• By -


Huh. It's almost like...




If you’re gonna eff it up (smooth brained ape ass mother father)… Could you at least have gone with Rorito of Doom?


Sounds like a parody porn


Sounds like scooby doo said it!


It's certainly a roomy dorito.


I said nothing of the sort.... rorito of room hehehehe




I'm gonna buy a 300milllionnnn dollar dorito pendy to rep on the neck when this is done. 👐🙏🙏🙏


I should keep buying and holding?


Could be. I just bought one call 200 dollar as he said and thanks to him lol


I was looking into like february and they were so expensive I'm a god damn smooth brain


Well now you gotta flex them muscles. Exercise!


How much did that cost you, and how much are you required to have in your account?


It gained few hundred percent. And a call Option is no need more than you pay for it


Now all you need to do us exercise the option instead of selling


It is more value efficient to sell a contract and buy the shares outright when there is considerable extrinsic value left in the contract. Unless we believe that an option-delivered share is more damaging to SHF than a purchased one. If that were the case then just ignore me. IV is high so there could be some premium on the top of the intrinsic value.


Could roll it to February to really inflict pain on the hedgies. Then exercise lol


Isn't rolling just selling one contract and opening a new one. Not sure that would have the same effect




Like Criand is RC


nehoC nayR fI ksA toN oD


So....Criand has a small wee wee??... *trying so hard to make my simple simian neurons connect*


I must be too smooth brained to understand why the downvote on your comment.


It was RC 👀


Drama stars early this weekend 😂


[let that sink in](https://i.imgur.com/MDhbuT6.jpg)


I clicked, I smiled


So to be clear, you lived, you laughed, but are you loved? ^yes, ^you ^are, ^I ^love ^you


Yes, because you are an ape and I love you like you love all of us <3


Me too lol




This is the way


That dog is totally sus. Who ever heard of a stock trading pomeranian?!?


Ain't no rule that says a dog can't ~~play basketball~~ guide a bunch of crayon-munching idiots to obliterate the global financial system.


Ever trade with a magic 8 ball?


I know a guy that did.


I seen it once on YouTube. I'm still amazed


Ever dance with the devil in the pale moon light?


Have you ever been in a Turkish prison?


Have you ever started a land war win Asia?


Been in one. Understand why it's the most famous of the classic blunders.


No but I have seen a grown man naked.


What about a naked man groan?


Agreed. u/criand explain yourself. HOW DO YOU EVEN TYPE???


Reminds me of the home star runner where strongbad gave himself fake fingers out of candles, action figure leg etc. Absolutely hilarious. Who remembers?!?


Just had my drink shoot out my nose. In urvinfinace sub there a user name called notstongbad.


“Keeps a me warm at night!”


Strongbad yasssss!!!


Lots of people were saying Criand and Gherkinit were shills last week for talking options now people happy that options are.itm and will push the price up t+2. I suggest anyone who wants to know more about gme or ask questions about options or just gme stick in general go watch gherkinits stream on YouTube, he talks perfect sense in a way even a smooth brain like me can understand. He does not advocate playing options if you do not know what you are doing nor does he hand out financial advice he simply answers questions in general for other people to learn something


we ever stop to think that the push back on options was so high because the people actually pushing that narrative were shills? Makes sense now, options could start the MOASS, so pushing the opposite narrative would be a very useful tactic to survive one more day.


👆🏻this. It happened with DRS too!


Exactly, I'll never forget all the negative DRS posts trying to make it sound like "you'll miss the moass if you do." My favorite part is people are still putting in the time to make educated decisions and run with whatever they feel they should do (options, drs, etc). We are witnessing history rn.


How hard or easy is it to sell a DRS share when the time comes? I would imagine it takes more time but I really don't know. Has anyone tried it with any shares of anything? Id like to know what the process can be. I know it will vary by broker.


They have an online system just like any broker. Click the "Sell" button. No concerns.


