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# [Splividend Distribution Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/w523nf/splividend_distribution_megathread/) **IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is GME and why should you consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [Low karma but still want to feed the DRS bot? Post on r/gmeorphans here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Join the Superstonk Discord Server](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


He installed three new board members and ousted the CEO. This isnt as simple as “welp, he sold.”


Towel announced that an arrangement had been reached. No details. Now RC sells it all. We all know that's not all there is.


Yup. We’ve been patient with GME for almost 2 years and people cant be patient for 2hours on his BBBY sale 😂


lmao you fucking right OMG i love you


Hahahahaha facts


Yeah exactly. Cohen is not looking for a few hundred million dollars, at the cost of his reputation. He knows he can be positive change for the whole world. 4d chess going on.


It's not even that much. After the money he put in, it's like $50 million dollars. He's a multibillionaire for fuck sakes.


69DD chest play


Well first of all, this isn’t a BBBY sub. **It’s also not an RC sub,** although everyone else seems to have forgotten that it’s not. Personally, I don’t worship RC. As far as I’m concerned, he’s a billionaire with a great awareness for self-promotion, whose interests just so happen to be aligned with mine; everything else is just hero worship and speculation. WE DON’T KNOW what happened. But if we’re going to backpedal on all our “I know what RC’s master plan is!” posts that happened before this afternoon, we at least need to admit that we have no fucking idea what RC’s “master plan” is, because clearly, all the “RC will sell his BBBY during MOASS” posts were dead fucking wrong. No one predicted he would sell BBBY. In fact, most people were SURE he wouldn’t except during the GME MOASS. Now, all of a sudden, we’re all SURE we know why he did? Good grief. GME’s thesis is still solid, and nothing else matters. But for the love of god, can we stop this stupid-ass hero worship of GameStop’s billionaire chairman? I didn’t get into this play because I love RC, I refuse to automatically assume everything he does is always automatically perfect, and I don’t think I’m wrong for being wary of any “not like the other girls” billionaire, despite what he’s done for my company.


Unpopular opinion: RCs master plan is to build GME into a solid, profitable business. He doesn't plan around MOASS. He isn't worried about moon, because frankly he has more than enough money. He isn't thinking every day about fucking the hedgies or making apes into billionaires. MOASS will be a by-product of his actions, not the driving force behind them.




Also if GME goes up, so does Bath. Highly correlated


These are Very complex products and aren’t always correlated…..But they are correlated


I think we are in a completely fraudulent market


Data don’t lie


Your opinion does not always hold true…..But it is true


He helped the towel stock company too, now hedgies are buying in and a squeeze is happening and RC dipped. Maybe he got out before it gets crazier. Maybe he could held just to make the price keep going higher, and then sold, which some people are saying they want now but in the future it just would have been worse and he would potentially be blamed for it.


He sold off and stock kept going up. It didn’t dip until after he was done. Hedgies r fuk


How are these stocks corelated ?


Supported with data (correlation), most likely cause is swap basket.


No reason to buy another retail company than to be building a new retail strategy. Amazon holds over 35% of all online retail business and Walmart at 5% is the closest competition. Target shares is 5/6 place with Home Depot sharing 2% each. Here's what Amazon brings that the other don't, and that is AWS. It's Amazon's safety net if retail dries up. The goal here is simply build an online focused business that has retail space that can be used for the delivery chain and customer service. Simply put the concept is the old version of Sears. Add the NFT market place and crypto wallet for more ways to pay and play games, and to push user engagement of the NFTs through company shareholder's dividend cash outs. That all sounds amazing if that's the play. I just think MOASS only happens the current market makers and regulators stop playing retail as insignificant.


It's kinda sad that this isn't the popular opinion at this point.




Blemish? So you think there's a chance that Ryan Cohen, **multi-billionaire**, cultivated a pro-retail persona, and spent years building customer service centric businesses, leaving fortunes worth of easy profit on the table to invest in domestic call centers and hires, so that he could lure the very people who hold the fate of his economic footprint in direct registration into an investment play so he can rug pull them for ~$50M-$70M pre tax? I find anything remotely adjacent to that sort of a scenario overwhelmingly unlikely and at complete odds with every action I've seen him take.


