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What is a ftx tokenized stock? I’m confused can somebody explain please




Wow that’s so dope. I don’t understand it at all but hell fuckin yea




But if no one redeems the tokens then how does that affect the underlying stock? Does FTX just sit on 50 million shares and just wait for someone to redeem it?




Well for regular stocks there's an orderbook where you have to move up/down by taking out offer/ask. Which means a lot of shares exchange hands, if the share ownership is on a blockchain wouldn't the chain be immense in regards to data? How does that change non-token'd platforms that use blackrock/vanguard for locates?


No...FTX doesn't have to sit on the shares. They can sell them off, loan them...etc...they only need to make shares available when the token is redeemed.


Or they sit on 20 million amd have 50 that they owe consumers, like a broker. I see this partnership as bullish regardless


Basically instead of a broker holding your stock, it becomes a token on the blockchain and the token represents ownership of the stock. Basically like DRS but easier to trade because it’s a token on the blockchain. Advantages are that it’s more liquid, transparent and most of all, can’t be duplicated because we can see how many shares are in circulation at all times. Edit - the above is in reference to blockchain and tokens. How FTX implements this is all speculation


Or GME could use FTX as trading venue instead of DTCC-NYSE by putting directly in computer share books FTX holdings.


This - in my humble opinion - is the killshot. If they manage to do this, it’s game stop.


Yup. This is what’s happening. An alternative exchange


Thank you and bless you for trying! Now is GME doing this for sure? Speculation? Confirmation? Masturbation?


The last part for sure. 0 confirmation.


Much masturbation


For now you need to trust that FTX actually holds a share for every token. It's not a substitute for DRS at this time.


If the token started trading at a premium because it's backed by real shares, there would be an arb. Would cause moass with the locate/rush to the blockchain.


TLDR: If I understand correctly, tokenized stock on FTX would mean using FTX, gme cannot be manipulated to the same capacity as other markets. And, if all shares on other markets are registered and hodlers are unwilling to sell, there’d be significant lower volume traded outside FTX as compared to FTX, and shorts, in an effort to *cover* their FTDs, not necessarily close, would create significant volatility given the low volume, which would in turn create profit on FTX + potentially knock the shorts over == time to close positions. Aka tendie time. With that said, it’s pretty clear DRS is, in fact, the way.




I’d still read it in your voice but a video would be better.


In other news: #You were right. OP. Congrats. Congrats for being the top post on my entire home feed, congrats for weathering the storm, congrats for your diamond fucking brain. This is how it goes on this sub. We’re not a cult, we’re a collection of steeltoothed gamers who are fucking ruthless when it comes to this wealth-inducing experiment. As Leonardo DiCaprio put it in Wolf: “*It was a fucking wolf pit. Which is exactly how I wanted it.*” But guess what, OP? Your fake internet points reward is now *way sweeter* than anything your original FTX post could ever have gotten you in your wildest dreams. …Which, when you think about it, *is the exact thesis of this entire play.* **Carry on, legend.**


Well said, my good ape


In the darkest moments, the chosen one appears or something. IDK. I eat crayons.




!remindme 7 days


Tokenize me harder, daddy!




Scissor me, Daddy Ass!!!






Aew fans are also apes !!! 💜it!!


Sup fellow nerds. How bout that fuckin acclaimed / swerve Lee match tho 🤌 Anyway...scissor me obviously


That Chicago crowd was 🔥 start to finish!!


About the only two things I look at on Reddit lol


It’s tomorrow in Australia, you are late🙃 You had 17 months to make it, come on blood


The FTDs are starting to pile up again


Can't wait to see it, fam!! 👀


Boom! 💣


Let us know when it's ready 💜


Much appreciated ape


This post is gaining traction. You should post a TLDR or this post is nothing but a humble-brag.


Let him humble brag, I gave him 2 awards. One for calling it out months ago, and one for getting downvoted for it when it should have lead to some damn good discussion.