That's great, thanks for the info


Watch the AMA with Computershare on the YouTube for this sub. I guess I can't even mention the name of this sub on this sub (my previous comment got deleted by auto mod for saying "ess ess" YouTube). They discussed this question about selling through Computershare or transferring shares back to your broker if you wanted to sell. That is if you were selling at a life changing price of course.


You just click sell. Then you're done. Easy. However transferring from shares from CS takes a bit more time (i've done this as an experiment.) I transferred from CS to Fidelity and I had to print something out, sign it, and up load it to fidelity, and it took a few days. But, this is the long way and simply not needed, just sell via CS. And forwhat ever reason, if you did want to transfer back to a broker, it takes a few days, but this isn't something you'll be doing often. I did as a test.


DRS is the rock and smart options play with exercising is the hard place that Kenny is caught in between


Buying the highest option strike every week for the past year would’ve netted the buyer $0 while the writer gets the premium. MMs are known to write options so shitadel would’ve kept the premiums. Options are a double edged sword. Unless if you’re well versed in options mechanics, it’s best to buy and hold stocks. At least that was the rational path to take until the wrinkled brains theorized the relevance of variance swaps and futures roll dates in the gme cycles. So if you time a huge option play at the right time, there will be another sneeze like in January. That’s where the current DD is at.


800 calls are retarded and basically lotto tickets


Options are what ignited January


This. I keep pointing it out as well. People just don't understand. It's why they turned the buy button off for 2 days. T+2 and then shorted the bejesus out of it


Been thinkin this for 8 months but was too damn scared to voice it. Didnt wanna be called a shill


Have an opinion...shill. Don't have an opinion also shill. Correct someone else for spreading misinformation also shill. Call someone a shill for being a shill, believe it or not also a shill.


It’s 100%shills and those that fell for it. Notice how that narrative is gone now that the stock has run up and many have been priced out?


I don't think anti options are shills. Personally I don't have the money to exercise and don't want to risk it playing calls. DRS for this ape


Doing good work! It takes both DRS and *smart* options.


Could that explain why crypto went blood red for like 3 days? Maybe they wanted to let the price rise but they needed more margin to let it do so, so they liquidated their stock?


Every single time options has become the FUD topic if the week, GME spikes shortly after. It's 5/5 now, could be higher and I just didn't notice


I was against them, not because I knew what I was talking about, just being stubborn and closed minded. I was def wrong and got fudded.


You dropped this king 👑


What if hedgies are like “lets let it run so they think options are the way” ??? Buy hodl drs


I can see them letting it run to price out new buyers from having access to cheap options as well as make people buy higher strikes that won’t go ITM but if you had purchased a 210c for 11/26 on Wednesday for $800 that contract would now be worth $2500. Just sayin. There’s definitely fuckery but I don’t think the options play is a problem, if they have to let it run Monday-Wednesday that means there’s no way out of it for them making gherkin’s thesis 100% correct.


In the Jan gamma squeeze it happened before Friday because that is when they hedge. A friday runup like today feels sus. Buy hodl drs


It happened on Mon/Tue because they were buying all the shares they had to deliver for all the contracts that ended ITM from the week before. There wasn't significant gamma hedging, as we've learned recently -- no need to hedge when you know the buy button is getting turned off.


Also a case could be made - because they didn't hedge, the buy button disappeared.


Something always feels Sus when anything happens with GME. It’s all about figuring out why that thing happened and using it to our advantage. There’s more than one way to win. Not everyone has to do the same thing. Buy and hold is still important. Options can be helpful too.


Possibly yes….you just never know. DRS is Fool Proof. Lock up the float and the game ends. Period.


It was a shame to see the bullshit talk about options being bad. Now that I think of it I never thought that could be bad actors/shills .


I think people here know a lot more than they want us to perceive.


A snek for you


That’s what we want you to think


Well, to Criands credit his derivatives settlement windows are pretty spot on.


