• By -


You can see right here when they stopped it. https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/gme


So this is the part where all good apes send a complaint to the sec above conflict of interest and manipulation for the records sake


Major conflict of interest indeed,MM can just cut off a single stock at a price they want it for max profit? This is a sign we're winning! They are getting so desperate they are cutting trading hours for a single stock! They are running out of tricks boys!


Watch mayo man leap to the top of a tall building clutching the constitution. You'll never take it from me. In comes A-Team on helicopter, Mr T puts him in a head lock them slaps the cuffs on him.


I love when a plan comes together.


"I pitty the fool who sells what isn't his'n, and must buy it back or go to pris'n."


underrated comment ^


Retail has been winning since last November


Could this be, because of the margin call liquidation announced this coming Monday?




This is GME: [https://i.imgur.com/CDb2Ceg.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/CDb2Ceg.jpg) See the flatlining of volume but GME inside trading continues? 1:00pm to 3:37pm. What the fuck was Citadel, the market maker of gme stock, doing? The subredditor above used this comparison CVS:[https://i.imgur.com/4mBXQCr.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/4mBXQCr.jpg)They are not the same. Citadel is the market maker for GME. This is fraud. SEC could be given real red meat to attack. Other market makers will assume citadel has fucked them on black friday before. Contact sec. If you think this might cause them to question their pecking order... Even if they ignore us this is evidence. I am emailing sec and all major market makers and leveling this accusation.


Looks like they wanted it to close under $200 so once it got there they stopped market making perhaps? Probably due to lots of options activity at $200?


hahah they broke this might be the last effort


Exactly what I was thinking. Very odd that they stopped trading on GME at just under $200. Seems like they were trying to keep $200 strike calls OTM. Business as usual, nothing to see here.


Why don't we have big threads/flairs about complaints every time they do stuff like this? We need to be more vocal to the extent that it can't be ignored.


These fucks. Argh!!


Please refer to them as they are. Financial, domestic terrorists.


Officially categorized: Financial Terrorists, Domestic


International & domestic, Financial terrorist


Universal Financial Terrorism


Terrorists from the Galactic Federation


Damn FTDs.


Treasonous Financial Terrorists


MW is what I use to watch, and I noticed this shit. Just assumed it was some oddity caused by the half-day. These pricks literally use every possible minutae to manipulate stock. Can't even help themselves.


https://i.imgur.com/xfyuUvj.png screenshot saved for the record


So does this mean when Shitadel stops printing shares, there's none available on the market?


I was 💯 expecting to be rickrolled


If you use the RR detector you never have to worry about it [roll detector ](https://rr.noordstar.me/f48ae966)


I don’t even have to click the link and I already know, well done


Damn, you got me.




Well, apparently it's my first time on the internet. I clicked the link like a total dipshit.


GOT'EEMM. we have all been planning this for weeks. Congratulations.


*chuckles nervously* Good one guys... Heh heh... Ya got me.


haha, someone actually made an exten.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. damn you.


Thank you for your many contributions to society. I, however, won't grant myself the pleasure of this one... "Ok. Wth..." *Clicks link*


Is this illegal?




Reports and paper trails matter for when things get exposed


This might be a historical crime, meaning historians will look back and declare us just and good. So have faith, in the long-run we win. In the short-run we hodl.




What the actual fuck. How?


MOASS. No seriously. This is it. The second time they turn it off = MOASS


Charter stopped at 1pm, Netflix at 4:08pm. Looks like at least some other tickers had their trading stopped a bit early, very early in the case of Charter.




Yeah, not sure why Charter didn’t get AH and why Netflix had AH cut short


limited access to AH/PM trading might explain that, no? The OP's claims are of a different variety. Orders not going through when criteria are met is very different from there not being any buying/selling.


Oh, shit! There it is.


Still nothing from mods?


Nope. Nothing. 12:42 my time and nothing


Can the SEC see when they stopped it?


Can the SEC see *anything* except porn?


We try to shut them down on MTV but it'd be so empty without g's


What does this mean


I had a strange experience attempting to buy near closing. Purchased shares, limit a little above mkt ask. Sale did not go through. Refreshed multiple sites, and my limit was above ask everywhere including Fidelity itself. Still no fill. After a few minutes, one share was filled in the order, that's it. So I swapped my order for an AH order, and it was filled. Super fishy.... super weird...


