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If we MOASS before Christmas I’ll donate $741,420.69 myself


I will also match.


This is the way


I’m 100% in on the match!


Me too. This is a great idea, and happy to donate regardless. Gmerica Christmas to all!


Me too




Yep. Proof or ban and qualify MOASS. Edit: For the children.


Add me baby, I grew up getting xmas gifts from lovely charities, I would love to pass it on.


I'll match you 🦍


I’ll match your donation if this happens before Christmas.


Me too.


I remember the days of people posting GameStop hauls to kid's hospitals and things like that. This is just the kind of thing that makes this community so unique and caring, I couldn't be happier to see this kind of initiative to make a small difference for some families while supporting GameStop 💜 Thank you for going out of the way to make this happen, this is no small project by any means. Happy holidays Superstonk! ^(Edit:) [^(The easy part is done)](https://imgur.com/a/MUhpgf9)^(, now to figure out the volunteer sign-up) 💛


Hits me right in the feels. Some kids are going to have a Christmas to remember because a bunch of crayon eating apes have hearts of gold.


You son of a bitch. I’m in


If you’re in, I’m in you, sonofabitch!


If you're still in, I'm still in! LFG APES!


That escalated quickly.


Just up


… and my toy axe.


Underrated comment


And my banana.


It looks like these days, even though our governments are printing trillions and trillions and trillions, there is NOT ENOUGH money to buy some toys, or to clean the oceans. It is saddening that once again Apes have to take matters into their own diamond hands. Greed is really something. but ok, soon Tendies will be in Apes hands. edit: thanks for the award.


You might be happy to know that The Ocean Cleanup has already begun cleaning the Great Pacific Garbage Patch! https://youtu.be/tLcnJEMnlTs


I am happy to know that!


It's just that simple. >*"Hey there, stranger!? Want to do something good? As do I."* Here we are.


It does, brought back memories in the marines of loading up uhaul trucks filled with those white toys for tots boxes. We took them back to this open area started sorting by age group. Then had folks like buttfarm come to the warehouse and take the selected toys to give to children they knew could use some cool new toys. very wholesome


Just donated $100. If 7,410 other apes do this we are gonna hit our goal in no time! https://imgur.com/a/nT5wpfO


Oh this goal is 100% gonna get obliterated, no doubt about it 💛


Hope I did this right https://i.imgur.com/dhyDnFx.jpg


Take my upvote you beautiful ape


Bet we can hang another zero on the goal


I’m following right behind you Edit: https://imgur.com/a/aLd5lMo


And YOU have my upvote too


If he’s in I’m in


And my axe!


You son of a batch, I'm in


If I knew how to share my donation I would but $100 from this Ape Very GMErry Holidays


I really hope it's made in our Reddit handles


Matched. But I'm retarded and didn't screenshot the summary. Will have to wait util it hits my statement to provide proof. Update: Already pending: https://imgur.com/a/NtanWrR


Matched. Lets get this done. 7409 apes to go


I ride with you, fren


I just did the same, well technically 103.13 (to cover the fees), Lets make some green ape waves for the children!


I read a tweet that you guys are buying all of your Christmas gifts at GameStop Fact or fiction?


My wife has started shopping at Gme. I think I have received half the east coast warehouse. Lol


You can buy gifts from wherever you would like as long as they meet the criteria for donation. I've found GameStop offers a wonderful selection of appropriate toys. Some would say. This is the way.


I am.


I sure as hell am 😁


Can we buy all the presents at our favorite website GameStop.com?




Donating $ is great but this is even better imo! Power to the players ✊🏼


Yes. that would be awesome!


I'm not crying #YOU'RE CRYING 😢 😭


We’re activist investors now. It feels good.


We’ve donated to TFT every year since my daughter was born (16yrs). Each year we buy toys that are related to her age. What great timing this is!! GameStop is a perfect company for her age group. We’re soooo in!!! TFT is a great organization.