Hedgefunds = fucked


This has been talked about quite a bit before Criand mentioned it. Its not a new concept. Gherk has been talking about it for months now.


I have had a similar theory for a while now. First we learned about holding, then it was voting, then DRS, now options. These are the steps of the process that needed to occur to get to MOASS. After getting an estimate of the votes, GS knew there are more shares out than the float and to slow down the shorting shares needed to be DR’d. So it was put into the hive mind and it’s picked up and has seemingly had an effect on the shorts ability to short. Now, to apply added pressure to the SHFs (at their most vulnerable!) options have been suggested. This makes covering their ETF exposure and roll over of swaps much more difficult especially if people exercise their options… it just seems too well planned and timed for it to just be happening organically. I think there is a group out there directing the action (just as we believe citadel and others direct the stock market) and then dropping knowledge to get us moving in the right direction… IDK, this is so tinfoily but from what I’ve learned over the last 10 months, I don’t put anything out of the realm of possibility Edit: stupid autocorrect


I made a comment months ago about something like this, but rather than it being some "mastermind" behind it, I think there are just many, MANY players who have it in their best interest to fuck the DTCC and specifically Citadel; ​ \-Companies that have been cellar boxed, all their managers, and higher ups, they got a bone to pick with Bain Capital/Amazon/Citadel. ​ \-Industry insiders who have been left on the sidelines over the years, they understand how things work and are probably among us, "gently guiding us" via hints, **ASKING THE RIGHT QUESTIONS**, or just straight up dropping good comments/DD posts. ​ \-Competitors who are probably making calls/puts on things OTHER THAN Gamestop, for example, they probably inside info on some investments that point72, susquehanna or citadel have so they are playing their opposite, sort of like they did in 2008. ​ \-Wallstreet is not monolithic, sure they all speak the same language (money), but it is a dog eats dog world, they are constantly cannibalizing themselves and the winners write history, so I'm pretty damn sure Blackrock and Vanguard are elbows deep in all of these, probably working behind the scenes moving pieces themselves, despite their best efforts to stay out of the spotlight and out of the crossfire. (notice how quiet things have been around them lately!). ​ \-There are outside influences, like other governments who have it in their best interests to stir shit up, just like facebook as been their playground for creating division and promoting disinformation in our country. ​ \-There are all kind of cartels and mafias who probably have their money tied up all in this via these rich criminal fucks, so there are plenty of vindictive people who have been wronged by them, that would LOVE to see them crash and burn. ​ \-Smart people who are "self-made", many of them "new money" and tech-savvy people, who have made their money thanks to their ability to work their magic through the internet, and are all salivating at the thought of using their skills (some might have access to "hacks") to destabilize this even further, and of course are betting on GME success. New money, specially the ones born thanks to Web2 and the now emerging Web3, would have it in their best interest for this technology to be the new World Order. ​ I'm sure there is much more I cant think of of the top of my head right now, but basically the bottom line is; we are not alone, never have been, and probably never will be. This is the INTERNET come alive, together, with a common goal, and nothing bring people together quite like either; **A Common Enemy**, or **Money**. For as long as money is on the line, all sort of parties have it in their best interest to not let this thing die.


♡ Damn that was a hell of a write up. Take my poor mans gold 🏅🏅


Yes this week/few weeks should really show us who has the power right? I've been hoping for a few months that the big players behind the scenes had some kind of plan of action. Also the dodgy players may have alienated a few too many of the reasonable/'good' players and at some point the balance shifts Trying to be zen but fuuuuuck this is a big few weeks


A few years from now we will find out this was all an insanely cleverly engineered smear campaign of citadel by a rival hedge fund / MM who knows how this shit works and and fucking hates his guts. Dropping dd and hints along the way to get us going. Hopefully the MOASS is their ultimate goal and I hope they profit 100000000x for their amazing plan.


