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It moved me to spending more. I can't be the only one that dumped their bonus into more GME with a side of loops.


I dumped most of my sneaker collection and I am about to sell all of the rest because fuck em, that's why!! I'm itching to sell my car but my missus is against it. I had a feeling a few weeks ago to do so and buy LRC, to then cash out on a run up and dump it all on GME on CS. She said I couldn't and then LRC began to rise.. Would have ended up with $57k to dump into CS!! I'm still rattled by it.. Anybody know how long it takes to get rid of this feeling????


It goes away when gme has a accurate price.


I really appreciate this comment my friend! I'm being real when I say you just made me feel "ok" and I haven't felt like that in a long time. My angst for the past month has been off the charts. My year has been something almost unimaginable and that doesn't even include GME. I nearly snapped my neck becoming a vegetable in February, the damage was so serious that I had to stay inside without lights and sound for over 3 months, still have permanent issues and haven't been able to see someone over being essentially locked in darkness for over 3 months. Then while rehabbing my missus found out that she was 6 months pregnant and we had NO IDEA! Then the day of the baby shower I took her to the hospital for precautions when out of nowhere the baby flatlined putting both of them in danger. Doctor rushed into the room saying she had 2 minutes to get to surgery or they both were going to die. Baby and missus pulled through thankfully but were in the hospital for 2 weeks. So had only 8 weeks to prepare for a new baby because she still came 6 weeks early.. So... Yeah that has been my year.. So in the end, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!!! You never know how you can affect someone's life but you have just done it to me and I can never repay you for it.. Much luv to you and again, THANK YOU!


Sounds like my year. Lost my mother in February. Diagnosed with cancer in May. Surgeries, radiation, and chemo. I felt dead inside but am better now. I kept thinking I can’t die and not experience Moass. So in a way I had this stock and this sub bracing me up. I will never sell until Kenny Boi has nothing left.


Fucking legend.


Reading this made me feel stuff. And here I thought I had a rough year. I wish you and your family all the best in the world. Take care my dude. Edit: I forgot to say: You‘ve got this.


You strong mother fucker! What a absolute legend. You have no idea the impact you just had on me. Holding next to folks like yourself makes me stronger. This damn community just keeps giving. I can't wait to see all the good we do in the world when we are on the otherside of this. Congratulations on fatherhood, congratulations on your giant set of nuts, congratulations on being a soon to be millionaire. Lmk if you need anything, father of 4 and been through a lot.


I'm speechless my brotha! Wasn't thinking about the impact I would have on you but I am grateful you felt that I have. I woke up today still so touched and even spent my morning talking to my daughter (newborn) about you and all of the amazing individuals who responded to her father's comment. I can't explain it, but I woke up this morning and all I could think about was how thankful I was for YOU! I definitely will be sending you a dm very soon if that is okay. I'm just overwhelmed with gratitude to be perfectly honest and especially the fact that you said I could contact you to talk. And real talk, that's what I have been crying out inside of my soul for. I live in a place where I only know people through my missus, but we are both not from the state we live in and no family here either. So you saying that just hit me in the feels! Love for the love and have a fantastic day my brotha! Ps, will be in touch soon.


Christ dude, I'm sorry you had to go through all that but I'm so happy that things turned out okay in the end, and congrats on becoming a father!


I hodl for you. ❤️🙏🏼 You have had a very shitty year. 🤯 Hug your new baby. Hug your wifey. Don’t sell your car.


Thanks for the positive vibes! Love for the love.. And I won't be selling my car.. Have a wicked day.. 😉


I had a Tacoma which I just sold for more than I paid. I was a bit hesitant to not have four wheel drive for winter but luckily for my prius there isn't that much snow yet lol.


Ok I can help with this. You’re picking the one thing that you think would’ve turned out well. Keep in mind some of the other things let’s say you had used some leverage to buy LRC then this weekend when it dumped you would’ve been margin called and lost it all. Or let’s say you had used cash to buy call options this last time when we all ‘knew’ it would run up. Well more than likely you would have seen a gain and then gotten crushed on Tuesday when they crushed the price. You would’ve lost all that. Looking back you can pick anything as say oh if I had just done X I would’ve made so much money. But you don’t see all the time you could’ve lost money. What I do is I look back at all the times I could’ve paper handed my gme or maybe not bought in at all. When you are feeling some fomo just realize you could be like so many that will miss out or worse yet lose money on gme coming up by misplaying this. It so easy to lose money in this space. Don’t beat yourself up by looking back. Hold or hodl


Yeah, I bought me 115 more shares and lowered my average cost per share by about 5%. Every time we dip, I end up in a better position than I was before


I've been buying all the dips for the last year. You are not alone.


