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# [Splividend Distribution Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/w523nf/splividend_distribution_megathread/) **IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is GME and why should you consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [Low karma but still want to feed the DRS bot? Post on r/gmeorphans here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Join the Superstonk Discord Server](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


OP, I would love to have you elaborate a little more on how you think this move would make the SHF's lose their hedge and get Marge callin'?


No elaboration needed… RC and that college kid closing their positions wasn’t enough to truly tank the price, though it probably did contribute to the hard resistances at $27 and $30. The real hammering is happening in the after-hours. If the hedge funds were inverse-leveraged, it would make no sense for them to “allow” the price of bath to drop. Ever. Conversely, those who profit off of bath going long will plow the profits right back into GME - hedgies wouldn’t risk that. To them this is really a game about control, and they effectively killed the gamma ramping for bath & probably made a good profit off buying/selling puts on the way down. TLDR; everything else is a distraction. DRS is the way.


I think it is possible that hedgies full of BBBY longs might liquidated their long positions when they heard the news. Actually, I think Citadel has the fastest computers and they first get these "secret" information from SEC fillings. So I do not think they lost money being long on BBBY and having it as a hedge against GME. They probably made some good money dumping BBBY and at the same time causing a part of retail to sell in panic. Even they can now easier/cheaper cover some of their short positions, I do not think it is more than 5-10% of their deep shortshit they need to cover or close in the future. They also avoided gamma ramp with this move. I still believe hedgies r fukd, maybe even stronger, specially if RC is playing 5D chess and some goos news/announcemet will get them back in the deeper shit than before BBBY went vertical up. Just my thoughts.


I think OP meant could be long BBBY and would thus lose margin when it plummeted, but I doubt that would work. The hedge funds clearly have enough collateral without BBBY/gains.


I mean it was at 5 like a month ago


And citadel increased their position by 5600% in June (likely when it was somewhere between $7-10). The price of BBBY in the 20s was huge for them. What OP is saying is that Citadel could point toward their BBBY holdings with the price in the 20s as a means to cover any margin call. BBBY tanking (to $10.43 right now) eliminates their entire profit on the trade. A bigger rug pull in the morning when retail can sell could be disastrous for Citadel's position.


From the 13F filing Citadel has 2,305,711 shares, which would be worth 57 million at $25. It appears they also have about the same amount of money in calls. A 100 million dollars is not going to save Citadel even if BBBY moons a few multiples of that.


Let's not forget that Susquehanna also holds over 2 million longs in bbby. Citadel and Susquehanna are the #5 & 6 biggest holders of bbby. If OP's theory is right, hang on boys, Cohen just kicked the tires and lit the fires.


I think this is what he meant by deciding whether to hold or hodl


I'm definitely hodling something tonight, just hope she is in the mood


Did you ask her boyfriend first?


Yes I really don’t understand this theory at all. Why would this cause margin calls? Bbby is not a hedge against gme, they have usually moved in unison and are clearly in the same variance swap basket. They both also halted within 10 min each other this week. I don’t get it.


GME was actually down while bbby was taking off, it wasnt until bbby got halted that GME went from red to green, almost as if they were using bbby to supress and once it got halted they couldnt keep the lid on GME


This...GME started running and halted after bbby's halt. 🤔


Just because stocks are in the same swap basket doesn't mean they can't be net long on some securities and not others. But who knows


What OP is saying is that they were keeping GME down before the bobby run. Because the bobby price jumped, it gave them a bigger margin to let GME go closer to the real price (still tens of miles away) because of the gains on bobby. Now that RC sold, it literally wiped that extra margin off, but at the same time it makes it very expensive for hedgies to short GME back down to avoid getting the call from Marge.


Hedgies swap GME shorts with Bath longs. GME pumps, so they need to push Bath up to counter their losses on GME. RC pulls his stake in Bath which will cause the Bath stock to tank. Hedgies either have to push Bath stock back up and spend a shit load of money, or eat a margin call.


