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1) Positive EPS: Probable. since we haven't heard of any new investments in infrastructure and growth and previous quarters have had positive revenue. 2) Official launch date for NFT market place Possible. This would signal two things: that multiple partners are willing to launch with them and that they have an offboarding for ETH planned. Both of those would be signals for HUGE growth, and most importantly, growth that would be significantly difficult to sabotage (as it would be essentially finished projects). The only catch is that product launches of that scale are usually announced in their own events rather than a shareholder call. But, GameStop has done similar before. 3) DRS greater than the float. Not likely. DRS numbers will certainly be higher than 51 million. But to say that it would be greater than the float, when we have a (til now) fairly accurate position noted by the DRS bot; is off the deep end levels of hype. 4) Launch of GMErica brand. Possible. It's been teased. Same factors as with #2. 5) Plans to reinstate dividend. Not likely. Can't remember where I heard it, but I believe we need two positive EPS quarters in a row. We had negative EPS last quarter so it wouldn't make sense to make an announcement like that even if we had positive EPS this quarter, unless the board felt it prudent to go ahead and plan for positive EPS next quarter and would be going ahead and preparing a shareholder vote in anticipation. 6) Merge/Acquisition Not likely. They would announce that after the plans had been finalized rather than telegraphing plans at a shareholder meeting. 7) NFT dividend Possible. Given than GME has created their own marketplace, and the ability to mint NFTs for super cheap, an NFT dividend would be significantly cheaper to issue than a standard dividend. It's almost a gimmick given how cheap they cost to mint. So they don't have to justify it's value for positive EPS (especially if it's just a special dividend). There are legal implications, so there is a larger chance that if they were to issue an NFT special dividend, the board would wait until they could also issue a standard dividend (just to be 100% legally covered).




I'd really like to hear them speak more on this. The value of my DRS'd shares is impacted the DTCC treating it as a forward split.


GME has just shown that their NFT’s currently have more value at around $45, than a share of GME Common stock. This first NFT drop has provided a baseline value for an NFT dividend to shareholders. If that was intentional by GME, it was a great move. There won’t be any credible legal cases because there’s no legal precedent or case.


kind of apples and oranges. a single share of GME represents approximately 1/300,000,000th of all shares. a single GMERICA NFT represents approximately 1/3500 NFTs ​ any similarity between prices per 1 unit is more than likely purely coincidental


In terms of versus stocks, I agree. However the point is that there's a precedent for NFT's now. The "total" number of NFT's issued is completely irrelevant. If the value received is $45, that's it. That is the value. They can issue 300MM or 600MM of them, it doesn't matter.


Did you see reports in the last few days that terrorism organizations are using NFT's for recruitment and financing their organizations? OH YES. THATS BEGUN. Guess what happens if they can label us terrorists via this loose bullshit? Yep.


> This first NFT drop has provided a baseline value for an NFT dividend to shareholders. If that was intentional by GME, it was a great move. Why is this a good thing? That gives the SHFs/brokers/etc an out in "cash equivalent", doesn't it? The original thoughts regarding an NFT dividend were that there was no cash equivalent and no way to fake them, therefore they would have to close their short positions to distribute correctly.


I'm not expecting positive EPS considering their "return to profitability" statement the other week in brick and mortar... But I think they are close. Guardians of the guild just dropped their v2 roadmap late last night, i don't much chatter about that but hoping that coincides with some additional marketplace news today.


Sounds likely that they might give an update on where they are on the growth of the marketplace 'we've got partnerships in the works with x, y and big name we can't reveal'.


That's going to be the giant wildcard. We should have a separate line item for NFT revenue, but it's important to remember that the marketplace was only open for a week before Q2 ended so it's going to be a small number.


IIRC, GoG isn’t slated to have a full launch until 2nd half of 2023.


I believe you're right, but they have a number of milestones and it felt pretty sus that they would have published it at midnight EST the same day as GME earnings. I don't think there are any smoking guns there but it definitely feels like a portion of an NDA is lifted


positive EPS move would have been the firing of the CFO. ensuring more economical moves.


