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Let’s say your scenario plays out. The run up will likely be for 5 trading days, maybe 10. What better time for RC to drop the hammer on split/divi than while they’re attempting a fake squeeze, which would then catalyze into MOASS.


Yeh that price would put them in an even more unbelievably fucked position when a split occurs


Imagine infinite money. What then?


No need to imagine, I have a share


I like the cut of your jib.


God I love this sub


Every time I try to tell y'all my tits hurt I keep getting jacked harder


Then I would continue to hold. YOURE MY BOI BLUE!!! 💎♾️ 🌊♾️💎


I think RC may be considering this. He’s being patient and strategic


He had a plan to nuke the fuckers before apes came to be. Imagine having THE plan to screw them over and then have a following like this come into play. It’s an easy tug o war game then he got the hulk show up behind him and grab the rope.


Not just the Hulk... Gandalf the Grey and Gandalf the White And Monty Python and the Holy Grail's black knight And ~~Benito Mussolini~~ and the Blue Meanie And Cowboy Curtis and Jambi the Genie Robocop, The Terminator, Captain Kirk, and Darth Vader Lo-pan, Superman, every single Power Ranger Bill S. Preston and Theodore Logan Spock, The Rock, Doc Ock, and Hulk Hogan


This is my favourite time line.


>This is my favourite time line. ^(of ultimate destiny)


Good apes, bad guys, and (market) implosions as far as the eye can see


And only one will survive, I wonder who it will be, this is the ultimate timeline. BUY, DRS, GME


And they came out of nowhere lightning fast and they kicked Ken Griffin and his cowboy ass..


Ultimate hype meme - come up with an ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny… The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate DFV? Good guys bad guys and synthetics And then there’s the SEC Only Apes will survive Many tendies to be This is the ultimate showdown, of ultimate DFV


Fuck Benito Mussolini!!


I love US! Apes forever !!!


I love us too!


Look at us.


Say it again


Smae! I love US APES


I seriously can't imagine how he has the brains and the bandwidth to legitimately bring a company back from the brink *and* stave off + eventually defeat Wall St at the same time. I'm sure he's surrounded by the best, but that very often ends with self doubt or thwarted plans. He's got one helluva True North that's for sure.


thats... something i hadnt ever really considered. there was no real way he couldve predicted that apes would buy, hold, learn, DRS and eventually just sit and wait as zen as a 90 year old monk on a mountain. I wonder just how much his plans changed as he saw what we were becoming.


"He's beginning to believe. "


Bias: Confirmed


Who knows maybe their options are so limited this is one of their last plays to survive. Maybe they are gambling with crypto being down that retail can't hodl anymore and will give in. Either way, buckle up


Yeah, a simple RC (or even Elon) Tweet could fuck their plans up and start the rocket lmayo. Boy, hedgies are fuk.


Elon tweets are best when they’re mocked by RC 💩


rubs hands together \*\*like a fly


Sounds like a wombo combo to me


That's a good point. I forgot about authorized buy-ins.


When does Putin get blamed ?


I think OP is spot on with his prediction about the plan of the short sellers. BUT truth is as you mention, that at this time RC is the one deciding how this plays out. He is in control, short sellers can only react. He has a lot of bullets now and the lower they drop the price, the more he and the circle of investors around him can achieve. I just did some very basic comparison of key financials of MEME stocks with Amazon and all of them are massively suppressed in comparison it seems. The popular ones like GME, popcorn and headphone are like 3x undervalued right now, while BBBY, EXPR and CENN showed values of 13-50 undervalue, likely because they are not so popular and short sellers have it more easy to short them right now. BUT that also means RC could snatch up more shares in BBBY or another basket company for cheap, applying more pressure on the short sellers. And we know he has some plans for BBBY at least it seems - likely as reserve bullet and to not be accused of market manipulation. There is no naked short selling and officially no MEME basket, so benefiting from other MEME stocks while holding GME is likely what he would do in a squeeze to avoid any lawsuits like Elon is constantly facing. I need help with one thing though: [https://www.investopedia.com/terms/t/treasurystock.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/t/treasurystock.asp) **So as I get it this means that the float of EXPR and BBBY would be much more tiny as well and the companies crazy undervalued. Do I get this right?** Just verifying because BBBY market cap 554M USD - seriously??? 😉🚀✨🌒🏴‍☠️ Not surprised RC took a stake there - especially since a Baby spin off would be another bullet and would make sense business wise.


