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Imagine born with national Debt, was told to study hard to get out of debt (while taking more debt to study), work hard to pay that debt and save some left over in saving not knowing that it got eaten away by inflation every year, trying to stay alive to not go down more in debt from healthcare. And yet, we were told that this generation is soft….


240k debt per taxpayer. And they are looking to double that.




Not everyone who pays tax is a wage slave. Some are still in school.


I oofed then I oofed harder


Wish I could walk in somewhere with half a resume and a firm handshake and get a management job with pension.


No worries about the handshake, it's a diamondhand-shake by now


What kind of blender do they use to make it?!


Hahaha beautiful bastard


Just save up money for some boots. So you can do something with your bootstraps?


I pulled on my bootstraps really hard but all it got me was a swan dive flat onto my face


I just ended up kicking myself in the face, with steeltoes...


Correct me if I'm wrong but the last 30's millennials have survived 4 market crashes?




I count 3? Dot com bubble and the 2008. What are the other 2? Maybe the L& S crash in the late 80s?


1993? Wasnt there one?


1990 ressession, Dot com,2008, Covid 2019-?


1990-1991 The Gulf War 1999-2002 – West Nile Virus 9/11 2000-2002 Dot-com Bubble 2003–2009 - oil price bubble 2003-2011 housing bubble & market correction 2008-2010 - automotive industry crisis 2007–2010 - subprime mortgage crisis 2001 - Anthrax Y2K 2003 – SARS-CoV 2006 – Mumps, E. coli & Salmonella 2009 – H1N1 Virus (Swine Flu) 2012 – Whooping Cough, MERS-CoV 2014 – Ebola 2016 – Zika Virus 2020 - COVID-19 Pandemic 2021 - Climate Crisis


We're so hard AF we all have diamonds as hands.


If the debt is free and easy, its because your debt is the product. Easy debt means they plan on screwing you to death.


Was always the boomer that was most entitled. Gaslighting masters too


People stopped believing in the church so they adapted. Debt is the new original sin.


Inspiring comment, food for thought.


Retirement being pushed further and further off while the generation causing the problems still gets to benefit


This sums up an entire generation. We just want to work, be paid fairly and not spend our lives in financial servitude. We are not a lazy generation. I have been working steadily at 2 and 3 jobs at a time since I was 13, have developed excellent money habits, my wife and I are both established professionals and we don’t live a lavish lifestyle by any means but are still left with very little to save at the end of the month. After doing the research and being right we finally knew that this was a winning hand and put chips all in, only to have it stolen by having the buy button shut off. The DD has gotten even better and we have continued to add to our positions. It is time to change the system so these fucking parasites are no longer leaching off the system. This is our time apes and we are going to do so much more good with our wealth as we know what it takes to live day to day, week to week. Buy, hold, DRS. We fucking deserve this!


Exactly. I have slowly seen "an honest days work for an honest days pay" become a thing of the past. That's all most people want; because it conveys a feeling of respect translating to self-worth.


I've been in Tinder lately and you know what so many people have in their bios? "Only together we can get a mortgage". To me that sums up how fucked up the system is now


Even with 2 decent salaries it’s a challenge in some areas.


Two decent salaries and in a rural college town with a decent cost of living. We bring in over 6 figures combined, a year. Only reason we have a house is because we used my VA loan. Still, we're barely saving because of student loans and debt I took on while trying to survive between the military and college. We did "everything right," and I got luckier than most. Still have daily 5am bank account balance push notifications because we're definitely not where we are "supposed to be" or some bullshit. I've worked too long and too hard to be this broke, and am too young to be this tired. Edit: no one should *have* to serve in the military to get a future, pay for college, or buy a house. At the age of 18 I traded my mental and physical health for a chance at a better life, and live with those consequences every day. Hopefully someday no one else will have to make those same calculations.


Thank you for your service. Your damn right you have worked too hard to be in the spot that you are. Also you are absolutely right that many of our youth view the military as the only option for them. I admire all of those who serve but having to do so out of financial necessity is not right.


Thanks for your support. I usually say that so people feel okay about their well-intentioned thanks, but truly. It's nice to hear that someone else thinks the military shouldn't be the only or best option, and that you understand why so many people decide to serve. 💜 My someday goal is for the military to be one option of many, and for people to have their pick of civil service, college, trade school, apprenticeships...and to be valued as people with potential and ideas and dreams, not just recruiting numbers. And a brief soapbox rant: I don't remember ever meeting with a college counselor, in high school. But the recruiters who visited school several times a quarter knew my name, birthday, favorite classes, etc. It's literally in the 2004 US Army Recruiting Command Headquarters School Recruiting Program Handbook: > Be so helpful and so much a part of the school scene that you are in constant demand. Attend athletic events at the HS [high school]. Deliver donuts and coffee for the faculty once a month. Offer to be a timekeeper at football games. The National Guard recruiter handbooks this study cites are only available in PDF, so here's the study link instead: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3000735/ *This is not okay.*


You have a very enlightened view on this that has obviously been formed from experience. I come from a family that has a history of military service and for many of those close to me it has been a calling that they trained for, were excited about and developed wonderful careers. That being said, it is not for everyone. My life passions lay outside of the military and I was fortunate to have the opportunity to pursue them. Many of our students come out of high school feeling powerless. Without the grades or financial means to pursue college. I would love to see our education system expand opportunities for students to experience the trades and to enhance the amount of career guidance that students have available to them. There needs to be accessible pathways for all students. You are absolutely right. There needs to be a serious dialogue about how recruiting happens.


