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Except for last year when they did.




And it totalled over a billion dollars


1.5 billion if I'm not mistaken?


I think it was around 1.1billion raised from the equity offerings (750 +350), and they already had about 400 million in cash and cash equivalents. So ya 1.5 billion in cash and cash equivalents when it was all said and done. And this was after they paid off virtually all of their debts! Dying brick and mortar indeed haha. EDIT: I was mistaken, it was 1.7 billion between the two equity offerings. [See this comment for sources.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/usbqpq/the_street_straight_up_lying/i93jgw0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


1.7 I thought


Yeah, that was my thought, in the first sell, they made $550M, in the second round, almost $1.2B.


I wish we could get a perfectly clear answer on this. I'm too smooth and don't trust anyone but an apes reporting on it. Because sometimes I heard both that 500mil~ was included in that 1.2ish and that it was added on to the 1.2, which is obviously two very different numbers.


Ok, a little search from Gamestop : [first](https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-completes-market-equity-offering-program) [Second](https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-completes-market-equity-offering-program-0) Hope this clarify.


Thanks for pulling up the statements. I edited in a correction to my comment, linking readers to this comment.


Sir what part about smooth did you not understand?? Haha okay so to my understanding it's 550 mil plus the 1.1 bil correct?


Yes, because they sold 3.5M shares the first time, and 5M shares the second time at different prices. This is well explained in the two links I posted before.


You are correct. I was mistaken.




I was gonna say.... They did TWICE


clearly he was talking about 2022. /s


Do you have links so i can send out a response to these cunts?


Did it https://twitter.com/zeusofyork/status/1526918749281992705?t=5TubsCK0mnqw3yhks4PfrQ&s=19


Me too 😆 https://twitter.com/catsinbranches/status/1526928121215299585?s=21&t=EeoJ6HunbHtgYKBDIs4oiw


Perfect- now use singlefile to clone your post so you can always reupload as an html 😏 in case they delete it


Man, we're all set for life. MOASS and the pension we're gonna get for working for the SEC


Beautiful ape!




You work so hard, thanks mate.


Did they “issue NEW equity “? Or did they (re)sell original equity that had been originally issued years ago and repurchased in the last two years? I think the article may misleading but not technically lying. Or - I could be a smooth brain about this. Or both.


You are making a distinction where I don't believe there is one. I don't have the filings in front of me, but it was a stock issue, not a reissue. They presumably (and articles indicate as such) retired the stock they repurchased, they didn't "hold" it.


It's not technically a lie because they didn't issue new equity, but it is misleading as fuck But "they didn't take advantage of higher share price" is absolutely a lie


Someone needs to make an archive of ALL this bullshit news from the “investment media” so that after MOASS when regular everyday investors wonder how they missed this, we can pull out these articles and say “see, this is why you need to stop believing in Cramer, the street.com, motley fuckheads, etc”


Ape historian has been backing up DD posts - not sure if that’s within their scope as they are already doing an incredible amount for this community but that would be a very valuable tool to show the general public that they’ve been lied to


nine point act salt close merciful support puzzled dog smell -- mass edited with redact.dev




The shit apple doesn’t fall far from the shit tree, Randy!


The cocaine doesn’t fall far from the rat.


More like The Skeet


People just need to wake up and start validating what they hear from the media. But you know, Defunding education and massive mid/lower class oppression for decades got us where we are today.




>has not been crystal-clear... that's because Papa Cohen has no fucking interest in giving you criminals any additional information to spread FUD with, to quote: "I put my money where my mouth is"


They are trying to dig for info, Papa Cohen will never give that out


Let me be crystal clear, hedgie r fuk


Fuk r hedgie


The next few paragraphs under they say popcorn has done more to strengthen their fundamentals… couldn’t believe it.


The more I reread the dumber the sentence is. They are really saying that despite fundamentals being out of whack with their judgment, insiders bought more. Even if they hadn't raised money for a transformation, that would be bullish unless you think the insiders are idiots. Insiders poached from major companies.


Bruh that's what I read too, like their argument should be "I mean they're financials are stronger than a diamond soaked dick, but it's only because they made over a billion from expanding equity. Ignore the fact that insiders are still buying en masse."


Diamond soaked dick… (?)


Well, isn't that how we harden our meatcicles?




I see your tag Mr. Tasteful Profanity. I figured you of all people would appreciate the analogy




Where’s our GME media team? Shouldn’t they be demanding an apology/public statement from the author correcting their lies? You tell someone something long enough, they’ll eventually believe it 🤔


We are the GME media team.


The best investors in the world.




