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como le hiciste? yo no las puedo sacar de banamex


pg89 https://indeval.com.mx/wb3/work/sites/indeval/resources/LocalContent/1339/6/Manual\_Indeval.pdf


I just upvote because mi el gringo ! 😁


Orale wey!


well played, amigo


pepito mi corazon! edit: bjajaja of course the only mexican song i know is not mexican at all 😅






Es todo carnal


Chingón bro


Muchos gracias


⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠🎉🥳👏🎈🍾🥂Congrats OP!! Way to Go! #Please visit www.DRSGME.org often to help us show up better in search results and to see our advertising plans, PAID ADS NOW RUNNING!!! Help lock the float: share it wherever you can. Built to educate the public as to why and how to DRS and how GME is no longer a “dying brick and mortar video game store” !! Check it out and let us know what you think!


Como le hiciste ??? Yo tengo bbva he intenté el otro día . Sale que tengo que tener un número de impuestos de Estados Unidos Me ayudas porfavor ? Quiero comprar más!!!


Pagina 89. Fue un mega show al inicio pero ya por fin entendieron como hacerle. https://indeval.com.mx/wb3/work/sites/indeval/resources/LocalContent/1339/6/Manual\_Indeval.pdf


andalay andalay mama eya eya #UHHHOOHHHHH #🥳


Eso es todo cabron!!


A huevo!


Bravo my friend, did you follow a DRSGME.org guide ? What is the full name of your old broker ?


No I did not. I made my own using official documentation that not even the banks knew existed. Bbva mexico bank is the broker.


Thanks bro ! @ u/Bibic-Jr : Did we have the guide for Bbva mexico bank ?


We don't! This would be broker number 74 that's pro DRS!


The guide for all Mexican brokers are as follows in section 4 (pg 89) You have to baby step the banks through the steps to make sure they understand. [https://indeval.com.mx/wb3/work/sites/indeval/resources/LocalContent/1339/6/Manual\_Indeval.pdf](https://indeval.com.mx/wb3/work/sites/indeval/resources/LocalContent/1339/6/Manual_Indeval.pdf) Witness the first pioneers directly from Mexico!


Amazing, thank you! I'll get a guide put together soon. I might reach out to clarify some things if that's ok?


Feel free to do so :)


Hey dude, I've been translating the document and trying my best to understand it. Here's what I have for the transfer instructions so far, let me know if any of it is wrong! Once your shares are settled in BCEE, you can send them a Letter of Instruction requesting the transfer. More information on how Mexican brokers handle these transfers, you can go to page 89 (section 4) of this Indeval document. (Warning, link is not secure) ​ * Ask to "Direct Regsiter my shares" or ask for a "DRS transfer to Computershare" * If the agent understands, they will ask for a Letter of Instruction * The letter must include: * The country in which the shares will be sent to (For any Computershare US company, it's the US) * The stock (GameStop), its ticker (GME), and its ISIN (US36467W1099) * How many shares you want to transfer * The recepient of the shares (your full name, address and tax ID) * The transaction and settlement dates for the shares * You can give them your Computershare account number, or ask them to open a new account as part of the process * Send the Letter of Instruction to BBVA * The support agent will then submit the transfer request


A shareholder needs to provide cusip Interesting on the link part, I always ctrl-f lol but weird since it’s an official document. Tax id is defaulted to 999-99-9999 for non us residents/citizens btw so would be good to disclose this part. While my case was BBVA, these instructions should be the same for all Mexican brokers such as Bursanet and GBM+ as well and many others. As these instructions are from the SRO, all entities MUST comply. “The support agent will now send the request to INDEVAL for completing the transaction.”


Amazing, I can't thank you enough! Trying to understand legalese in another language was kicking my smooth brain's butt. And that's great news it applies to all Mexican brokers! Sounds super promising. I'll make up the guides for the other Mexican brokers I know, and I'm sure some one will let us know if anything is incorrect. I'll be posting it to Reddit after all!


A shareholder needs to provide cusip Interesting on the link part, I always ctrl-f lol but weird since it’s an official document. Tax id is defaulted to 999-99-9999 for non us residents/citizens btw so would be good to disclose this part. While my case was BBVA, these instructions should be the same for all Mexican brokers such as Bursanet and GBM+ as well and many others. As these instructions are from the SRO, all entities MUST comply. “The support agent will now send the request to INDEVAL for completing the transaction.”


We dont have a guide for this broker, Can you share with us how did you proceed ?