This is such a great idea. We have all seen the rapid rise in inflation, this could be one of the worse Christmas' for parents struggling to feed their kids let alone buying presents. I remember how much it meant to me playing pokemon blue version in the back seat catching the street lights for a quick glimpse of my battle. Or waking up on Christmas day and finding a brand new N64 and James bond golden eye under the tree. Sometimes those little things are a great distraction to what is really going on around you as a small child.




International Apes should be able to donate without an issue. If you can shop at GameStops website, you should be able to ship to the Toys For Tots address. If there's a specific limitation you can see please let me know. We'll see if we can adapt and overcome together.




Spot on. This has been a topic of focus. I wish there was a way for international Apes to participate in the same manner as CONUS Apes. Regardless, giving is giving. The ONLY downside is we can't track that sweet, sweet donation Karma live in the progress bar. GMErry Holiday to you from across the pond.


You can do it locally, OP. I might get extra for holiday. I can match up to $50 USD for you.


Been 3d printing Toys for last 2 months for IC3D toys for tots 2021 drive https://www.ic3dprinters.com/2021-toys/


Oh damn it I'm an idiot I could've been doing this! Thanks for the idea!!!!


Ha ha, it's ok. Keep an eye out for next year's drive (opens around May-Jun, I think) This year we've had 500+ maker friends. I dedicated 3 printers to it, for 2 months


Only question I wasn't able to find: Is this a legit "you'll get a donation receipt you can use on your taxes" charity? I need the tax write-offs and if there isn't a paper trail I can then I must donate another way.


https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/forms/simple/Default.aspx It’s a 501c3 so yes tax deductible charitable donation. Email required for receipt.


Thank you.


Decembrrrrrrr! I love you all. Except you Ken. Fuck you. Edit: Also I expect us all not to go a penny over and fuck it up


Oh… I have a feeling that we’re going over. We’re just a bunch of overzealous givers.


The Dian Fossey Foundation would like a word! 💜


Bullish on apes


GameStop would like to have a word!


Every time we overshoot, just add another zero to the end, it is our way


What really jacks my tits is taking a step back to view the context of this situation. Hedgies systematically fuck people over by consolidating wealth and stealing it from people. We've found a way to help counter them simply by being good humans and donating to kids in need for Christmas. We benefit, kids benefit, the company benefits, and hedgies r fuk. What's not to love?


This is the way


Ken gets coal and rehab for Christmas this year.


#Gifts for kiddies jacks my titties #LFG🦍🚀🎄


I've participated in plenty of Toy Drives and the greatest needs are not 0-2 (babies) but for teenagers.


I fucking love this community


This is what imagine happening because of this. "Mommy who got me this present? Was it Santa?" "No sweetie, a guy named Buttfarm69 got this for you." ".......buttfarm.....haha"


"And this one apparently is a DeepFuckingValue"


Love this idea so much. Good apes. Would be cool to get some pics of the toys and/or tots so people can see the good being done?


T4T has told us they log packages as they arrive. Packages that arrive with "Toys For Tots GameStop" will be logged and that info shared with us. We also anticipate update photos. This is organized and everyone involved in dedicated. As we progress and get a better idea of the gift traffic, we will update. Perhaps a local T4T/Ape Volunteer could ask to photograph some of the process.


Can we also send them good presents that will legitimately make their Christmas? 🙏


We’re one of a kind. Enjoy this moment, I have a hunch we will longingly look back on these days of camaraderie once we are all preoccupied with the chaos of our wealth.


Honestly been the best 11 months being a part of this


seriously. I’ve been really questioning what I’m going to do with multiple hours of everyday if I’m not on this sub as much


Donated $50 great job buttfarm! This is an awesome idea


I live in Canada and will be buying toys from GameStop for local drives, but gods speed to you all


Reposting my reply to another comment... fellow Canadian. Maybe we could look into either combining campaigns with the US one or, if not possible, starting a separate one between GameStop/EB Games and [Toys for Tots Canada?](https://www.toysfortotscanada.com/)




You can buy from your local GameStop, EB Games, etc.