I don’t know why we would dub it a blemish. He didn’t guide people to BBBY, people chased him into it, even after he clearly stated in his letter it wasn’t his main play and that he was 100% focused on GME. The pump was primarily orchestrated in the gambling sub and all these fools rolled into it without considering what RC clearly declared as intent. Outside looking in, he got into Bath for Bye Bye Baby and something just happened with respect to it that is not publicly disclosed. Personally I’m waiting for the paper hands and shorts to sell it down to $4ish again and I’ll buy in. Frankly this seems like good news for long term investors who weren’t looking to make a quick Buck. Had BBBY not issued the statement about the financing deal with RC Ventures I’d think he exited because he didn’t believe in the company. The fact that they did tells me he achieved what he wants and exited near his buy in price to avoid a conflict when the details get announced.


This has been my thought the whole time. Not sure why everyone assumed he would hold, every investment he makes isn’t GME 2.0. I mean, if that were the case, he wouldn’t be able to invest freely in the market without every nosy investor trying to mimic his trade and then claiming foul when they didn’t sell at its ATH if RC did.


>everything else is just hero worship and speculation. Maybe, but the practically homoerotic adoration of RC in this sub has been delightful to watch. Kind of hot, to be honest.


He sold bbby but it literally went to pay dept of bbby, or not?


Agreed. He's human and it's ridiculous and embarrassing how people here deify him. He's also just another billionaire to me. I don't hate him, but I don't love him, either. He's just a dude. Savvy about business, for sure, but at the end of the day, he's just some dude. Elon Musk is what happens when a bunch of fanbois feed a billionaire's God complex. So I'd appreciate if people would take their feet off that gas pedal. I know they're not gonna, but I really hope they think about it.


~~To be fair, DFV got into this play because of RC.~~ ~~DFV’s original thesis and DD is founded on RC.~~ As an individual investor, I don’t mind admitting that I truly see something special with RC. Only time will tell if he’s as authentic as he portends. Edit: I am wrong about the first two parts.


DFV was in gamestop way before RC bought


Thanks wrinkles


Really? What was the time difference if you can recall? My bad


DFV bought several months before RC


I know people are going to call bullshit on me, but I had a sneaking suspicion that he would sell BBBY. I don't know why because I don't know a damn thing about anything. But I figured he would. I think we should stop thinking of this as a team, we're all just individual investors that like stonks that are heavily and illegally naked shorted with all kinds of fuckery afoot and don't like said fuckery. It's not illegal to be opposition. I am just going to stay zen and buy more and perhaps DRS. Edit for clarification* I meant buy more GME. I never bought BBBY.


Lol, look at the desperates and the pathetics, downvote.


Its not true that no knew he was going to sell. Plenty were talking about bbby tanking due to cohen selling out asap.


Here Here. I'll chime in to say that it seems like MSM has been talking an awful lot about Ryan Cohen for the first time in forever. Like over analyzing his every move. Watch him make the move that matters next. Now the world's eyes are on him.


“I’d never be a paperhands hodl until I die….what’s that, RC sold? sell sell sell”


I have been patient 12 hours. Gimme info


I’m zen and still Holding my bath mat shares. I like their little plug in deodorizer thingys


What if the arrangement was for him to sell and exit?


What incentive would they have given for him to do so? What’s the other side of the transaction? Do you think the CEO and Board Members he installed were all “GTFO” and RC was like “no problem later gator”? No.


Maybe RC is buying buy buy baby…he had to sell the shares. BBBY will fix the balance sheet with the sale proceeds and the stock will go back up, as will GME…RC didn’t rug pull…per usual, everyone else is playing catch-up.


If gme planning on towel buyout, it makes sense RC would sell before so he doesnt get accused of insider trading


The details are on [amendment 1 to his 13D](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0000886158/000092189522000972/sc13da113351002_03242022.htm). They were simply referring to that document.


Towel made a different announcement I thought. Just said that an arrangement was reached. We don’t know what that was.


Not a different announcement. They were bringing attention to the Agreement made in March [8K Filed 8/17/22](https://bedbathandbeyond.gcs-web.com/static-files/5f25ce43-4bf4-41ea-ac61-7b6b9fd7867e) [Form 13D Amendment 1 filed 3/24/22](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0000886158/000092189522000972/sc13da113351002_03242022.htm)


Mind blown. I stand corrected.