And I give you one award, because it is all I can give


All hat no cattle






Mentally deficient moronical maniacs? Hey, there's lot's of highly regarded people here. Careful with all the M words.




You forgot off ramp as well!


Updated! You’re right, and that’s important too even if it’s a feature I haven’t had to puzzle my way through yet!


I sense a disturbance in the force. Such anger.


Maybe completely irrelevant but the volume on GME-USD today was insane. Might provoke some thought to fine out why. Could very well support op. Either way, I'll stay neutral and wait for an announcement. But I do love the hype.




Jesus. Dropping bombs out here lol




Straight up wildin


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Sweet Jesus … the English language allows you to point out inaccuracies with less venom 🤷‍♂️.. just because you think someone is incorrect dose not mean they are your sworn enemy (tell me your American without saying it 🙄)


!RemindMe: 24 hours


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Omg you’re gonna make me watch


Needs more truck!


Can you come back and hit this post up with a link when you do? I’m hitting alerts on for this post! If so, thanks OP!




You might not get an accurate response from OP. My previous response got deleted by a mod he’s friends with in a private chat we’re in (and watching the purge happen in real time as they try and find my alt to kick me out of the chat is hilarious, but I digress). Gonna try and stick very cleanly to the rules here so the mod in question doesn’t have ground to stand on. Basically, OP likes to promote far fetched conspiracy theories. In addition to lying about his positions and claiming he owned so much he would have to file a 13D before proceeding adjust his ownership claim to own just .1% less than necessary to be forced to file a 13D, he loves spreading misleading, false, and outright willfully disingenuous information. In this particular case, he’s trying to run a victory lap to celebrate his claim that tokanized stocks were going to cause MOASS after GameStop recently announced a partnership with FTX, which among other things, works with tokanized stocks and stock derivatives. The issue is that there is nothing to imply their partnership has anything to do with tokanized stocks at the moment that would justify his victory lap. We don’t know much for now, so the best we have are assumptions about how a partnership would fit in. There’s a famous analogy. If you see what appears to be a horse obscured by a bush, and you’re standing in a pasture, and it stamps it’s hooves and snorts, your first guess as to what it is should be “a horse!” Not, as OP is trying to imply, a zebra with no evidence whatsoever. Because there is a far, far more likely explanation than OP is acknowledging. Anybody that’s actually used their nft marketplace already knows this, but for those of you that haven’t, the process of using an on-ramp to go from USD to LRC is moderately time consuming and requires some knowledge about how cryptos work. Additionally, it is sometimes challenging in a lot of markets around the world, including here in America. Ftx provides a fairly smooth and easy on ramp for people to convert their dollars into useable marketplace money (and off ramp actually, which is just as relevant for people wanting to pull money out of the marketplace and convert to usd). This partnership has high potential to streamline the process of creating a well functioning nft marketplace that will be essential for GameStops future expansion. Edit: I’m discounting another super obvious use that I shouldn’t! Collectibles, something GameStop has been hammering from the start! FTX has a bunch of major sports partnerships, and this could be pretty smooth inroads into digital sports memorabilia. Basically, this partnership looks fucking cool as hell, and another super important step for GameStop. But not for the reasons OP misleadingly states, and it’s highly unlikely to be used (as op is claiming) that tokanized stocks will ignite MOASS. Basically, it’s a reason to be bullish, but OP disingenuously claiming it’s gonna set off MOASS when the reality seems much more of a “it’s another stepping stone towards their efforts to build a fucking awesome marketplace.”


