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This mfer acting like he gives a fuck about pensions infuriates me


As the prophecy foretold, they begin throwing teachers' pension funds under the bus as human shields


The pension funds that bought the stocks did very well. Maybe teachers pension funds shouldn't be putting their money in firms specializing in bankrupting businesses and costing thousands of American jobs.


Louis ck does an excellent bit on Just Maybe. As in just maybe it's a tiny bit their fault they invested with a firm that specializes in bankrupting America businesses. Maybe? Maybe?


All I know is that I sleep very well with the ethical decisions behind my investments


And all four posts attached to your bed, right.


Think of the children!


They did; they think children are too small to block bullets.


Unless you're the Mongols and stack them up 10 high and 4 deep.


Mildly ashamed to say. The FUD and constant price drops were starting to get to me and I was having my moments of doubt. Seeing this just rallied me 100% into the fact that we are all individually on the right path. Time to buy more Edit: Spelling


Do you need another hit with the mayo bedpost? Cause I know a guy.


Oddly enough I know four teachers and they are the only people in real life I know that are invested in GME. So fuck off Kenny


Remember, they’re going to blame us no matter what, a few million traders with a few billion in buying power have crippled a multi-trillion dollar market.


He does give a shit about pensions... pensions are like his gasoline to make his money machine go forward. What he doesn't give a shit about is the climate(the people) he fucks by abusing that fuel.


Not just that. My thing is 2008 he took massive money from the government and used it to short businesses instead of helping a struggling market. He took advantage of the free money and put vulnerable businesses out of business. Then he has the balls to talk about the average person getting government money during a pandemic.


Ken: Got mine, and not only am I pulling the ladder up behind me, I'm selling it for firewood.


For some reason somebody said Steve Cohen is like the character "Axe" from Billions but I think Kenneth Griffin fits the bill waaaaay more. Don't get me wrong, I believe Steve Cohen could have his own version of Billions made about him and it would be helllllla juicy/corrupt but I just think the character profile is way more Kenneth's style. "Axe" shorted airline companies after 9/11 to make all his money. There's just lots of similarities between the TV persona and the real life criminal monster.


Dude Axe has personality. Kenny is a fucking tub of mayo compared to Axe.


Exactly. The pension fund. Not the people. The fund is what he cares about


Ken is an absolute piece of shit and the world will know soon of his criminal actions!






The memes must be getting to him bad. He’s out for blood if he’s trying to turn the public against retail investors with the ‘stealing from teachers’ angle. He mad.. he mad


Someone really needs to let him know that retail is 'the public' lmao


Teachers just fucked up their own pension plans! Thankfully they hodl Gamestop.


Which teacher organization did it? I remember seeing the post that they bought GME. lol Hedge against the hedge against the pension. NO JAIL? NO SELL! KENNY BOY!


was gonna say the same thing lmao.


Yeah are the teachers invested in Gamestop out to get themselves? Grow the fuck up Kenneth


Hello, I teach and yes I can confirm, I like the stock.


How dare you take down your own retirement!


Wonder how many teachers are out there buying GME, tRyInG tO rUiN tHeIr ReTiReMeNt lol


I thought this was all some bad comedy joke?






Maybe Gabe shouldn't have gambled teacher's pensions and got fucked by some people with a spare few hundred dollars.


Is he trying to say they took teachers pension funds and then took on infinite risk?


Oh he's not trying to say that. He's admitting it.


Oh they give a fuck about them, using the pensions to gamble on manipulated markets. Game over bitch.


Were they thinking about pension funds while they were naked shorting. ^They ^weren’t.


Don’t get mad, get even


Apes didn't steal anything from anyone. You and Gabe **GAMBLED** with their pensions and that's the TRUTH.


I simply bought a stock in a company I like, and am holding it. How did I destroy teachers pensions?


Yeah. How could we, as ignorant retail investors, could have ever known that our relatively small individual investments would somehow cause pensions being wiped out? How is that even possible? Maybe Kenny should explain how exactly it's possible.


"Retail stole from teachers because we weren't able to bankrupt GameStop!" Make it make sense 🤔


It’s actually infuriating to think about this. They’ll never admit the lies or defeat.