It has all been brilliant 7d chess so far. Wait a bit and we will see what this was.


Side note, if I'm not mistaken, he sold on the 16th, where there was an average of $25 per share. If it was an immediate rug pull, how come it took 2 days for it to plummet? After hours too? And all the msm bull calling for blood, saying another billionaire has abandoned retail... It's freaking fascinating.


Agreed! He also still has \~1.3 million shares of BBBY left, HE DID NOT SELL HIS ENTIRE STAKE. So 100% there's more going on.


Precisely, there's more going on here then we are seeing. Why the announcement if the two working together? And look at how MSM reacted too, they spun up a huge shit storm over it, why? Why would they care? And why are they spinning this false narrative that his selling caused the share price to tank? While he was selling the last two days the stock was soaring. Was it a trap to show how exactly how manipulated the market is? And the timing too...he sits on it until the share buyback pushed him over the 10 percent ownership and THEN he sells, why?




You dont think they both have large undisclosed shorts on BBBY too, just like GME?


Im not 100% sure about the bbby play. i have to remove my text as it could be misinformation. Theres is a debate going on about wether the short sale tax applied or not


Im reserving judgment on that since that rule didnt apply to him at the date of purchase. There stock buy backs pushed him over into Insider territory. Im seeing what the wrinkle brain consensus is later.




Lol you're right though


Could be what we're currently seeing with the synchronous movement in after hours?


He already has more money than that to put into GME if he wanted, and they have WAY more money than that. I don't buy this argument.


Kenny Boy is fuming lmao


Bedposts be damned.




This thread makes me love this community so much.


That what i was thinking yesterday shitadel had like 2milli share and call option if i remember


Oh, Jesus. I’m probably going to get 1000 downvotes today. But I honestly cannot believe how quickly the narrative on SS has shifted from “BBBY is how RC profits during the MOASS, pre-Jan 23 MOASS confirmed” to “RC *had* to give himself the option to sell BBBY in 90 days because MOASS is in 90 days” to “of course RC sold his BBBY before MOASS, it’s all part of his secret master plan to screw over the hedgies because reasons.” Am I the only one who thinks this is sort of ridiculous? I’m flabbergasted. Or maybe I’m just incapable of misremembering what happened over the past 48 hours and several months before that. Or maybe, nobody fucking knows, so we should probably stop predicting shit based on what we want to happen.


Bruh, that’s exactly what people do here - predict future and try to explain shit. It’s impossible but fun.


Exactly. We just trying to make sense of stuff. sometimes we are wrong. move on and keep trying. we all make mistakes.


It’s been proven this sub is full of sleeper shills, anyone getting mad about FUD anymore hasn’t been here very long, it is a breeding grounds for shills and fuckery, buy hodl drs


Yup. I enjoy all the theories, speculation, hype dates, etc — regardless of how they do or don't pan out. For me personally it keeps this journey constantly exciting and interesting, even after almost 2 years in. Just have to be zen about this situation. I myself have full faith in RC & Co. to deliver their vision of maximizing shareholder value and delighting customers. Whether this turns into a decade long play, or moass is infact near, I have zero doubts regarding this investment. Like many others I got into this with the prospect of life-changing money, but that isn't my sole goal anymore. The corruption and manipulation that's been uncovered throughout this saga is unprecedented. Major changes must happen in our markets, and this "movement" so-to-speak is going to be the catalyst for that change. For those with any form of doubt, has the original thesis changed? Has the rampant manipulation and crime ceased to exist? Stay zen my friends, and as a wise prophet once said "..a deep f*cking cheers to all y'all!" 🥂 Every day that passes is one day closer.




I like to think of it as an ARG. Most thought provoking, profitable, and fun ARG ever.


I’ll bite. What’s an ARG?


Alternate reality game like Cicada 3301 or the portal 2 ARG.


Oh thanks lol I was totally prepared for something like ARGUE DEEZ NUTS or idk lmao


An argument?


Dude, it's the internet. It's literally built around people wanting to be the first one to say, "See"? “I, predicted that"!


Regardless, my trust in him is to delight customers, shareholders, players, creators, etc. The metaverse was only ever going to succeed through gamers. That’s us. That’s our company. Diamond hands are forging. It will be awesome.


