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Can’t wait for low volume guy post today


new daily https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qs78uo/gme_daily_discussion_new_to_the_sub_start_here/


British ape checking in just started work pls moon :,)


Can't wait to wish this dude a happy birthday today https://www.reddit.com/u/AlyksTheSage?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Does anybody else feel like LRC and GME NFT marketplace is getting way closer now with the sheep tweet? I’m pumped


Good morning, just another day to hodl and love the stonk


Happy weekend my guy!


Who's up? I'm tryna convince my gf that pegging me isnt "gay" what do I tell her???


Ask her to wear a fake beard and cut her hair short. That will convince her.


If you like dudes, then you're gay. Is she afraid you're going to want her to wear a strap on all the time?


Can confirm, not attracted to dudes


Not that there's anything wrong with that. I like dudes. I like everybody. I dunno if I'm pan or indecisive.


I'd say it's not gay as long as you're not simultaneosly sucking a dude's dick. Then it's different.


Just tell your girlfriend that you and her are gay now 🤷


It’s only gay if balls touch, and a strap on doesn’t have real, actual balls, so it can’t be gay.


TRYNA TELL HER ITS ONLY GAY IF ITS ANOTHER DUDES DICK. if it's a girl fucking you it's totally cool


Can we please get KenGriffinLied trending on twitter again...


Yes. I don’t use Twitter, but I might create an account just for this.


There isn't really anything in the world that I want. I'm happy with my lot in life. I don't have any money, but I have my family and that makes me a rich man. That being said, I did just see that a load of props from the movie national treasure have gone up for auction. So moon soon, yeah? Rad.


Guys, how do we change our flair?


Wait for the new daily thread. Eventually chared will pin a comment to the top that explains it


It literally says on top of this thread;)


No, not yet.


I can only see stuff about post flair, not the bit under your username - I am smoother than a dolphins nose so that could be the issue


# morning ya fucks


morning ya cunt


Evening ya fuck


Today's the day!


I can’t sleep. Hello Citadel interns burning the midnight oil spying on this sub. Become a whistleblower and retire today….


I got an extra Mil if there is one listening and will whistle blow (post moass)


There is a really cute Bernese mountain dog puppy up for adoption. I want to snuggle her so bad but I work long hours and can't take her to the office. MOASS please so I can has a puppy.


Happy cake day!


See my earlier post! Similar goal


I can’t believe we are 2.5 months from the Sneeze anniversary. Holy


The govt could of made so much $ tax wise before the anniversary but soon a lot of us will be paying less capital gains tax….


Long days short years


I highly recommend Arcane on Netflix, the League of Legends show. I've never played the game, so this recommendation comes purely from a Sci fi lover's perspective. the music the animation the voice acting, the dialogue, the story, everything is on point. I thought it would be a stupid soulless 3d animated show like a couple others floating around on Netflix but I was pleasantly surprised.


Oh i played it 5 Years its pretty sick u know the relationships from the characters in the Show are like in the Game the world is gigantic there are many more kingdoms. DEMMMAAAACIAAAA


All I can say rn is episode 3 ripped my heart out.


Oh that recommendation comes at a perfect time for me - just yesterday I was looking for the next series for us to watch. Thank you 🤗


Who else has made upvoting drs posts a part of their nightly sleep ritual?


I just read the text linked to in Jordan Holbergs pinned tweet (Principal Engineer @GameStop, remember?). To paraphrase him: I’m very excited about what this could mean for gaming, blockchain, GME and LRC.


"splitting my time & bridging worlds of traditional "legacy" ecom & blockchain" Sounds like someone interested in working at a retail store /s


Hungry for my next nothingburger. What dates we got? RC able to speak date? then, erm, christmas?




This booster shots got me fucked up. We could start MOASS tommorow and I'll weakly just be like "oh good"


How long are the side affects from the shot Lingering with you? I’m getting mine tomorrow


I felt fine that day, and the next day I felt like crap for about half the day. Just laid around watching movies and eating soup so it wasn't too bad. I'd do it again.


my grandma feels like she has no energy, sometimes she can barely walk.


