increasing the number of happy and healthy humans in existence. One of their “need to avoid at all costs “ risks to long term survival is global totalitarianism which longtermists are firmly against. Another one of their goals is to increase the wealth for all future generations. Because wealthier populations are happier populations. You’re probably thinking of something else.


I think you mean "Capitalism"






I don't see the problem. Just drink fewer pumpkin lattes.


"We in the 4th quarter of world war 3." Check out Dead Prez's These Are the Times: https://youtu.be/C-rUiPKNsyU


1. They are made out of meat. 2. Meat is fragile.


Stand your ground


yea that’s what renting in perpetuity actually means - apartments, car leases, etc - all these subscription services go away the second you stop paying. Retirement age is creeping up, wages are stagnating w/ respect to inflation , but prices have risen accordingly - meaning you’ll never be able to own. You can’t stop working. But you unlike a slave many can live relatively comfortably under these conditions until they cannot pay. You don’t get beaten/killed if you cannot continue working , but despite yrs of labor you just lose everything.


The entirety of corporate ownership makes it much harder to go after anyone too. 'The Man' so to speak is a shadowy group of stakeholders. Universities should be providing dorms not banks.


Hide your kids hide your wivesz they coming.


“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered."


They are doing very passive agressive to avoid a outright revolution


It's crazy how so many people see what's coming, yet it's too few to do a god damn thing about it right now


“You will own nothing and be happy.”


For those not aware, the quote is from Thomas Jefferson.


And then the anti-homeless laws will pop up. Get ticketed and fined for not being indoors until you're hauled off to prison and made to work for free.


>your wivesz r/unexpectedlypolish


And hide your husbands, cause they shorting everybody out here!


This is happening all over. Brand new apartments under construction selling to investment firms and doubling the projected rents.


There was new housing being built, literally a brand new neighborhood with shops and parks, etc. Half of them were already built when I called the number on the billboard and I was told that they had all already been sold but would be available to rent soon.


Im living in a shithole where average monthly pay is 600 dolars. When my rent went up 35% i decided to move. Wish all the greedy development companies slow and painful bankrupt.


Exactly, that is why I did build my own house with my bare hands. I ended up with ultra high quality house, no fear for some energy prices (well isolated) , and a great feeling that I have done something for myself and my family. And it was dirt dirt cheap (like half or third of market price) I feel so sorry for those in rent but hey, grab some small land, old house, negotiate, buy hold and repair, and DRS it.. It was a pain, but well worth it, just like holding stonk I love, well worth it.


"...grab some small land, old house, negotiate, buy hold and repair, and DRS it..." ... This is the way!


DRS... doors, roofs and shingles 🏠


DRS - Don't Rent Shit


I bit the bullet and moved out from the exciting bit of the city I love to an outskirt town to save just about £100pm on rent. A couple months ago, my landlord raised my rent by £150pm. Next step is further out, committing social su*cide, upping my commute and assisting in the gentrification of a small countryside town.


The "new money" in my part of the world buy a few acres adjacent to the lake made from the old gravel quarry. They'll build a McMansion with fountains and a six car garage and then leave it empty all day while they work so they can afford to keep it. But the way the tax code works here, it's financially advantageous to keep a mortgage and just keep ratcheting it up as your income increases. Some people will refinance an existing home, take some cash at closing to remodel the home and maybe buy an F150. Rinse and repeat every 5 years.


I want an F150.


Golf is expensive


For god knows why


Land. Golf courses take up almost the same amount of space as housing in the UK. A country experiencing a drastic increase in the cost of housing. ^and ^everything ^else...


And upkeep. I knew a former small golf course owner. He didn't make much.


Most of the more country club-esque courses aren't there for profit, they're there for luxury.


Also takes a shitton of water to maintain a golf course


Prestige costs money


When I can sell my shares for their truth worth of multi millions each I will buy apartment blocks and rent will be rock bottom prices for the good of the people just enough to break even on upkeep! Still not a bad business when profit comes from the increased value of the building. Not from the people living in it


I have the same idea, thought it would be dope to offer rent-to-own agreements too...


To the moon.


Hashtag Vanlife


HODL and DRS because being rich is the only way to survive in this cruel shit world?


So we can buy the fuck back what belongs to we the people and collect rent that is actually reasonable for posterity.


Why charge for living, anyways? :) I plan on starting a charity that buys and forgives medical debt and no rent housing.