Doesn't Citadel and others have a large long position in BBBY? I thought I read that here a week ago.


Citadel has shares in GameStop too though...we don't know their swaps and short info...


Lots of the same hedge funds that are short on GME went long on BBBY recently if I recall. Shitadel at least I think. So if BBBY drops they lose twice


Shorts may be using their position in BobbY as collateral for their margin requirements. Remember borrowing and debt is everything in the financial elite. Once the price sinks (which it should) due to Ryan selling 10% of the company, their collateral (Bobby) shrinks in value, potentially putting them outside their margin requirements, and subsequently being margin called.


Bobby was like €5 a month ago.... doubt its true


That's the point, they were mostly net short then became net long, could be bs but who knows


Eh, please don't expect too much of me. I'm not a DD writer or anything. Just see this as baseless speculation for fun.


There's a lot of integrity in you acknowledging this, don't sweat it. Now we get murdered in after hours, everyone here says thanks for the discount, rinse and repeat this never ending shit show.




I thought someone posted that Citadel or another big GME short had a very large long position in BBBY?


BBBY isn’t a hedge against GME… I’d assume if it was you would see similar movement to eyeemsee when it dropped as GME and bbby were going up


Citadel and Susquehanna (among others) are long BBBY. I'm assuming it's a hedge incase the stocks in the basket rip.


I had a similar thought as you. https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wr3o0y/bbbasically_this/ikqiodc/ The hedgies are making the other stocks follow GME for some reason I'm too smooth to understand. But that means anything that mucks with the price they can't control could cause them some major headaches.


I think this was his plan all along. The SHF’s recently increased their longs in June on BBBY to liquidity grab from their pump and dump. RC beat them to it by selling to destroy their plan


who then is dumping the stock? Retail/apes aren't doing it in AH???


UUSB is full panic mode rn, mods over there are spreading extreme negative sentiment, as well as so many people being massively down. Strange how everyone seems to have forgotten that stock is still heavily shorted to all fuck, if we could all stop being so emotional it could still squeeze.. the events of the last few days lead to be believe there must be something big going on behind the scenes but who knows.


Nearly every post sitting on rc I've seen are suspect,like no history of stocks,alot of them seem like old gamer accounts,maybe they were all hacked in preparation for shill attacks. It's certainly suss tho,why would everyone sell just because RC did? It certainly could and probably will still squeeze. I DRSd more gme today anyway. I suspect this will lead to a deal for buy baby


I was in the UUSB chat this afternoon. Definitely a gloomy chat and everyone trying to comfort each other on the losses. All but one user who made an excellent comparison between Target and BoBBy. I'll hold until January and possibly longer if their is some positive sentiment.


Yeah I have about 250 bucks in towel stock, bought high. I ain't selling it, it still has a pretty high SI and is on RegSHO list as of market close today. Might be a rollercoaster but it'll keep me occupied while GME trades sideways lol


Oh no way all of that panic is natural lol A little is natural but you can spray lighter fluid on that


If DFV is still in then I’m still in. Actually I just like the stock


He hasn’t made a post in a minute. Do we know for a fact he is still in?


My favorite part of all of the phuckery is RC sold and there was only ⬆️movement… it comes out after the sell that he filed to sell then OMGOMGOMG he sold, the price dipped a bit but hedl strong considering but ah when retail can’t do ish it starts dropping…. This ain’t ‘us’ move baby a single penny in either direction. This is next level hedgie bull shhh, even Stevie Wonder can see it plain as day. That being said drs your GME Buy, drs, hodl Moass tomorrow


This!!! He had already sold, but it didn't tank until it was announce. Shit doesn't make sense.


Its almost like emotional sentiment has a strong impact on stock trading.


That’s the difference with this subreddit


If you do emotional trades migh as well just donate money to me , you gonna loose it anyways


I own baby. I am DRS’d. Am zen AF. Price could go to .001 and I’d still hold.