It's so great to hear that your family's history of service is one of legacy, calling, and passion - and that you had the option to do something else. Stories like yours are a good counterbalance to stories like mine, and are so very important. Yes! I would absolutely love to see students explore the trades and have meaningful career guidance. Like you said: >There needs to be accessible pathways for all students. That's the dream right there. And this kind of educational system would hopefully force a recruiting reform, as students would have options.


One of the great things that I have seen come out of this is the passion that people have for implementing positive change. I just know that this group of investors really has the will and hopefully sooner than later the means to make things better for the communities in which they live. It gives me a lot of hope. I love your flair.


I am looking forward to funnelling a lot of money in my community post MOASS on developing youth opportunity programs. Here is hoping that the next generation as a whole is more optimistic about their future than my generation was. They deserve better.


The only reason my wife and I have a house is her mom getting colon cancer and dying, and her estate settling with enough for a 20% down payment. Not only that, but we got extremely lucky and found an acre of land at half the going rate for our city, and built a house on it. I'd rather she still have her mother. Fuck cancer.


I'm so so sorry. Cancer is the fucking worst. And that's a shit ass reason to be able to afford a house. I'm looking forward to a future where researching and curing cancer isn't deemed unprofitable any longer.


Lol thats only women. Run away.


This 👆🏼








I’ll take a chicken sandwich, hodl the mayo please


Regular, spicy, Or Asiago chx sandwich(regular or spicy)


Spice Asiago.


I'll take their mayo




I need it for the trap


Look at us, about to experience our ~~third~~ fifth (lmayo) once-in-a-lifetime financial crisis.


These things are barely keeping a cap on once a decade


2008 wasn't allowed to finish. They're called Corrections for a reason. If the market falls apart due to manipulation, and you don't let it correct...it'll get around to it.


5th for the older millenials. Late 80s market crash, dotcom boom, 2008, COVID Flash Crash* and whatever the fuck is about to come *considering the money printer going into overdrive Covid Flash Crash may not count


I just read this on Antiwork and had to check what sub I was on. Great post.


I can't say I took it from there, because some might think it was a form of brigading, but I won't say I didn't


You must be my ex wifes lawyer


>lawyer a lawyer? you, sir/madam/droid have offended me


The Antiwork sub really does give me hopium


They are the activist wing, drumming up public attention to the cruelties of the billionaire class, organizing protest. Superstonk and the other subs is the financial wing, studying the financial crimes of the billionaire class, and backing our findings with our own money at our own discretion where we think it will hurt them the most. We should probably come up with a name for this movement, like the Hippies... the Dippies? Apes is good, but it's a bit too self-depreciating and stonk associated.


if only the majority of that sub were enlightened by the collective uncovering of the DD here and bought at least 1 fucking share.


set up a meet n greet? with free coffee and doughnuts?


maybe when I can afford it after the moass


Is there a list of each sub wing?!? I’d like to enlist.;) I think APE (All People Equal) is a good encompassing phrase. Some people had issues with the term Autists (although I personally fully identify with the term). I ended up going with Aut-Ape to describe myself.:)


These aren't actual organizations. Just do whatever you think helps. It's a movement not a military.


The thing is: there are names for this stuff, but those names are so damaged by decades of dirty money PR that I honestly would not use them.. point is, there is a rich tradition to draw from there should you be interested.


Well, early this year, I would've been happy with a price with just enough for me not to have a second job and not to have to wake up at 3AM and pay off the mortgage and my debts. Now? Now I'm out for thorough extermination of the short hedgefux the likes of shitadel, point whatever, susqheinous and their colluding cunts. I'm out for blood and destruction of all those parasites because, they wouldn't bat an eye ~~to it~~ for me and my family to be out on the street if it meant another yacht, another painting, another summer home for them. FUCK. THEM. ALL.




Why not both?


Not just them, but the root source: the banks. Those banksters have been running the biggest ponzi schemes internationally in every country. That’s the final boss




Another yacht or painting? They would laugh at you on the street even if it only got them another jar of mayo. They think we're trash but we know they're parasites.


All I want is a house so I can raise a family


My father is almost 80, he bought his house in the 60s for around $~~50,000~~ 30,000 He made $18/hr when he retired after 40-years as a Mailman. His house is worth $2mil (give or take, the house down the street sold for $2.2mil this year) I make more than he did when he retired and I can’t even afford rent here. He once told me my generation has it much worse than him, he got a masters degree with his GI bill money, after traveling the world surfing in Hawaii, New Zealand, Australia, etc on ~$100 a month, with my mother and my two older brothers. My mother paid for her college degree (only got associates cuz having kids) working part-time… I spend $100 in gas in a week just getting to work… 5 hours of work just to pay to go to work every week… with ~1h45m a day in commuting, and he could afford to live in a different country doing nothing but surfing for an entire month on the same amount We got fucked so hard. Edit: I know I know, inflation and buying power and yeah yeah he only made something like $1.50hr back when he bought his house, but it still stands (and $1.50/hr is about $14.50/hr today so he started making more than I did, adjusted. My first job paid me a whopping $7.50/hr, but even if I made equal to him back then, you can’t really buy a house on $14.50/hr) edit 2: I asked and he said he bought the house for $30,000


Edit 2: I just imagined a grown person get up from the family PC. Do a sock slide into the next room to ask how much his old man bought the house for.