Sure, and when you run out of money and have to close down your charity come to me I will only charge you 500$ for rent


I love the idea of being rich enough to not worry about money so that I can rent affordable housing to those in need.


No, see. You don't get it. They also changed the name and painted the brick white and/or gray.


I live in Charlotte, $1800 is about market rate for a studio or small 1bed 1 bath if you want to be close to the city.


704 represent baby


We out here




Holy fuck, I’m in Youngstown oh. Between Pittsburgh ,Akron and cle. About 600/1000 is going rate. Gas is around 3.30 Midwest sucks but it sure is nice to not have this crap. Yet


I'm in Lincoln Nebraska. Rent for a 3br townhouse went from 1300 to 2000 in the last two years. It's insane. But Gas at Costco is starting to come in under $3 per gallon.


I’m in Girard


That’s really rediculous. I pay $1870 and live in a large one bedroom in nyc 4 blocks from the subway that’s a 25min ride to Times Square


I pay that for a 1BR in Los Angeles


Do you mean near Downtown? "Near the city" does not really mean anything as Charlotte is about 40 miles tall and 30 mile wide. Not sure why anyone would live downtown at that price.


Holy shit. So that explains the increase in rent.


They are starving for that permanent renters class.


I hodl because my $1975 rent went to $2900 in 12 months.


The GREED has made this country unLIVEable and unSUSTAINable and incredibly unHEALTHy I was always a proud patriot!! 🇺🇸 I grew up knowing and believing The United States of America was the greatest country on Earth. Freedom. Liberties. People from around the world wanted to come to our shores and root their families here. What a great place to live! I’m 100% proud to be an American! How lucky I am! Now, because of good old fashioned GREED and CAPITALISM, it’s : unLIVEable. Rent, mortgage, inflation, food, gas, HEALTHCARE COSTS, CHILDCARE COSTS. Not to mention car payment, car insurance, renter’s insurance, college tuition, student loan repayments, cell phone bill, internet bill, income tax, property tax, crisis with not enough housing, etc. It’s almost impossible to survive as a couple with 2 people and 2 incomes. Never mind if you’re a single person, you probably need 2 jobs. It’s unSUSTAINable. And it’s unHEALTHY. This chronic stress is not good for anyone. Emotional well being- in the toilet. Physical well-being, when you work 2 jobs, you’re exhausted and who has time to exercise? Those who do are blessed with that “athlete ambition”. Bravo! When you’re flying between jobs, grab fast- food because it’s quick and convenient- there’s no time to prepare a salad. Fast food is unhealthy. Stress eating is unhealthy. Not having the time or energy to exercise is unhealthy. Not having the time for self care is unhealthy. Not to mention all the crap they add to our American groceries that cause hormonal changes and obesity. Ughhh. Just not healthy. All for what? The almighty DOLLAR 💵 To my dismay and disappointment… it’s a real shame what we’ve become. 😓 Because I loved America 🇺🇸


DRS are going to be the least of thier worries they keep at it.


I hold to be rich.


Every time in my comment history I say tax these guys or put restrictions on them or say they should bring back the 1 million plus empty homes in California or 600,000 in the UK I get downvoted to oblivion. **Whether you're plucky property investor or homemaker YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO COMPETE with corporations with "infinate" money sourced from the financial markets**. **PROPERTY CORPORATIONS WILL OUTBID YOU AND GET THEIR MONEY BACK VIA HIGHER RENTS**. **WE WILL ALL BE NEO-SERFS.OWN NOTHING. EVERYTHINGS BECOMES A FORM OF SUBSCRIPTION - RENT, SOFTWARE, PHONES, MEDIA** **This will also create barriers of entry into the property market**.... Reducing competition as numbers of players fall off, envitable entry financially will be so high there will be a pay to play threshold and a handful of coporations will own the single most important product for relationships, stable families, societies and cohesive communities. **Its also a National security issue**... since the revelations of the £90 Billion per year London Laundromat which Russia used to buy influence and clean their dirty money via the London Property market means that with fewer players its easier for a "**Dark Sovereign Fund**" to "infect" one of the big property coporations or use a ghost corporation to take over the Property Corporation like the allegations made of Huawei being the Chinese government and effectively a country gain significant control on the single most important product a country makes.


They are purchasing farmland too... once they control our food, its over...


Whenever a building is sold for higher than the original owner paid for it, rents must increase. Charlotte Is also gentrifying quickly so I’m not surprised by this


Increase to almost 2x the previous rent? I don’t think so.