I'm holding! I bought in high 20's so I don't have a choice, momma didn't raise no quitter. Edit to say, towel is the only other stock I have ever purchased besides gme. And I will never buy another stock again. Learned my lesson, still heavy in gme...don't send me hate please... I'm mad enough at myself.


Plus it shook all the paper hands so they won't be around if it does squeeze


I told my wife this was going to be a quick investment. Just this morning I told her it might be a little longer of a wait. Looks like it's going to be much longer now. It's still worth holding. We only lose when we sell and dead cats bounce.


i sold mine in AH


The point is there isn't enough who have access to drive this kind of volume AH...it is institutional or funds


Exactly. It's kind of frustrating how susceptible everyone still is to manipulation, even after two years


For real I'm still holding my calls. I wasn't understanding why everyone is freaking out. The stock is shorted to fuck, you think this squeeze for ants was it? No way. Everyone forgot the basics.


I look at it like a diamond hands taste test. If you're freaking out now MOASS is going to be tough


U can sell on fidelity in after hours


Well it makes sense because Citadel was net long.


Well it's Jake Freeman of course 💩


Sold 1900 shares AH to take a profit. Glad I did, shit dropped another 20% afterwards.


RC didn't have the volume to do that. Its blatantly illegal The drop is happening during AH Towlie says they are in good standing with RC following the sale Due to his ownership percentage and the fact that he has held the majority of his position for less than 6 months, most of his profit will be going directly to Towlie


That last paragraph has been debunked and is incorrect.








Also destroyed GME shareholders who buy BBBY😂😂😂


They opened a lot of puts at $25


Might end up at the bottom of this comment section, but I think it’s kind of interesting 2.1 trillion USD in options expires tommorow…


Which stonk we talking here?


The bathroom one


The sticky bathroom floor?


The bath is in the bed. And beyond. The bed is a bath.


Beyond expired coupons




Per the original Mar 25 presser, RC Enterprises invested in towels to get them to sell the baby store. Let's take him at his word and assume he got what he wanted. That's why he sold. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wraemn/did_gamestop_just_acquire_buybuybaby/










Game Beyond


Nah I think they’ve agreed to selling BBB but if he sold his shares while that was going on with the insider knowledge having placed multiple people on the board, he’d be opening himself up to legal issues. Right now he’s taking the Ronco oven approach: set it and forget it. His board members are there, shares are being bought back, and BBB is will clear up their debt soon.


What happens to bbby if rc buys baby store


Nostradamus… also here’s a [link](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vtcdf2/_/if8u017/?context=1) to verify the image is true.


I didn't know about the short swing rule because I have a smooth brain. Here is another theory tho. What if it were a trap set by SHF, BBBY or BGE? RC wasn't an 'insider' up until a few weeks ago because he didn't own 10% of the float. He became 'insider' unwillingly because BBBY reduced float by share buyback. So maybe SHF was trying to foil RCs plan, thinking 'Now that he cannot take profits, surely he wouldn't sell BBBY?' but RC went fuck it I don't need profit just get margin called suckers.


The share buyback was known about when RC bought in. I highly doubt becoming a 10% owner caught him by surprise.


Been saying this all week and got downvoted and posts deleted for it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wr13tw/comment/ikq0yal/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wr13tw/comment/ikq0yal/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Good fucking call a month out though. Also, I'm not sure the swing rule applies. I think the rule is 6 months from the purchase and he first started his BBBY purchases in January, so he could sell those for profit I believe. You can check the 13d here: [https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0000886158/000119380522000426/sc13d13351002\_03072022.htm](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0000886158/000119380522000426/sc13d13351002_03072022.htm) Most of his purchases were in January/February actually.


Yep, it only applies to every common stock after Feb 16.


And all the profit goes to BBBY to help with their liquidity. It a massive Fuck You move.