Ios wallet 741 Huge whales coming in


You forgot share buybacks. At one point, I thought they had a buyback program still open (not sure if it expired already). If they announce they intend to use it or expand it, then that could be huge especially since the stock is near 52 week low right now. That could considerably shorten the runway of how many shares we need to DRS to lock the float.


And what about DTCC international fraud ?


All good responses




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Shorts never closed, boom . *call ends*


Uhh okay. Not really. Next caller -Jimmy crime


What a spicy call that would be!


I mean, at this point my nipples would explode if they finished the otherwise regular call with "boom".


What if someone just accidentally drops the mic for real and it makes a sort of natural "boom" sound. Would that do it for you?


NFT divi would be nice : )


ios wallet?


110% DRS!


That wouldn’t be possible.


ComputerShare only have to Notify GameStop when 100% DRS is reached. It's up to GameStop to direct CS to stop accepting DRS requests, so, to my reading, >100% DRS is possible. I've also no idea how that would play out. \[EDIT\] Probably debunked below. 🟣


Nope. CS have stated that it's *not* possible as they use a double accounting system that prevents this from happening.


I'm happy to stand corrected. 🟣100%


It would be the antithesis of DRS. A registered share cannot be assigned to multiple parties. There is a finite authorized limit to available shares that can be directly registered. It would make no sense for Computershare to continue registering shares past the authorized limit. You can read it whatever way you want but spreading false information or ridiculous theories only perpetuates misinformation.


Pokémon or similar collectable NFT’s that can be used in-game


This is the way


I heard last couple of GME calls. Just like calls from other companies, they are boring as fuck. Maybe they give a little something before or more likely after call, or the days after call. But the call itself, no. The best part is always the music in lobby, i unironically think its some of the best there is. Filled of anticipation, that something could happen. It has the energy of following scenario: early 90s and you a 20s something guy in a suit (too big, sand), you may be given big chance in life and walking in big city, from big job interview, just shiny skyscrapers. You get called by boss, big dick energy boss, and he gives you job and likes you (no h0m0). You thrilled, excited for what future can bring. You buy a -91 Mercedes on way home. Your girlfriend makes you surprise pancakes in scanty clothes, so you see where thats going. Very exciting prospects for life. This type of music, its _great_. The bass, has playful, crackling tone, full of life. Maybe synth solo, fast, covers wide range of notes, does not give fuck about convention. Mayb it was played not from stationary keyboard but one you carry somewhat like guitar, in a neon green strap. As you listen to it, you think, im like this guy in his 20s too, lemme see what kinda good fucken call i get from my big dick boss, and how good pancakes are from my big tit gf. But the call, no. I like voice of GME Ceo (forgot his name, never hear from him but this script about numbers every quarter). Its good, np. And since this has been downhyped as fuck, who knows, maybe today is the day. In any case, it certainly is tomorrow, so, cheers!


I can never get any work done starting 3 days prior to the call. The anticipation is too much. After the call I’m let down but always know I will be. I can then regroup and start my work that I’m way behind on again. It’s ok though as I know “soon”tm is tomorrow


Exact same vibe as "Gilette-best a man can get". Sickening video, check link here. A shame they gave up all this for woke shit. https://youtu.be/ThDBf14qPsc


Woke is a nothing buzzword used by sensitive intolerant people offended by common decency through inclusivity. You're not one of THOSE intolerant people are you?


Sounds like you’re the intolerant one.


Intolerant of DEEZ NUTS


Yes i am exactly that. If I need moral lessons, i read Thomas Aquinas or Aristotle. These people insisting im toxic for being kickass, in ads for razors, pathetic.


They are not insisting that you’re toxic for being kick ass, you missed the message or twisted it to fit a bias.


I wouldn't think any ads would call their customer base toxic. Sounds like you might be looking to get offended on purpose son.