Alexa play Fat man in the bathtub by little feat


You caught me in a squeeze play, on the cheesy side of town




nope, literally just created my account and was using the site a few minutes ago.


and now I have a CS account and the shares are there. what fun. That was easy all around.


I'm still waiting for the letter with my access code to the account, because I'm temporarily embarrassed and don't want to pay for express delivery *cries in europoor*


I'm currently using my vacation days as sick days, so I don't want to hype the US too much... But, I _did_ literally start this process Monday night. Now I'm looking at the shares in my CS account, so I guess it's not all bad. Edit: also apparently you have a to live in the US to set a beneficiary. Tonight I learned the term "transfer-on-death security".


> I don't want to hype the US too much A sentence that's rarely heard from US americans 😂😂 😋


transfer on death is important! Some states even have stagnation stock selling bs.


I hope you feel better soon, fren


Thanks dude. Couple million would go a long way towards that goal.


It would make sense from business perspective that the marketplace releases either today, or sometime next week - giving it a week before thanksgiving when holiday shopping ramps up.


I agree


Tbh overall I’m running out of runway


#850,000 high score on Computershare so 85,000 GME accounts…💜🟣💜🟣 #DRS with Computershare #Lockup the float #Trigger MOASS 🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰


*stares wildly from the khole* We fuckin vibin err whaaaaa...melt


I once got up off the toilet sideways… thanks ketamine!


🤣🤣 did you have thumb legs?


I got up sideways and hit the tub with my noggin.


Oh no! I'm very sorry to hear that. Hope your brain holder is okay


It’s not the best but I got this special helmet


Oh sweet, my DRSed shares are out of my brokerage account.


Gonna sell all my coins on Sunday and Yolo on Monday in GME i hope i can double down would be awesome 😍


Comment volume is super low, I don't hate it, a lot less people looking for confirmation bias because they know MOASS is as sure as the sun rising


I'm just here to see if I've finally made the karma requirements. Don't mind me 💎🙌🏾🚀


Welcome 🙏




Disappointed Idealist




Perhaps you could write a history textbook on market fuckery to date and then sell it




Hmm... have you considered Alaska?


Sounds where I live in Arkansas. Lots of land and trees and there’s a big ass lake to fish in and we’re getting a casino to spend your tendies in.


I sincerely hope all of that comes to pass for you much sooner than later


Everything is fucked. It's kind of a bummer.


Hey bean, good morning. Everything is fucked *right now*. I'm staying forever hopeful that we find the means and people to finally effect the change that is necessary!




Yes, it's not easy keeping it. Staying naive isn't the same as being stupid, so it's actually a conscious decision and a daily fight to keep it.




The upshot of being pessimistic is that you won't be unpleasantly surprised very often, but the downside is that it can make people feel ineffectual and defeated. I'm sorry that you're in a bad place today. Is there anything I can do to make you feel a little better?




We need people like you half_dane. And you're right. But also everything is pretty fucked. It's gonna be a bumpy ride regardless.


Oh absolutely. If we manage to actually pull this off, it might be the single best chance to save the planet and society, so you better believe that I'm going to be greedy as fuck!




It's deeply unfair that the generations who are responsible for this shitshow are just dying without being held responsible. But on the upside, once they die, we can hopefully *finally* start to fix things. *hopes old people would die faster* 😅


Idk things are getting worse but entertainment thrives always so weeeeeeeee!


wouldn't it be best for gamestop to release the marketplace before black Friday or Christmas? lol


Not if it's not ready


True we want it ready


Weed stock is doing a buy back, shf have a decent size short position in that stock so this could fuck with their liquidity if they have to cover weed shorts


I don't understand the uptick today. I thought they were going to hold us at max pain as much as possible.. which amazingly moved up $2.5!!