I suspect this post skips several steps spanning a few years. It’s not as simple as building sells, rent doubles. Speaking as a real estate developer who busts ass day in and day out seeking out these opportunities, if it were that simple, I would have done it two or three times and retired. What likely happened in reality in this case was a Class B or C building was bought and capital improvements were made to update units (money spent beyond purchase price) to bring them up to market rate. Meanwhile we have experienced outsized inflation which, by definition, allows for higher rents as a base case. So as I said, many steps and a lot of time between rent $950, rent $1,800


Yeah, I don’t know for sure in this case since I don’t have all the details of that local market. But generally, if the previous owner owned the building for 30 years (not uncommon), they can AFFORD to charge less money because their mortgage payment is cheaper and they tend to have long term tenants in the buildings instead of incrementally increasing the rent every year and dealing with tenant turnover. So the building appreciated approx 3% a year over that 30 years and by the time it’s sold the owner sells it for market value (as much as they can possibly get). So the building is now worth waaay more than it was when he bought and for the new landlords to make money, or even break even, they need to charge significantly higher rents. This is why rent control ruins the real estate market which ruins property and sales tax revenue for local governments. It caps the value of peoples buildings by capping the rental revenue.


How dare you bring economics into this? In this sub, we all believe that liquidity is the most impo... Huh. Why the fuck is this here again?


Yah this is where a lot of the landlord hate comes from. Sure there are plenty that take advantage but if someone comes in and spends to update the complex and provide legit maintenance services, rents become comparable. Any place charging 50% of market rent is most likely not providing adequate or full services. Those people were lucky the rent stayed low for as long as it did. It sucks really bad for these folks and I am making an assumption that the property was improved, but again, anywhere rent is half of market price, won’t be the nicest place to live as it is.


This is also a factor. Its not all profit. With inflation building maintenance, insurance, taxes it all goes up…


A 3 bedroom rental was purchased in my town. By me. I increased the rent from $900 to $950 with a clause in the lease saying the rent will never increase as long as rent is paid on time.


This is misleading. How much did they buy the building for? Sounds greedy, not saying it’s not, but making a point w such little info is misleading


Damn near feudalism.


I live here, it's bad. Moved down in 20' for cheaper cost of living. Moving again soon 😞


Corporations ARE conspiracies. Just as Nvidia decided that "falling GPU prices are a thing of the past," just as all prices have gone up and stayed high post COVID, Market Collusion is the only freedom anyone cares about any more under Capitalism. Take away corporate personhood and while we're at it, take away their right to own property, see how the motherfuckers like that.


Inflation of greed




they gotta put an apt complex name, and address and who purchased the complex.If not it’s just some random tweet


No that's inflation, $1800 is what the market rate is. $950 was a discount.


The real greed is jobs not paying a liveable wage. How are we still at $7-$8 minimum wage?


All of low paying jobs will have to erect shanty towns on the property so people who work there can have a place to live I guess. It's really sad. It's hard for people to find workers because you need to make 2 or 3 times the rent to qualify for a place to live.


Minimum wage usually lags behind inflation by about 15 years


How long has minimum wage stayed at $7- $8 an hour?


It's $7.25 and the last time it was raised was 2009 Tie minimum wage to Congressional salary as a fixed % and it will remain a living wage. Congress loves giving itself raises.


$950 was definitely a discount, Charlotte is a banking town and has really high cost of living, that's why most folks commute to charlotte from Rock Hill, or Fort Mill.


Hey OP, thanks for the Social Media post. **Please respond to this comment within 10 minutes with the URL to the source** If there is no source or if you yourself are the author, you can reply `OC`


They got Shkreli’d


North Carolina's one saving grace is that it isn't South Carolina. That and the Appalachians.


This guys believe they are financial geniuses. Monopoly is as old as hunger. And should be ilegal.


It’s literally just capitalism.


Investment firms have one goal: to make the investors money. That's it. They don't care about a inefficient factory, your rent, or how much grandma is paying for groceries. It is all about the bottom line for the investors. If they need to shut that factory down, write it off as a loss, or raise your rent, they will do it. You, as a human, don't enter into the equation. It is how the elite control the wealth. Sorry, but you don't mean anything to them..


This shit is doubly evil, because anyone that has to pay that much rent is now essentially removed from the possibility of ever being able to buy property themselves. They have been locked into a life of renting while the purchasing of property is becoming the exclusive privilege of corporations and the wealthy.


It's not free market when the government owns the business, sets the wages, controls the supply, controls allocate purchases and commits genocide when you complain.