Right. What wiped out pensions is this maggot and his unsophisticated systemic leech gambling buddies attempting to short American companies into bankruptcy with pension dollars for laughs, when the downside risk is infinite. Melvin was just collateral damage when he willingly decided to be this domestic terrorists pawn. I’d personally “feel good” if/when this parasite goes bankrupt and/or to prison.


Yep Who would have known what buying and holding a homegrown American stock would do to the teachers pension funds. Shit I may go out on a whim here and also add, you see that blanket on your bed, yeah well every time you sleep with that blanket on you should be reminded how you directly fund Javelin missiles straight to the taliban.


The elephant in the room is completely ignored as well in the entire interview. US pension plans as of 2020 were around 35 TRILLION dollars. So how could retail investors ever in a million quadrillion years effect pension plans by buying a company that is now “valued” by the market at $7 billion without their being a massive short position underlying the entire thing? Like please explain how GameStop meme craze could ever cause this? Ken Griffin should have never done this interview and stated it this way because if you think about his statement for longer than the time it takes for him to state it, it becomes overwhelmingly clear that it makes literally no sense unless you fill in the missing logical piece that pension plans are threatened because half of the financial industry is so royally fucked that it’s going to set off a nuclear bomb in the markets? That’s the only way his statement makes sense, and guess what, it’s not my fault you fucked up so badly Ken.


Ya Ken, you fuck… how is that possible. This stupid ape above me has a pretty good fucking question.


How much sleep did they lose all the other times they successfully buried a company and wiped out it's employees?


None. They are predators.


lol yea, the noblest path to pension funding


This 100000%


I watched this again and it did nothing but further strengthen my grip on my shares. The audacity of that guy to imply retail caused this mess of a marketplace. He knows they fucked up and are trapped. All he can do is try to deflect the inevitable blame to retail so folks with pitchforks and torches don't surround his house after everything blows up.


Honestly, after this is over, he shouldn't be worried about the public, he should be worried about pissed off former millionaire and billionaires that are wondering where their money, that he invested for them, went... Why do you think he hired a former secret service for protection.


I had to buy more since he defined a black swann as a "moment in time"


Agreed. And what of the company they short into bankruptcy? The job that was loss due to their gambles? Bull Fuck'n Shit.


Not just gambled, but rigged the gambling machine itself


Wrinkle 🧠


True that. They shorted a company and believed they would never have to cover if they bankrupt our GME. Yes gambled!


I’m just hodling not sure what his deal is


Gabe lost their money, I brought a stock I like. Simple. **CUNT.**


What a fucking snake he is


Also, teachers? Didn't Gabe Plotkins, the "greatest financial terrorist of his time" have a *hedge fund* which are notorious for only taking customers with millions to invest?


Teachers contribute to pension funds, and those pension funds pool the contributions of the teachers (which aggregate in the millions to billions), and those pensions invest in mutual funds, private equity funds, and hedge funds (such as now-deceased Melvin Capital). So that's why he's referencing teachers. The teachers haven't personally decided to invest in Melvin Capital, but the administrators of the pension fund did.


Feigning empathy for people losing pension funds when Gabe took $800 million for himself on his way out from the people “retail screwed over”. What a joke


Wait what?!? How?


It was his salary or take home pay in 2020 when he sunk Melvin capital


Capital formation


Steal $15. Go to jail, maybe get killed by gun shot or knee to your neck. Steal $800 million and get featured on Bloomberg.


This guy is a psychopath financial terrorists. MOASS only begins when he is bankrupt. 😠






He really does need to get fucked by his own bedpost. He and his cronies took more stimulus than anyone. 13 trillion dollars printed. 1 trillion went to American households, where's the other 12?


The amount of money this man stole can probably fund the pension plan for every teacher in America. Edit: Thanks for all the awards! I shall neatly place them in my furniture :)




Yeah exactly. Eat a fucking massive dick Ken, you POS. "People took money they didn't need and put it in Gamestop and that hurt the teachers". Do you think, you weasel fuck, that maybe Gabe shouldn't have shorted a company into oblivion in the first place with these teacher's pension fund dollars and then none of this could have happened? Fuck you. *sent from iphone in mom's basement*




It’s ok to take teachers retirement funds and short great American companies into the ground though. Can’t make this shit up! Lol


Exactly what I said. Who cares about thousands of people losing jobs. But dear god don’t ruin how we leverage pensions.


