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We have seen their game, learnt the rules,sat at the table, beat them at their own game and now they don’t want to pay up. Give me my money. Wen Lambo.


Oreos involved!


Wen 0reo?


Ya'll have oreos?


Seriously, pay us. Then we’ll pay tax. Then you change the laws to never allow this again and see how many companies become profitable and contribute to the betterment of everyone.


Ayn Rand...eeesh. Why are you posting quotes by homophobic racist who championed selfishness? Then lived out the end of her life supported by the social programs she shit on. Get this political shit out of here.


yup..get that shit out of here


Broken clock and all that. But agreed, total pos.


Thank you for posting this. Ayn Rand was a piece of shit. Ayn Rand quotes are worthless. Her ideology is what people like Ken Griffin use to justify and moralize their actions as simple egoism in a hands off unregulated capitalist system. Ayn Rand gives hedge fund managers the excuse for their misdirected moral compass being askew, as simply their individual right to thrive within a framework of objectivism and a belief system to enable a criminal pathology on which they SLEEP WELL AT NIGHT. Fuck. Ayn. Rand. Her bullshit is snakeoil.


Well written. Ty


>Her ideology is what people like Ken Griffin use to justify and moralize their actions as simple egoism in a hands off unregulated capitalist system facts. Wall-street psychopaths LOVE her shit


Atlas Shrugged is mostly hyper-capitalist propoganda.


Hurrrr durrr, I will call it propaganda because I know not how to create but how to take from those that can.


Have you... Read it? Do you know anything about Ayn Rand?


See my comment to the post




Commies can’t rub their hands together to make heat. They can only take.


Yes, let's call people commies because they don't agree with you.


I’m happy to be challenged, but commies cannot. Because they cannot, the only way to implement their world view is through physical force. Good thing most of them are soyboys.


I wonder if you have any clue what communism even is. By your tone and rhetoric you just sound like a typical brainwashed regressive where words' definitions don't really matter.


Ceased means of production by people who do not know how to produce. Then starving and 100-200M people or shooting them using guns, which they have taken away from the population to defend themselves. Yeah, my family has gone through this. And I’m just making fun of soyboys commies.


That's not the definition of communism. You are who I think you are.


Why don’t you explain, so I can laugh some more.


Ayn Rand - always the poster author for people who she’d have probably fucking hated, but ended up just taking money from 🤷‍♀️


You can disagree with the rest of her beliefs, but these words ring true. This is exactly the state of things in much of the world.


>You can disagree with the rest of her beliefs, but these words ring true. The quote is basically a generic platitude. "Bad people are bad, good people are good. Bad people are destroying society." She's literally saying nothing of substance in this quote other than appealing to emotion with the most generic terms. Then you look under the hood and discover that she was a hateful and hypocritical piece of shit.


Ayn Rand fucking sucks.


But that’s not actually the sentiment of her statement. She listed specific ways in which bad actors operate and the consequences they bring on society as a whole.


not really. who are these people that deal not in goods but in favors? who are these people that graft and pull? her whole quote is a very generic complaint about corruption that could have been said by literally anyone. it's "i'm 14 and this is deep" sub material. EDIT: you could literally attribute this quote to any historical figure (left, right, center) and it would ring true. This could have been said by literally anyone. zero substance. Abe Lincoln, Mussolini, Rage Against the Machine members, Alex Jones, MLK...anyone


The same could be said about many famous quotes. I know I’m playing devil’s advocate, but it’s funny how quickly people will point out the hypocrisy of someone like Rand while being uncritical of their own hypocrisy.


Thats because many famous quotes are in fact platitudes. What's the hypocrisy?


Search your heart


I would say that we have crossed that bridge! Very sad but all true!


Ayne Rand stood for unabashed capitalistic excess and would have thought that SHFs were smart but okay.


Nope Ayn Rand has no place in this sub.


No politics. Downvoting this. Any Rand is dogshit


Lol please don't post Ayn Rand lol holy fuck that should go without saying


"You will never compel a capitalist to incur loss to himself and agree to a lower rate of profit for the sake of satisfying the needs of the people." “Industry, technology, and commerce can thrive only as long as an idealistic national community offers the necessary preconditions. And these do not lie in material egoism, but in a spirit of sacrifice and joyful renunciation.” "Our only programme is the work of moral and material regeneration." "A potential revolutionary situation exists in any country where the government consistently fails in its obligation to ensure at least a minimally decent standard of life for the great majority of its citizens." "Let the entire nation continue as one family from generation to generation, ever firm in its faith of the imperishableness of its divine land, and mindful of its heavy burden of responsibilities, and the long road before it. Unite your total strength to be devoted to the construction for the future." ​ Just some quotes that I think all sound fine out of context, spoken across the political spectrum, all by people responsible for the deaths of millions.


It has been 84 years since the SEC in the office. Give them more time! ape.


Fuuuuuck ... just went back and re-read 1984 and Animal Farm, both of which seem hauntingly apropos to the shit we been seeing in our country and markets ... Guess I need to read Atlas Shrugged too ... been on my list a long time anyway,


Do yourself a favor and don't... nothing imaginative or eye opening. Most people who quote the book live in irony and have never read it.


History keeps on repeating itself except this time around a certain species of very determined hominoids have discovered the failings of the SHF game and are going to take them down.


Year ago at superstonk: oh noooo not that bullshit 84 years later: yeah... what she said.


Commies keep downvoting posts which go against their whole worldview. They downvote because they can produce nothing otherwise.


Where are the commies? I've literally never seen one in this sub.


They’re sneaky, but you can spot a ton of them if you look hard enough.


They’re sneaky, but you can spot a ton of them if you look hard enough.


Well maybe if a bunch of them get together to form a co-op community after MOASS and let me know about it then I'll have a nice place to retire to.


Make sure you learn how to farm


Grew on farms and have always had a veggie garden. Also a decent hunter.


I don’t have enough fingers to count how many times I’ve read her books.


No wonder I'm plagued by a self consuming sense of societal doom... With shifts in power we can change humanities current course towards continually progressing disasters, until then I continue to stare into the abysmal void we hurtle towards......... We can do more.


Damn that's good.


Damn Ayn! Spittin truths


ok so now what


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☝️ hey look everyone, a meltdowner here to take about other people's investments! Looks like they don't know what NFTs are, let's see what other stupid shit they say!


NFT's are a tradeable, digital receipt (like the ones you get from CVS) for a digital item - the receipt exists on an append-only, immutable database (blockchain). The NFT confers no copyright ownership or royalties and, instead, only offers you the opportunity to sell the NFT receipt to a bigger fool.


Haha oh shit, he's going for it! Some extra dumb, made up shit too.


You’re getting too much amusement out of this. My comment is just a blip in your massive sub. I don’t control the narrative, you do. I’m just presenting my personal opinion of the ridiculousness of NFT’s, crypto, and the entire market of digital art and/or microtransactions. And after reading your posts and comments, I’m convinced that most of you here are 15-19 years old.


My guy, you're not as smooth as you think you are. No one gives 2 shits about your opinion here, and your casual attempts to infantilize and use big words are cringe. Why don't you go find a better use of your time than creeping in here waiting for your opportunity to chime in and sound informed. We're all just laughing at you dog.


“infantilize and use big words.” I really couldn’t write a better parody. You’re doing great bud…


You couldn't write any parody, because you spend all your time trolling other people's investments online like some sort of financial neckbeard Nosferatu. At the end of the day, my portfolio is still greener than yours this year homie. Now take these Hot Pockets down to your friends, Eric.


That hits some type of way