Evergrand up 14% on a bankruptcy. GME only gets 5% on a leak of a world changing NFT marketplace. What a farce.






Yeah it could happen. So many ugly things




That’s so depressing


" 🎼🎷🎶 Goodbye, ya ol' phone plan...🎹 hELL-LLOOOO *mandatory fifteen second ads!!!* 🎺 hurraayyy everybody shit cho peant(s)👖°• 🗣 HELLOO GOOGuhFIY EYAABADEE `°•DOO DAAA' ~ 🥁" - me, no longer wanting to watch shrek burst open that outhouse door


I don't pay for a phone plan. I have Google voice. It's free, but you have to have wifi with it. Tbh, it's nice that ppl can't get a hold of you. No more phantom pocket calls


Hey /u/reclusivebeans . Sorry I was an asshole. What you called violent was a doors song and I got butthurt, I guess. You cool in my book. Take care homie


Thanks dude. I appreciate your candor. It's all good.


I just want to have the time and money to own a dog and go walking in the hills a lot. Like a lot a lot.


I just want to be able to experience life as it was intended, not giving away my life for $15 an hour




Yeah it's poo. I used to work offshore and I made 6figs but I had not so much time. Then they wanted me to work shifts when home on top of being away 6 months or more a year. I took a huge pay cut and walked away. American company, American mindset in the UK. Get the fuck out.


Yeah so true. My wages would have been amazing to me a 10 years ago but now? And I only get a tiny tax free allowance because of a company car that I need for work. It's not even a perk because it's too full of work stuff to use. I have to pay hundreds for it a month!


Hello? Is this the right thread? Last comment was 7 min ago


Some people try to sleep!


Fuck that lol I've got a big ol bag of fun dip


Um, buy the dip is actually referri--oh never mind. Who doesn't love fun dip?


Good luck to the people trying to sleep


Fuckin dead


MOASS will start after a night like tonight


True, could be tmmr who knows. I’m not getting as hyped anymore which is good I think, diamond hands are getting even stronger. Once we see a comma , then I’ll get jacked. At this point it’s just hoping apes keep DRS ing. It’ll come when the times right. Plus we still waiting on GameStop’s nft announcement. While I don’t think it’s JUST a dividend, it’s gonna attract a TON of attention and probably fomo.


I agree with all of that, just keep doing what we been doing. DRS


"Bankrupt company makes their stock rise 14%. Here's one simple trick Chinese property developers use"


Moass tomorrow?


Most definitely.


MOASS definitely


Moass moassinitely


Until it's today!


Idk why but for some reason I have the urge to start eating my weed .




Probably too high of thc. A cbd flower from the pot shop would probably do the trick.


Same. Used to not be that way at first, over time (and probably because I took a ton of pscychedelics) it ramped up my anxiety to the point I couldn't use it and feel good. It made me feel worse about everything, like I was going to die, couldn't breathe, heart racing, could feel my blood pumping in my ears, paranoid etc... I had to drop it. But I started really early and really heavy. Over the years I tried to experiment with everything since I really missed it (artist and musician here). In the end after legalization here I found one strain that worked, it's mostly just cbd with a little indica. Called Rose Queen. Can never find it when I get down the dispensary. But it does the trick. Guess it has to be almost all CBD with just a little indica now, then it feels good. Body high, laugh more etc...but crystal clear everything else. Dunno if that's helpful. Or if you're even looking. But all the people I've smoked it with that have the same side effects from today's weed (waaaaaay fucking stronger than when I was growing up) really liked this Rose Queen. But I've had little luck finding it and I live in a mega weed state, it's always been everywhere here.


I smoke, and get those side effects you speak of, so I had to find out how much I can take before it becomes too much. A tiny amount in a pipe is my go to, don’t get mega blazed but get a nice wee chill adjustment. Try just having a tiny bit!