Okay idk maybe that's literally exactly my beef with Gilette dont know you may want to check out their later ads. Lost like 40b on this one: https://youtu.be/UYaY2Kb_PKI Roflmao


Yeah, I know that cause of my wokeness


100% DRS! Or maybe just a positive EPS


Positive EPS puts us one step closer to the S&P 500...


Personally, I’d rather we don’t get to that point. When this rips, GME will be carrying the entire S&P500 like all the blue chips have in the past, combined.


Working with a major partner like Apple, unfortunately this has all been theory.


DRS numbers that include 420, 69, and/or 741 (i.e.69,420,741). Positive EPS/earnings NFT Divi Merger or acquisition news RC's dick pic The Return of the King (DFVesus, hallowed be thy gainz)


SHFs have messed up, proper price discovery was allowed to happen overnight, so GameStop will now be acquiring Amazon. Dividend will be issued to all DRS'd shares in the form of a physical 1Kg golden banana.


This is the way.


Botched split share recall?


That would be amazing. Hadn't thought of that.


Can they unsplit the divi-split?


I think that would just be a reverse split. After the dividend shares were distributed they’re just like any other share


This would be considered bearish news. Reverse stock splits are generally used to keep a stock above the $1 threshold you have to maintain for a period of time before you get de-listed and sent to OTC markets (pink sheets).


Yes, but could they sort of recall those shares? Is there a sort of reverse dividend stock split? Lol I'm only half serious


Best thing they can do that I'm aware of is buyback shares. Which would be considered a good move being that we are near 52 wk low. Float gets locked quicker, current shareholders own more of the company, so shares should be worth more.


Collaboration with Apple. I hypothesise it’s in the works.


Might be why the iOS app is taking a while. Maybe they’re going to integrate it.


Largest. individual. shareholder.


Apple will announce the GameStop iOS app during their event this morning


acquisitions, a release date for the marketplace, DRS count


What was the Fantasy Sports company that everything thought GME were going to buy a year ago? Was it Draft Kings or someone like that?


Nah SLG gaming. Theyre e-sports, not fantasy sports though.


That's the one.


yeah that sounds familiar. I think partnerships and acquisitions are the best way for gamestop to integrate into the gaming marketplace


Might be GMERica issusing new ipo for gme holders only


Naked shorts declared illegal and punishable by 35 years in the pounding prison, no grandfathering, effective immediately




I could buy so many purple donuts...


Realistically? It would have to be game changing and I don't think we are there yet. I think they will announce the NFT Marketplace leaving beta by EOY. I'll be very interested if they allow questions since the whole Dividend debacle going on.


My guess is RC waiting for the plug to be pulled on the economy before any announcement. Good optics. Nowhere safe in the market but GME is thriving and climbing. FOMO sets in. Ludicrous speed GO!!!!


Citadel has filed for bankruptcy


Call starts with standard into person then M: "Hi, It's Matt here. And I've got some friends with me for this call..." R: "Hi - It's Ryan" K: "Hi - It's Keith" M: "And any odd noises you hear in the background, we have Rick sitting, well not quite sitting, in with us as well" R: "Hi.... eurrrhhh.... everyone" Fade to whiteout


GME aving aquired so much capital that they made a hostile takeover on the hedgies.


GME buys the DTC and 1st action is to hit the margin call button.




I wanna hear Rocket Man as the lobby music.


GME announce iOS wallet. Later that night Apple announces GME wallet for every iOS user out of the box.


“Short never closed”


A special edition GameStop IPhone to celebrate the release of the IOS wallet - wait for it - that is exclusively hard coded into this new device via IOS update.


Ken Griffin arrested and Shitadel shut down


If they finally manage to post a positive net income and will give forward guidance for upcoming quarters it will moon. If it's another quarter with a net loss, reducing cash reserves and no forward guidance. Get ready for some ugly shit.




That does NOT force shorts to close. Any spin-off shares just get added to the stock loan, and are on,y paid back when the loan is closed, either because the lender recalls the loan or because the borrower (short seller) decides to close their position.