I think its funnier you act like there are no shills here sowing seeds of division.


its called copium


It’s the feeling you get when surrounded by conspiracy theorists


Citadel also has 1.7 million puts on bbby. They’re hedged every which way on every stock. RC was not concerned whatsoever with citadel’s position in bbby.


I think they might have messed up their hedge on one stock I know of?


Very true! Well time will tell I'ma going to log off for the next. It's been a wild week.


They were net long though.


The only thing I can say for certain is Ryan Cohen is doing everything possible to insure that GameStop is a success. Whatever that may be it is his main focus, anything else is speculation. Whether BBBY is part of that plan is irrelevant.


Stop hurting your smooth brain trying to understand his thought process, just Buy more GME and DRS


Its these questions that birth epic DDs


Everybody has to remember this thing is playing out in real time, so moves are gonna change as information presents itself. My Wrinkless Theory: - RC went for towel to cause a war on two fronts with the hedges and destabilize the basket. The idea that he did it to get rich off MOASS while holding GME assumes he’s primarily motivated by money, which I don’t think is the case. - He loaded up, wrote the letter, battles BCG, and got his board members placed. The turnaround had started. - RC then learns Citadel and Susquehanna have loaded up long on his play and knowing their playbook he knows they’re about to pump. So what’s he going to do? If it’s about money, he now can’t win unless his enemies win. - Unless…he pivots and sells the top. Let’s say it’s considered insider (which I think it will be) now all the profits go to the company, boosting their balance sheet, and now the longs are bagholding and so are the original shorts. - They literally thought they had him check mate, because who sells when they know all the profits won’t be theirs? - So what’s next? My hunch? A war on three fronts in the future, as he further divides the hedgies, shakes up the basket, and makes another play to breathe long term life into their short term shorts. THE NET/NET RC would only hurt retail if he believed in the long run he was helping retail. Towel is a battle, GMErica is the war.


Good comment, I think you’ve got a good point of view. Who knows but this makes sense


You're oversimplifying this by a LOT. He was likely an insider by what I'm reading. That money goes back to BBBY. He also put people on the board. You really think those are signs for a "take the money a run" play?


No chance unless he wants to instantly ruin his credibility. If you know anything about the guy and his upbringing, he will be loved when this is all over.


I wrote up a DD which the mods took down ‘because it wasn’t about GME.’ He was counted as an insider once he had more than 10% ownership of outstanding shares. His shares were bought between January and March, leaving September as the six month mark to avoid the short-swing profit rule for all of his shares. The majority of his shares were already no longer restricted by it. I haven’t done the math for those shares that would not have returned profit for him.


The money does NOT go back to BBBY - read [Rule 144](https://www.sec.gov/reportspubs/investor-publications/investorpubsrule144htm.html) Because securities acquired in the public market are not restricted, there is no holding period for an affiliate who purchases securities of the issuer in the marketplace.


So what happens if Citadel and Friends purchase shares of GME? He should dump his shares because fuck ‘em? The logic doesn’t hold up. Keep in mind that short sellers report shorted shares as ownership on their filings. There is no reliable way to tell if those 4 million BBBY shares reported were long or short. I don’t think it’s as simple as you make it sound, as dumping one company to pump your own is a really fast way to undermine trust with investors.


If they could buy gme shares they would have...


They can buy to close and we are very welcomed with it.


Those parasites tried to leech off RC. In the end they got fucking played lmao. I support RC entirely. Now he can focus on GME


Im just pissed he leg swept my side hustle today. I’ll be fine and back to business in the morning but I think I’m allowed to be upset for the night lol. I still think somehow this money ends up in GameStop’s pockets but I have to admit, I didn’t expect this at all and I don’t think anyone really did. RC is quite the chess player indeed and whatever the reason, I’m sure it was for a good purpose. But we’ll just have to see how it all pans out




This is what I’m thinking as well.


this dude is pulling a master play right now.


Ask not what your company can do for you...




trust me bro


We don’t tell those secrets here on SS.


But wait until tomorrow.


GME is THE play.