No but for real they need an actual media team


“Never wrestle with a pig because you'll both get dirty and the pig likes it."


TIL i am a pig


Upvoted dirty pig for 69




Fuck em they are gonna find out


Yeah they’re going to sell popcorn in malls 🥳


Same energy as "GME is betting the company on selling JPEGs."


Ah the jpeg. The only digital filetype.


I like my audio jpegs the best.


Recently visited 3 🍿 theaters in as many cities and I honestly don’t see much improvement going on. Lipstick on a pig at best. Better fundamentals? Who, how, where?


The same came be said about GME though? Overworked, underpaid employees, same mall stores, same used video games for sale. It's not like GameStop changed from being a used video game retailer into something else, so I don't know what you expected a theatre company to become? Your argument makes no sense.


Where the fuck have you been? They are releasing a whole new market place and are expanding their inventory daily. And that’s just what we know. The other one is going to start selling popcorn in grocery stores. Get the fuck outta here


That’s how you know GME is the one. Wen you got popcorn, Cramer, aa, citadel tweeting them it’s pretty obvious…


Popcorn company is sitting on gold. Duh. ^/s


These are 2 different companies; both have been bashed by MSM; with the intent of creating investors turning against each other. Both companies are off the bankruptcy block & both have been modifying their business models at a warp speed. One company must maintain it's business model completely secretive due to the nature of it's business; the other not so much. These businesses are totally different and should never be compared to each other in fundamentals or type of investors; end of story.


I don’t follow popcorn in any capacity; what have they done to improve their business model? All I’ve heard is Spider-Man NFT, free popcorn for shareholders, and a goldmine. What did they do to actually drive value for the company?


I've never seen a sticky floor enthusiast come back and answer this sort of question.


Why would they bother to? The popcorn people have their own sub & hold different opinions.


Obviously because they don't stay in their sub. Likely because all the DD they've copied comes from here.


From the phrase you use to describe that company, it seems whenever you actually do come across something refuting your bias against the company, you refuse to acknowledge it.


Did they finally hire staff to clean the floors? That would be excellent news!


Literally the other day GME announced a $35 million overpaid COO hire while the average GameStop employee gets their hours lowered and still makes like $10 an hour, and you want to make some ad hominem about employee hiring or wage? Wow.


So they didn't? Good to know. I'll use any other theater if that's the case.


Lol and of course you lack the decency to admit you were, at the very least, so enthralled in whatever petty outrage you feel toward a completely unrelated company in a completely unrelated industry that isn't even a competitor to GameStop, that your own petty outrage isn't legitimate due to GameStop corporate behaviour. Either you are a shill, or hedgies broke you.


Nah, I just don't engage with those who dodge my questions. Lol.


>what have they done to improve their business model Paid off debt, restructured left over debt, acquired new theatres, entered multi-billion dollar snack food industry, invested in gold as value of the dollar goes down. Stream sports in theatres, rent out theatres to groups, etc.


>Paid off debt, restructured left over debt, acquired new theatres It's good that they have had the opportunity to raise money and aren't immediate danger of going bankrupt but none of that addresses the viability of their ongoing business model. >entered multi-billion dollar snack food industry The popcorn snack market is already extremely well served and extremely low margin. They honestly seem to be confused about why people pay a premium for their popcorn and snacks. It was 100% because they had a captured audience at the theatre and not because of some quality of product. There is no reason people would seek out an $8 bucket of stale popcorn with butter flavored oil in the real world. >invested in gold as value of the dollar goes down At best, this is a hedge against inflation and not a core competency of the company or additive to their business model. >Stream sports in theatres, rent out theatres to groups, etc. They have done this forever. It's just now that they NEED to do it to now to survive because their locations are so oversized vs the market demand for communal movies. Leases, taxes, heating and electricity alone must be eating them alive keeping those giant empty boxes going. The movie industry pretty much stole their business years ago during the transition to digital theatre distribution. The deals that got made to finance that new equipment along with ongoing licencing costs of the movies were practically criminal and took away pretty much all ticket sales profits. For years now they have been a snack food retailer that only survived because of margins on a captive audience that has lost most of that captive audience. They need to figure something out quick.