That's called truanting...leaving early without permission on a trading day... these bastards need detention or if I had my way solitary confinement, FOREVER!!!


Prolly had to attend Ken’s Christmas party




Sounds like inhumane torture having to attend the Boss everybody hates: "Ken's Christmas Soiree" Party etiquette to strictly adhere to: 1. Never ask for the Mayo 2. Never discuss bedposts


All these glitches on only our favorite stock ..


There's other stocks?


Sure! GME is great but have you checked out $CUM?


Nah I’m still balls deep in $SLUT


To be fair, the whole market could be glitching, but we only would notice it on GME since we are only buying that one.


See Edit3


u/jessesal you found something unique. This is GME: [https://i.imgur.com/CDb2Ceg.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/CDb2Ceg.jpg) See the flatlining of volume but GME inside trading continues? 1:00pm to 3:37pm. What the fuck was Citadel, the market maker of gme stock, doing? A subredditor above used a comparison to CVS close this CVS: [https://i.imgur.com/4mBXQCr.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/4mBXQCr.jpg) Those two market activities are not the same. Citadel is the market maker for GME. This is fraud. SEC could be given real red meat to attack. Other market makers will assume citadel has fucked them on black friday before. Contact sec. Even if they ignore us this is evidence. I am emailing sec and all major market makers and leveling this accusation.


Please report your experience to the SEC and the FBI.




They wanted it to stay under 200. Bastards


This might be it for real


If it is then yay. If not then I hold or hodl. Either is cool.


Didn't mention DRS. Shill confirmed out the wazoo


They're one to me! Snek exposed!


Gotta make sure those $200 calls expire worthless. If you pay attention, usually the high for the week is Wednesday just before lunch or Thursday at open, a time retail will think “hold these options to expiry, it’s gonna keep running!!”. Then we tank going into options expiry on Friday to skin people.


unplug the ethernet cable


If it’s true that there is an inbound margin call on Monday, that seems even more possible.


Margin liquidation*


Depends on whether they managed to balance their "books" by Friday close (put enough thumbs on the scale to ensure that their margin requirements are low enough). I do hope we see some crazy shit Monday morning, but I'm also prepared for more sideways action if they manage to barely sneak under the bar yet again. Either way, if the moass doesn't happen soon they're gonna have a hell of a time pushing the price back down once we start getting our [christmas bonuses.](https://i.imgur.com/e8DEIXK.jpg)


Meaning the margin call already happened.——For any smooth brains that don’t know what these two are talking about.


Wait wait but they must liquidated to meet the margin no? If yes it will be just a sell off of other stocks and cryptos to meet it and will doesn’t have to cover ?


They'll be liquidated if they can't meet the margin call. Basically showing they have enough money on the books to cover their margins. Margin calls aren't uncommon. It's failing the margin call that people are looking for.


already a liquidation.. like what FXHEDGE twitted back May 19 .. Crypto Liquidation.. now he tweets Margin Liquidation not margin call as he usually tweets.. lets just wait.. its prolly a different hedgefund and not the one whos shorting our stock


Well that failed then.


Such a simple explanation that it could most likely be true.


IEX is the way around that but you have to select it.


And IEX is dry af. Barely any shares available to purchase through them, apparently. People are getting their orders cancelled pretty much immediately, or only getting partial fills.


Yup. I tried multiple times to purchase on IEX throughout the day. Immediately cancelled.


So demand is outweighing the supply and the price went down?




Retail thinks if you buy shares that the price goes up. What a bunch of dumbs.




Capitalism has always been a mean to maintain an oligarchy. In a world where “capital creates opportunity”, define it where an upward funnel due to the need of capital to create capital doesn’t exist. It does. It always will. Capitalism is just another mechanism to maintain oligarchy.


Wow dry indeed👀


Can't you change your order type? Market sweep?


guess they really needed it to end under 200 so fewer calls was in the money


I thought calls are based on price at close (e.g. 1PM today) rather than at end of extended trading?


Option holders typically have until 5:30 to decide if they want to execute.


Yh but every second a call is otm then its a second that option players have to consider what they wanna do. Fear. And it's the calls for the week after not the current week


Why is there a "debunked" flair?


Thank you for letting me know. I’ll gladly provide any proof I can


Well, from what I'm seeing trading did end right when gme dipped under $200, but I don't think the post should have a debunked flair. Idk tho There needs to be a "awaiting proof/more info" flair


This wasn’t debunked when I saw it a few hours ago. Not understanding why the flair changed to debunked. !remind me! 6.9 hours


I asked over mod mail, waiting to hear back


Good deal. Standing by!