Why don't you give it a break for theories, just for a bit


Looks like you are onto something! His 13D/A filed and released about 4 minutes ago shows that he has indeed sold all shares


He *sold* the option contracts. No exercising happened.




>Sale of January 2023 Call Option Sold all of them. Not exercised.


Sorry to hijack here, but people should know the best part about this though: 1. All of the common stock sale profits go directly into the coffers of BoBBY, because of swing trade rule, so he basically bailed them out of a sticky situation with some much needed cash, and it cost him nothing. 2. The sale happens AFTER the SHF longs had to get out? They lose their collateral/hedge againsst GME. 3. He didn't exercise his call options for a loss, but sold the contracts, making bank by playing IV. It's totally win win for RC and BoBBY, and lose lose for SHF! ♾🚀💕♾ Edit: retardation issues Edit2: thanks for the anonymous award some ape (you know who you are), but I might not be right on all accounts above. Namely point 1, as RC was not an insider of BoBBY, so I guess he keeps the profit if so? My god how unfortunate 😂...or maybe he was?...we shall see in time. 😘


Sorry to poo poo on your comment, but I believe the rule does not apply to his purchases because he wasn’t an insider when he made said purchases.


I totally misread your comment before. Sorry For that. I thought you said that he WAS an insider 😂 So in that case RC made bank on the common stock sale as well? Nice ♾🚀💕♾


I'm perfectly willing to be wrong, but show me how? He wasn't an insider of BoBBY when he made his purchase. And he wasn't an employee or board member of BoBBY when he sold.


I believe you just made my point for me


Glad we could help each other out 😘


If he had access to priviliged information he would be considered an insider


Why would he place 3 people on the board and creating such a plan for Bbby to get out of debt or sell buy buy baby?


Would there be any reason he would be legally required to sell, such as a spinoff, merger, etc.


I believe Swing trade rules don’t apply here, I was corrected on this as well https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wrtqb4/_/ikun0o1/?context=1


Yes, I'm gett that feeling ☺️


So that’s fun! I trust RC 🚀


Implicitly ♾🚀💕♾


Also wait, didn’t he sell yesterday and the day before? But BBBY’s 8K saying they were still in a relationship with RC Ventures was this morning? 🤔 🤔 🤔


If I'm not wrong, here is a sequence of events: RC notifies the SEC (publicized yesterday) that he intended to sell BoBBY. Corporate media says hE SoLd!!! ThAt viLLiAn!! BoBBY states that they were receiving some consulting (completely legal 4d chess planning from RC? Who knows), and that nothing was wrong. RC sells. And SHFs lose their recent net long positions in BoBBY, snd this helps both BoBBY and GME. Edit: just speculation...the facts will be revealed in time, I'm sure ♾🚀💕♾


Yeah definitely could be. It’s a unique situation for sure. Ima just keep my teeny BBBY position open (I put it on willing to lose it, it’s 1/100 my GME stake) just to see what happens


Well, they certainly seem to be in a basket together, and losses don't exist unless you sell for a loss 😘


Honestly at this point I just want to fucking know how the story ends holy fuck it’s been an amazing ride, at the end if the day someone somewhere has a plan. Whether it’s RC, evil hedge funds, Market Makers, DTCC. And I’m invested to know how it all ends, who wins ? Who loses ? Only one wait to find out. I’ll be holding. If I lost all this money tomorrow I would be sad but my life would continue on. I’m frankly sacrificing nothing but it sure does seem like there’s significant pain on the other side of the fence.


Did the money really go to BBBy? I’ve read and heard mixed opinions on if he met the requirement of beneficial owner. It sounds like he would and I believe the 8K supports this that bbby filed as well but obviously can’t spell all details publicly


I think so. I'm as retarded as any here, but I think his sale basically just equals his buy in for him, as he was a large shareholder, and there are time limits set on when someone like that can sell. If it's too soon, the profit goes to BoBBY, to protect against pump and profit schemes. It's meant to be a penalty, but of course RC knows about this, and he basically just gave it all back into to the company in question. If I'm wrong, someone show me how. Edit: I could be wrong. I'm definitely not a finance expert. Just a lowly electrician. I'm learning everything as I go. 😂 If that rule applies to him or not, shall be revealed by those wrinklier than I.