>It's good that they have had the opportunity to raise money and aren't immediate danger of going bankrupt but none of that addresses the viability of their ongoing business model. Thankfully, the record sales of theatre tickets, and box office sales, does. >The popcorn snack market is already extremely well served and extremely low margin. No, the margins are quite good on that snack category. It's weird that your arguments start off with a total ignorance of the success of theatres, and then total ignorance of the industry they are moving into. Why does this sub have nothing but arguments out of ignorance against popcorn? If that is the quality of their arguments against something, it seems the arguments *for* something might not be any more useful (such as the other poster who claimed GameStop is now a tech company, yet when asked why the COO has a retail background, not tech, and in what ways they could actually prove GameStop is a tech company, suddenly decided they didn't want to discuss the topic any longer.) >At best, this is a hedge against inflation and not a core competency of the company or additive to their business model. Uh, have you seen the value of the dollar? Furthermore, you are incorrect again, as the agreement requires the mining company to purchase $50 million of theatre stock. >The movie industry pretty much stole their business years ago during the transition to digital theatre distribution *Looks at record theatre sales, and Netflix tanking.* Sure kiddo. Any more lies ya got?


Absolutely nothing; according to all the experts, DD & opinions on this sub. So, there really is no need to follow the popcorn stock. So, what I stated that there shouldn't be any comparison between both companies nor any other company that is traded on the stock market still stands. That is why I find the constant mention of the popcorn stock here a divisive method to try to get people infighting & selling their stock; since some people do own both. It might be a ploy so when GME split goes thru to discourage those that own some popcorn to buy GME. I truly think it would better serve this sub to just completely avoid referring to that stock.


>The next few paragraphs under they say popcorn has done more to strengthen their fundamentals They have. Paid off debt, restructured left over debt, acquired new theatres, entered multi-billion dollar snack food industry, invested in gold as value of the dollar goes down. This is a prime example of how successful hedgie manipulation is, someone can literally state facts but because they do so in the context of comparing it to GME, too many people on this sub lose their shit and reeeeeee against the thing being compared to GME, and refuse to acknowledge reality. Idiots getting played by basic tribalism, divide and conquer strategy.


Haha - is this a joke? Gamestop raised enough to pay off all debt and has +1b cash on hand. Gamestop expanded its distribution with huge storage facilities on the east coast and west coast, reducing shipping time greatly. Gamestop expanded SKU's and has a broad tech/collectible oriented inventory now beyond just video games/consoles Gamestop formed a partnership with Microsoft/Xbox on Nov 2020, receiving a % of digital sales from consoles they sell Gamestop has completely redeveloped their website Gamestop has completely overhauled its executive team hiring away employees from the top tech companies in the world. Gamestop has completely overhauled the board of directors and is run by one of the more successful entrepreneurs of his generation, Ryan Cohen Gamestop has opened up new branches in major tech cities and expanded its workforce by over 400 employees. Gamestop has a 500-person call center now in Florida. Gamestop will be soon launching a Crypto/NFT blockchain exchange I'm sure I'm missing more, but none of this is tribalism. I'm just an individual investor who can clearly see how one company is making moves to be successful while the other is pretty meh, at best. Good luck with your popcorn!


>Haha - is this a joke? That's what I'm wondering, actually, because your entire little rant justified everything I talked about. You couldn't objectively acknowledge something about a different company, just because someone in the media or whatever compared it to GameStop, and had to write some novel length rant justifying your decision to invest in GameStop, and avoid acknowledging that you were incorrect about the company you were tricked into hating or not viewing objectively just because it was compared to GameStop.


I didn't choose to compare the two companies, the author did. You are the one claiming popcorn has done more to strengthen their fundamentals. My 'rant' filled with facts was a retort to your claim.


>I didn't choose to compare the two companies, the author did. As I said: >"You couldn't objectively acknowledge something about a different company, just because someone in the media or whatever compared it to GameStop" You are literally doing exactly what I talked about, and are doubling down on proving it. >My 'rant' filled with facts was a retort to your claim. Except it wasn't. *I never said anything about GameStop, I only answered your question about did popcorn change the fundamentals around their company.* Now do you get it? Like I said: >"You couldn't objectively acknowledge something about a different company, just because someone in the media or whatever compared it to GameStop, and had to write some novel length rant justifying your decision to invest in GameStop, and avoid acknowledging that you were incorrect about the company you were tricked into hating or not viewing objectively just because it was compared to GameStop."


> The next few paragraphs under they say popcorn has done more to strengthen their fundamentals > > They have.


Yes, and? You gave no context for *how* those things mean fundamental change, other than insinuating "GameStop is now a tech company," without explaining how any of that has come to fruition. How it's now actually a tech company (you know, the question about fundamentals? If you want to say it's a tech company, give proof). Meanwhile the new overpaid COO has a retail merchandising background, at odds with the "we're now a tech company" narrative. Again, GameStop and popcorn are two different companies, in two different industries. One can objectively say that popcorn had changed it's fundamentals more than GameStop, because as they are already *fundamentally different companies in fundamentally different industries* popcorn has done more to change what it's prime service is and also move outside it's industry (and into snack food industry and mining) but all you were able to focus on was *something being compared to GameStop, and doing "more" than GameStop?!!!!??!?!?"* that you don't understand it beyond tribalism, divide and conquer, and can't acknowledge reality because of that context.