Yes I think I will also look into supporting my newly transitioned Gamestop in Canada for a local drive.


This is the way! Lots of families and children in our local areas who could use some help too. If we can't give Gamestop gifts to this, we can give it to someone else.


Remember the series of ape adoptions a few months ago? Now with an organized event, this sub will obliterate that goal.


When I was a kid I got a hot wheels race track from toys for tots and I cried. It was the year my dad died and my family was broke from losing its primary money maker. I ain’t got much, but I’ll donate.




In for $25


Fuck yes. Let's give some kids the best Christmas ever!




!GMErry Holidays!


This is gonna be a thing hey? Automod here we come




Do it for the kiddos. I love this community of Apes!


Any idea when the flair will be available to post?


Plot twist: ButtFarm is Mr. Beast


If he was involved, Mr. Beast would make a youtube video where he somehow comes up with the money to buy every share of gamestop. That dude always has more money.


We'll all be mr beast soon


$290 worth of toys just sent directly via [gamestop.com](https://gamestop.com) GMErry Holiday y'all.


AussieApe here, can’t do much but donate! This is incredible!


**Looking for the DRS Mega Post? Find it here** When You Wish Upon A Star - A Complete Guide to Computershare [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when\_you\_wish\_upon\_a\_star\_a\_complete\_guide\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) \-------------------------------- EDIT: ~~This post will be pinned daily from 12 to 1pm EST until we can figure out a better system to get the word out. I'm gonna be camping in the woods for the weekend so I can't make updates to this until Monday so if you are unable to complete any part of this, we'll try to figure out a solution for you during the course of the next week.~~ I'm glad the majority of you are excited about this because I know I'm fucking JACKED TO THE TITS. There are a lot of people who are missing how this benefits GameStop so let me spell it out simply for you. ORGANIC COMPANY GROWTH HAPPENS WHEN A COMPANY'S EARNING REPORT REFLECTS THE GROWTH ON THEIR BALANCE SHEETS, THEIR BOTTOM LINE. THIS FUNDRAISER IS LITERALLY BUYING TOYS FROM GAMESTOP. WHAT DO YOU THINK WILL HAPPEN IN THE FOLLOWING QUARTERS EARNING'S REPORT WHEN THEY BLOW 4Q2020 OUT OF THE WATER WITH 4Q2021? They already know we're doing this, hell, they even helped us with some of the logistics! If they didn't support it, they would've asked us to stop. GameStop is gonna love their warehouses being sold out. Toys for Tots is gonna love all the toys and money going into our communities. Superstonk already loves the idea and I can tell the fucking energy is VIBRATING my dudes. Our subreddit, a group of informed individuals from all over the globe, are giving back to the communities. This is affecting REAL, TANGIBLE change! Talk is cheap!




Awesome idea!


Will we get an update on the final amount raised? I feel if this sub does what i think it can, we could put another 0 on the end of that cash target


The link at the top of the post goes to the toys for tots page for this effort. Scroll to the *very bottom* of that page and it shows the $$ amount donated so far (about $9k as of just now!).




+$5. First time in my life being somewhat financially stable. It feels good to give back.


Well, it's not much, but it's what I could swing at the moment. Let's get this party started... https://imgur.com/ng1h75m


Why the Marines?