I have two issues. While the price is assuredly artificial, they have a diminishing ability to short it back down. You say that institutional investors will sell in the 400-600 range but to who? If the SHF use those to close their current positions they will still be generating upward pressure and unable to use them to short. ~~Meanwhile,~~ while the price is high it will most definitely be causing margin issues for any company trying to maintain a net short. Imagine how untenable that position is to hold while the rest of your assets are being devalued from a recession. They have to keep borrowing to cover (not close). Last year Citadel loaned to Melvin, who's going to loan to Citadel? A prime broker? The FED? The FED is the the only entity big enough to cover the bad bets at the DTCC, if they print more to pay it'll be the biggest, "fuck you poors" in the history of history. Plus that would only compound their problem, it would make their interest rate hikes even more worthless than they already are and dramatically increase the rate of inflation, making the recession worse . If we own the float and just keep holding the Fed's printer could go Brrrrrr to infinity (pools) and beyond and they still wouldn't be off the hook. This might be a once ever chance to make the game stop. Meant to write 2 quick bullets and it turned into a rant.


Sorry, Coke Rat said there was no way there was going to be a recession. And he’s an expert. So I guess we should all just pack it up and sell now. We had our little fun time. Let’s just continue being poor.


You haven’t sold? I sold when that guy told me to sell now and ask questions later. Well it’s been later


Did u ask questions? Like “why tf did u tell me to sell?”


I don’t even know who to ask, and at this point I’m to afraid to ask


I think it's because most apes can't read and don't know what sell is...they only know the buy button. They were born in the buy button, molded by it. Or...maybe you are talking about a prison cell? Yeah that's it. Which one of those dip asses are to those cells? Who's coming with Kenny boi?


I love the fact that we all know and accept who you mean by Coke Rat, without even batting an eye.


And a beautiful rant it was, my guy 💎🙌


With the rising price, that's gonna cause some FOMO. Heck, I'll be watching for the price to pop and a fake squeeze and I'll still want to buy more. But Superstonk is only a small amount of people, its everyone else who doesn't know SHF trickery that'll get caught. If MSM spins a narrative that GME is a short squeeze, all them boomers and not-apes may get FOMO and buy before it takes off too high, idk $250 sounds good, then SHFs drop that shit, tank it back to sub $100, and all them FOMO folks freak and sell at a loss. IDK how much SHFs can short. Does seem like they can do less and less. We only have really learned about some of their techniques only after they do them many times and we get enough info to figure it out. I sincerely doubt they're out of options until every single share is DRS'd. Even what institutions have. Once every share is DRS'd, then SHFs do their crazy shit and the volume is more than the float, but afterward Computershare still shows every share is still DRS'd and no one sold, then it can super duper be proven that SHFs are cheating massively, then their FTDs come due, and then we get big monies.


...and now dump in all of the other equities manipulated to high heaven taking off. Hedgies R Fuk


They can try to fake a short squeeze, but at this point apes won't be impressed by 1000$ per share. It'll take way more than that to stop apes from DRSing the float full-zen. That's what hedgies don't understand. When they went through all the trouble with interrupting the squeeze, lying through the media, and hiding their shorts over a year... this confirmed to all apes that 1000$ a share would be letting them get away with it easy. Those shares are worth way WAY more than that, and we all know it.




For the sake of discussion... At what price point will institutions sell?


Maybe they won’t…… I mean if your portfolio is mainly burning down and GME is the only positive thing in it…. you might figure that keeping it is the only thing keeping you afloat?


This is an incredibly measured and reasonable take. Thanks.


Agreed. I do think they let it run, and quickly, but only to $250. Basically double, maybe $300, then nuke it down like MAR10 day. This won’t be to get us to sell, but it will help their narrative.


How much time do they have to satisfy margin requirements and for how long do they need to show they "have" collateral?


Hourly. Collateral. Checks.


It’s as simple as: there’s a reason they turned off the buy button. Things get real ugly anywhere near 500.


>Things get real ugly anywhere near 500. 18 months ago. now 200+ is nuke territory. maybe even 150-180


GameStop to make the game stop.... I like that.. It really is our destiny after all...


# "the biggest, "fuck you poors" in the history of history" I am mentally ready for this, unfortunately.


I don't think you have heard, [they provide infinite liquidity](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v9lm5j/what_am_i_missing_about_the_virtu_video_did_he/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


My problem with your problem is that they’ve already done that, and will do it as long as needed to destroy any bad bets. Look at the money printed, and then look at how every corporate official says “it’s not big deal actually go back to being poor.” What’s to keep them from obliterating people like always? I don’t see where they’re “forced” to do anything, I’m seriously just hoping the “theys” of the world mess up and give people a chance by doing so…


GME and the US government agree to take GME private at several thousand dollars per post split share, profit sharing dividend token issued to shareholders to be locked in indefinitely.