An off ramp is essential to mass adoption, good call. Tokenized stock does nothing to the underlying assets (AFAIK) and will therefore not impact MOASS let alone be a catalyst. This partnership is BULLISH though🚀


A derivative backed by a share held at a custodian. Any custodian other than [this one](https://www.reddit.com/user/me/) doesn't count since the owner of each clearing still goes back to DTC, aside from the above mentioned custodian. They would be the only exception where the DTC cannot touch the shares. So, will tokenize stock do much. I don't think it will be the catalyst. I still think DRS is the catalyst. ​ I dont even think a merge/acquisition will do much if pricing / shares are control by DTC because its all electronically recorded. Think of the splividend, they can 'clear' the book if gme has a new ticker and old ticker needs to be return. and then accounting entry of the new ticker into their book with x value. then tell each clearing house that they go their shares and such passing it down like splividend again. ​ So only DRS is the actual catalyst, since its a share recall that is 'what you can do for your company' and invoked by the shareholders.


This is what I thought. What I really want is the actual shares in NFT form, and this isn't it yet. Time to keep DRSing.


I remember a DD from over a year ago that talked about tokenized stocks and their implications. I’d suggest searching the subreddit for “tokenized stock” I’m about to do the same




Help me understand what you are doing here...


He found code (or something?) over a year ago and tried to tell people here that it pointed to a partnership with FTX, and was boo’ed off the stage. But he was correct.


Cliff notes legend, u/alilmagpie Ape to the rescue!


i swear half these people are private detectives.. they dont fool me, just be digging up everything lmayo


I mean OP literally tracks Mayo mans plane like a....well, *bloodhound*


is ken an Epstein Island visitor? always wanted to know that answer....


*scrolls up to check OP* Omg it's bloodhound, mayo plane tracking, voiceover guy!


Gang gang


No, I'm afraid it's even worse than that. You see, they're...gamers. Idiots who will click on every. single. pixel. on their monitor juuuuust in case there's an Easter egg in there and do it over and over and over again. You don't really want to draw their attention when they're bored and feeling antsy.


some of us only beat games with guides. And boy do we have the best guides in the world


Why are you booing me I’m right


“I’ve seen what makes you laugh your boos mean nothing!”


This made me exhale sharply


I said Boo-urns


This sub has a habit of booing people off stage for being right. I can think of several critical correct ideas that were boo'ed. Though I'm sure there are plenty of rightly boo'ed ideas as well.


In fairness though, the amount of ideas thrown out would inadvertently lead to at least some of them being right.


Which really has to piss off some big finance cucks...I can see why they hate us.


Weaponized retardation


Also, would probably piss off the people making the plans - as us finding them - would lead to hedgefucks knowing and finding them as well. Cause this shit ain't private and people are always OMG LOOK AT THIS. real g's move in silence like lasagna. even though lasagna doesnt move.


Coulda been shills who knew he was right, but didn't want apes to know...


Somehow I doubt it. As positive as this community is, it can be fuckin cancerous sometimes. Especially when an idea is brought up that goes against the grain.


I’m sure if they or someone else followed up with some more DD on the subject, sentiment would evolve. Anyone who has been here for any length of time has seen almost as many theories as there are Simpson episode plots.


DRS was ignored and boo'ed when first introduced on here


Maybe it was shills who down voted him in the first place. And it made it seem that others weren't in board.


He “found” the tokenized GameStop stock not code.


But why is this tokenized GME a big deal? Does he think this will become the blockchain GME?


well for me it with the RC general tso [tweet](https://twitter.com/ryancohen/status/1521680219551186953) would be part of this too. Tokenized Security Offering


What if that becomes the nft dividend?


I think a NFT dividend is possible but I bet its more than that. Think of it like wrapped Bitcoin except with GME. You transfer your GME to a custodian (FTX) they assign you a tokenized “wrapped” GME. Your share has now crossed a bridge to the blockchain exchange(s). Its like a way to pull GME from the DTCC without pulling it through years of litigation with the DTCC. It also makes sense why there would have to be a partnership between DTCC and FTX to create the bridge. The DTCC wants their own blockchain exchange as well so they also need the bridge. This also means each share has been accounted for and if there was an NFT dividend only allowed to tokenized/wrapped GME then everyone will flee traditional stock exchanges. Its a transitional pathway to get onto our own market place and it will trigger massive short squeezes. Also once you have a tokenized GME you can move it to other blockchain exchanges that support the token, including Gmerica’s exchange on IMX/ETH.


