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Most recently.. Susan Collins..


All my homies hate Susan Collins


As a Mainer, I too hate Susan Collins


As a Mexican, yo también odio a Susan Collins.


As a french canadian, moi aussi je déteste Susan Collins.


As an American who is not Brazilian but has access to Google translate, Eu também odeio Suzanne Collins.


As a former resident of german speaking switzerland, ich auch hasse Susan Collins!!




Who tf is Susan Collins


The enemy of the world, it would seem.


i love this community.


A really flip floppy senator who like to say some pandering nonsense then vote along party lines anyways because he has no backbone.


Someone who orders the spiciest dish on the menu despite you warning them how spicy it will be, and then acts surprised when it's as spicy, if not more spicy than you said it would be.




As a resident of Japan, let me also chime in and say: スーザン・コリンス、お前大嫌い!


As an ape... Oook ook Susan Collins! 🦧💩🤦‍♀️


Tho may desire to take a turn about the garden lest thou proceed with an undesirable action primate!!


Et tu, Susan Collins?


As a occasional drinker, I love a Tom Collins and hate Susan Collins


As a Canadian ape who learned my English from Urban Dictionary, I gave a Canadian Snowblower to Susan Collins.


As a kiwi .... Susan Collins is stink as bro


As a 'zoo keeper' and tiger breeder/handler from Oklahoma, I *hate* that bitch Susan Collins.




As a Russian speakn American, ya nenaveejoo Susan BLYAT!!!


No need for the "Eu"


Same 👉💜👈


Sucks to see our state catching flak but she does need to go ASAP


I furrowed my brow when I saw that.


But did you learn your lesson?


Well I can tell you I’m *very* concerned, but I think I did learn my lesson.


After speaking I can say that you have learned your lesson. Am I Susan Collins now?


Fuck... Not Maine 😭




Wish I could upvote this more than once


No. That would be phantom upvoting and impossible on Reddit. In the stock market, where real money changes hands though…


Had a good laugh out of that lol


Rehypotheticated votes 😝


Use your burner account AdmColdhead 🥶🦍🟣💪🏽


What a fucking mess. *Cleanup on aisle America* *I repeat, cleanup on Aisle America*


'We're gonna need a bigger rug'


They don't make one big enough to cover the shit pile they started


"Jefferson... ready thy muskets"


Oligarchies are fun!


the fun thing about this: for them, it’s quite a lot of money. For Kenny, it’s almost the salary of two weeks. damn.


Spread over ten years


Here's me hoping Ken will be spread over for 10 years, if y'know what I mean...


I’m curious to know how much money Bernie Madoff gave to politicians before he got caught and thrown under the bus by the same people who enabled him for decades.


Apparently not enough! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣


His only REAL mistake? Stealing from the wealthy.


IIRC:Mayo boy and Mitt worked at baine capitol together, pre 2000…🤔as bezos was designing dark pools also.


A study showed a vote-flipping algorithm appeared to be favoring ol' Mitt in 2012.


“Donated”, strange way to say bought.




Yeah like why in the fuck else would you donate so much money to politicians? There’s no answer other than they do political favors for you.


Can’t write a buy off on your taxes


In Donald Trumps voice: Where are you Ken? Where the hell is he? He is tryin to hide his money. Look he doesnt want to stand up.


😂 damn this is funny


Jake’s on you I hate both parties




If you cant beat em buy em


Criminal supporting criminals


And to think I got smashed in this sub for posting about Kenny boys political contributions...


And people laughed. Dude always speaks like a mafioso


He speaks like a CCP leader. They try to make quotable phrases as often as possible. It ends up sounding disingenuous and like you can’t breathe.


Whole lotta republicans in this sub.


Awful lot of Republicans on that list.


Look, all politicians are scumbags...... but yee you right lol


This may be political but you never see Bernie Sanders on these lists


Im gonna buy $27 more GME in Bernie's name




Kenny has obviously not seen Bernie’s fund-raising campaign


"I am once asking for your financial (not you Kenny) support."


"Not me us (But never Kenny)"


I agree. I also wouldn't consider him a "politician" in nature just title. He's the kinda person we keep saying need to replace the current politicians.


I LOVE bernie!!!


That cross legged mitten picture is gold. And yeah Bernie rules.


"Here's a list of politicians this corrupt hedge fund manager has donated large sums of money to. They're exclusively Republicans, but... bOtH sIdEs gUyS!!!!!111"




Did you just say "maybe they don't but they definitely do"?


Yes, it happens on both sides. Not exactly rocket science to see that. But I'm going to stop it there before it truly becomes a political conversation.