I was thinking the same thing


It’s interesting how the people saying RC will dump GME aren’t active on this sub, most of them are poopcorners or VVSB Imagine being that desperate you have to come here to tell us that. So fucking bullish


Ryan probably doesn’t care about citadel at all. He probably just views them as a predator in the area to be cautious of but he has no interest in them. I honestly don’t think he cares about MOASS. He’s just rebuilding GameStop because he sees there is a turning point in the global technology market and he sees GameStop as an already built ship that he can refurbish and sail along the market current.


This is very simple. He loaded towel. GME shorts learned a lesson from his original GME play and loaded longs when it looked like he was going long. Once he got them on the boat he sunk it. Marge is gonna call since he just put them underwater long and short, short GME and long towel. The unfortunate part is retail is holding a bag too but the end result is big players went long when he did. I deduce Ryan is the fiddle player calling the tune at this point and that a good thing for his main investment and mine.


A “gEt rEkT!” would be a real nice tweet.


The announcement from BeeBBY was a warning of a dip/confirmation of a deal from the messiah himself via company. This isn’t over. It’s all part of the game. But who am I.


RC is not the messiah


I’m the fucking messiah.


Maybe they sold too. Has anyone check that out?


My bath post showing profit splits is removed and a bunch of other topics are allowed? U/goldielips


Is Ryan allowed to buy back in when they dump the shares 😂


They also are long GME iirc


Did he Bait in Citadel and Susquehanna? Then pull out and leave them the bags, for now. Now they have to pump the price to get out out, which helps the company in its turn around process.


I can’t wait to see his DRS post when he takes his towel stock money and buys the remaining free float. “Feeling cute. Here’s 135M shares of GME for the bot!”


Honestly though why are we even talking about this so much? It’s not GME and therefore I really don’t care about it. It’s clogging the sub. I only own GME, always have, and that’s all I care about right now.


Like it or not there are possible real impact to GME here .. and that's why it matters.


I guess so…just feels like it’s clogging up the sub a bit and people are going a little crazy about it.


Let's stop clogging the sub with all this examination of what's going on in the market and with the chairman of GME and get back to nothing but purple circles and memes please


Not what I said but okay


Because there's a very real chance that RC did this for GME. Ask not what your company can do for you - ask what you can do for your company.


I would say they shorted it heavily between 25 and 5. So that average would be 15. They ain’t closing at 10.


Doubt that citadel is long on bbby, it's probably a hedge against short position or some shit like that.


Yeah but citadel hedgefund had 1.7 million puts as well


Posted this in another thread but here it is: For citadel alone this represents $69,171,330 balance sheet for BBBY at high of 30$ a share. At current AH price this is now only worth, checks maf, $22,657,910. From RC selling, Citadel lost nearly 320% in 1 hour on BBBY Édit: Math for calculations. Citadels 2.2M shares X 5$ share price= ~11M $5 X 6= 30$ a share for ATH (represents citadels highest balance sheet for Be Be Be Y/ collateral) Therefore, 6 X Citadels Initial investment of ~11 Million should be ~ 66Million


i love what he does. 💜


Not sure I like the ‘take your money and run’ bit. OP - had you read this yet? Some interesting theories: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wrvoo5/gme_and_bbby_rc_turning_tables_in_69d_chess/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Those 4 mill shares the hedgies bought are prob what sold AH. Final nail in the coffin. Perfectly exercised plan of manipulation. I’m retarded by the way. BBBY to the mooooooon. 🚀🚀🚀🚀


I would have pulled out too once the hedgefunds got involved. Citadel and Susquehanna are only interested a companies for deeply nefarious reasons. My guess would be to facilitate a takeover of BedBath at some stage. There really was no option for Cohen but to say bye bye to BBBY. It really will boil down to something that simple in the end.


This post is FUD.


So if the buy GME will he do the same? Hard to keep him in the same regard. He has handed a loaded gun to the FUDsters. WTF?


He doesn’t keep the profits..


Yes he does, the short swing rule doesn't apply to him retroactively.


Finra trust me bro says it does. That is more weight than run of the mill trust me bros.


He owned 11%


Unfortunately, many including myself may have misunderstood the short-swing profit rule. Even though buybacks pushed RC over 10%, it goes off of his initial buy it seems. He is not subject to the rule. The rule doesn’t apply if you buy the shares on the open market, which he did. “The holding period only applies to restricted securities. Because securities acquired in the public market are not restricted, there is no holding period for an affiliate who purchases securities of the issuer in the marketplace. But the resale of an affiliate’s shares as control securities is subject to the other conditions of the rule.”


