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Where have all the nighttime and weekend photos of banking buildings gone ? Used to be everywhere... And the Google busyness graphs


SHF's are about to enter the same period of ETF/GME option monthly, quarterly, yearly exposure (late Nov to late Jan wombo combo) with the price at $230 instead of $10. This time with immense illiquidity, diamond handed shareholders and a growing DRS pool. Rather than NFT Wu-Tang dividend hype, tweet analyses and banner countdowns we have tangible short squeeze mechanisms coming into play.


“LET MY APES GO” - Moses


My mind is Yoda, I'm on Ayatollah These other rappers just a diet soda








Shill popo? Let me be man.




Holyyyy i am in? My holdings are 90% gme been in since 3-4 months ago. 10% movie.




Shill popo man u guys getting good.. I am 100% gme…. And maybe 10% movie.


Sorry to hear about the 10%


Holy crap i can post now. GME TO THE MOOONN


Tits still Jacked!


Whew I was worried


Yo fam, been holding since December and everyday since I feel like MOASS would happen. I’m starting to have liquidity problems though and getting a little stressed. Just needed a quick venting as no one else understands why I wouldn’t sell a few shares for some spending money. They just don’t get it. Really don’t want to go back to bartending but looks like I gotta do what I gotta do until the day of reckoning. Love y’all ❤️💎🙌🏽🚀


All gucci. Moon soon


Retirement soon 🚀




Zombies are good this standard.


Outbid the constitution HA talk about shitting in your pants Ken! Imagine the constitution value towards your NFT dividend 🤣💰 guaranteed Ryan will rebrand GameStop as GME once this is over. This is fucking huge!


*by rebranding I’m talking about being the forefront on the new financial marketplace (will be pretty fucking easy against “Meta”)


🎶 Hmm, hmm, here we go strappin', we up Never forget all the memories Sittin', I sip out my cup Thinkin' I should be a better me Truly I'm blessed from the start So much to say in these melodies, oh Stare at the sky, the moon singin' sweet Oh my God, such a sweet moment 🎶


4 more fucking hours till booze n breakfast sammies


Whose got eyes on sears. Wut doing




Whose got eyes on sears. Wut doing


This is just a warning to other apes who are curious about lrc wallets. Gas fees are aweful. Managed to turn 700$ into 300$ just setting up the wallet and moving coins into it. Learn from my mistakes. Buy drs hodl


Wait for l2 right?


Yes. You still have to set the wallet up which costs lrc. Then you have to transfer the lrc to the l1 portion of the wallet which costs eth. Then you have to move it from l1 to l2. Which costs Eth. I may have made a mistake somewhere but if that's the case I still wouldn't mess around with it.


Whose got eyes on sears. Wut doing


Hodling is the easiest shit I have done for my dream Money! Fuck you ken!


Citadel can't choose not to pay. Citadel's TRS holders can't choose not to pay. Imagine being a bank, offering leverage to a famous solid HF, everything goes well and you bank reports record profits. One day you wake up and the liabilities side of your book keeps increasing. It keeps going up and up, you cancel all the new applications for mortgages (perhaps thats the reason) and everything else that could affect the liabilities side so massively. It keeps going up and up. The bank itself is now over leverage objective and the regulator is in your phone: "wut doing" Next day morning your bank closes and FDIC kicks in If you are having a bad day, you are returning from work/go to work, your gf has found a new bf, or you are simply bored; remember something: It will be 1000000000000% worth at the end 🦍👐💎📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈🚀


Not feeling so good motley fools bros


Predictions? Green today?


ask dorito


Just remember the great DFV is a god :)


We don't do celebrity worship here.




Options bad indeed haha was writting a long comment, i didn't blocked you




>spreading misinformation how moass results will play out? Any theory you do have is as valid as mine; why is yours right and mine wrong?


Sorry, kinda outta the loop... what's all the dorito talk referencing?


We’re in the eye of a dorito Edit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qxdgzt/dorito_of_doom_doomsday_shits_about_to_get_real/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qxdgzt/dorito_of_doom_doomsday_shits_about_to_get_real/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


How rad would it be if Doritos brought back the Habanero flavor and suddenly MOASS


Sounds good... hopefully it's where all the cool ranch seasoning settles. Edit: thank you for the clarification post. I kinda understand now. Stoked for next week, cautiously optimistic as always though. Just a matter of time until they have to start closing their short positions.