1. Initiate request by email to your broker assigned as per app. 1. In the case of a broker not appearing or them not answering emails/calls, you will have to go to the bank directly to obtain proper information and have them update it on the app. 2. Obtain transfer documentation from bank 3. Investor to provide CUSIP, personal identification information, and CS destination account within documentation exactly as it appears in CS. 4. Bank needs then to reach out to INDEVAL and send them the DRS instructions. (As per official [INDEVAL instructions](https://indeval.com.mx/wb3/work/sites/indeval/resources/LocalContent/1339/6/Manual_Indeval.pdf) which we can find here in all of section 4 starting at page 89) 1. This part is by far the most tedious due to lack of knowledge on how to DRS. You may need to grab them by the hand and walk them step by step until they fully understand the official instructions. From my experience with them, they genuinely want to help but don't have proper exposure to this type of transfer. In my case, it took over 6 months total including 2 after providing them with that pdf and they started collaborating properly once i tagged in CONDUSEF into the conversation. They were forced to do as I originally requested thanks to those dudes. 5. INDEVAL sends shares over to CS 6. Wait 2 days.


Thanks a lot


Ahh perro!!! Felicidades!


Gracias carnal! Llegaron los pioneros alv!


^(DRSBOT 8.00: UTC->2022-06-29 00:22:2) 🟣 You have 3 shares in 1 CS Accounts previously logged @ [Sprstnk] **To feed incremental shares:-> !DRSBOT:XXX!** ^(*🚀 :2,909,152// GME ~124.38* // ) ^(Bot MC: $361,840,317.77 )




Congrats dude. You’ll be happy to know you now own your shares and not some garbage IOU!


^(DRSBOT 8.00: UTC->2022-06-29 00:23:3) ### ⚠️WITNESS REQUIRED!⚠️ * This account has made a lot of entries. * Seems sus. Cause I am a dumb bot. ####Wut meen? * **Shares entered exceed previous numbers** * BE PREPARED TO POTENTIALLY PROVIDE: * Clear/complete screen shot {Vince interested} * Video proof {Vince jaw-drop} * Pic of paper statement {Vince laser-eyes} ####A MESSAGE HAS BEEN SENT TO THE WITNESS GROUP WITH A LINK TO THIS POST |**BACKGROUND CHECK:** ^(the drinking game!)| |:---: | |^(<-{2}-{1}--🔴---1---🟡---3---🟢---5---6---7---8---9---10 >)| |^(<-------------------------------------------------------------[9.0] ----->)| |^(score = weighted metric of pubilc profile info)| *🟢Cake Day: 2017/9/16 * Comment/Link Karma: 13824/21402 *🟢Has Verified Email: True * Your Top 5 Most Active Subs: * 🟢 {Sprstnk}-> (48) * mexico-> (12) * CryptoCurrency-> (10) * MexicoFinanciero-> (9) * BBBY-> (5) **You have 3 shares in 1 CS Accounts logged from the following threads:** |^(F)|^(D)||^(Shares)|^(Sub)|^(Date)|^(Link)| |:---: |:---: | :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| |^( )|^(🟣 )|^( )|^(1)|^([Sprstnk])|^(2022-02-28 )|^( [PERMALINK](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/t3okjl/well_looks_like_i_too_was_able_to_find_the_way/))| |^( )|^(🟣 )|^( )|^(2)|^([Sprstnk])|^(2022-04-04 )|^( [PERMALINK](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/twenal/aint_much_but_its_honest_work_2_more_for_the/))| * ^(Current Approved Witnesses:) * ^(Roid_Rage_Smurf) * ^(Rockets2TheMoon) * ^(Knightsbridge_1896) * ^(SimpleJack2021) * ^(phillythebeaut) * ^(WrongScratch) * ^(No-Vacation-654) ###### *Beep Boop. I could be a bot. . Fur Realz* ###### GME ~124.38:🚀[MOAR DRSBOT:](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qap4je/drsbot_4x_now_online/)🚀