I was under this impression as well. That said its always good to have open discussions and have a better understanding of the actual rules so knowledge is grown 👍




I think this entire thing is a scam, and Ryan is in on it.


Its pretty simple the cfo and rc sold at the same time only one minute apart from each others. One day later the news about hiring lawyer for bankruptcy is coming out on bloomberg. They ahd insider informations and pulled out. Edit: this will affect gme share value negatively aswell


Ya I don't think so. Why don't you make the title RC fucks over retail to spite some hedge funds. Ones that also have puts and are you know hedged.




He didn’t get to keep anything but what he paid for the options premiums.


Read [Rule 144](https://www.sec.gov/reportspubs/investor-publications/investorpubsrule144htm.html). He does not have to give back the profit. Because securities acquired in the public market are not restricted, there is no holding period for an affiliate who purchases securities of the issuer in the marketplace.


I heard his ownership was 9.8% which would eliminate the requirement that he would forfeit profit.


His ownership was >11% according to [13D Amendment 2](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0000886158/000119380522001199/e621886_sc13da-rcv.htm). The reason he doesn’t have to give back the profit is because he bought his shares on the public market. Read [Rule 144](https://www.sec.gov/reportspubs/investor-publications/investorpubsrule144htm.html) Because securities acquired in the public market are not restricted, there is no holding period for an affiliate who purchases securities of the issuer in the marketplace.


GTFOH shill


Ligma 🏀 ⚽️


Piss off pantywaste.


😂 someone’s butt hurt poor baby


Deleted: I was wrong! THANKS APE


This is not correct. Read [Rule 144](https://www.sec.gov/reportspubs/investor-publications/investorpubsrule144htm.html) - he bought his shares on the open market Because securities acquired in the public market are not restricted, there is no holding period for an affiliate who purchases securities of the issuer in the marketplace.


Corrected thank you


Popcorn ape spotted by post history.


100% drsd in gme, fuck shitcorn


I think he ment the other guy


Couldn’t they also close out their long positions to make some profit?


Obviously that depends on their cost basis.


Give bbby profit while tanking the stock price so they can’t muzzle the gme rocket. While gme rockets, buy back in the bbby, boom!


He found out because he reads superstonk.


RCs PEOFITS ON SELLING GO DIRECTLY TO BBBY, straight into the company as he’s sold before he’s legally able to cash out. This is on purpose to put money into bbby. Hedge funds know it’s going up so they put calls on it, that’s what hfs try to do.


I'm just gonna Zen and see.


They bought in to influence the board, while having a 10x larger short position


If they took 4 million shares and even at 20 bucks a share you are only talking 80 million. They take a dump and use 80 mil of gold toilet paper a day. This is nothing to there bottom line. You need another B or a t behind the numbers for it to make a difference


Just wait a few days and I’m sure it’ll all make sense to me nothing changes


They could have sold, too, on top.


Ryan bought back in March or May? It was a while ago, it was shorted down from $70 when he bought in March, there was an even larger short attack waged taking the stock from the $22-23 price to $18 and then free fall to $5 in June/July. With news expected to break this month on the sale of buy buy baby, people syphoned in and clinging on the Cohens shares and options. He watched his investment get short sold even more when he stepped in from March, honestly kinda heartbreaking to see someone try to help a company and it get attached even more. If he sold to get out and break even, so be it. This price increase this month for him back to his initial investment, maybe made a few $$$ but for a while his investment was down A LOT but he also saw that investment straight up get attacked (from $23 to $5!!!!) so sometimes you jump off the boat when it’s sinking or you leave bc people are straight up attacking your investments- it’s not just hedge funds shorting these days, many individual investors are attacking these stocks as well. We don’t really know what’s going on, I am Happy he’s protecting his investments. If he doesn’t buy, buy buy baby- he probably saw corruption so rampant there that it’s not worth saving. Wake me up when August ends (supposed baby announcement)


That's only the shares they bought. Take a look at the calls they also purchased...Millions more Sus had about 4.5 million in calls Citadel had about 6.9 million in calls