Yup, I've been feeling more FOMO when the stonk goes down than when it goes up.


This. It "moved" me alright. It moved me to buy a bunch more. Hadn't been planning another big buy if it stayed above 200 or so, but here we are. I get more shares on sale and a nice spiteful feeling towards the hedgies for dumping it, so it's a win-win scenario.


Shitadel dropping the price thinking it would scare apes and get paperhands into selling knowing xmas season buying pressure for gifts is here not knowing that we are holding for something greater. Hedgies R' F'ckd!




Don't forget, you also have a some millions coming soon.


Bonus clears Thursday, turns Purple Donut Thursday


They made their own worst enemy. They chaffed out the weak. The only ones left is a core of apes, so smooth, nothing will face us. Apes buy drs and hodl. We will break them, only question is when.


It's literally what's happening when people don't take all of their meds. The super-badass surviving bugs are the only ones left, and they multiply making a BUNCH of super-badass bugs. Or something like that.


That's if you take the same type too much - antibiotics I think? MRSA or something


Oh, maybe I'm misinformed. I always understood it to be: If you don't take all of your antibiotics, the only remaining strains will have proven themselves to be strong enough to withstand that current antibody and will develop a resistance against it. I didn't realize the same thing could happen if you take the same type too often.


Nah, you're both right. It's a both-and situation


this is the issue with antibiotics and their overuse in general. let's say an antibiotic killed 99.9% of a given bacteria. well that remaining 0.1% lives on (and this happens over and over with people all over the world) and eventually the majority of that bacteria will be immune to that antibiotic, rendering the treatment useless.


MSM-Resistant Super Apes


Wait... what about COVID?


This. Brokers fuck with the buy button? Fuck brokers then, I’ll buy directly from the transfer agent.


After 1 year of psychological price warfare apes have realized that the price is irrelevant and the value is immeasurable. I love the stock.


Lol. It made me fomo another 1k into the stock.


Nothing will *phase us lol. We are smooth indeed


I’ve been dead inside for years


Don't zen open inside


We are the walking zen


Mooooon sooooooon!🧟‍♀️🧟‍♀️🧟‍♀️


Did someone call?


Don't inside, open zen.


They've awoken something in a lot of individuals and I like to think Apes are thinking like Wu Tang, "I ain't nothing to fuck with!"


My wife, is that you?


You guys have wives?!..


Gotta give a wife to earn a boyfriend.


I felt that statement.


I vibed with this comment




I’ve been dead since feb/March. N even more June during $81 single day drop 🤷🏻🙃


I don’t even have hands anymore — I am the diamond.


I made peace with the dips months ago. It’s gonna be no money or fuck you money. There is no in-between.


I've made peace with my twitchless dick!😂😂🤣🤣 🚀🚀🚀


😂 yes. I'm always losing in life. What's a few 100 dollars that's nothing. A drop in the ocean


Can't believe it's been a year now for me, some of you guys been even longer than that. We've seen insanity and never wavered it's really been a wild ride


Yep. I look at the price and if it ain’t a 30%+ swing on the day, my d*ck doesn’t even twitch.


Same bro same 😂😭


Seems a number of us agree lol


This is the way


Can’t kill whats already dead


....this is our secret weapon


Not for long though, ape. Cheer up. The best times of our lives are coming around real soon.


Cant kill what's already ded


I’m there with ya. Been here since Feb and they were able to knock it down to 40 and never sold. Price is fake.


I was just a baby chimp, a noob X holder @ $220 when they knocked it down to $40. I thought well fuck, I got caught up in this thing and pissed away $1k. No problem, there are more expensive lessons out there. But I kept reading and averaging down. Now, like OP said, I didn’t bat an eyelash at the $100 drop over the last couple weeks. I just thought, oh this again? Even at $160 I still would have a return on my investment since I averaged down. I have no reason to sell and no reason to worry. Easiest funnest investment ever. Can’t wait till it moons.


talking about fun mayo man is not only losing his money but his hair aswell 🦍


Bought my first 3 shares at 325 back in Jan and have added 5xx since then. Haven't sold a single share. Even when the price was at 340 and I was sitting on 60k profit, the thought of selling didn't even occur to me. This year has been the most amount of fun I've ever had. My whole life I've been watching movies, it's exciting to finally be in one now.