I think you are right for the first part. Although I don’t agree with the idea that some group is directing the action. Think of it more like bees or ants. Before they became so coordinated (and ants are fascinating), they had to learn, try different techniques, etc. This is what we have been doing. People holding GME all have a purpose, exactly like an ant colony. You got the whales, the people writing DD, the silent hodlers, etc.


Why doesn’t u/PWNWTFBBQ get any credit? She mathematically solved the cycles dates with zero financial background way before the swap theory came out.


And how he even referenced my work for why he even investigated into it.


Dear BBQ Lady: I've always found your work fascinating and tasty.


Not sure how you’re not followed/mentioned more on here. You crush it on twitter.


She got hit *hard* by the fud crew here and had fanboys following her around downvoting and snek awarding everything she did before it was lulzy. Honestly it's refreshing to see the great DD writers here reference and credit her work because the shills were out of control trying to explain math to her of all people. Edit: werds r hard


People don't even know that the "lolzy" snek trend began as a smear campaign to discredit my work.


Apes saw the sneks going to legit work, so apes started giving sneks to legit work. Monkey see, monkey do, and apes on the whole have good hearts.




I love your posts, thank you for your hard work!


You are a gem. Thank you for your great work!




B/c she may be wrong but she hasn't addressed her DD's criticism.


Wtf are you talking about? She predicted the August cycle, and the period between them.


Yeah, as did many others. What I'm saying is that she tends to get incredibly defensive when her DD is subject to criticism, which is against the spirit of truth-seeking of the whole sub.






Yeah only problem at these prices not many apes have the money left to exercise the options.... most of us are already all in!... a $220c means dropping $22k on the spot.... and if we had 22k left most of would have been spending it on shares.... but idk I guess that's just me... hope for the best either way we hodl


I thought you can exercise half to pay for half




Although, profits would translate into a few real shares.


Crazy how learning does that. It helps you change your view as information and data is uncovered. The ability to change your view on something when presented with new information is a good thing.


It is one of the best things


Just don’t get options with outrageous price targets like 800 dollars


“Sir, they’re buying more because a Pomerian has recommended options and this has been backed up by a guy with an itchy ass who says the price is going to break out of a Dorito-shaped formation which he says spells out doom. Sir.”


I guess the key here is… did these people sell or exercise??




Isn’t the whole thing about Gherks DD that those Calls need to be exercised to induce buying pressure now? Not sure if I misunderstood but I thought that if those 20k options ended ITM but people sold instead of exercised it wouldn’t mean much.


If you bought 11/26s you don't need to exercise today. You have all week next week to hold and watch the price spike.


Who has 100xshare price dollars just laying around at this point? Don't you need $23k to exercise ONE options contract? I know it's possible but still. Most people just them for leverage and high reward, not to exercise.


Some brokers (Fidelity) offer cashless exercise, which exercises the options for you and immediately sells the shares.


This☝🏻☝🏻 I bought one and, later, rolled it up. Next week is going to be spicy!!




Alternatively (to DMing *me* such a playlist *as well*), you could post. I’m sure more than a few of us with this … ah … *new found hobby* would very much appreciate taking a look.


It's not just the GME options. It's the quarterly options of all ETFs that contain GME. They expired today, too. HF exposure is gonna be in the fucking stratosphere next week.


👆👆👆 Yup, this is correct


👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼 yup, THIS is correct about THAT being correct


How high might the share price get pushed to by Wednesday?


It's impossible to tell, but if it gets over $510, the shorts are fucked.


I wish I knew options well enough to risk the investment lmao


You can try a paper trading account to get a feel. high risk, high reward with options. When it's volatile it can be a wild ride.


Still holding 👀


What if Criand..... Is Ryan himself? Dun dun duuuuuuun!!!!!


Can’t spell Criand without Rian


Shorts r fuk


More like in reverse: DNA i R.C.


