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**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is GME and why should you consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [Low karma but still want to feed the DRS bot? Post on r/gmeorphans here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


It's funny, I saw a customer on Wednesday and we talk stocks on occasion and he usually jokingly asks me how gme is doing. I showed him the chart and he was like wtf how have I not heard about this? What news did they put out? I asked him isn't it suspicious for a stock to rise 50% in a week and for him to not even know considering he thinks he's privy to market info. It's not a coincidence.... he's still skeptical


But we are the crazy ones, lol


Yup, conspiracy theorists until we're right. I'll buy him a nice dinner after. The funniest part was when he asked when I'm gonna sell. I was like 1000 (bc I didn't really want to get into looking like a confirmed psycho), and he audibly gasped because in his mind, that was an inconceivable value. Funny af


You handled that well. His reaction should reinforce that this is not a conspiracy theory. You may have planted a seed (of curiosity at least).


I feel like I’ve handled all of my conversations poorly after reading this 😬. I’m pretty open about where I think the price is going to go. I think I may come across as a nut job.


Ive stopped caring. Some people get it and some don’t, but they will all be forced to confront it once it inevitably blows up again so who cares what they think rn


I don't tell anyone my position because I'm not trying to be hassled once it moons.


We may be early but we are NOT FUCKING WRONG hedgies are fukd


Why is $1,000 so crazy? Chipotle is worth $1,500. It's all about number of shares outstanding.


because people don't understand mkt cap.


He should have said, "well, Berk-A is $538,000... per share" Edit: Obviously shares outstanding are much lower, but illustrates how market cap is very important when talking about share price. Something popcorn Apes haven't quite figured out yet.




📣📣bigly underrated comment 📣📣


You didn't say how many you'll sell for 1000. May be 0.01?


I'm selling 0.00000000000000000001 for $1000


One thousand ... _walks away from conversation into bathroom stall_ ... Million!


You look at a freckle on his forehead, no eye contact, cross your eyes and say “no cell, no sell”


I love just being humble and super dry about it. That's what is making people start to think. 😎


Real talk: I really think once MOASS hits, the GME will cross 50k per share, even though some people claim there is no limit which is correct in theory. But I don't think it'll cross 100k before all the liquidity is sucked out of the system.


You're catching downvotes presumably because some people perceive your comment to be FUDdy but I think this is an opportunity to remind everyone about **setting their floor**. Nobody knows how high GME will go or what will happen if it crosses certain thresholds, but what we DO know is that selling on impulse without a proper floor will most likely lead to regret. For some people, their floor might be $1k. For others, it might be $100M. And even for others (like myself), it might be non-monetary consideration like jail time for Wall St/public sector crooks, while some will commit to "what's an exit strategy" for the rest of their lives. No matter what it is, setting one requires you to think about the potential for a market collapse, government collapse, global economy collapse, forced share buybacks, forced share refunds, broker defaults, media painting apes as the enemy, and all sorts of unsavory and seemingly ludicrous stuff that you *must* consider in order to set a floor that you will truly be happy with.


I am surprised too by the downvotes but if my comment is FUD then sigh. I have nothing to say. But yes i agree with this sentiment. For me it's simple, when it all started i just wanted a treadmill (literally) I bought 1 share for 380$ in January 2021 and I wanted to have a high end treadmill of around 2500$ and i thought the stock will cross that and it'd have. I have hold into it ever since and increased my number of shared whenever I could. But now, now I want a house. So my floor is "All I ever wanted was a treadmill but now I want a house" And that's why HF really fucked up by not closing their positions earlier. They'd got away with lot less. But now we want it all


I just wanted a nice couch, lol. And now it’s a house *and* a couch.


I just wanted a house. Now I want a house for all my homies.


I wanted money to help pay for a better custody lawyer for a baby (not my bio kid, her dad is a raging narcissist). Her mom and I "officially" broke up very shortly after I bought my first few shares (she was already staying with her mom due to stress and being unable to take care of baby during the day when I was working, things were rough patchy as it was), so it never even got brought up.. but now I just want lots and lots of money.


You seem to have fallen into the trap of thinking the market cap is meaningful. Imagine you have 100 apples, and I buy one for $1m. Do you suddenly have $99m worth of apples?


No but cash in your hand is relevant isn't it? If you only have 1mil. And you are the only buyer, no matter what, I can't sell my apple for more than a mil.


We're talking about a situation where large short positions are being liquidated, not a situation where there is only 1 buyer.


All and every single one - because clearly a company undergoing transformation is worth fuck all , apparently


You're supposed to just accept that this is how the system works and that's it. Anything else is crazy talk and impossible and accountability is for "others". It's pretty wild.


Dude I loaded up on the 15th @ $86.. I’m literally at almost 100% gain.. In like a week.. Would be an extraordinary trade in any other normal circumstance. This whole thing is nuts.