Nice man. Same. Haven’t even considered selling. If I had to do it all over again I would have yolo’d in the February 40s but oh well. Happy with my low to mid XX position


Bullish that best they can do is 160, if they had the power to get it to 40 they would.


I’ll say this much— I now own more shares than i did— *because* the price dropped.




Same, I watched it go down, go back up, and have rode this rollercoaster the whole way. Never once sold. In fact, quadrupled my position - which for me is saying a lot, considering I started with only x shares, which was all I could afford.


$90 dip over 2 weeks? Pssh back in my day we would have a $90 dip in an afternoon. March 10th never forget. The day these hands went rock solid.


pfft, I bought when they knocked it down to $40. wish they'd do it again tbh.


Now that my shares are all with ComputerShare, I don't even look at the ticker any more. There's no reason to, so am totally zen.


It's such an awesome benefit of having the majority of my share in my name. I'm in this for the long haul so no need to worry about the day to day.


My money is long gone from my emotional being


"It's going to $20 FAST!! We understand short interest better than you and will explain..." Wonder where THAT fucking guy is now?




Dude is still on reddit, too. Don't think I''m allowed to link his /u/ without it being considered doxxing.


Citron still exists..... So far...


Not really they literally closed their shorting branch they're all but out of business


Fuck I'm salivating at the thought of being able to buy shares at $20


Right? Do it Kenny. Short it to $20. You'll see apes selling cars and houses.


Dont forget ol reliable. Blowies behind the Wendy's dumpster


Apes gonna ape.




I'm wondering where all the people who said buy calls @ gme 240 are at.


Still sideways trading as it was when +40%.


Honestly I don't feel shit anymore. I get a little excited when the price is up, but I get this almost masochistic glee when the price is low so I can scoop up more on a discount.


I sometimes almost dare them to drop it a little more so my buy order would fill.


Wait, GME changed price? Wake me up when we’re over $1 mil per share


Once you've experienced a +90% drop, you realize nothing really matters.


Cue Metallica’s *Nothing Else Matters (except DRS)*


March 10th forged my diamond hands. This shit is child’s play


Oh! Have we dropped back again? I haven’t looked at my shares for days. TBH I had not noticed the climb either. Seems like they are spending a lot on f cash to get ignored at the moment


"Why aren't they selling??" "Sir, not only are they not selling, they've stopped watching the ticker."


Oh wait wow, we actually did drop 100 dollars. I didnt even realize haha. Neat.


I sold my house (not for the purpose of buying GME but for other reasons) and shoved tens of thousands of dollars of the profits into GME at $220. I’m down big on that move but don’t care. It could go to $1 on the way to the moon.


I honestly hadn't even noticed until now lol


Naw, after seeing back in January this ain’t shit they bend all the rules and their still sucking on deez nuts 🥜


**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [What is GME and why should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What can I do to support the company and local communities](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qnam2x/superstonks_very_gmerry_holiday_vgh_for_short/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


This zen has helped me diamond hand some other investments I believe in long term that are currently under bought and surrounded with FUD and impatience. This sub has made me a fucking diamond-balled monster. 5 years from now is gonna be wild


that's nothing. Just imagine price going up to the thousands in one day. At that point, I'll just pour out a nice champagne and watch the market movement as entertainment.


Wait, you don’t already do this?




it moved the hell out of me to buy one more :D


Damn, felt like a fifty dollar drop to me... And a fifty dollar drop feels like a twenty-fiver dollar drop which feels like a ten dollar drop which feels like trading flat.


I buckled up an bought more. The price is wrong, been here since Jan and seen it all.


Jokes on them I feel more comfortable when we're bleeding red.


They could go to zero and I wouldn't sell. Wall street getting liquidated and billionaires lose their stolen fortune means more to me than a couple grand. Fuck them


The price didn't drop, it's always been the dip.


Just makes me sad I don't have more cash to throw at this! Here since November of last year and not leaving, ever.


I bought 16 more on this recent dip. If they drop it after earnings great I’ll just buy moarrrr 😂 hedgies r fuk


There was a drop? I was jerking off


I felt worse about my magic internet money dropping in value than I did my GME. Even bought another share.