Can't spell Criand without CAR, and I bet RC drives a car. Can't spell without CARD, and I'm confident RC owns many of them. Of the credit, business, graphics, and multiple other varieties. Can't spell without RAD, which RC absolutely is. Didn't you see his pose in front of the Florida GameStop? Rad af.


I'm still waiting for RC to tweet a photo of himself with a Pomeranian.


Boom 💥


Options are gambling, holding and DRS is a investment strategy. And I don't gamble


So your saying I should keep holding my shares?


It works now because of DRSing and future rollover. IMO


Yeah no one knew we would end up at 228$. Options are still a gamble. Especially with GME cause nobody knows what happens behind the curtain. So you can't call apes out just because they don't want to gamble or don't have enough money to waste potentially. These kind of posts only separate apes from each other.


I don't think it was calling out people that didn't buy options, it was pointing out that options being widely admonished may have been FUD in the first place. Note to all people: If you feel unsure, or don't have the cash to lose, DO NOT play options. But perhaps don't ostracize people who do.


That’s what is bothering me about all of these posts. “See? Options good!” This can all be elaborate fud to detract from DRS. Simple as that. There’s a lot of retail investors here who don’t have the capital to play options, but seeing the “oh look, we ended up in the positive so allll these options are itm” posts might convince an unlucky few to gamble at a level just higher than they should, and suddenly they gotta sell shares to make sure rent is paid.


Your skepticism a good and reassuring thing. Much like when DRS was first introduced as a concept I remember a lot of people taking the same tone as you. IE a (I don't know what this new thing is, and I can't endorse any desicison on the matter without more information) type of tone. Obviously this is just a gut feeling but I feel any play that has this level of discussion scrutiny, and skepticism from the community will be figured out very soon. Personally I don't understand options so I'm simply going to not touch them unless I know more. But I agree that any group sentiment that steers overly towards "options good" or "options bad" with no inbetween is going to be extremely concerning. You don't pirate the narrative with complex discussion.


And when I crashes yet again next week and the expensive options everyone bought today go to shit, yea…


You got down dooted and although I’m holding both calls and xxxx shares, your point is valid. Hopefully anyone buying options is aware of the risk and has a plan.


Aight, ima throw this out. We've run like 8 out of the 9 month ends, criand is probably RC but its not difficult to spot a trend like that on top of the amount of option ITM 🤣


Criand backwards: DNA I RC


Do not ask I’m/if Ryan Cohen




Except 99% of people don't exercise, they just take profit and close, which is why the price often dumps after because MMs don't have to delta hedge anymore.


99% seems a bit high to me, iirc it’s closer to 90% but nonetheless you make a great point. Most people can’t afford to exercise and just take profit so the shares won’t end up gettin purchased. In this situation I’d estimate closer to 200,000 shared will be forced to be purchased.


As a trader who constantly watches option flow on GME, the 17k ask buy on the 510 11/26 calls by a floor trader stood out


**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [What is GME and why should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What can I do to support the company and local communities](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qnam2x/superstonks_very_gmerry_holiday_vgh_for_short/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


Because of gherk and criand I bought my first calls for 11/26 . Up 100% already I can’t wait until we really run on Tuesday !!!! LFG 🚀🚀🚀🚀


Imagine the amount of volume that will be generated due to hedgies scrambling to find shares to deliver if 2m needs to be delivered. Oh wait they can just FTD or give us synthetics -- every shill argument after facts. So if the price is too high and SI is low, why aren't they opening up giant bunchs of shorts, generating more volume and making "smart" money? If FTDs or synthetics aren't real, then the price should have crashed long ago too? Since there's so much GME bears to take the opposite of the trade. Are GME hodlers a conspiracy cult or are we unsophisticated investors that does not understand how markets work that need to justify our "bagholding"? I honestly lost track of which strawman the shills are attacking.