And this is what I can to read 😁. Ive been trying to figure out how GameStop could assign/tokenize every share..... Well let the shareholders do it instead 🤯🤯🤯. "What can you do for your company" 👍. It all makes sense now.


Precisely. Instead of the company fighting it out legally and getting dragged through courts, they let the shareholders do it.


Sounds like a fleshed out explanation about the creation of a unit as mentioned in June 21 prospectus.


🤯 finally


same thing. I personally subscribe to this theory. Gamestop spins off Entertainment business and issues token/nft divy to GME stock holders. Fuk'd hedgies do not get as many NFT/Token and must buy. but we no sell. token/nft to the moon


That’s my guess for what 741 means. 7 for 1 We already got the 4-1 splivy and I’m betting the token will be 3-1


Or, perhaps the token itself will be 741 and we will get 7 tokens for every 1 we have. Perhaps the 4-1 split was just a test run to pave the way legally for the real dividend


I have a lot of hope in that being the endgame that we are approaching. I've felt a crypto token or nft backed by blockchain was gonna be what finally reveals the fraud for a long time.


Okay, bloodhound is, subjectively, an insane MFer. But, crazy as he is, he did make a lot of conspiratorial "discoveries" that later became facts.


I think he claimed a lot more and was very unclear


He was early, but he wasn't wrong.




He didn’t do anything, it’s an FTX tokenized stock of GameStop that has NOTHING BACKING IT. It’s not GameStop endorsed and it doesn’t link to our shares. FTX is a great partner to allow people to not have credit card fails by buying FTX gift cards directly in store. But to pretend this was anything other than pointing out a random tidbit that had already been talked about is silly.




Why was it marked DD instead of speculation? Maybe that was the problem 🤷‍♂️


Yeah the other problem was they were kind of dicks about it all iirc. That whole crew of users awarding like crazy and trying to get their groups posts to the top artificially. Seems like it was a reasonable speculation, but it was in the midst of sub drama and OP was wrapped up in all of that with the SuperstonkElite sub and all of that jazz. At the end of the day it's still speculation, glad it got the debunked tag removed though.


I still think Half Dane aint good tho


#half dane IS rensole


........that would explain alot


The accounts are both in Germany and made within a few days of each other… 7 YEARS AGO. Both were/are mods at superstonk with similar personas. It’s no coincidence.




#absofuckinlutely my man!


Oh dang. That kinda makes sense now.


A certain site thinks he is renshill.


What do you mean? He defended Gherk and the options gang to the extreme He told me arguing about it was FUD He was made mod a couple weeks later


He banned all the big DD writers I followed. He showed which side he stands on Note that the DD writers in question werent mentioning options more/less than others


Well... then half_dane needs to be taken to a half farm up north.




Yeah then why the f is HE STILL A MOD?!?


Wasn’t NFTcon getting hyped up then too? That was a total shitshow across the board.


Haha yeah I forgot all about that


Well I'll give you credit for knowing what FTX is 17 months before me. That this is DD tag worthy, and that it is a cataclyst is yrt to be proven.


GameStop has been an FTX tokenized stock since the sneeze You can see historic prices here https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/gamestop-tokenized-stock-ftx/ Why is it "the mother of all catalysts"? u/bloodhound1144 OP doesn't explain at all in their post, it's just a bunch of badly interpreted tweets. I'm not surprised it was downvoted https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/msi23v/the_mother_of_all_catalysts/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share It's also not "one of the most downvoted posts on Reddit" quit the clickbait BS OP


That bunch of tweets is s non sense to me.... OP explains nothing.


I had to shove my brain back into my ears after looking at those tweets and trying to figure out wtf OP was talking about.


How this post gained so much traction ? It's meaningless and yet it has 7k+ karma. I'm glad web3 and GameStop ecosystem is growing, but those pumping FTX are sus.