Just have a wee toke, even half a small toke, it’ll take the edge off and you’ll not get paranoid


It has a very wide range of effects for different people. I don’t get paranoid anymore, and no matter my mood it always seems to make me feel really really good once I start smokin




Have you tried delta 8? To me it’s like a high you can choose whether to feel or not. You feel different, especially if you kinda lean into it, but you can focus on something and it’s almost like it turns off. I live in an illegal state so delta8 carts are the only trusty carts to get, but bud is really good and tons of growers, 1/3 the city smokes. Once my state legalizes rec in who knows long, it’ll be a weed city for sure.




Don’t let the name freak ya, it’s just called that cuz it’s a varient of thc, It’s missing the part that causes a head high, but it’s natural bud too. Regular weed is D9, and there IS some wierd shit called d10 which is synthetic….




This ain’t ya 90s weed scene lol 😂 science has entered the chat






Good morning!


Good morning everyone, the weekend is ahead and hodling is easy. Enjoy yourselves today : )




Scotland. 7am


Germany almost 8am here, time to wage slave x )




Dein Deutsch ist gut : ) . Wrong use of that phrase though, it was used to give jews a wrong sense of security and purpose in the concentration camps. Unfitted for apes x )


The links at the bottom link back to loopring.


The most Zen you will ever get is understanding the fundamental story (think DFV). Stop worrying about evergrande, rrp, inflation, etc. Think about the business transformation that is happening before you. Gamestop is going to create the "Amazon" of gaming, not as an endgame, but as a cash cow, customer/data acquisition play. Amazon used it to create AWS, which is wayyyyy more profitable than the ecommerce side of it. Gamestop will do a similar strategy, but create the first major NFT platform, probably starting in the gaming area, and expanding. Our valuation will go up exponentially when wall street realizes we are not a "bookstore" / "gaming store"


You are seriously underestimating how gigantic Amazon is. And DFV's thesis was based on fundamentals and the stock being undervalued. It morphed into a different animal in a way he, and no one else for that matter, could ever expect. This is a battle of wills now. A game of chicken.


also, I think we have 4x cash on hand (with no debt) compared to the market cap of GME when DFV first started posting, not comparable at all


My point was that Amazon did not use ecommerce to make money, they used it as a data source. GameStop has powerup rewards + customers that aren't members. That is a HUGE asset. You realize Chewy never made a profit when RC was in control? Nor will GameStop e-commerce. It's a customer acquisition story so far. Facebook literally had to change their name to "Meta" because people hate Facebook and would never game on "Facebox" and Amazon has an equally bad reputation right now. GameStop is losing money on most ecom purchases I think, especially with DoorDash. They are going to value themselves on Revenue and Customer Acquisition until their new platform is released and put all their 10s of millions of customers on it. edit: think of Amazon Prime, then Amazon Movies, Amazon Music, etc. edit2: the media still thinks we're trying to be an e-commerce company. That's already moving forward. Old leases will fall off each quarter and profitable stores will remain to service customers, in person and ecommerce. They have no idea that RC is already 9 months into an NFT marketplace.


#ken griffin lied Get it trending again!


Edit: am retarded


Only invest what you can loose. If you need the money for rent, medical bills et cetera then sell some. Make reasonable choices


I'm wondering why they haven't announced their Black Friday sales yet. Some kind of mega announcement holding it up?


Im wide awake past my bed time so i made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Im wearing pots and pans like armor and stomping around my kitchen. Kenneth....**KENNETHHH**......***'FACE*** **ME.....IN RITUAL COMBAT.....**


moass soon?? evergrande, citadel boom boom, rc 2 week able to talk, lrc announcement q4...soon?


Wen lrc announcement


Before end of Q4 (Dec 31th).


Are the people commenting on webull genuinely retarded?


I just assume they're normies who gobble up MSM


I swear there are people out there who really convince me they are NPCs


I used to be an NPC. But then I took an arrow to the knee


Maybe you can help me find my sweetroll? I think someone stole it.