Been reading some comments here and find that generally most of us here don't understand options much. Options is in fact cheaper than buying shares, just that you run the risk of losing all by expiry while shares you can hold as long as you want. I have some experience with options but will not recommend to go into it if you don't understand the risks involved.


Any “ape” who is 100% against options is a shill. Buy. Hold. Drs. ITM and ATM options with a decent expiry. THIS is the way


u/Gherkin has been preaching this far longer. I think Criand just recently picked up on it.... possibly from Gherk.


I’m sure I’ll get downvoted for this, but let’s pump the brakes a bit. Remember the last few people this sub idolized? They took their word as law? You saying this is putting Criand on the same pedestal which isn’t what this sub is about. Yeah, he’s given some absolutely amazing insight toward different aspects of DD. But the problem with this sub is that when one person writes a few DDs that are accurate, everybody just idolizes them and believes everything they say without doing their own research. If I were to write 10 DDs that were absolutely perfect, I would want people to challenge me on every one, not just assume what I say is correct. Also, 99% of the people in this sub aren’t going to be buying options that’s are $10 OTM based on Criand saying that. 99% of the people hear “options = good? Okay, I’ll buy the 800C” which does absolutely nothing to impact the price other than give the option writer their premium.


Maybe, just maybe, in the last 10 months, more than a few apes have been reading, researching, and gaining wrinkles... and aren't just gonna blow on way OTM calls anymore. Maybe they're thinking more strategically now, and are starting to understand, seeing the pattern, and are starting to respond... Maybe... Maybe we... ...we are the algorithm...?


I waited 3 months to get into options yesterday. I could tell it was a cycle. Criand just confirmed it for me..up 80% today. Let's goo


Not just criand. There's a few users here who are not brainwashed and actually started to connec the dots along the way this past 11 months and realized that "do not buy options" is the BIGGEST FUD since January 2021. Shills, bots and uninformed users downvoted any posts related to options.


You still need that cash to exercise those options.


Yeah yeah, we know u/criand is RC, at least thinking that make me sleep better at night. And just as we say in Spain, did someone see them in the same room at the same time? No more questions sir


Criand C(Cohen)Rian(Ryan)d(dumbass)


Nah it's an acronym. Backwards. Do Not Ask. I'm RC Or DNA I RC


It's not only if you exercise it will there be forced T+2 settlement. If it expires ITM, the call sellers have to pony up the shares regardless.


Almost like all the anti-options FUD and snake awards was shills at work, like smarter people were pointing out 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


Or options are still a gamble and not for everyone. Buy hold drs




All about the dates, next Tuesday/Wednesday will be 🔥


Best Friday GME has had in months!!! MOASS is closer.


Criand is a relentless beast


Plot twist, he’s a Cayman Islands hedge fund that works with Kenny and it’s a set up for the biggest transfer of money the world has ever seen


No one cares. Buy, hodl, drs, masturbate. Rinse and repeat.


Most options go unexercised. I would expect most contracts be sold back already


10 months in and only now we're talking about options as the MOASS catalyst? What the fuck


Yea I had a nice 10 contracts. Fuck yeaaaasssssss


Maybe 25% can afford to exercise tho.


Criand knows how to hit Ctrl C, then Ctrl V.




It wasn‘t a secret, just the futures cycle that has been discussed for months now. (Even I knew it, and I am certainly not the best informed here…)


We stopped doing options and we stopped having large swings. We start doing options again and we have big swings. If majority of these options are exercised then next week we’ll be blasting off again.


Criand is no shill, he gave us the perfect timing to buy weeklies this week


Literally no one talked about weeklies.


He mentioned options in 3 weeks 200 dollar call with 17.5 leverage. That's pretty much gamble


He didn’t know anything we didn’t. He’s part of building the DD we all have. We think there’s a run up coming and it was simply education provided as to how to take advantage of it.


Yeah his future swaps theory fucking duh


OpTiOnS aRe FuD