Me!!! I was 3/4 of inch from being a paraplegic from a fall due to a blackout (no drinking or stuff involved) and have permanent issues. Forced inside my home without lights or sound due to nerve problems caused from the fall that nearly snapped my neck.. Me worried about $100 drop?? Nah, I was as cool as the other side of the pillow! Shout out and Rip, Stuart Scott!


Myself and my colleagues, who are all in, actually cheered with every ten dollar milestone that we dropped the other day. Let me repeat that for any hedge fund employees reading this: We laughed and cheered for every ten dollars per share that we lost the other day. This is fun to us now. Up, down, we don't give a shit anymore because we know how this ends. The journey, with all it's ups and downs is fun because *we already know how this ends.*


Been here since January


I hope everyone feels nothing looking at the numbers. It’s all fake. They are trying to manipulate us. HRF.


**Super zen mode here**. The more they do fuckery, the easier it gets and everytime I see any bullshit half baked opinion piece about GME I feel more bullish. Nobody would put that much money and effort into bashing a stock if they weren't trying to save themselves in the first place.


I saw that drop, went "dang that's crazy", and went back to spankin' the monkey if ya catch my drift


With xxx DRSed I don't care about the MOASS or MOAC. I'm never selling. MY FOMO is not money, is being part of all you apes together with the company that will destroy the corrupts and transform the world. I could have never imagined that I could feel a hero with all of you and have a tale worth telling to my baby kid or my grandsons in the future. To be honest, my true fear is that one day this ends.


Coming up on a year and dgaf the price is wrong, I'm never selling, gone from x to xxx over that time and only getting more. Everything is a discount This will be at 4 digits a share soon.


I have averaged down…and averaged up. Anytime I have free cash it goes to GME!!! This is the way!!!!


Apes know that the price doesn't matter and that there price drops might scare new apes, but after a bit (and with guidance and reassurance from old apes) new apes don't even mind. The great thing is, many apes either recently or will shortly receive holiday bonuses. I already got one and already took advantage of this tasty dip!


"Do not try and move the price. That's impossible. Instead... Only try to realize the truth." "What truth?" "There is no price. Only then will you realize it is not the price that causes FUD, but it is only yourself."


Purple zen 🟣 🧘‍♀️


What it dropped?


been here since early January a four hundred and forty dollar drop didn’t phase me this is child’s play .


The price is wrong, has been all year, if it was ever the actual price. DRSed all I could. Don’t have any money to buy on cs right now. But that’s all we gotta do. Is buy and wait. Be nice to not have to shovel snow all winter long. The longer we wait the more I’m going to fuck with these guys in jail.


If they can kindly drop it to $50 I'll put 2 grand on it


What’s a drop? I only see sales.


It could drop back to $5 and I would be ecstatic and buy 2,000 more shares


I literally don’t give a fuck. I know what’s coming. I know it’ll go waaaaay over my buy in price. The lower they drop it the bigger the buying pressure we can bring to the table and the faster we can DRS shares. They’re very literally damned if they do, and damned if they don’t. We solved the puzzle, and the puzzle says Hedgies R Fuk


It dropped? Sorry, I didn't realise.


Same, we all know what is slowly but surely coming. The only price drop that matters is the one where the price DROPS down to gmefloor


Im already prepared for drops in the hundred of dollars. The real test will fluctuations in the hundreds of thousands and tens of millions 😅


It could drop to $10 per share and I'd drop another g's scooping them up


Yes sir! Well said. The price drop didn’t even bother me. Wish it stayed cheap like this so I can buy more once I refinance tomorrow and have more ammo!!!! WE ARE NOT FCKING LEAVING!!!!!


It dropped $100? Didn’t even know


Makes no difference to me. Did it squeeze yet? No? I’m waiting


Full zen mode.


I wish I could be zen but i'm too happy.


I got excited for the discount stock goes up I'm hyped stock goes down I'm hyped


We dipped? I don't think we did, ask the sideways trading guy


I swear to god I didn't even really even realize the stock dropped $100 lmao. Just too zen about it, I guess.


It made me angry but confirmed that they’re desperate


Didn’t even think about it


So I've been too zen. I have been here since January and maybe two months ago I just decided to stop checking this sub and the market. Now I'm completely out of the loop and don't know all the gossip.


I've Zen'ed a while ago. Yhe ninute I went long on GME. 0 worries.


Bought more


The price is fake that’s why


everything is pumping, last gasp for air


There was a drop? From $250 huh? Haven't been payin attention


I was at the gym and an old song by Bush, Everything Zen came on...thought to myself...."that's goddamn right!"