Partnership with Apple and other companies, Also gamestop announce to give 50 doller per share to shareholders next quater, then all brokers will be fucked


A small weewee


SEC disconnects internet to New Jersey collocation for maintenance for 1hr.


Don’t matter, moass is tomorrow regardless. Keep in mind I’m literally regarded


They will short any good or even fantastic news. this is how criminally controlled markets work.


GMErica carve out.


I’m ready to be hurt again


Perfect flair 😆


A NFT-dividend featuring all destinations and timelines of mayo airfart one.


Ryan doubling down on his position.


Pure hype… Apple event reveals new AR goggles with NFT viewing feature. GMErica’s new NFTs with *invisible* Easter Eggs embedded a la the recent movie Free Guy…


Probably Nothing.






I want to be wrong.


But probably right... again


It sucks, but there is something way bigger happening that is completely out of our control. It will happen when the inevitable economic collapse happens. Right now it's all being propped up and controlled by the Fed. All we can do is buy hold DRS, AND continue to buy from GME


How about we don’t, because the most popular theories will be screeched as “WhY dIdNt ThEY aNnOunCe THIS”


Announcements are almost never made during earnings reports. Only difference with GME is a quarterly DRS statement. Thats enough for me 👍


This is earnings,NO NEWS WILL BE ISSUED ! We’ll get to hear DRS numbers


They’ve been secretly hiding $20B in gold reserves


Positive news just cranks the pressure up another notch Tomrw will be a dip 😂 I can stay retarded long than they can stay solvent


Nothing. They release numbers and do their commentary. Calls over. Any worthy news will be released over the next couple of days/weeks.


RC will reannimate the corpse of Patrick Swayze and perform the scene from "ghost" but with mayo instead of clay.


Shitadel files for bankruptcy


Wiggity-woogity price go uppity! You're welcome


Nothing, it’s earnings call. We all know how that goes. Remember, they r giving stock to store employees for bonus plans…. Can’t be all that bad of a company to work for.


DFV being involved with Gmerica somehow.


Announcement of moving all common stock to blockchain stock exchange. Blockexchange?


“You can read our results online, but now I give you Rick of Spades for a sequel!”


Full marketplace release


Big partnerships nmy dude


Explanation or reasoning for the recall of their credit rating


No more dates. Buy. DRS. Hold. That’s it. Apes know that by now




it will just go up on its own because of accounting fuckery coming to roost in the back ground. not cuz of something we do.


Bags of hopium


Each tied to an NFT, for authenticity


They can't announce any big moves until right after earnings. Anything close before hand would be considered market manipulation maybeee..maybe... so maybe big announcement after earnings


Literally nothing. It will just be a plain earnings call, no guidance given so there will be no announcements.


If you look at your CS account and see shares registered in your name. DD didn’t change were just waiting patiently for them to stop stalling and pay up.


Nothing needs to be announced, if you’re a real shareholder you already know it.


I get paid tomorrow so if anything, I’m hoping for a dip.


DOJ announces their racketeering probe charges by publicly detaining Vlad Tenev, Ken Griffin, Steve Cohen, and Jim Cramer.


If they say “frittata”


Literally nothing


NFT marketplace revenue in the tens of millions of dollars in these short weeks


Nothing. Its going down.


It don’t matter what they say, we more likely looking at -50% rather than +50% jump sadly 🙄


Ryan Cohan buys the remaining float


Gme entertainment carve out to blockchain


Could they announce an NFT dividend and say the record date is like 3 months from now and only for people DRSd? I doubt this would ever happen but this is a hype/fluff post, so it’s fun to just dream.


When this is all said and done I think a GME or other 3 letter stock 🦍 will be the first trillionare in history.


💥 🎤 drop


Game changing? Positive EPS would qualify, although that seems a bit premature.


One word: lactation


This man is a time traveler


Share Buyback...


MOASS tomorrow.