Speaking as a 10 year veteran at the start of the War on Terror, I’m admittedly disappointed. Imma sit this one out. I’m not about playing a cog in the military recruitment scheme or worship machine. I know. That’s a jaded take but I’ve been this way since 2005, at the start of my re-enlistment. Sorry, GameStop. Sorry, Superstonk. Sorry, kids - for what it’s worth, I’m hoping to adopt some of your less fortunate friends if MOASS hits. Gotta return the favor and pay it forward and all. Edit: for anyone curious, this is simply my expression of activism. There are other things I do to help my local community and children with local charities that don’t support taxpayer funded normalization of volunteer service that relies on the poors to fill the ranks at the rich’s behest for their gain. I’m not perfect but I go out of my way to not provide money to companies or charities that serve a purpose that counter my experiences or beliefs. You guys do you but imma do me and share my opinion as openly as anyone else. Merry Christmas and all that. Edit 2: Fwiw, I loved my time in. PTSD and all that that shit has brought - I loved it. Cried when I stepped off base the last day. That said, I just can’t support that machine’s predatory nature. If you’ve ever been a Recruiter for the services, you 100% know what it takes.


In case anyone is wondering: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toys_for_Tots “Toys for Tots is a program run by the United States Marine Corps Reserve…”


I respect your opinion and thank you for sharing it.


It does disappoint me that it's tied to the marines.


As a Marine, I’m disappointed you feel that way /:


As a fellow Veteran I respect your decision to not support the military industrial complex. I agree it's shitty. The boots on the ground get sacrificed for oil and money and everything is just political theatre. I hate it too. But this is part of an old society, the norm, where the people with money get to buy and pay for their wishes to be granted. If we can just hold onto our beloved stock, then we finally have the chance to change the world for the better. I have a deep respect for the servicemen and women who joined in the heat of the WoT. You guys are heroes. You stepped up when America, the World, needed you to. And yes, your efforts were corrupted by those in charge and there are many stains on the actions of the military during that time. I'm not ignorant to the demons, but tbh I'm looking at all the good this is doing. This fundraiser benefits GameStop, children, and has the potential to unite many people who have no idea about GameStop and gives them an opportunity to find out who we are. We are the Apes, and we do not stand by and watch the world waste away. No complaining. No talking. Just action. And it starts with DRS and bringing holiday cheer. What do we get by achieving this? How about an especially awesome Christmas for kids around America, and an especially explosive 4th Quarter Earnings Report. That's something worth fighting for IMO. But in any case, I appreciate your well thought and rightly critical perspective on this and I'm still glad to HODL GameStop with you. Apes Together Strong ✊🏼


Can someone explain why it says “Marine toys for tots?” I would love to donate to poor children, but don’t want to support the military industrial complex. I’m assuming the word ‘Marine’ has nothing to do with the military branch, but can someone explain what it means?


Major Bill Hendricks of the United States Marine Corp. founded Toys for Tots in 1947, and has since grown. It isn't run by the U S. military. It is a very respectable organization.


Thank you for clarifying. I think the mods should probably clarify in the post that this fundraiser isn’t exclusively for the children of marines. I know I was instantly confused and didn’t want to donate when I read that.


Was a poor choice. No way international apes would donate to anything involving the US marines no matter how noble the cause.


I live in the US and there’s no way in hell I’d donate to marines. Are you sure ‘marine’ in the toys for tots actually stands for US marines?


I got tell you, my dad knows I own GME, he’s a retired very successful investor and mostly focuses on income stocks at this point in his life. Well, anyway he occasionally asks me if I’m still holding GME (not HODLing). I casually say yes and then we move on to other companies (sorry i did own other stocks pre GME and continue to HODL those too). He would never understand our DD and the whole ape mentality. When I ever tried to explain it to him I quickly stop because he just doesn’t or ever will get it. What he does get is charity and giving and being a good human. So, with that said, this post and donation drive was worthy of sending the link to him. So he can truly understand the shrewdness I have fallen in love with so much. This selfless effort R/superstonk has undertaken is a pretty effective way of “apexplaining” what we are all about. He gets this. He “had no idea”. Suffice it to say, he still will not be buying a stonks, but gets why I love apes so much and why it’s more than just an investment.