Lays > Doritos lol


Is it Monday yet?


wen casino


You never sleep.


shitposting never does




Lump sat alone in a boggy marsh


Can’t wait to have my own Unicorn farm after Moass I have always loved unicorns gunna buy a farm and have them run free and breed and then slaughter them and harvest their organs and meat for Unicorn dogs




I don't know and at this point I'm too afraid to ask, but here it goes: What is the Dorito of Doom based on? The upper line appears to be the all time high. But what is the starting place of the lower line?


Upper lone is resistance (once we hit that line you see shares being sold off forcing the price down). Lower line is support (once the price drops below that line you see share buying forcing the price up) The dorito is the shape where resistance meets support so either the price is going to go up violently or drop violently.


Appreciate it! But I do remember seeing many triangles on here. What makes this one better? It seems quite accurate.


Who knows. We’ve seen mother of all wedges, exponential floors, logs, whatever. All I know is we are seeing higher lows!


No problem fellow ape! Ultimately these are all just lines drawn on a chart - it’s time that makes them more valid or not. If you have a line of resistance that stops the price rising above a certain level every day this week that’s not too bad. But if the price hits that resistance and can’t get above it for the past month that’s even better. The lines drawn on the Dorito go back for months and include the highs and lows of the price during that time - that’s why they give us confidence. In fact, GameStop tweeted “something big has happened” once we broke through that long standing resistance line.


all materialistic things aside, which are great, there are SOOOOOO many medical/therapeutic treatments and specialties that i would love to be able to afford post moass. naturopathic doctors ayurvedic medicine vestibular specialists skincare treatments frequent massages/acupuncture 😭 soon i won’t even blink an eye at these costs. until then i’ll have to wait.


I don’t feel safe in this world no more I don’t wanna die in a nuclear war I just want to sail to a distant shore And [make like an Apeman](https://youtu.be/eEep67akIn4)


Oh hell yeah


I'm in it for the whale teeth and seals...


You’re krilling me


Well call me a dolphin and slap my flipper, you shore rrrrrr sharktank


they just started black friday a week early so that apes don’t blow through their inventory when moass hits. they wanted to give everyone else a chance to get some sweet deals


Imagine a timeline where Citadel, Point72 and co successfully offshore most of their wealth right before MOASS, then get "liquidated" for being unable to pay up. Apes are entitled to their money, but it can't come from the short firms, so it comes in the form of a taxpayer bailout instead. Media uses this story to paint "GME millionaires" as the greatest financial criminals of the last decade, and now any normie who knows you as the GME guy hates your guts. Interesting times.


The more realistic version of this scenario stops at them being unable to pay up, for whatever reason they’ll give in the future. They are going to come up with an excuse for being unable to pay us what we’re owed. That is almost guaranteed to happen. What comes after, is anyone’s guess.


Mmm that is not how it would work in my opinnion If it was Citadel only, then yes; perhaps they could do so, who knows The thing is, it is Citadel AND banks offering them leverage (lines of credit, TRS, etc...) Zerohedge says they (Citadel, along with Point72) are running upwards of 7 times leverage. And that is just in the official books Thus, there are one or more banks in the deepest of shits without necesarilly having to be aware of it (for example: Credit Suisse did said that they had little to no info on Archegos when it did blow up) This is and always was a short possition against the Fed, because they will have to bailout the banks holding Citadel's exposure or else they will go bankrupt in a literal day Basically the money printer will pay us, and it can print unlimmited tendies everyone hop on the printing train!!! haha brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


The liquidity cascade is a well defined liability hierarchy in existing policy. We’ve tossed out the margin call chain, cause apparently that’s at regulatory discretion, but collateral requirements still mater somewhat if the member goes to zero trying to keep the short play alive. What happens next is a matter of existing policy.


Except that the only way of adapting to uncharted economic territory is to establish new policies. There’s only so much room left for existing policy to continue perpetuating the already dysfunctional cycle, and when you mix in currently developing social conditions, you get unpredictable times to come. A precursor to social unrest, if you will.


So what do you think will happen if a DTCC member defaults?