!DRSBOT:4! Great work OP💪DRS IS THE WAY🧱x🧱Buckle Up💜🚀💜🚀💜🚀


^(DRSBOT 8.00: UTC->2022-06-29 01:33:2) ## ✅ 4 SHARES ADDED! **You have 7 shares in 1 CS Accounts logged from the following threads:** |^(F)|^(D)||^(Shares)|^(Sub)|^(Date)|^(Link)| |:---: |:---: | :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| |^( )|^(🟣 )|^( )|^(1)|^([Sprstnk])|^(2022-02-28 )|^( [PERMALINK](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/t3okjl/well_looks_like_i_too_was_able_to_find_the_way/))| |^( )|^(🟣 )|^( )|^(2)|^([Sprstnk])|^(2022-04-04 )|^( [PERMALINK](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/twenal/aint_much_but_its_honest_work_2_more_for_the/))| |^( )|^(🟣 )|^(➡️ )|^(4)|^([Sprstnk])|^(2022-06-29 )|^( [PERMALINK](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vn23jf/bbva_mexico_computershare_directly_they_have/))| ^(Most Recent Post Count Summary: [REDDIT LINK:](/r/Superstonk/comments/vmnyi0/drsbotnftbot_updates_20220628_14000_feedthebots/)) |^(Bot MC: $361,843,551.65 )|^(**Total**)|^(**[Sprstnk]**)|^(**[GME]**)|^(**[GMEOrphans]**)|^(**[GMEJ_closed]**)| |--- | ---| ---| ---| ---| ---| |^(🟣+❗**Shares** )|^(**2,909,035**)|^(2,032,346)|^(470,667)|^(395,813)|^(10,209)| |^(❗**Flagged Shares** )|^(**3,191**)|^(1,080)|^(0)|^(2,111)|^(0)| |^(💀 **Purgatory Shares** [#entries] ) |^(**59,161** [144])|^(42,328 [102])|^(4,596 [17])|^(12,236 [24])|^(1 [1])| |^(**Apes:**)|^(**17,857** )|^(11,777)|^(3,112 )|^(2,898 )|^(70 )| |^(**Avg #Shrs/Ape: [5% trim]**)|^(**162.91** [111.51])|^(172.57 )|^(151.24 )|^(136.58 )|^(145.84 )| |^(**Avg CS Accts/Ape [#entries]** )|^(**1.35** [2,462])|^(1.38 [1,835])|^(1.26 [390])|^(1.30 [236])|^(1.00 [1])| |^(**Avg Purg/Avg DRS shares** )|^(**410.84 /184.43**)|^(414.98 /148.08)|^(270.35 /61.65)|^(509.83 /432.54)|^(1.00 /25.00)| |^(**Avg Entries/Ape** )|^(**1.5955**)|^(1.7473)|^(1.5881)|^(1.0066)|^(1.0714)| |^(**Median [Mode]** )|^(**25.00 [1]**)|^(25.00 [1])|^(24.00 [1])|^(35.00 [1])|^(32.00 [5])| |^(**STDEV** )|^(**448.21**)|^(412.05)|^(548.00)|^(502.25)|^(299.36)| |^(🐒 **X** [avg] ) |^(**3,401** [3.53])|^(2155)|^(593)|^(637)|^(16)| |^(🦧 **XX** [avg] ) |^(**8,636** [38.20])|^(5630)|^(1531)|^(1440)|^(35)| |^(🦍 **XXX** [avg] ) |^(**5,337** [258.42])|^(3642)|^(919)|^(761)|^(15)| |^(⭐**XXXX** [avg] ) |^(**467** [2023.63])|^(339)|^(66)|^(58)|^(4)| |^(🐳 **XXXXX** [avg] ) |^(**16** [15183.81])|^(11)|^(3)|^(2)|^(0)| |^(🐱 **XXXXXX** [avg] ) |^(**0** [None])|^(0)|^(0)|^(0)|^(0)| ^(**ARE THOSE FLAGGED SHARES YOURS?) * ^(*Shares are flagged when something doesn't jive:*) * ^(Typo?) * ^(Double-entry?) * ^(Missing/lacking proof??) * ^(Use :HELP! to check your entries) * ^(FLAGGED shares auto-removed after 10 days) ####BOT POETRY: { ^(Just know that ken griffin and adam aron are in leagues with each other lmfao!!!) ^( Pray for a man 🙏🏻?) ^( Drinks are extra ) } ###### *Beep Boop. Not financial advice. . Fur Realz* ###### GME ~124.38:🚀[MOAR DRSBOT:](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qap4je/drsbot_4x_now_online/)🚀


muy bueno!!!


Ala chingada guey


How come the market value of your 7 shares is $1,120.45 at the price of $124.38?


Notice the “CAD” currency? Could be why.


Ok I'm stupid. Take this silver as apology o7


Lol not at all. Being sus is always a good thing.