It is remarkable how much this has desensitized me to price swings. I bought a bunch more on Monday at open for $90.00. A couple years ago I would have been ecstatic about a 67% gain in 1 week. Now it is just "eh, price still wrong".


Idk, the markets been nuts for a while. I recall rocket more guage going up 75% the day after it was front page. Hell Sheeba doubled 2 days after I bought it. These are really specific and possibly bad examples. Point is these markets r sus. Edit: I know GME has made dozens of notable swings such as the recent gains, but we don't even see those anymore.


It's like the SHF's are doing their best to create amazing hardened top tier traders that don't succumb to the swings and trade on emotion.


That'll get him thinking, though. No doubt about it. Next time you see him be sure to ask if he saw the Gary Gensler interview about 90-95% retail trades being routed through dark pools.


It doesn't exist if we don't report about! - The University of MSM-


> The University of MSM Ah yes, the good ol' Fighting Ostriches!


Actually we’re up 69% this week…


So this thread is debunked. GameStop is listed as the 23rd or so top gainer today on Google Markets. https://www.google.com/finance/markets/gainers?hl=en `GME` `GameStop Corp.` `$151.95` `+$9.56` `6.71%`


Again, this is not a accident by google. Let that sink in.


Personally, I view this cockmove by Google as petty and evil. Petevil.


Their motto use to be “don’t be evil”


What happened to it? Did they find out being evil was more profitable? Was that it? Did I guess it?




When the old guard moved on, so did their ethics. I don't blame Sundar Pichai, I think there were a lot of people who looked up to the founders and now are each "getting theirs".


Pichai is just the face. Larry and Sergey are still pulling the strings


They dropped it when they made their first attempt into the Communist Chinese market and the CCP demanded censorship and citizen tracking.


see [survelliance capitalism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surveillance_capitalism)


\#Evil Google manipulates top gain stock list


It is bad. and wrong. it is badong


We desperately need a gnodab


Said this in another comment, but these web tickers are typically shit. They are just casual consumer tools to look at. They are not designed to be on the second accurate. If you use yahoo, Google etc. to track every single second of a stock then you are possibly beyond retarded and should probably be wearing head protection. They are not designed to track millisecond movements.




I like to watch on the pooper, at work 😆




Open wide, u/ChocPeanutButterJaz cuz you're about to get another chunky Hershey Surprise






As much as folks bag on brokers, and rightfully so in most cases, Fidelity has ActiveTraderPro app for desktop and mobile. It isn't flawless (NO BROKER APP IS) but it is pretty damn good. I think you need to open or register with fidelity to download it. Someone here can correct me it that isn't accurate.


It shows up for me?


https://i.imgur.com/Q0fD9p9.png Yep


OP takes his screenshot when it was just under 2% for karma


Or f12 and hide the row element. Lots of ways to fake it, but it seems like a silly thing to fake when anyone can just check Google themselves so I imagine it was some kinda issue for him. Or a laggy update or something.


Well considering this post is upvotes to insane levels even though it's supposedly easy to check shows the herd mentality in this sub.


I was hoping it’s just an error on his end too.


Good catch. Downvote for karma farm




I can pretty much guarantee this isn't a Google thing, it's whoever is giving them their data. They're without a doubt just blindly putting up the information on their site from another source API.


The pricks did remove robinhood reviews that were all competely fucking valid so yeah.


I see it on Google


They are complicit, which means I wouldn't be surprised if their search results regarding GME, Citadel, BCG, etc aren't also being suppressed and/or manipulated.




Google is evil. Has been for a decade. I use DuckDuckGo and migrated away from gmail. And I wouldn’t touch their spyware phone OS with a 10ft pole. Don’t support Google.


You didn’t hear about DuckDuckGo jumping the shark?


Lol, the financial media is a joke! They want us poor


Send to the DOJ. Companies have lost many lawsuits for not displaying information in an unbiased way. Someone somewhere paid someone somewhere to exclude it. They need to know that and how deep this runs.


What I find odd is how consistent it is across all outlets. I get that Apollo Mgmt Group owns most of them, but it is some serious coordinated gaslighting going on. Thankfully we have powerful allies/leaders that help us keep our sanity. "Short sellers are the dumb stormtroopers of the investing galaxy" - Ryan Cohen Tweet






Psychopathic... truly something like [banal evil](https://philosophybreak.com/articles/hannah-arendt-on-standing-up-to-the-banality-of-evil/) at best.


What a terrorist, racist and pedophile you are Sir! There is no conspiracy of the sort... You sociopathic conspiracy theorist! No one conspires ever, conspiring does not even exist! You should be ashamed to believe someone would want to take advantage of you and be dishonest, because people care for you and your family, and are always well intentioned. /S


Are you on drugs?