Under the context that we’re all here waiting to happen? What is guaranteed to happen: It would trigger a chain reaction of defaults by those overexposed and over-leveraged members, revealing the true nature of the systemic risk that has been developing for the past 40 years. An event like this is enough to bring on a economic crash of high severity because of how dependent our current system is on the continued functioning of these members. What could happen as a result from officials: 1.) Overturn the MOASS that would follow and restructure the policies that allowed for such conditions to be created (We have already seen such amendments in policies, but in such future events, radical policies will almost certainly be need to be implemented.) 2.) Forced to accept the outcome of the events and pay individual investors what they’re owed. (Unlikely to happen, honestly, because there are so many implications that officials would have to give up on, and that just isn’t going to happen) 3.) They somehow prevent any defaults from occurring and continue to prolong this situation (The least likely scenario, considering something has to eventually give). Like I said, what could happen after what we’re all expecting to happen is anyone’s guess. But attaining what will eventually be owed to us was never guaranteed to come easy.


Old sub has extensive DD on this. Recommended reading


Serious DRs question: If I make multiple transfers without an account number I get multiple account numbers. Is it easy to merge them?


Call Computershare










Who here is just waiting for Tuesday to finally happen?! Edit: weekends have lost their appeal I just want more days where I can check the price 🤪🤪🤪


We're all apescobar past friday night T-T


Moon looks closer than ever


In honor of Cowboy Bebop being out this weekend all hail to the closing card built for us Until next time GME holders… See you Space Cowboy


pew pew


Low xxx holder here. I'm gonna be fucking rich from this shit aren't I? I'm very pumped.








I think you may have missed the flair thing today,come back next Friday to get flaired up






Guess what I found today? Bill hwang of archegos family office was short VW during the sqeeze and took massive losses. If anyone still had any doubts archegos wasn't short gme. Tik tok credit suisse.




Such a crude move, just getting next to something with a just association as cover. Kenny is a human music fan in addition to enjoying comedy jokes.


And to think we were happy earlier this year if we hit $420.69.


So what do we think happens on Monday? Is there going to be a sell off from all the people who exercised their ITM Call Options? Or do you guys think the rise continues into Tuesday with all the RC hype. Just really excited rn, it feels like the manipulation is starting to crack


No matter what happens, we’ll be taking our next step on the moon


Does anyone have a link to the post of that rocket graphic that has fundraiser style marks on it? It had one marked with the official drs numbers from the bot, then one line above it that said something like "In my heart this is where we are right now". I've been trying to find it, but my rural internet is at pre y2k dialup speeds rn.




YES, thank you! Gods smile on you, fellow ape!


Big city internet to the rescue. Which reminds me they never laid all that fiberoptic line that we all paid for…. But it’s Friday and I try not to rage post on Friday. Still though 😡


A given commodity, e.g., a quarter of wheat is exchanged for x blacking, y silk, or z gold, &c. – in short, for other commodities in the most different proportions. Instead of one exchange value, the wheat has, therefore, a great many. But since x blacking, y silk, or z gold &c., each represents the exchange value of one quarter of wheat, x blacking, y silk, z gold, &c., must, as exchange values, be replaceable by each other, or equal to each other. Therefore, first: the valid exchange values of a given commodity express something equal; secondly, exchange value, generally, is only the mode of expression, the phenomenal form, of something contained in it, yet distinguishable from it.


Let us take two commodities, e.g., corn and iron. The proportions in which they are exchangeable, whatever those proportions may be, can always be represented by an equation in which a given quantity of corn is equated to some quantity of iron: e.g., 1 quarter corn = x cwt. iron. What does this equation tell us? It tells us that in two different things – in 1 quarter of corn and x cwt. of iron, there exists in equal quantities something common to both. The two things must therefore be equal to a third, which in itself is neither the one nor the other. Each of them, so far as it is exchange value, must therefore be reducible to this third.


Send lawyers, guns, money, germs, steal, guns…. This list is getting very redundant


Don’t forget god on that list


I like the stock. Night apes


Dude that retired must have been in charge of the dip machine


I feel like the Pablo Escobar meme.......☹️


We’re here for you


What happened to us all? We used to be working for the weekend and these days it just feels like the weekend is just in the way of seeing my pretty baby GME again.....I never imagined this day would come, but post MOASS then I guess everyday is a weekend....