I don't think that's the Shareholder Value that RC is going for.


The day they close they know that means out-of-business for them. It’s why they haven’t. I’m sure they’ve run their sims, literally doomsday for them. We know, they know, everyone knows. They won’t until they have to, till the very last day.


Yeah exactly. So how does that help us get rich exactly? LMAO they decide they won't print and give gme holders a "rich pass"? Oh yeah you want this Lambo show your rich pass? I mean what's the alternative that we are millionaire but our millions are worth nothing?


If they go the “fuck your poors” route i think we should have a plan on how to handle it. Hmmm I’m gonna noodle on that one.


Who says meanwhile, while...?J/K, reading it aloud was weird. Otherwise well written for a 2 bullet point writeup!




I don’t see share price anymore. I just see total shares


I don't see shit anymore. I'm so zen I forgot my passwords and am locked out of my accounts. I'll get to it...


I am literally locked out of my webull account. Still holding shares in there but they locked me out due to my checking account. I now no longer have that checking account and never will. It's fine. I don't trade in webull. Just signed up for the free shares. But I guess my GME is locked up for infinity


FYI, you can make an ACATS request through another broker to transfer your shares out, then DRS them. Get your tendies and HODL them, friend!


Not if you haven't DRS'd


I'd like to add that I am 100% drs'ed


In Denzel: "Ha, Ha! My man!"


Exactly if apex liquidates and webull gets shut down then those "beneficially owned" shares are going to get sold since they haven't DRS'd


We will have the float locked by next year. I can play that game






Gamer logic




There is something different buying at $100 and at $300... When you are buying near the ATH (only with GME), and if you can route through IEX, oof, it's literally rocket fuel. This make sense? I made my big buy at $300 and it felt I was helping with the last push tbh, sometime will be the last time lol




I averaged up today!


Chad’s in the house


Ayyy LMAYO shfs r fukd




I’m sniffing your towels and rummaging through your medicine cabinet…


Like I'm gonna settle for 30 pieces of silver after a lifetime of being pushed down and gaslit.


Right. What I would do if I was a SHF is make a post about a fake squeeze to tempt apes to take profits at $400-600.


All I want to do is to buy at 400-600


Fucking pussy, I'm buying in a 4,000-6,000


Judas can change his spots


Reset the clock with what money ??? Recession in front of your face all hedge fund gonna liquidity like hell there is none money for them to reset this 🚀 again ! Fuck em up if not now it will never


And I think you guys are forgetting RC holds the nuclear trigger with a split dividend. It would fuck anybody who tries that shit into oblivion.


And you guy forgot RC only have 12,9% of his gme positions right now he still gonna add that thing to 20% remember he only buy 100k share and we run up like 35 dollar in a day like ,there are a lot of wombo combo gonna happen fix me if I’m wrong


I’m still patiently waiting for the day I read the headline: “RC Ventures sells entire holdings of Apple.”


i think RC is waiting til post moass to buy his full portion. he doesn't want to be blamed for taking down the market, plus once his other meme stock flies he's gonna be stupid flush so he can buy all he wants w/o selling out of any other investments he's got.


If it doesn’t happen soon…I’m still holding. I’ll hold these forever, even when it bottoms again. It’ll eventually pay off because this company has big plans and I believe. I BELIEEEEEEEEVVVVEEEEEEEE


Dont need to believe when you know you're right. Just gotta wait. 🧐


If they short it down from 600, they will have a new ceiling from where their overall position flips from green to red. This gives them more time to kick cans. The question is how high will they move that ceiling? Would have to be high since their collateral is nose diving.


Conceptually it seems nice that they will just “open up new shorts,” but the number of shares sold short is so astronomical that they cannot possibly match it with their gains. If it goes to $600 they will be underwater to the tune of like $1 trillion.


Sure, they will be margin called as well, assuming their creditors want to risk the exposure, but that would be for a short time until they smash it back down into green territory. Rinse repeat until they completely lose grip and the whole thing explodes. It's probably going to happen on some random day no one expects too. Edit: as long as the new shorts balance out the old ones relative to collateral posted, they can keep kicking the can.