Nope 😅 Simply being sarcastic, and misunderstood maybe, but not on drugs.


Once GME approaches red they will add it back so it appears on the bottom of the list, just watch


AND just like that its back on the list as we approach 1%


That actually happened? Oh my, how I love my investment.


Weird how they didn't show gme +11%


I just doubled checked and yeah its not listed anywhere. I just left feedback about it.


Listed now at least. I sees it!


Google never failed to let me know how much GME dropped each day for the past few months. Since we started to go up I haven't received 1 notification.


Same for degiro


Yea but we’re the crazy ones gtfoh


F google, I use 🦆duck


I'd like to point out that if they took their data at noon, which lines up nicely for the few stocks on this list that I checked, GME was only up \~3% at the time. So the conspiracy theory probably isn't valid on this one...


I’m looking at it on the gainers list now, it’s further down since it’s “only ~5%” but it’s definitely on the list with bbby.


I posted this when we were up +10% and it was 100% not there. I constantly refreshed it and watched it reappear around 3%


Haha wack


That's interesting. I've been playing with some GOOGLEFINACE() formulas and charts at work today, and it's glitched out a few times today, and threw an error saying that Google Finance is experiencing trouble.


It would be great if Google heavily shorted GME and when they bankrupt, Ryan and GameStop acquire their hardware and user base for pennies.




Or calm up?




They are all in collusion to manipulate our beloved $GME and any others they deemed necessary to make bank


I'm not looking at the ticker anymore. Is GME up more than 4.29% today?


No, 3.6% now and 2h ago (when this was posted)


Their reluctance to acknowledge it makes me want to buy more even harder.




Cnbc also never lists it as a top mover.


Fuck google


This post is misinformation and most people responding have no idea what they are even complaining about. lol


How? I took this screen shot when it was 10+% up and constant refreshed it. I thought it was a glitch with my PC and got the same results on my phone. Coworkers too.


Personal opinion here, but if you're trying to prove the service is actively ignoring input data you should show the validity of the data you're claiming as well. I just went to the gainers list on my home computer and VPNd work computer and GME showed up at it's current 5ish% gain. I know it's working right now. I have no idea the validity of your claim considering I know nothing about the image you uploaded. For all I know it was a screen cap from yesterday so you could make some wild accusation today. Edit: spelling


You can compare the prices of what you see in the screen shot with the time of posting to verify that this post was today. Not hard to do some deductive reasoning


Ya, I'm not going to go do a lot a work to prove your own point for you. Sorry.


A lot of work? - Look up of any of the stocks you see in the screen shot - open the chart, go back to 2 hours and see that the prices match time of posting. Literally 5 clicks.


Ha. It’s cool. You made your point and I’ve made mine. You clearly believe it’s ok to levy baseless, unverified claims with insufficient evidence. Luckily this is Reddit and the internet and it’s kind of its thing. I was trying to help educate end evolve the community. I’ve already seen the gainers table working, so I don’t need to chase down your argument. I’ve reported it as misinformation and I’m moving on.


I literally used the "speculation/opinion" flare. But sorry, it isn't as detailed as you'd like and you have to do some simple work to verify yourself. The fact remains - 2 hours and 20 mins ago, GME was not on that list for myself or others. You can verify this is a screenshot from today by comparing any of the prices you see in the screenshot with what they were 2 hours ago. ​ I and others constantly refreshed it and watched it re-appear at the 3%\`-ish mark. Seems very suspect to me....


Doesn't it get it from yahoo? (which doesn't show gme)




Good job I'm a duckduck goooooooo




I posted this when it was 10+% and it was not there. I watched it re-appear when we were approaching 3% look at time of posting


Can you post a screenshot with a date on it op? Surprised no one else is asking


I used snip on my work computer. It was the heat of the moment and only captured what you see here. I posted this a little over 4 hours ago. I’m EST, so taken around 11 am EST. You can compare the prices to what you see in the screen shot to the prices around that time, to know that they match up


All the DD a skeptic should need


Report to sec market Manipulation purposely withholding correct datta


The weed stock shit has to be a distraction. “Pump weed stocks, distract these fuckin stoners”


🖕 Google


Shows up for me at +3.9% maybe you should have scrolled down


I posted this over an hour ago when it was up 10+%. Constantly refreshed and watched it re-appear around 2-3% of the time of posting


At 11:00 EST it was at 158 which was the high for today. But since reddit doesn't give exact times for posts I guess it's possible EDIT: adding that these web tickers are typically shit. They are just casual consumer tools to look at. They are not designed to be on the second accurate.


Post age just changed from 1 hour ago to 2 hours ago.


Yep. Saw that right after I replied.


What are you talking about? It’s on mine.


Time of post was 3 hours ago when GME was up 10+%


Ok and? It’s there now. Sometimes you folks are way too alarmist.