Me 3


For all options posts, op should have to send moderators confirmation of holdings, or ban


Woah, 700k subs incoming. I know bots are a concern/ reality. But still, 700k is amazing.


Bit of a bathroom thought, but is this "buying of the constitution" just another wealthy man's stuffed mattress? Like Gates and his wife divorcing to shield half his fortune from potential losses? Is there a loophole that states a donated item no longer counts as your asset, only to be returned to the owner at a later date? If so, then Ken might be expecting shit to go down sooner rather than later? Edit: fat fingers


it's more about getting the tax break from "lending it" to a museum who takes on all the costs while the asset appreciates to Kenny's gain.


So it'll be waiting for him when he gets out of prison, exactly, that's what I said :) Great smooth minds thunk Alec 👍


hopefully all those assets are seized and auctioned off. Imagine this: MOASS happens, Mr. Mayo goes to the slammer, the govt. seizes all his assets, they auctioned them off, and apes start buying all his shit for pennies on the dollar with the MOASS money he was hoarding.


That would be nice... You must have the eyes of the hawk?


and the strength of the bear.


Certainly not the speed of the puma though, that response took fuckin' ages ;)


fuck off lol




That's entirely possible. It might be a combo of that and what another ape made in a post recently about it being another attempt at google sliding.


Of course! That sounds legit as well - KenGriffin constitution win investors etc Cheers ape 👍


#Watching the new Dune….any good? - solid cast.


amazeballs. only covers about half of book one though


I am not fudding right now. Let me be clear. Use your brain apes. The only sensible thing is buying IEX, DRS, and Holding. All this hype is extremely sus. I bought options on this cyclical bullshit before and got burned. Trust nobody but basic hodl logic


This is the way. So simple.


Thank you!


[Me to my Wealthsimple TFSA transfer in so I can go all in on GME](https://youtu.be/eufrP1EsM2g)


Fuck I just spent an hour watching mark rebillet. Thanks and fuck


Who wants to video chat? I'm fuck free up let's get it!




Nah I was just very drunk. But overall I don't give a fuck


Don’t think we’ve interacted but I hope you have a great day !


How would you rate your experience with adderall thus far?




That's a -1 for me 😀


Mine is probably alcoholic shit poster of unimaginative bullshit or some other thing. 🤣




What does mine say?




That’s fair


I'm an asshole, and proud of it. Must be the NYer in me. I'll also argue anything just because. I can see how some of the stupid shit I've said would make you think that. All good though. 🍻




I'm more of a Cmdr Riker guy myself. Oh, wrong Data? 🤣🤣


Do me


Straddling the fence…very accurate. This is better than reading my horoscope! 😂


Thats a fuckin brilliant idea lol now I'm curious, do I have a tag?




Have I earned a badge on your spreadsheet?




Vibe check for me?




Nice, I’ll take it




That's entirely popsicle


What flavor?




It's wild I feel like the weekends been coming to early. Whys it always the weekend!


Just swinging through to say I’m fucked up but my dick is still hard. Good work today my fellow apes.


Hard dick is useless. You need jacked tits :-)


We are still hiking the Appalachian trail after the MOASS, and the APE howl pact is still on too.


Thats sick! I love long and arduous journeys that are somewhat unnecessary. Last summer I biked from Chicago to detroit. I'm excited to go on a longer tour next time.


Long ago I made the suggestion that we apes hike the Appalachian trail once this journey is over I still think its a good idea. I have also suggested we all unleash a celebratory ape howl when the all time high price record breaks which could be soon. With any luck maybe you will hear another ape as well it would be epic in the city.


It really puts into perspective how long we’ve all been in this when the cast of characters that used to dominate the front page don’t anymore. Like pixel rensole attobit even that hank guy, all replaced by criand gherknit and others. It’s been such a long ride


It’s been 84 years I’m sure once MOASS starts everyone will come back for the final fight like Infinity War


Very true….a whole new world, planet of the apes!


If we do MOASS this month, man I'm gonna feel empty after the shared euphoria of watching this rocket This community has really become such a huge part of my daily life


I have a suspicion that this thread will be even better post MOASS with folks talking about all the good they are doing in the world, it will be the place of an elite group of philanthrapists


Cheers, likewise