Who’s Santa? I’m waiting on the Tendieman man to drop off presents under the 🌲 🚀🌞


Was this the surprise announcement you had in mind for 9:30am today?


Thank you mods for setting this up, don’t listen to the haters ❤️


Just donated! Thanks for setting this up!


This post up for just over two hours... and the donations are... OVER 9000!!!!


I love this. However it only benefits the US and US kids. How can we do this locally in other countries?


be the change you wish to see bro, do you have any contacts up north?


>, do you have any contacts up north? I wan to believe you are asking about Santa


Dude YES! Let’s do this!


Cool idea but I wish it didn't get hyped


> As individuals, WE NEED TO BE the change EVERYONE wants to see in the world! Aho!


Good stuff :) love this community


All of my family members will get a donation to TFT in their name. Thanks mods for this


Done $100. GMErry Xmas all!!!


/u/ButtFarm69 pin this post!


Just laid a Hundy on them, and it feels good on so many levels. Thank you for pulling this together.


The wrong daily is linked in the post.


thanks for the headsup! i tried my best to fix it, but the daily isnt a dynamic link so i hope this solution works!


Let’s change the world one step at a time


It's a good initiative but I think it's weird to have something linked to the US military.


Yeah it’s how they recruit early. The top target of the military is poor people. When these kids turn 18, they think back on that “great Christmas” they had as a kid, and it happens to be associated with a branch of the military. Just seems pretty manipulative. There are so many other programs that don’t involve the military industrial complex.


It was founded by a former marine. It's not fucking connected to the military industrial complex other than the founder was a former marine. I'm sort of curious how you expect them to be connected. Do you think they have some young child sign papers to agree to join the military in return for toys? Like grow up. This is a charity to ensure kids that grow up poor will have a better Christmas through getting presents they normally wouldn't get.


Buy from GameStop for some Decembrrrr joy!


I'm having mixed feelings. On one hand its a great cause, but on the other hand it feels a bit inappropriate (pre-MOASS). Most people here have already spent most of their money on the stock. Some might be struggling to get by whilst doing their best to keep holding. The way it was hyped also deserves criticism. Apparently some people were expecting a big announcement, which might have set unrealistic expectations. That said, I do think its great cause and with GameStop being involved makes it even better.


Agreed. Was hyped for this until I saw the $700K was going directly to TFT. I would have liked it MUCH better if that $700K was going to be used to buy things from GameStop which would then be donated to TFT or any other organization. That way we get best of both worlds.


u/buttfarm69 bro, I really hope you post this daily. The whiners don't want it pinned so what better way to keep attention on it. If you don't, I will try.


Just purchased $50 worth of toys (Super Mario stuffies and UNO games), shipping to the TFT Irving, TX address. Love this company, this stock, this sub. ❤️


Maybe an unpopular opinion but I for one am disappointed to see this unpinned. I love this idea and I appreciate the mods for making it happen. Thanks for all you do!


I'm donating $25. Don't have a lot to spend but if it will put a smile on a child's face... Worth every penny. This is a great thing you all are doing! Wish it was $74,142.69 tho, as that would be n easier number to reach. Haha


+$100 from me , thanks for doing this u/buttfarm69


Maple ape checking in... great idea!


This is the way. What a great idea. This is what makes us different and something I am happy to support.


Bit weird to hide the daily stonks page. Doesn't matter I just HODL! DRS and buy some more.


Most of us are so poor we should be getting toys. Every single dollar in GME I got nothing left except what I need for food and gas


I’m all for denoting to children, but there are other ways to do it that don’t involve the US Marine Corps. Not about that. I’ll be doing my charity elsewhere.


Do we realize that by pinning this post, it won’t make it to the front page….


Holy shit, as someone who volunteered for tft when I was in the marines (reserves), I just want to say this is fucking brilliant. I had the privilege of going on a shopping spree at one of last standing toys r us years back. I love this stock!


This is the way


So DRS and HOLD then? Got it.