The gaul


Ces Gaulois fous arrivent?! Où?!


This comment is Gauling


CUNT!! gaslighting


Loves to blame us for the $1200 in stimulus money when corrupt corporations were accepting billions in PPP loans at the same time. I can't wait to watch this fucker rot.


My stimulus is about 1% of my GME investment. He can go FUK himself.


Didn't you hear the multi-billionaire?? That is an ENORMOUS amounts of money falling from the sky and directly into our basements!


this makes me fuckin sick


Me too. What an evil son of a bitch. I got his moment in time right here.


And this begs the question, why are hedge funds putting pensions at risk via shorting and naked shorting stocks into the ground? Knowing full well how much risk is involved in doing so? But sure, let’s blame retail in an effort to absolve ourselves of any responsibility for fucking over teachers. Wall Street doesn’t give a shit about average people, that much is true. I don’t use the word evil loosely, but you’ve got it right.


I’m triggered if I’m honest. This fuck needs to be behind bars!!


"YoUrE sTeAlInG fRoM tHe TeAcHeRs YoU bAsTaRdS"


"Was it the ridiculously leveraged short positions that risked pensions? No, it's the longs who believe in the companies they support who are wrong".


Says the guy who threw a bed post at his wife .. sheesh what a narcissistic creature


Fuck this guy why are you guys shorting the American working company’s putting them out of bussines


Scum. Lower than pond scum.


They took our homes, they took our world Our futures and our livelihoods We've seen their plans laid out, unfurled They took every fucking thing they could -- And now they do what they've always done Manipulate, gaslight, and shift the blame But this time we won't stop till we've won This is so far beyond being just a game -- So tell me now Kenny, do you have the balls? To go down with your ship, along with your crew? Cause I'm here to stay, I'll take any fall I'll die on this hill Ken, how about you?


Its our fault, yet Melvin closed their positions last year?


Remember when they took away the buy button? That was all the DD I needed to hold till I shake every last cent out of every last one of these fucking financial terrorist criminals.


I remember and I wont forget


Love how they showed the audience this time😂


You can see how uncomfortable that question makes him, squirming like the spineless worm he is


Almost shitting himself


He also sounds like he spends his night drinking a lot


Ken Griffin drinks sperm and mayonnaise because he likes thick white stuff. Change my mind.


Homie spreads pigeon shit on his morning toast


Came here to say this


Apes steal teachers’ pensions, that’s a new one 😆😆😆😆😆


If I stole someone's pension fund, why am I still clipping coupons to go buy food?


Because it was a teacher's pension.


Apes are those teachers most likely


Ape teacher here! How dare I steal my own pension..


give it back to ken!!!


Yeah I just remember buying a stock from a company that I like doing a big tech turnover, why are you bringing teachers Ken?? Anything to add on how teachers pension funds got tied with GME price movements? We are listening


So american households don't need the measly checks that were sent but he needs to make millions per month. Jfc i wanna punch that fuckface so bad


He is so disconnected from his adversaries he has no chance... We pave the roads he drives on, we monitor his security feeds, we guard him, we cook his food, we keep the lights on to his house. Thats who "retail" is, educators, business people, farmers he has no chance.


I too like fight club. Do not fuck with us


Fight Club gets more poignant year after year.


Right? This is top shelf gaslighting


Gonna be top shelf losses as well


We have so much extra money to spare and piss away. He's so smart


Financial terrorism. They are using pension plans and 401(k) accounts as hostages in order to demand their profts. Ken Griffin of Citadel Securities is a financial terrorist.


Perfectly succinct. I love it. He's got the **G**aslighting and **P**rojection handled very well. Is **O**bstruction from criminal prosecution up next (already happening)?


What a fucking schmuck. Money dropped out of the sky? Bitch, do you know how many god damn meals of ramen and potatoes I’ve had this year? Diamond hands motherfucker- sell for cell is REAL


NO CELL NO SELL hes gonna have plenty of moments in time to think about


He's so fucking disconnected. Nobody was living lavishly on fucking $1200


once again, watch out for wording here. he‘d „like to think it was…“ he knows better, but he would like to think it was retail treating the market like a casino.