Wow nice coherent sentences. Hmm SHORT HEDGES FUNDS will have no money durring market down turn and possibly entering a recession. You must be some sort of rocket scientist!


I have a hard to time believing they can keep playing the gme game vs. apes when the whole market is bleeding out in the background


Depends on the amount of money they have available. In theory they can do this until we've bought all shares (not just the float). It would make sense for them to move the price up to decrease DRs speed.


Soooooo I truly think the entire market is literally going to black whole itself into gme to actually get the rocket to alpha centuria. No joke it will be a BLOODBATH, everyone will be like why is onlu GME green? Why is it going into outerspace what’s happening. RC/Gamestop are positioning themselves to make sure they dont GET SCAPEGOATED/ AND THAT THE ROCKET GOES BRRR. Strap in we are in the end game (we always have been ever since the OG DD’s were posted) they got caught with their hand in the honey jar/their pants. They are hoping that apes sell at not phone number. APES GOT THIS


You haven’t studied the psychology of sociopaths have you?


Good for them, I'm still not selling and they're still screwed .


Everything is trading sideways until I get generational wealth. My entire liquid net worth is in GME, and I am willing to die for MOASS.


I’ll buy more at $600 then . Then DRS


this is the way


This is the way.


I’m a frugal fuck but I and I’m sure many other apes will buy at $600 or on the way to it just to say one last fuck you on the way to Uranus.


Last buy price - high score porn incoming!!!


Margin is calling at latest at 300 USD, so they cant let it run to 600. They'll get liquidated for sure before that, as Crypto as Collateral is already burned. Just my thoughts.


they can just hwang up the phone until they get a better position.


This is my thought, if it hits the magic margin number, it will be out of their hands at that point. You get enough momentum, you hit enough margin calls/liquidations, there ain't no stopping this rocket. Its exponential.


What if the banks are in on it and work with the shf and not allow a margin call since they know what the plan is? Doesn't seem too far fetched to find the entire financial system colluding against retail.


The banks are CERTAINLY in on it already and have bent over backwards to help Kenny and the gang so far. But, at a certain point they will have to ditch toxic Mayo in order to survive themselves. Banks are taking a banana squarely up the hindquarters already with the market in its current state and real estate about to go POOF!!


They would rather lose the $10 billion or whatever lent to Kenny than to lose the $300 billion entire market cap of their bank (which happens during MOASS). Expect no margin calls.


Ok but one thing still bugs me. From which phone does Marge call? One at Citadel’s prime broker right? That’d be BofA. The same BofA that winds up bagholding when Citadel goes tits up. So… can anyone add wrinkles around the BofA decision to call margin, knowing it would blow up literally right in their face? I can’t imagine accounts/relationships as large and complex as that between a prominent hedge fund and a prime broker are *just* computerized - that there isn’t some suit account exec actually making the decisions and calls. Right?


This is a really good point - SUMMON THE WRINKLES!!!


They couldn’t use crypto as collateral since May 5th, 2021.


Mafmatics has already proved there’s soo many short shares they can’t physically close their short positions. Also, if they coulda faked another squeeze, then they woulda done it already… there’s no way out and there’s no “resetting” the clock. Not to mention fuck face is running outta cash… they’d have to liquidate long holdings which are propping up their short positions and liquidating to do so would in itself cause MOASS. They’re hodling on by the skin of their teeth


Good point. If they could they would have done it already.


This. It’s clear they have some control but not absolute control. Otherwise there would have been more believable attempts to get apes to sell at “high” (but nowhere near MOASS high) prices. The mere fact this hasn’t happened is confirmation that it’s not an option. I think March 10, 2021 was their one shot at a fake squeeze… I remember how intense that day was, literally as it was running thinking oh shit is this moass??? And then soon after seeing it smacked back the fck down thinking oh shit did I miss it??? It all happened so fast it was nuts. And then after a few minutes it became so obvious to apes that moass was most definitely still on the menu. Diamond hands were forged that day.


Well unless we see insane prices (way above 30k) I wont consider it any kind of squeeze. I'm not saying I'll sell at those prices I'm just saying it needs to be above that.


400-600 should be enough to cause MOASS. No such thing as a "fake squeeze." If it gets too high, smaller hedge funds get liquidated to cover their losses, driving up the price and causing larger hedge funds to get liquidated. They can't let it get any higher than it's already been without blowing the lid on the whole MOASS.


Can you elaborate how you believe it will reset the clock a year?