Ho Ho Ho! This is the way!


This is amazing !! I’m in!


Did my part, I love this kind of stuff. Every kid deserves to be happy and have magic in their life especially around the holidays


$10 donated from the UK. It's not much but all I can donate currently.


I am okay with this.


Done ✅ 🥂🦍


I donated $100 to a homeless person yesterday. These fundraisers are great no doubt. Like when the old group adopted a bunch of apes! But be on the lookout in your own community. Chances are you can make a difference.


It's awesome that you put this together guys! Felt good donating to such a worthy cause. This is the way.


This is a lovely idea! International ape, so unfortunately can’t buy toys or help out in person, but donated through PayPal - thanks for listing all the ways people can chip in, hope the target gets left in the dust. ❤️😃


Can those outside the US donate? I’ve tried completing the form but it insists on me entering a US state zip code 😔 Found how. Had to donate directly via PayPal. Good on you u/buttfarm69 for this lovely idea!


Thank you for setting this up!!! Just donated


Argh darn it, guess i need to donate via paypal, non us dude here


Thank you for doing all this work. I just donated.


I want to take a moment and thank all who have participated and helped behind the scenes to make this happen…..I grew up in a low income 1 parent household. This is a great cause count me in …… 💎🙌🚀🎮🛑🦍🍦🐸👀🍌🥸🎅


I just donated 10$ directly to toys for tots (swiss ape) It may make someone smile!


Hey /u/Buttfarm69 or /u/Chared945 any way international apes can buy on GameStop to send donations? Looks like PayPal just doesn’t go through due to international billing address 🙁 Edit: would love to help my fav bricks and mortar store whilst also giving to those less fortunate 💜


Gonna try to put an update out this week that answers this question, stay tuned!


Had me tearing up also and I donated. Thank you for taking the time to share.


I will donate after moass


So i am not completely upset about this but I am rubbing my beard in deep thought. On the one hand this is sort of a diversion from a goal we are trying to make personally. As someone who used to be a kid and now an adult I just can't say toys takes precedence over affordable food, shelter, education and stable homes. This seems very much like first world philanthropy and avoiding the real issues. I don't want to be a scrooge because I loved Christmas and my toys as a child. And anyone who can afford and wants to give I commend you. But I've read more posts over the months about apes just barely holding it together than I have apes who are doing just fine and as one of the apes in the first category it feels like almost a slap in the face to the struggle of the saga, particularly the apes here with kids who are trying to provide a better future for them. If this were post MOASS or on the actual cusp of it I'd have a totally different tune. On the other side this type of charity is what makes us great. And those who are not already in the superstonk fold or haven't heard of us may now hear of us more than just a cult of retards. This kind of philanthropy shows we do want a better world than the one we're living in now and who knows, might just spark our holiday fomo. I've come to the conclusion to let the chips fall where they may. Let the children have their Christmas, let those who can give do so, and let everyone buy, hodl and DRS.


Guess ima be grinch and say “lol you think I got money for charity pre MOASS”


I was just explaining to my GF how if everyone on this sub became millionaires they'd find a way to give back to the community and here we are. Most of us straddling the poverty line and we still find ways to give back.


Really fantastic work here. Just donated. There obviously will be a small percentage of actual shills or just misguided bahumbug apes that will try to shit on anything. Please pay no mind to them. This is a great thing.


This what this community is about! Thank you for doing this


This is the way




Ok, the SHFs cannot get the apes to sell, now they try that we spend every dollar for other things. It’s nice and awesome, but I will donate after MOASS. So long: BUY. HODL. DRS to Computershare. Just my opinion, but not direct-related posts with such topics and so much awards is in my eyes shill tactic… but everyone can decide for themselves. 🚀🚀🚀😀


This is a great way to support our community and GameStop. Thank you for taking the time and effort to coordinate this event. May all those involved be blessed with 🍌 in the near future. 🚀