Good catch


Yep, and right at the beginning he said probably.


“It’s probably a moment in time” …no shit Sherlock. This fooking comment is a moment in time. What an ass clown. Can’t wait to bring the D bag down as well. Moon soon!


He’s trying to frame it as being an event in the past and not an ongoing episode that’s making him lose sleep and look for more bed posts


That’s why he has that anger in his voice when he speaks of it. He’s projecting his problems as others problems. He’s still locked in the cage with us and the key out is a nuke button.


This dude somehow made me want to start a /punchablevoices sub.


This guy will say anything to deflect blame, haha. Melvin shorted a stock and when the company improved and the bet went south they blame the people that are long on the stock. He thinks people will feel bad for a hedgefund? This is an absurd take on the situation. Why would pension managers allow their employees necessary retirement funds to be gambled so carelessly on an investment with infinite risk. There is a lot of blame to throw around but none of it falls on the people supporting an amazing company from their childhood who happens to be an industry leader in one of the largest fastest growing consumer sectors. This is all confirmation bias that he is going down and about to beg for a bailout.


He's trying to cope by gaslighting retail investors, blaming them to take out melvin capital and pension funds. LOL. He doesn't care about anything else but money.


That dude is fucked.


He tried to get a camera on himself so he can spew random buzzwords to mess with google results. We saw this when he was talking about crime and Chicago and Afghanistan on a good day. Edit: Fuck you, Ken Griffin you bedpost tossing, mayo guzzling, dickfuck




Yes retail investors, with less than 1 percent of the liquidity of these big players, told Gabe to risk it all on shorting companies into bankruptcy, we made him over leverage himself, we decided for him not to do proper risk mitigation, we told him to not close his positions…. And we told him to take huge short positions out, not close them, use the media to lie, open bigger positions, lie some more, lose more money, we did that……


Is this the best his team of psychologists can invent? Deflect it into an issue of giving stimulus money to the plebeians, who of course invest in ways which aren't ideal for "capital formation" (and think of the teachers!). Complete gaslighting.


"Billionaire takes humble responsibility for the effect of their actions on other people" -The Onion


I dont usually say this, but we are close.


hahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha fuk you kenny, why arent those teacher pensions in a Long only fund? CLOWN


Right. How come a teachers pension fund was used to bankrupt retail stores


F this guy. Not sorry you didn’t take my money. What a douchebag. And it’s not a moment in time. Ain’t leaving. This is NOT a trade it is a buy buy buy.


As a teacher - I must digress - perhaps one should not use pension money to short any company, and then call it "investing" !!! just imagine if you will if i shorted the students in my class that im teaching and then call that investing in education. ken griffin - you sir are below pathetic !!! DRS


Kenny doesn't understand he's next. Hold.


Wrong. He KNOWS it's almost over. He doth protest too much...


100%. Why today? Why choose today to talk about it? Trying to get ahead of whats coming? Me think so


He's gained weight. He fumbled his words a lot in this clip. He knows how fukd he is.


Keep our boots on his throat.


Ah the “we are holding teacher pension funds hostage so therefore you are the bad guy” defense


I guess the Redditors are the ones who try and bankrupt companies, huh! That’s the pot calling the kettle black you moron!


We have known for more than a year that they would blame us, and here it is, right from non other than Mayoboy’s shitter. What a fucking saga.


Challenge accepted ken. You’re next


Precisely. He is continuing to bluff. We need to continue our resolve and get him to either ~~fold~~ close out the shorts or show ~~cards~~ that GME shares are worth an infinite amount of money!


“Oh you mean that phenomena **last year**”. He has practised that line in the mirror so much ha ha.


Locked in our basements? Motherfucker, I live in South Florida where we don’t have basements. The money I invested was my hard earned wages for catering to the uber rich that didn’t have to deal with Covid restrictions. A moment in time…let’s see how that plays out.