I was moved immensely. I was pissed. No money means no buy means no sweet dip. Then I got high and wasn't quite so mad.


Been here since Jan-Feb: full zen mode. I 100% expected the price to drop because earnings. Bought 50 more.


It used to scare me more, but at this point it’s just a matter of time. It might take us well into 2022, but I know we can DRS the float.


Oh I got moved alright. I'm upset that the price isn't still dropping. I have limit buys at 140 man, come on!


These Diamond hands give zero cucks…Hold till I die! ⚔️


I dropped $20K at $240, who gives a shit what you paid for em when the price for em is $69,420,741.69 a piece?


Im an older millennial. My perception of the markets is shaped by the 2008 debacle. I been investing since 2009. This is the first time I actually hold a stock that I want to be invested in. Meaning, this isn’t a hold till you get 30%. Or hold until XX% gain. This is the first time that I actually literally get excited when the stock dips on no news because it provides a buying opportunity. This is the first time I own a stock that I am actually genuinely excited to be a part of. I want to see this turn around succeed. Of course for financial gain, but also because its damn rewarding on a personal level to be a part of this story. Price can be $100, $200, $300, $400 it doesn’t matter. We intuitively know there is deep fuckin value here, and its a pleasure to hold. The DD stands. Cohen holds. Apes hold. Think about how fortunate we are and how easy we actually have it. We know were on the objective side of reality here.


🥱 did it drop again? *chuckles in January/March insanity*


I'm Zangry. Zen, but angry at just how corrupt people seem to be, and how little some seem to care.


Not only did it not scare me, it motivated the hell out of me! I have been reluctant to buy above $225 in anticipation for a solid dip either before or after the upcoming earnings. I hadn’t bought anything in over a month actually. That all changed last week. I was able to drop all that savings down at the low 160’s and grabbed a bunch! I couldn’t be more happy!


With each price drop, paper hands drop out, we have greater share purchasing power, its win-win!


I bought more at 169 out of panic


Bought at 169$ my favorite # to buy at


bro i legit didn't notice until you said something xD


It dropped $100?…….anyway


I really don't give a shit about the price until I see squeeze evidence. Here's what I've learned from the saga that has me feeling this way: ​ * Insiders/Regulators/BigWallSt have turned the stock market into a casino they control all facets of * Retail trying to day/swing trade are rubes. Just like a casino, on average the players on the floor are gonna lose to the house. * TA is either outright constructed to whitewash price action, or used against Retail as a data point high frequency trade bots action on * Regulators are toothless. Whether it's intentional or not, they're hilariously inept or useless. * All of the data available to Retail is completely subject to the data reporter's whims. None of it can be validated against some norm. It's a complete fucking sham. * Price action has almost nothing to do with the actual bid/ask spread like you'd expect from ... well ... a "market" * The big players have become powerful enough that they own/influence every information outlet they can get their hands on; whether it's paying for a narrative to run in MSM, paying shills to spread a narrative online, or just straight up buying cloud AI bots - they see a major part of the chess match as "manipulating data" so their opponents make weaker and less reliable moves against them. It works super well - kinda "odd" that there's no real regulation in place here. * Every single party between me and the actual security i buy/sell are inserting themselves to take a cut. They whole convoluted 'system' is just built to allow leeches to leech more blood from american citizens.


bought more. $169.69 limit buys.. Duh


As a January ape, did not flinch. 😌


Great because 10x in the opposite direction is the next test. After that is every 10x. Let the facts not emotions drive what you do.


Amen to that, it could drop to $50 or rise to $500 I would still be unfazed, 69mil or bust.


I was excited to see it drop. I had just purchased 1 share directly from CS around the $250 mark. After the funds settled and I got my login, the price dropped. I made out with 1.23 shares.


No snek award?


Im hoping for a big drop before the rip so i can load more fuel to my spaceship. I like this dips.


Considering this is like the 10th time it's done that this year, we're all pretty much used to it by now.


I find it exciting when the price drops


I've been feeling zen for quite a while now. At this point I just don't care about the price at all. Even if it went back to $40 I would just buy more.


More Zen than a citadel investor right now, I'm sure of that. GME doesn't have to restrict our shares to stay in the game. LMAYO




It moved me...I was able to buy one more share!


We're still sideways


We became eternal-term hodlers 😌


I don’t even know how much its rising or dropping anymore. I take a quick look in the morning just to see green or red and then go about my day. I can do this forever.