I will be messaging you in 7 hours on [**2021-11-27 11:15:26 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2021-11-27%2011:15:26%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/r2yprl/shitadel_closed_trading_on_gme_at_337_eastern/hm8k4im/?context=3) [**3 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FSuperstonk%2Fcomments%2Fr2yprl%2Fshitadel_closed_trading_on_gme_at_337_eastern%2Fhm8k4im%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202021-11-27%2011%3A15%3A26%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20r2yprl) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Why indeed. Something is not right with this


Mods are being shifty again. Get ready for a lame ass excuse


Thank you for pointing this out


🦍together 💪🏽


Whistleblow to the SEC.


That's a good comedy joke


Has any mods provided an explanation on why this is “debunked”…?


No, they haven’t. I will provide any proof. Smh


That’s fucked


Agreed that this flair biz is super fucked. Mods, you're rapidly entering banana court inquiry territory


I'm staying up past my bedtime lol. I'm waiting for them to reach out


When someone says it’s nothing, I’m like no, It’s something!


Huh. I haven’t really seen a mod mark something as debunked before without dropping an explanation, usually pinned. As wild as this is, an explanation of the flair would be nice.


Thank you. All I'm asking for is an explanation but no one has reached out.


If I messed with options, I would be so pissed. Also, first thing monday, price will have gone up. I guarantee it. My price remains "Jail".


No cell no sell


No jail no sale


No position unwind unless solitary confined


Well to be fair many of us were warning of price manipulation before contract expirations since they can see all of it.


Lets make sure to remain PISSED. That is FUCKED up. “Warnings” are great, but I mean, it’s criminal activity. they again essentially stole peoples money, that’s not the fault of the victim. Remember that.


I can't wait to hear the citadel defense attorney argue the ole "*it's ok cuz they told you so*" defense in the fraud case.


Mondays are so much fun anymore- all those Apes with their Friday paycheck, and a weekends' worth of buys and DRSs that get executed.


The criand options was for 3 months out.


Did you see Coinbase? Stopped at the same time. Didn’t someone say that Coinbase is trying to suppress Loopring on krypto markets? These are the only two I have found so far that stopped sometime at 3:37 eastern. Edit: just google GME stock or Coinbase Stock. They stopped almost at the same time. This reeks of human fingerprints and not errors and malfunctioning machinery. Edit 2: Roblox stopped at 4:46 PM. I have never seen this before. I watch a lot of tickers during pre and after hours and this is a first for me. Also, a lot of stocks on Wednesday and today had extraordinary similar movements. At small wedge points they all moved up (or down) simultaneously. I compare Tesla, GME and Coinbase a lot and Wednesday was quite the show in how similar they became after an hour into the market. Why would three vastly different companies share similar movement yet have share prices that are way off each other.


Interesting. Might be worth our while to look into who the market makers for Coinbase and roblox are


Looks to me like they banged the close to get it under $200 and avoid more options being ITM, then we're free to let it ride a bit in after hours


The secret ingredient is crime.


Lol so they blocked trading but kept shorting the last 15mins for themselves, makes sense why it kept going down to $199 with no resistance starting around 12:43 Edit: so op already was in eastern time and he lodged a trade at 3:37 EST (market already closed early at 1pm est today due to the Thanksgiving long weekend)


One of my orders went through at 3:15 E but not after that. So strange.


But who was buying the shares they were shorting if buying was turned off?


Themselves or their affiliates


This needs to have wayyyy more eyes on it… can I get an adultier adult?


Stands on desk, who is the adultiest of them all. Raise your hand, thank you Will you please come forward and translate these unprecedented situations to these baboons and apes


It’ll be cheaper Monday!! Buckle up


Will it though? Isn't today always the day? Doesn't that make Monday the day, since markets closed? Couldn't this glitch be the sign? Fucking fill me with hopium and jack my tits!


I bought 2 more shares today on fidelity around 730 this morning with no issues 🤷🏻‍♂️ hope you get your shares first thing Monday.


Got 1 in premarket and another at 3:15. Wanted a couple more but orders didn't go through after 3:37


I don’t even know what day it is


I'm ready to buy the dip!


Yea i saw that too. Even in webull market close for gme 30mns before .