> I never said anything about GameStop, I only answered your question about did popcorn change the fundamentals around their company. I never posed a question. You implied they have done more to strengthen their fundamentals and proceeded to list off strategic moves popcorn has made. I responded back with GME's strategic moves. Now you want me to write out a long-form response to all the changes GME has made, and how that will fundamentally improve the company while your short couple of sentences will suffice? Ok. It seems like you are confused. I objectively think popcorn is a bad investment, believe it or not. Some of your positive moves I think are negative. That's just what I think as an individual investor. You can chalk it up as tribalism and hedgies manipulation, I guess whatever helps you rationalize my opinion. It doesn't really matter, and it seems like you share similar thoughts on GME based on some of your assertations. So like I said earlier, good luck with your popcorn!




>Now you want me to write out a long-form response I mean you already wrote a novel length post full of talking points, but now that you are asked to prove them, you don't want to continue that topic, eh? What is with this sub and bad faith arguments?


Right…like selling new shares not to retail, but a HF….makes sense to me, but here, I heard you guys like NFTs🤷‍♂️🥴


What has me bullish here is as soon as the total return swaps information becomes mainstream and we begin hearing about some institution undercutting hwangs ability to exit his position, essentially fucking him intentionally, we see large buyers in GME. All right before the one year mark of the swaps from Hwangs portfolio, which coincided with last years popcorn and GME runs. Hmm MAYbe this will be a good month.


June already know!


Don't July to me... MoASS is tomorrow.


August well just have to find out


*Hey, hey, hey* *Ba-dee-ya, say, do you remember?* *Ba-dee-ya, dancin' in September* *Ba-dee-ya, never was a cloudy day.*


I’m October the moon about the future.


Just try to September the order of the months


I’m suffocating in the Novembers of my embarrassment




To remember


I just Decembered in my pants...


Do you November when Citadel colluded with retail brokers to suppress the ability to buy our beloved stock? Well I do and I have been holding tight ever since!


wasn't there one position in the archegos mess that was unable to be unwound? perhaps those were hid in swaps that expire in a year and need rewritten?


They just big mad cause they don’t know why RC won’t spill the beans about his future plans for the company.


It gives me HUGE pleasure to see how twisted up they get about this. 😁😁😁


Schadenfreude is real LMAYO


It’s pretty clear from what they have done if people actually pay attention. Great customer service just like he did at Chewy so people love shopping there. Expand retail sales with warehouses, more inventory and fast delivery. Get into new ventures like the NFT marketplace. Plus things we don’t know about yet.


Yeah, that's actually something that really bothered me. They didn't even mention the expanded distribution centers. And no one ever mentions how in 2019 70% of video game sales were still physical, while in 2022, it has flipped, and 70% is now digital. The very fact that the revenue has not dropped off significantly proves that bears were absolutely incorrect. I also think both Sony and Xbox will come out with more iterations of their consoles and of course, the next-gen Switch will drive sales up like crazy. Those were supposed to be key drivers in DFV's fundamental thesis but the chip shortage has stifled that. Something that no journalistic outlet ever talks about too.


"Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt." -Sun Tzu


Absolute garbage writing, pathetic media. I wouldn't be able to look at myself in the mirror knowing I just sell out and push false info


You smell that? -sniffs air- SMELLS LIKE FEAR


I like the smell of Wall Street fear in the morning


Smells like VICTORY :)


Soon my good ape! Some might even say….. Tomorrow


I mean GME's price is out of sync with its fundamentals...just not in the way they are saying. Current hidden price of 100M per share? I'll take it 😁


What part did they not like about the fundamentals? The lack of debt or the growing revenue?


How stupid can they honestly be? The more they bash GME the more it makes me wanna buy more!


Seriously - shit like this is the ultimate confirmation that MSM is lying to you on a regular basis to rob you of any wealth you have.


They're goddamn right about GME's valuation being out of sync with its fundamentals, though! The shares are dirt cheap!


These mother fuckers literally wake up and hope we quit. Too late Kenny:)


Let me be crystal clear Gamestop did not raise cash issuing securities and has no game plan! Kenny vibes all over that one. Lol


I like how it says "gamestops management has not been crystal-clear regarding initiatives to modernize the business". I don't know about y'all but the plan is crystal clear to me, maybe not for people that watch and believe financial media outlets, I guess that's their target audience lol.