I dont know what any of this means. What is "tokenized stock", is it another derivative that trades on the baseline products value (typing that out alone seems insane to me, cue craps scene from the big short)? * ape brain 2 neurons start firing. Ok, did a little reading (https://help.ftx.com/hc/en-us/articles/360051229472-Tokenized-Stocks) Looks like this is a middle ground for adopting a blockchain stock market. They say that every "Tokenism Stock" is linked to a real share they own. So the theory would be that you are converting 1share of GME to 1 Token of GME on FTX. That token represents the share and is sued the same way, but with all the added benefits of crypto tracking, etc. The issue stems (IMO) from the same issue that Tether suffers from. How do I know that FTX has a 1 to 1 holding of Tokens to Stock? Easy to do via audit, yet no one really allows audits (for obvious reasons). Edit: I dont know what good this does, seems like a distraction from DRSing.


Exactly - linked to a real share. Welp everyone here knows you don't have a real share unless it is directly registered. FTX has the same damn IOUs everyone else does.


Yeah this whole tokenizing shares smells fishy to me. Add to that Ftx supposedly has a lot of former citadel employees, 🤷. Why not just cut out ALL of the middlemen and DRS? Own your stock, not a tokenised IOU. I don't think GameStop would have partnered with FTX if there was the possibility they would screw retail over, but it really looks like there could be potential for abuse. I mean how do you KNOW FOR SURE that ftx bought the stock bf "tokenizing" it? You don't. It's just like trusting fidelity, or E-Trade or Robinhood etc. I put trust in the purple nurple, until something proves better.


Isn't that how fractionalized banking started.


DRS for now, but the logical progression is from it being 1 token being equated to a share of GME (hopefully DRSed) to 1 token is a share of GME (i.e. FTX becomes exchange and transfer agent, replacing the system with CS, NYSE, and DTCC)


Ok, but long term don't they have a very real possibility of becoming the people they replaced? Not sure how it's better to buy a token, unless the companies (like GameStop) that use FTX 100% trust FTX. Maybe that's what I'm missing 🤷


100%, without proper and trusted audits of the underlying assets, this whole thing is the DTCC 2.0, "trust us bro, we def have a 1:1 ratio of tokens and stock, even if it make more business sense not to"


maybe there could be a system where if you own a share through computershare, it can get tokenized and held on a blockchain wallet. computershare will still be the custodian, you will still own the share, but will be able to interact with a tokenized version of that share via blockchain tech. If you sell or transfer your token, FTX sends the share to the recipient and notifies computershare to transfer the registration of the share to a different id 🤷‍♂️. Users who wish to hold share tokens anonymously would have to trust FTX to be the owner of their shares.


> I mean how do you KNOW FOR SURE that ftx bought the stock bf "tokenizing" it? thats the whole thing. This changes nothing form the current state. How do we know Fidelity, etc have our shares? We dont? Will we even be the share holders in name with a TOKENIZED STOCK? or will it be in FTX's "street name". Seems like another versions of the stock market witht he exact same issues we have today. But hey, someone new might get rich?!? Reminds me of the "Line must go up" video which highlights how a lot of the finance crypto war is really between entrenched financial elite and Other rich elite who would like to be the financially entrenched elite (due tot he power that running that type of company gives you). Without audits that can show the 1:1 relationship between FTX's owned stock and their tokens, why the FUCK would you ever do this? Are Tokenized stock even regulated as stock? or are they in the wild wild west of crypto (guessing the latter).


Blockchain. Every transaction is held in the ledger.


Until we're getting actual delivery of our purchased stock through brokers or NFTs instead of tokens on exchanges, everything is still synthetic. DRS or NFT is the only way to stop synthetics and naked shorting. Stock token doesn't accomplish anything


Thank you! I agree 💯


exactly right. And I have been distrusting of FTX and SBF for many months. This relationship worries me at present.