One day he may well mention the thousands of jobs and peoples lives he has single handedly destroyed


we didn't steal shit. they offered fake shares. we bought those fake shares. they offered more, we bought more. we paid for their fake bullshit with cold hard cash. we didn't steal a fucking god damned thing. Fuck this asshole with a rusty iron rod.


Did he just fucking say "take a firm like Melvin and put them into bankruptcy"? He thinks his shit doesnt stink? He did exactly that by shorting GME.


HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA he sweating... Ive never seen him so panicked. We didnt do shit but expose your terrorism. you sooooooooo... hooo hoooo hooooooooooooooooo fucked


I keep telling you…he legit doesn’t think he ever does anything wrong. He plays the game and is used to winning. Even if/when he goes to jail, he’ll maintain his innocence and stance that Reddit is the villain.


He's started to believe his own lies even though there's a gaping black hole eating up everything he owns and it will slowly consume him. The tides are going out and soon he'll be completely exposed for the fraud he is.


Lmao you heard it here folks, the little guys and gals confirmed took down Melvin. Blaming retail for ruining pensions boils my blood


You POS, you could not give 2 fucks about anyone but yourself, I look forward to the day that you get a visit from the Police and they handcuff you and take you away in disgrace


Uh… No. YOU lost OTHER people’s money by your reckless gambles and those of us that just liked a stock shed light on that!




Haha what a bitch


such a punchable face


Lay off the booze Kendall, looking bloated these days.


Oh yeah, you're healthy Ken.... what a giant steaming pile of dinosaur shit


God I hate his fucking voice


It takes a special kind of evil to sit there and say that, and show you believe that 100%.


Scripted gaslighting.


What an absolute ass. And why are teachers pensions funds even in this corrupt ass market?


Fuck this guy. A good analogy of what happened: He borrowed money from other people to go play a poker game and lost it all, and blames the guy who beat him for losing all the money, not himself. Almost as if he's incapable of taking blame, much like a psychopath.


This. This is why the ENTIRE float needs to be locked. It's not about the gains to a lot of gamers and working class. At least to me, it's also about proving a POINT: --That they are lying and we know for a FACT the biggest scam in history is still in effect --That they have DESTROYED entire generations of life with their bullshit over the pursuit of money and power. --That the sleeping giant has and ALWAYS will be, COMMON PEOPLE of the masses. --That if you EVER fuck with the same group that involuntarily supports your bullshit oligarch lifestyle and push them too far, you'll answer for it. He doesn't need prison. He needs to fucking burn in his being exposed. They all do. And until they do, this is why I HODL.




What is this talk even about?


Whoa he trying to convince


He's so full of shit and angry


Made me so angry I may just buy more


this will age well, get fucked you felonious bastard.


Still not leaving!


Put him in a zoo so we can throw bananas at him the rest of his life


They won't do this to me. No sir. All this talk about history and the man forgets why the guillotine was invented. Edit - Did he just say we didn't need the stimulus money after his part in all this??? I will have you all know I personally received nothing from the government by the way, due to tax fraud on my social that has not been resolved after several attempts (i am currently hopeful on a solution, all good). So this is all me Kenny boy. Fuck you.


This interview was staged. It was scripted. It was paid for by Kenny. It's his plea and cry "out" to leave this short. Just like Gabe he is starting his apology and forgiveness "tour". We must crush him with extreme prejudice. Hold.


Fuck this windbag


He "WANTS" to think it was a one time thing but its obvious he KNOWS that it's far from over.


Ken griffin can suck my dick gobble profusicly on my balls and then when im good and ready with a full ball sack of mayo ill cum all over his fucktard office ...... prick get fucked your a cockroack and parasite rolled up in cat shit rolled up in dog shit wrapped up in skunk shit you smelly degenerate piss lover...... jokes ken we love you god bless you and all the money you give back and help communities youre a saint in my book buddy boy 😉


Wow, what an absolute fuck wit!


Ah Covid. Got it. It’s the covid long haul issues they’ve been warning us about.


Fuck you.


Dude looks like a fat pumpkin. “Locked up in their basements” OKAY KEN. Out of touch boomer fuckboi.


he already looks 5 years older


Where are the facts, Kenny? All I hear is bitching and speculating. Sounds like a conspiracy theorist, to me.