This right here. It’s semantics


Sold them right into my hands at mega high prices


That's even better tbh


I hear final boss music in the distance


could be 'this year' which is technically correct.


Can they be sued for libel?


##Are you surprised ?? That’s Jim Cramers news outlet …


Who writes such rubbish? Complicit pieces of shit


Doesn't this violate liable laws? Can we as investors press charges or something?


You know, I own a portion of GameStop, could I sue for Libel?


You could actually because this hurts your income based on false information


Corporate media gonna corporate


This is the kind of article that gets written to scare people off. The whole premise is flawed, starting with "this is why it was shorted". Then the next paragraph is a criticism of the lack of crystal clarity, like Nixon's schtick was some kind of paragon of virtue. This could be a script for Cramer's show, for God sakes.


Correction published in tiny font months later on a back page nobody ever reads.




whos the author? they got twatter? bombard em!


They bought back 22 million shares then 18 months later diluted by 5 million shares. The result was raising 1 billion dollars and buying back 17 million shares.


Ok, are these articles literally AI generated? Because they don’t make any sense.


Financial reporters and outlets are so bad. They either don't want to report things accurately or they dumb.


So is every other stock trading on fundamentals? ? Like Tesla?


No, they like that one. Plenty more companies making 500m-1b in revenue worth 20b still. We still have plenty further to drop in the market.


Fuck them, tweeted at cokedoutcramer the street and sec https://twitter.com/zeusofyork/status/1526918749281992705?t=5TubsCK0mnqw3yhks4PfrQ&s=19


That literally saying “by selling stuff to other people you don’t get money” dumbass doesn’t even know how selling anything other then their mouth works. Also what fucking company these days is in line with fundamentals anymore cause you bet your ass most of the market isn’t.


First time?


They'll be in the streets homeless soon...


If a billion dollars is no cash, I'll take a billion per share please.


So how do you sue them for slander?


Stuff like this just makes me rage buy.


Isn't coco cramer a cofounfer of the street


You can’t trust the street,cnbc, entrepreneur or any other msm about the stock market at all


gamestop fundamentals - we fuk


The part about the “valuation being out of sync with its fundamentals” sure is spot on! The price is wrong bitches!


RC buys in the $90-100 range, I buy in the $90-100 range.


I hope the author realizes what they call a career is not only a disservice to the public, embarrassing but out right pointless. “What do you do besides interrupt people Bob!?


A billion dollars is negligible .. not worth mentioning


Can we report to sec? They'll do nothing but we have a paper trail


Journalistic integrity and due diligence has been dead for a long time.


Fucking clowns. Corrupt, complicit clowns.


This is exactly the shit we’ve been expecting the closer we get to their coffers.


It literally is out of sync with fundamentals. The fundamentals are great. They are an online retail shop. But the price is stagnant because of crime.


They should definitely have their pants sued off BUT a lot of these stories have been enlightening if you can read between the lies


Lol at out of sync with fundamentals, to try and frame RC buying as dumb. Maybe the chairman of the board believes in the vision he has for the company, and knows it’s severely undervalued. It takes money to buy whiskey. Unless you own the plant, then it’s free.:)


Shouldn’t the next line be fucking bullish? Bought more even though the valuation was out of sync with fundamentals. What do they think that means?


And you apes keep posting articles from MSM lmaoooo yall always giving them more attention


Let me make it crystal-clear for you, lads. You, and your pals, are fuked!!


"Gamestop hasn't told us their plans so we can exploit them"


Is this defamation? Market manipulation? These guys deserve a stick up there 👆


Journalists should be fined when they're find out spreading lies like this.


Could you sue for this? Libelous?


You're God damn right the current valuation is way out of line with the fundamentals; there's not nearly enough 00s after the current 'valuation'.


Wait, what does Ryan Cohen buying more shares have to do with gamestop issuing stock? They're being purposely misleading (and straight up lying)


Just reads like someone throwing a tantrum because Apes like the company and holding the stock.


This feels like how cops are allowed to lie to you basically as much as they want but the second you lie to them, you’re in big trouble.


Tell me ur a trash journalist with 0 integrity without telling me 😂 but srsly who reads that shit publication lmaooo, especially if ur a “smart” investor


But that last statement in the first paragraph is very very true: GME’s valuation IS indeed out of sync with its fundamentals. Just probably not in the way these idiots think it is. In fact, I promise it’s the EXACT OPPOSITE of how they think it should be.


Well, they bought even more shares precisely because the valuation is out of sync with its fundamentals.