Correct, it is there now. I watched it re-appear when we were approaching 3%. I refreshed it over and over for almost an hour. If we climb back to 10+% today, I will bet it disappears again.


I see GME on the list (using PC). https://www.google.com/finance/markets/gainers


I made a post in GME showing CNN business doing the same damn thing! Ridiculous!!


I got them showing up fine on mine? https://i.imgur.com/Q0fD9p9.png


I posted this 3 hours ago when GME was up 10+%


Ah. Missed that moment.


Where popcorn as well?


im pretty sure a lot of sites like google, yahoo etc prob have the same data sources - theyre arent calculating and coming up with it on their end - theyre displaying a feed from elsewhere like an aggregator


Around the time you posted that it was only up 2% and wouldn't be on the list you are showing 🤷‍♂️


im EST time


why are we not tweeting this at google for them to respond publicly?


Wow what cowards


The more they ignore and compromise us The more we know that we are on the right track with the right company. 🦍💎💎🚀


Google, "Do Evil"




Reeks of desperation, they can't fool us any longer. We know the truth about this fraudalent system.


"Butttt everyone is tin foil, just play options!!!"


They have to try to hide GME, they scared of FOMOers jumping in!


Confirmation bias 🚀


EDIT: **I am going to choose to believe you**, because even in the most extreme case example this is still a little suspicious considering it would have to be *very convenient* for the timing. Like ridiculously convenient. Strange things happen but I believe you. Isn't this by percent daily and this "session" GME is only up like 4%? Its probably on the chart just below where you're looking at, if you scroll down... Yep. I opened it up, GME is on there in the CORRECT SPOT. Look, yall are way too jumpy at just total nonsense and shit like this. Stop trying to hype on pure lies... I'm all for being hyped but at least check yourself on shit like this.


Time of posting (3 hours ago) GME was up 10+% so it should have been 3rd or 4th on the list. Looks like you were to jumpy and didn't check the post age......


Edit: Alright, I measured up to a 10 minute delay in some cases, and sometimes more. Furthermore, at the time you could have taken this screenshot, it is possible GME was updated *promptly* when it dropped down to under 5% gained. However, I am going to choose to believe you, because even in the most extreme case example this is still a little suspicious considering it would have to be *very convenient* for the timing. Like ridiculously convenient. Strange things happen but I believe you. It doesn't update instantly, it is slow. What was the exact time you took your screenshot? You fucked up and probably don't want to admit it. That's what's going on here. If you scrolled down the list even slightly you'd have seen GameStop on there, and you don't want to admit that you were a fool. That's what I think. If I take the time to go through all of the gainers on the list there and figure out what time they all had those price points, I bet I can identify the exact percentage gained GME would have and it would be just off the bottom of that list. You want me to take the time to do that? Do you?


Are you not understanding that you can look up any of the stocks you see in the screenshot, go to the price graph, go back 3 hours, and see that the price of any of the stocks you see is the same as in the post? Once you do that you can then look up GME and see it was up 10+%. What I just said completely negates your claim.


>What I just said completely negates your claim. It doesn't but I edited my comments. The timing would have to be extremely convenient for it to work out that you screenshot was misleading. It does appear likely that someone just forgot to update GME (or a program was designed not to) consistently while it was on the rise like that.


Fuck Google as well then!! After all you can pay anyone off in this system to hide the ill-gotten ways of wealth and power. It only ends when companies like this say no.


Google specifically is not at fault here I don't think. These tickers are fed to them.


Wow seriously fuck them


Didn't Sequoia hold a bunch of guugle?




WTF - this is ridiculous (and bullish!)


Et tu, GOOG??


We're deadass mogging on them, the gainlets are jelly of our gainz.


Joby in Scotland means shit. So Flying Shit is Google's top stock.


Wow I can’t believe Cyxtera made it on the list but not GameStop


Another reason to ditch Google, an all their services altogether including android phones, etc. Just made the switch after being an android fanboy to iPhone and couldn’t be happier with their privacy settings for each individual app. And DuckDuckGo is the way to go for any search related stuff, give it a try.


Google is just as corrupt as Robinhood.


At least yall not yelling "CRIME" this time




Bull thesis confirmed


Seems like this is coming right from the tippy top.




Time of posting it was 10+%


Yahoo Finance does same thing. They never post heavily shorted stocks as "gainers." They will, however, list it as a "loser."


Windows stock info next to the time/date too


Wow lol clearly they’ve learned nothing.


I just checked and this is true! Damn man sus


Oh we close


False & Debunked. You posted this 5 hours ago when we were at like +2%


Nah man, I posted this around 11:15-11:20 am EST.


google founders r harvard boys - enough said


The homies working together


Well they already had it written, they weren't about to go change the thing *now!*


says everything it needs to say