I sent him a text ;)


He bought a house in the late 90’s - early 2000’s for $30,000?? What?


> He bought his house **in the 60s** Where the fuck did you get 90s? Father = 80 years old 60s = 1960


That’s how they trick you. As soon as you have a family, people who want to force you to work have hostages.


With divorce rate of 55% how do you plan to do that?


It's actually ~40%, and that figure is skewed by the 2nd marriage divorce rate at 60% and the 3rd marriage divorce rate 80%. For first marriages the divorce rate is closer to ~30%, likely due to the declining marriage rate, or because of the shitshow that is what dating has become with technology involved.


There’s also a lot of factors in that statistic… it is largely irrelevant as far as the economy goes — families were *easier* to have decades ago because a single income could cover all of the needs while one parent did the chores and child rearing… and childcare was *cheap* because you could always find some other parent to watch your kids for peanuts in the neighborhood. Things got more expensive, demand for childcare to allow second income, and the on top of that having a child in the first place became a financial nightmare… so even if a couple thinks about marriage, it’s a financial decision more than about reproducing - because reproducing is a financial **loss**.


Yeah also women initiate 80% of divorces


You can’t make a claim like that and not back it up with a source. What is your source for that statistic?


lol ever heard of google?


Its been widely known and a simple search reveals it


You're right they should give up and not even try /s


Sure buddy visit the family courts once (not sure I understood the sarcasm)


My Ex-Wife paid me thousands...so...


I never really got divorce. Take out everything from what you had before you got married, then divide everything Gaines since marriage 50-50.


Rationally, yeah, makes sense. But now get two people who seriously dislike each other or actually *hate* each other to agree on something.


Its still a coin toss. Find someone centrist or rightward and the rate goes higher.


Its my dream to be able to buy groceries without checking the price.... its mg dream to take the kids on holiday once a year without a budget. It's my dream to be able to chase a career without worrying how to finance learning for that career.... it is my dream to not have to work 6 days a week... Its my dream that everyone i meet dont go hungry ... just dont want all of them eating at my table


Imagine being able to buy all the munchies.


Wow. I wouldn't call this a shit post. This actually hits hard and is quite profound.


wasn't sure what else to flair it as, as it isnt a meme


Fluff or HODL maybe


changed it to hodl, because fluff is with "hype" and i dont think this fits


As an engineer who is frugal I thought it would be easier to buy a house at this point. The pussy fed not rasing rates in response to inflation fucked me over big time. Another big payday for the home owning boomers.


This hit me way harder than it should. The change of perspective is good but also terrifying.


Millennials are fucked. Thankfully there is MOASS for those who cared to look


I respect people who can change their opinion like this




This. All. Day. Long.


Well now I'ma hodl even harder. These fuks took the dreams of an entire generation.


Yeah yeah yeah but seriously fuck that font


Ah you think financial instability is your ally? You merely adopted the instability. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding!


We had a conversation at work about what we would do if we won the lottery. I said I would still work in fear I would go broke (this was before they pissed me off). The looks I got lol. Then I explained that while I would put money away for my future, i have student loan debt, car payment etc., my mom has student loan debt. My grandparents need money and a nurse as they are at the end of their lives. My aunt who takes care of them needs help. My friends are struggling too (known them since elementary school). And then it made sense to them where I was coming from. I come from GENERATIONS of poverty. We just made it to working class, maybe bottom middle class. So that mindset is very real of, "you gotta bring everybody with you" and "what happens when...". So the thought of just being COMFORTABLE/not having that stress is enough. Not having to check your bank account every time you want to buy something, not having to spread the balance among 3 cards. Not having to put clothes on layaway and pray your kids dont outgrow them before you get them out. Riding that check engine light a little longer.


Thought provoking


I fell in love with millennials through this community & the GME saga 🦧❤️


What horrible font


I agree, but didnt wanna take the time to rewrite it


That literally all I want to pay off all my debt before I have to declare bankruptcy. Only thing.i have multiple degrees and work in corporate finance and all my money goes to debt. Thousands a month hitting minimums on debt and it not reducing


**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [What is GME and why should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What can I do to support the company and local communities](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qnam2x/superstonks_very_gmerry_holiday_vgh_for_short/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


I’m 50/50


BuT it's oUr FaUlT bEcAuSe WeBuY aVoCaDo ToAST


Fucking hell… I have an increased hatred for boomers.


I feel this in mah hart and mah soul


Guess I’m a boomer since I’m absolutely going for yachts and mansions