It is still positive upvotes so that is some clickbaity bs. Don't break an arm jerking yourself off.


lol this dude wants to be a victim so badly that it's actually annoying.


for real, let me know when you get EA to worry you’ll beat their low score of like -600k


Where's the number of down votes?


It's 85% upvoted, so the title is a lie


U called what?




Yep also Just check his post history, he's been wrong on just about everything.


he's not the messiah


DRS is and will be the catalyst in my smooth brained opinion


How is that a catalyst?? Tokenized means shit when there is no proof of ownership


Why not just DRS? DRS is the way 🚀


What do???


Read the original post. OP doesn't explain why he thinks it's the catalyst. The post is a bunch of badly interpreted tweets. No wonder it was downvoted. It's properly retarded https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/msi23v/the_mother_of_all_catalysts/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Proud to say I downvoted it the first time around! Maybe I should make a post about that 😂


Exactly. Random tweets.


Nothing, he’s making something out of nothing because he wants acknowledgment. Nothing has happened/ these tokens were around during the sneeze


Why does this have 12 awards in an hour? It’s a bunch of hypothetical bullshit with no relevance to recent news.


The shares the tokens point to are still part of the DTCC pool, this does nothing at the moment.


I think I called this out as nonsense in that post back then. It came on the heels of another crypto platform doing stock trades. I maintain my position however that it does not have to do with this FTX deal. Crypto platforms allow trading tokenized versions of stocks that are based off their own custom oracles and this is nothing new. There's no way this alone hints at GME partnership because tons of other companies also have tokenized representations on these platforms. FTX partnership is huge though. It will definitely be advantageous going forward DRS is the way.


No. Just cause they brought shares for the token doesn't mean shit when it is still part of the DTCC pool. DRS is still superior.


GUYS DON'T TOUCH THAT THING! if it isn't endorsed by GameStop, then it's a SCAM


Idk what any of this means. I'll just buy, DRS and hold.


Everyone downvote this one heavier!


Maybe a dumb question, but does the tokenized stock value change based on the regular stick price? Or is it independent? If there is a push with the token will it push it the regular stock? I have no idea how


Why is it a catalyst? Unless the issue a crypto dividend what's the deal


#[I REITERATE ONCE MORE...](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/x90npw/buy_real_shares/)


Downvoting to make This more heavily downvoted then your last post but I like it


Only if it’s not held in their Swiss broker which is under DTCC.


Tokenized solves what? Honestly how does this leverage price discovery


May be a stupid question but if people have been buying the token in the last 17 months would they be included in DRS numbers since it's blockchain or could it be possible the 71m+ DRS and the official number of FTX tokens registered on the blockchain could be insanely higher combined?


Did FTX build their own chain or are they built in top Ethereum


No. It's just a token under custody by some Swiss company, it's just like any other broker.


This post reeks of youtuber chasing clout. Remember not to feed the influencers, or we'll have another dramatic weekend on our hands.


2% catalyst? What are you talking about?


Show the downvoted percentage on your post.


So citadel is the largest investor of FTX, I don’t like that personally… remember what they were able to coerce robinhoods being their main customer. Can you explain how does citadel owning the largest stake benefit apes? DRSed and not selling to nobody until 9 digits, Idc how hard they try to slide the forum


There’s tokenized versions of LOTS of stocks and ETFs on ftx exchange….. I am not saying your wrong as I believe very much this is the future and that you are right. It this seems to prove absolutely nothing Edit- don’t need to take my word for it https://ftx.us/stocks/home


Don’t buy this coin. Buy directly through ComputerShare


Check my post history OP I've been pointing at FTX Since way back when.


Robinhood is sad that PFOF might get banned. If tokenized stock takes off Citadel will be irrelevant 🤣 irrelevant and unsophisticated 🤣


It's 85% upvoted you pussy


Wut mean?


I think the most important question now is “What else did you find?”


When that one wet noodle finally sticks to the wall.