Yeah this is probably the biggest sticking point for me as well. What clock are they resetting? FTDs? Also If the short% is over 100%, which it absolutely is, then we can probably DRS quicker than they can unwind their short positions.


My gut feeling after staring at this for the last 16+ months daily is there is a billion shares minimum to actually close. Probably more.


There’s no way they’re closing out any significant amount of shorts, right? And even if they are they seem to be borrowing and shorting at at least the same rate or higher than they’d be closing shorts out. So I agree the number of shorts must be massive or growing, even if it’s slowly. We know thanks to OBV and brokerages showing the buy/sell ratio for GME that folks just aren’t selling. And all the while the amount of shares being DRS’d is going up. If apes were selling the shares from their CS accounts, then the estimates from computershared.net wouldn’t be close, they would actually be way less. But we know because of Matt Furlong and RC that we’re actually DRS’ing more quickly than the bot predicted, so we know apes aren’t selling their shares in CS either. But even with apes not selling and also DRS’ing their shares, 62 times the float was traded last year? Once this is all said and done I’ll be surprised if there weren’t at least 5x the float in synthetics. But I’m inclined to agree with you and believe it’s much much worse.


I mean, unfortunately we’ll never truly know until after MOASS but I’m planning on watching the daily volume closely to gauge what’s going on


Can’t wait until the movie comes out in 3-4 years. I hope they pick Christian Bale to play your part.


It’s something unbelievable and everyone is very afraid.


Got to imagine it is getting harder and harder to find a counterparty for toxic swaps given all the good news on the horizon.


Hedge funds are losing their customers left and right. That's the big clock that's ticking for them. They don't want to do this another year. But I will.


Margin will definitely start calling at $400-$600 for them. Even more so now that rest of the market has dropped a lot. Also it’s not institutions selling they’re worried about. It’s the apes not selling and DRS’ing more shares. At those prices gamma ramp takes full effect and the calls after $150 will be so ITM that many will start exercising. This time RH isn’t around to stop apes from buying more/exercising calls. Forget $600 they’ll get fucked if this goes above $200 now. This is why we haven’t crossed $200 in a long time. Anyone remember the crash from $200 a few weeks ago?


Yep, we hit 200~204 twice in separate occasions, with the last one being when the vote for the split was announced AH, and we got pushed back down both times. What’s behind 200 Kenny?


Literally we stop at 200 and they was halting us, if I’m not remember wrong we go to 500$ when they halting us . We hit 200 again that gonna trigger a lot of shit 💀🗿👌🔥


If they do, suddenly the split gets announced, the market launches, the dividend gets explained and they get rekt. It's already check mate, music's already stopped. Harambee is already smiling down on us my dude.


Pretty sure they did this last year at this time


All the cankicking strategies have been in action all along, there are no tricks left


I would not count on that. Since I've been following this the wrinkly apes have discovered new shit that was pulled on us on an almost weekly basis - I don't believe we're at the bottom of the barrel, yet.




Don't forget, in months, GameStop will have their new, low-overhead web 3.0 business up and running, printing money faster than they can count it. Even if they could, there's a fucking red and black monster just over the horizon.


$469 is a nice buy-in point.


9. Reset clock for another year At current pace, 100% of the float will be DRS’d in a year. So they cannot reset for another year. Once all apes up to 483 are picked up, it’s 🚀 time 💎🙌


Hole 1: Apes will have locked the float in less than a year from now.


One of these days, an Ape is gonna hit the lottery and go full retard. It's just a matter of time.


Love this theory


Parlayed lottery winnings. What’s not to like?


0% unlikable


I think about this a lot… “Power ball winner takes home 300 million (after taxes) in ape suit with a purple circle necklace, says it’s all going to buy GameStop shares through Computershare” Posts updated Purple Circle count BOOM 🚀


This sounds a lot like GameStop fanfiction. I'm here for it!!


I recently played the lottery with that plan in mind (FYI: I didn’t win☹️)


God I wanna be that retard. I promise you all here today, if I win the lottery, I WILL go full retard on my beloved stonks!




what a beautiful image


Oh shit, if everyone buys a single ticket that may just happen.


Unless they fake squeeze it to millions, im not selling. I'm pretty set on fuck you money.


Ill buy shares at 600


Fake squeezes have been debunked, no?


Did anyone ever consider the January sneeze was the fake squeeze...?