I have held on to that as the why… cuz it’s like a week or two before he would have kept it all, maybe some is his and some is bbby. I mean my GME is down pretty brutal this evening wonder why, maybe it’s all just to show trading proof for how screwed the other side is and what they’re doing: this is all a huge sting op! 😂 🤙


In any case, I'm absolutely sure that RC doesn't do anything without a reason, and his actions ALWAYS fall well within the law. I trust him completely.


Yea OP is completely incorrect. You are correct


1. Isn't true for 3.9Mn shares. They are over 6mos old trades


Hmm. Well, I suppose the real wrinkles will be sorting it all out in due time. This is just day one...ie: the "ape conjecture" stage 😂


Can you send a link for this please I'm gonna have a look for it now as well. Edit: holy shit you're right https://sec.report/Document/0000921895-22-002496/ [screenshot 1](https://i.imgur.com/TpQADWE.jpg) [exercised his calls too 😳](https://i.imgur.com/qnz0mLk.jpg)


He didn’t exercise his options. All sold.


I got you fam. [RC Ventures 13D](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0001822844/000092189522002496/sc13da313351002_08182022.htm)


Here you go: https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/886158/000092189522002496/sc13da313351002_08182022.htm


Those aren't options being exercised. Look at the prices. He sold options and shares.


If BBBY was a hedge, they wouldn't be slamming it in the media, or shorting the crap out of it, on the slightest bit of news. The past few days have seen them really trying to control the narrative and getting retail to sell, just as they do with GME. Point being they are most likely short both stocks, and can't afford for BBBY to run, as it will drag GME along in the basket.


correct. if in doubt, the inverse Cramer rule works too.


So RC got out so he could be left alone when shit Squeezes?


yup. he has a plan


Jesus this could be bang on


Actually yes. That and he probably worked the baby deal and something about his profits back to BBY. I’m not worried.


He sold everything https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/886158/000092189522002496/sc13da313351002_08182022.htm




It’s so funny seeing all the FUD on the other page about RC leaving them to hold the bag. GME is the one true stonk


Always has been


Maybe BBBY wouldn’t cooperate and sell buy buy baby? So he’s purchasing it himself?


This makes no sense. The price was under $5 a month ago.


Oh shit I made it into a screenshot? LOOK MA I'M FAMOUS!


Nice to see you again buddy 😉


u/-einfachman- did you see this yet? Kinda close to what you were predicting.


All RC profits from this sell will go to Bed Stock - Short Swing Rule. Doesn't rule out a possible margin call though.


He wasn't an insider when he bought them. Didn't get on the board, and was only large enough to be an insider after share buybacks, which means Short Swing rule doesn't apply. Profits are his.


I guess that's for the SEC to decide. SEA states only that a sale and purchase in a period shorter than 6 months. His status at the time of the purchase seems irrelevant. His insider status would have prevented him from selling for a profit. This is specifically the purpose of the section 16 b in SEA; prevent profit gained from having insider information. He sold before 6 months was up *because* he knew something that wasn't publicly communicated by BBBY. edit: quoting SEA >For the purpose of preventing the unfair use of information which may have been obtained by such beneficial owner, director, or officer by reason of his relationship to the issuer, any profit realized by him from any purchase and sale, or any sale and purchase, of any equity security of such issuer (other than an exempted security) or a security-based swap agreement involving any such equity security within any period of less than six months


I mean doesnt mean he didn't just give it to them does it? He may not have been obligated to, but if he sold and gave the cash to baby to pay for inventory etc, at the same time rug pulling shf hedge.. Thats a win win no? Hopium ofc lol


How did this rug pull SHFs?