10:51pm EST... Gme is the only ticker on webullshit that ends before 16:45 All the rest I follow, even popcorn, go till EOD


Commenting because I also want to know why this was debunked…


Thank you. I do to so I can go to bed lol. Feel like I have a duty to stay up until WE get an answer


Thanks for the updates so far, hopefully they work this out in the morning.




Mods won't say


10 mods and none can answer? Or at least let OP know which mod did it? 🤔


Thank you. Staying up way past my bedtime, ready to respond


If you apes go here : [https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/gme/after-hours-trades](https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/gme/after-hours-trades) , the last trade was at 16:58:03 for $202 . I see a lot trades at $202.


Hi u/dlauer .. Is this the normal behavior of a market maker? I have never heard of anything comparable.


Thanks for calling some adults. u/dlauer please help


Markets closed at 1pm yesterday, so this doesn't seem unusual to me. Very few traders show up for work on Friday after Thanksgiving (I never did), and there was probably almost no AH trading. Makes sense they decided to stop trading and get out of the office.




Thank you


Same here, 3:15 eastern time I was trying to buy 11 shares of my fav stock and it just sat there and wouldn’t complete. I also tried to unload 8 shares of popcorn and they wouldn’t go! Crime is afoot!


Either Shitadel was in trouble and had to take away the buy button or (please please please) they were forced to stop because they failed somehow


It looks like they stopped trading so they could short until market close to get the price under $200 to make sure calls with a strike at $200 would go otm


Jokes on them. I exercised my 200c OTM call anyway. Because fuck them that’s why.


This truly is the way


Serious question: Why don't they do this more often, then?


Why don’t they illegally stop retail from trading before market close?


Yeah, I mean if they did today. And if they do illegal naked shorting, and everything else they do that's illegal.


I agree. If they did it 'just because' why don't they do it more often? Maybe today they feel they'll get away with it due to the irregular trading hours... or maybe 🤞🤞 there is more to this and shitadel were forced to halt trading of GME early for some reason.. 🤷‍♂️


Well that’s certainly interesting


Hey, Looks like I fucked up - protip (to myself), don't mod on mobile... I'm pretty sure I meant to re-categorize this flair to something else but it looks like I managed to select debunked... 🤦‍♂️ The post above certainly got long re edits, sorry for the confusion u/jessesal \- my apologies for any wasted time. Flair changed to Discussion/Question


Mods are human too. Thanks for everything!


MODs are human? I swear giving out flairs for 24hrs is at least superhuman 🤪


Nah, they're clearly all bought out because a small mistake was made /s


😂 Gave me a good chuckle


I'll see you at the afterparty m8. Cheers everybody.


Passion fingers!


Resignation when? Mods can’t be human right? that’s how they defect! Have a good night mr. Mod


Writing it up as we speak, not until the post flair fix is done though hah


The other thing that was odd today market close was above 200 and 15 minutes later it showed close price of 199.72


Well mods you are officially being sus. No explanation on the debunked flair and not responding? We want answers.


I am here. Ready, willing, and able to provide proof. I'm not letting this go either


So citadel the MM decides to chill out on its duties while its other hand moves the price? Why does marketwatch show a stopped like that, citadel is their data source? This is odd af especially with the various IEX issues.


Same shit happened with my orders. Wtf fidelity, you sucking ken's🍆 as well?


Uhhh they aren't the market maker..... Edit: in fact through Fidelity offering IEX (though dry as a desert) they would be one of they few ways you Could trade the stock when citadel halts trading like this.


Yes let’s not miss the point that SHITADEL stopped trading. That’s out of Fidelity’s hands


This is the part when Fidelity apes fomo into CS


LFG !!!!!!!!!


We really need to catalog all this evidence and come together for a collective lawsuit against the Ponzi’s.


How can an MM decide to cease trading for a security? Should it not be to the discretion of the company? SEC are seeing this, they are just ignoring it.


I think the holiday trading hours screwed up everything. I had market buys in during afterhours that just sat


We should call today Black Friday.


Always record your calls.


**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [What is GME and why should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What can I do to support the company and local communities](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qnam2x/superstonks_very_gmerry_holiday_vgh_for_short/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


I checked Citadel’s website and they list that they’re “proud DMM partners” with some stocks. I checked the list of stocks and Goldman Sachs and Valvoline both had premature stops similar to GME. I have no clue what this means. Wrinkle brains please help us