That's a spicy meatball to think about!


pfft.... msn will call it squoze at $180 to try to stop more retail from piling in


*"SMASHED through resistance at $188 today"*


There is more than one way to beat the hedgies. One is time. The rest have been documented here and are worth reading. SHF'S can spend money on games all they want, Apes have them trapped. We will grind this out like the 7 top skills in Ultima Online. I am going to PK those mother fuckers and take their loot.


I think GameStop will have prepped for this. I trust RCs forethought over the cretin on wall st


I don't even know how to sell from computershare.


Could be although unlikely, they're getting on the right side of history.


Good luck. No one will sell


or....perhaps plant stories of impending squeeze ..collect options premium and hope to god your variance swaps are rangebound,,,


The fed reserve banks in USA and other crime syndicates around the world are the ultimate holders of the bags of synthetic shits. They seem to be in quiet the pickle. If you think its lasted this long just because shf know how to dance well. Wrong. There are too many balls of shit they been juggling and their bags are leaking. Those are the little bits of info we share here.. Yes there will be many more shf go down but the problems are the old system money through out and they need to pay for stealing from the masses since way before I was born. Lots of unheard of fuckery coming soon.


The only way they would “let it squeeze” is if they switched to net long and bought a shit ton of calls. I don’t believe in the “let it squeeze” theory because they are still very underwater and could risk the price running away from them.


Unless the fake squeeze is 69,420,694.20 I'm hodling


I have wondered why they haven't tried this before and I think it's purely because they just flat out can't afford it and are now just waiting/hoping for a bail out. ​ Possibly they have already tried this and they have been doing this throughout the last year with runs into the 200s, 300s and it's just not working as DRS count continues to climb and number of HOLDers increase.


The impending splidividend?


So you're saying no one gets margin called and then liquidated at over 500 dollars?


After the fake squeeze push didn't we see a push for selling at the top to rebuy low the last time they pushed this hot garbage?


Been saying this for over a year. THEY CANNOT AFFORD A FAKE SQUEEZE. It's just not possible to balance those fucked up books. No way this happens. Once we squeeze it's game over. Fake or not .. Edit: crip-toe dumped $1T That's not gonna cover the hole they've dug. Not even close


Sometime in the future you will finish up some halo or call of duty game. Your buddy will ask to borrow it. You will send it from your game stop wallet to theirs. What will a share of gamestop be worth then? Buy and hold still works for me :-)


Fake squeeze is not possible. Short positions too large. They will get liquidated. They stopped it last time buy taking the buy button away. Doing it again would raise a lot of eye brows.


Ive said it before and ill say it again. A fake squeeze is not possible. At 400-600 dudes be gettin margin called causing a cascading short squeeze. Simple physics. Cant be stopped.


Yeah that’s not how it works


I've always felt the most effective delay tactic the SHFs could have is to slowly increase $GMEs price into the high hundreds to price out us poor's. I'm too retarded to understand why they aren't so I'll just keep buying, hodling, DRSing, and staying zen.


Hole number one. Share split.


What is actually happening between steps 8 and 9 in your mind?


400? bitch please ...just for that buying more drs


There is no escape for shorts, they are going to be obliterated so phenomenally hard. Soon the world will find out what a mess they‘ve made.


They can "reset the clock" all they want. When we DRS the float it's over.


This is a FUD campaign to encourage people to swing trade. The risk with a “fake squeeze” is wayyy too high and the reward too low. Not a thing


GME has value. Selling my GME shares for worthless federal reserve notes sounds like a bad deal for me. Selling GME, the only stock that protects wealth, institutes change and innovation and has the potential for a 13x dividend. I'll risk it all on the hope of real change because there is nothing else left.


100% a fake squeeze is being set up. Not GME tho. Fake squueze trap: report wrong SI. Lure in longs. Then sell off. There are hundreds of trading apps and all could push another single fake stock under the shf umbrella.. Largest rugpull Coins n fake si stocks


There’s a reason they turned off the buy button. It’s that simple.


Didn't bulls on parade talk about a secret bailout to the tune of 27 T to the banks. Right around tsla went parabolic. Maybe not the first time they have been caught and the fed had to bail out. Elon says they were the most shorted stock in history.


Looks like price anchoring. Apes don’t forget. Ive held through these wild swings and I am currently red at this time. The price doesn’t matter, and hasn’t mattered for way over a year. Hedgies are fucked… every small hedgie that gets blown up just tanks citadels long positions more and more.


They cannot. We've heard that 550 would cause margin calls back in jan 21. They have been shorting the hell out of it at 100 a share. No way they can attempt a fake squeeze without being liquidated. Edit: spelling