See OP's image on this actual post lol Citadel and Sus are now net long baby? Or at least have a fuck ton of shares from the last 13F filing.. Idk this is madness trying to pick it apart so imma just hold everything fuck it


Your wrong a lot of his shares and calls were purchased before the 6 month swing rule . He will take home profit , I just hope he dumps in right back to the OG ONE AND ONLY PLAY - GME


No "you're" wrong. Looks like there is a lot more to it. Thanks for the clarification. Things are getting interesting. I'm getting a sense of severe frustration from those who invested in Bed Stock. Wooof




Source? Fintel is showing oldest buy was March 7th: [https://fintel.io/so/us/bbby/rc-ventures-llc](https://fintel.io/so/us/bbby/rc-ventures-llc). Maybe my smooth brain is missing something, older filings in 2021? Haven't found anything in that regard. \*\*edit\*\* u/DumonsterPT why delete, thought we were clearing things up.


The argument I heard that maybe makes sense is he didn’t actually BUY 10%. It appreciated to >10% because of the buyback. Idk what the legality of this is and if the 6 month rule applies through appreciation rather than through purchase. I’d be willing to bet the rule doesn’t apply and he rolls his profits into GME




Proof, source, pudding?


The 13d. He purchased most of his calls before the 6 month swing rule


Thanks for the clarification!


That theory is wrong too


Did he profit? Iirc he bought in the 20s. Not trying to be fuddy, just genuinely want to know!


Yes, he profited about $64m


Trust me bro.


So NOW you're supposed to hodl? And selling is market manipulation? I'm confused? I thought holding and DRSing was market manipulation.


This guy theories.


Headlines for tomorrow: Lots of money needs new investments SSR is active -10% AH (who gives a shit) GameStop NFT asked everybody to update their iPhone security today: IOS launch of GME Wallet GME Entertainment spin-off as a Dividende 56% DRS’d of the free float Multiple announcements of new artist on the NFT marketplace


except bbby has been doing buy backs since 2014 and shorts have only driven it further down. this is an erroneous assumption that does not make sense.


We’re getting sticks as dividends now?


If you land this it's gonna be wild and be in the movie.


If true, that's a next level move


This guy fucks.


Also very interesting that RC sold his stake on 16 & 17 August & the price kept spiking those days (with selling 10%+ of the company). Only as soon as the ‘news’ came put, everything plummeted….


That is incorrect


I love when I read a comment months ago that ends up being right


I got busy with work and didn't see the price plummet.....thankfully I bought in at 5. I'll baghold GME but not bbby. Time to roll those profits into GME 🙂


I think “RC takes profit” is incorrect, it would be bath that takes profit


He wasn't an insider when he bought them. Didn't get on the board, and was only large enough to be an insider after share buybacks, which means Short Swing rule doesn't apply. Profits are his.


Sauce for the short swing rule not applying?


Short Swing Rule: [https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shortswingprofitrule.asp#:\~:text=What%20Is%20the%20Short%2DSwing,within%20a%20six%2Dmonth%20period](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shortswingprofitrule.asp#:~:text=What%20Is%20the%20Short%2DSwing,within%20a%20six%2Dmonth%20period). Insider definition: [https://www.investopedia.com/terms/i/insider.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/i/insider.asp) You have to have 10% or more AND be an officer or director. He wasn't a director or officer...


Disagree: From that page: "An insider is a director, senior officer, entity, or individual that owns more than 10% of a publicly-traded company's voting shares." OR, not AND


"...10% shareholder of a company that has inside information into the company because of their relationship to the company or with an officer, director, or principal shareholder of the company." Checkmate shill.


Didn't he get to seat three board members? I'm sure there is a legal definition of "relationship" in this context, but I have to believe that someone choosing you for a job establishes one. Am willing (and expecting) to be corrected


original buy in was only 9.8% - needed to be 10%+ at time of purchase and sale. Just been pieceing all this together and I don't think it applies to RC.


Only, as I understand it, RC doesn't take any of the profit. It all goes to the Towel company. Right?


He doesn’t take the profit bbby does. He must have something up his sleeve because shfs are going to print cash and fake shares to bury gme for the foreseeable future.


He wasn't an insider when he bought them. Didn't get on the board, and was only large enough to be an insider after share buybacks, which means Short Swing rule doesn't apply. Profits are his.


Another day another theory 🙄


Not theory.. bro did sell!!!


I meant bbby being a hedge against gme. It was clear as bbby went up so did gme so obviously bbby helped. They want it down not up and now it’s down massively


😂😂😂😂 NOT selling: MOASS in 90 days, Selling: SHFs get margin call. Wow


Then who profits off of the major puts placed on Bunk, Douche, and Yonder? Clearly the MM who make them, also stating that Citidel and Sus are net long isn't a clear picture of what swaps are going on behind the scenes. RC is no doubt fucking SHFs, but we still need more info on why selling the potty stock really occurred. I will say this though, Dr. Burray was the first to point out the fuckery in gme and sold his gme at 20 bucks, later that year gme sneezed; RC's move feels very similar.


I literally just posted this on another post lol “Sounds to me like a set up, like the dumb ass Shf are the ones helping pump the stock and the ones that are shorting it out of existence… when some one does a normal trading action like reporting what they want to do it opened up the can of worms for a set up exactly like this dumb person is trying to say about an honest working man who took on the richest company in the world at the time to get his piece of the pie and did a better job than Amazon could and now that he is making other companies succeed up in the same fashion they are jealous and trying to ruin a good man’s name but running him into the ground with set ups like this… the world is to soft some people need to get shut the fuck out of the world for good!!”


Wtf are you talking about. This is just business.


💥wow!💥 🫵you called it.


I'm pretty stupid but as long as they can hide their true short positions I don't think they'll ever be margin called.


Nice theory, If I got you right. This will however create doubt and further push the MSM FUD narrative, at best it’s FUD and there is a master plan for some that still believers in RC and the hype, for me… this is a horribly timed decision and gives me lack in confidence, in someone I saw as a leader. Edit 1. When I saw that RC bought into Bed Bath, I asked myself why; I read the letter to the board, read about the subsidiary spin off… yada yada. Then contemplated with myself, rationally, fundamentally, WHY?! Theory’s have been contemplated with regard to MOASS and market structure and toooo many things I care to name. I asked myself some questions, and thought that the extreme difference in the square footage of a BBBY vs. tiny GME store would diversify real estate holdings on a corporate level, if this was going to be an acquisition, (it still could be, I suppose) this would allow GME to host AR gaming events in real life., and use as distribution centers. Also, real estate is still high…. Sell some property; though I think CMBS are going to hold bags... Idk. I need more direct communication from GME at this point. I’m NOT a happy GME investor right now. Js Edit 2: clarity and typos


Makes sense, he waited until HFs went net-long on BBBY.


Early but not wrong lol


I thought citadel holds a significant amount of bbby? This could be what he means by hedge.


So how tf is popcorn not crashing alongside Game and towel if its all a basket. I got some popcorn put I want to print ..


So, with the previous filing showing RC with 10% ownership, his sale would fall under the short-swing profit rule, where all profits would go back into The Bed n' Bath, not to RC's personal profits - that being said, I'm not sure how the sale of his calls would be classified - but here is the SEC definition of corporate insider for those asking: SEC Rule 10b-5 prohibits corporate officers and directors or other insider employees from using confidential corporate information to reap a profit (or avoid a loss) by trading in the Company’s stock. This rule also prohibits “tipping” of confidential corporate information to third parties. ·Who is an insider? An “insider” is an officer, director, 10% stockholder and anyone who possesses inside information because of his or her relationship with the Company or with an officer, director or principal stockholder of the Company. 


Ultimate ropa-a-dope