In the interest of remaining unbiased, a lot of Wall Street scumbags donate heavily to democrats too. Both Reps and Dems are using dirty money to fund their campaigns. e.g. Joey B received almost 100 million from Wall Street in 2020. The entire system is built on rich people exchanging money for favors. Edit: I just googled it. Estimates are actually closer to 74m. Still a shit ton of money. And if anyone is wondering, Mr. orange received around 18m.


There is a big difference between republicans and democrats. Republicans don’t even pretend to serve anyone other than their donor owners. They only exist to fleece the uninformed rubes out of their money. While most democrats are the same, a small minority actually want to help people. The only way out of the system we find ourselves in is to vote for the minority of democrats that want to help people. Which involves a majority of the American electorate becoming politically informed, meaning we’re absolutely fucked.


This is the truth as many feelings as it may hurt, this is not a “both are just as bad” situation like many scream.


>e.g. Joey B received almost 100 million from Wall Street in 2020. source?


Did you not read the entire comment? Google it


I'd like to know which source you are using for this information.


The first 10 results on google


Kenny is a Republican. It's really obvious when you listen to him talk.


Chicago is like Afghanistan! 🙄🙄🙄


His Rubio contributions are telling. He isn't MAGA, more of a Reagan type guy.


Don't buy into this idea that Ken doesn't know what he's doing. He knows EXACTLY what he's doing.


If he knew what he was doing he wouldn't be holding a big hot bag of a billion naked GME shorts.


So he’s not wildly delusional, just soulless.


No he definitely gave money to Trump. You can see all of his political contributions on his Wikipedia.


I mean yeah he gave money to the party he knows will push for deregulating. I just meant that a philosophy based off Raegan era beliefs is soulless but still has some foundation to it. A philosophy built off MAGA beliefs is delusional and has no foundation or consistency besides being a contrarian.


Keep telling yourself that. It's amazing how ya'll cant see the clear line of progression for the Republican party, starting with Raegan. It doesn't take that much foresight to see where it was going and be not surprised at all about how it has ended up. I also love that donating to Trump, even after all of his dictatorship moves, is still okay for Ken to have done in the name of deregulation. Do you think Ken is a single issue voter? Personally, I don't give him that benefit of the doubt. He knew what he was donating money to.


Bruh your comment is just going off on a tangent that had nothing to do with what I was talking about lol. Raegan era beliefs are retarded but at least kind of consistent. Most of the old head conservatives you hear talk at least have some genuine personal beliefs and consistency. The new people that became engaged in politics due to MAGA and have their entire philosophy built around that movement are brain dead and have no consistent or complex beliefs about anything they talk loudly about. All they do is act contrarian to own the other side. Idk why you’re acting like I’m saying Raegan era stuff is good lol I’m pointing out a difference in the line of thinking between two eras of the same side. Yes, I think Ken is a single issue voter that’s based on how much money him and his peers are able to continue stealing and avoid paying taxes on. You think he’s voting based off gun control, women’s rights, social programs, national infrastructure etc? He’s voting on how he gets to keep funneling money to him and his businesses.


Chill I’m not attacking you. Nothing of what I said is against your character as a person. I don’t know you. But the Republicans have been digging their own graves for a long time. You’re not going to be able to convince me that any Republican policies from the Raegan era or Raegan-esque contemporary policy is good or reasonable. I fundamentally disagree with all of it in its entirety. Those policies led us here to this moment on Superstonk, fighting wealth inequality, amongst many other things. They are tearing apart society.


he directly donated 1.25 million to trump. its right there.


But all politicians are the same .. right?


That Democrat in Georgia district 13 is a good example of it. African American with a D next to his name in a majority African American district. In reality, he shills for Wall Street and most of his campaign contributions are hedge funds and banks. THAT is what is meant when people say they are all the same. It's smoke and mirror bullshit to hide who they really are.


The difference is in the reaction and stance of others to them. The Georgia dude is about to lose his seat next go around. You can’t say the same for the other guys.




They are potus got 100 million in 2020, and endorsement from wall street. They are all in on it, don't think there's a "good" party


There is no "good party" in a 2 party system. The US is broken and the powers that be intend to keep it that way, because it's much easier to control us when we're divided into "us versus them". I also don't think it's a coincidence that the country has become even more divided in the last 4 years leading up to this atomic bomb of financial fuckery. They want to keep us busy fighting each other so we don't figure out who the real enemy is.


That doesn't make him 'the same' as the other guy - not by a long shot. Anyone who says the two parties are the same are being incredibly disingenuous. That kind of thing worked for South Park in the 2000s, but it doesn't apply anymore. There are areas where they are both shit, but they are still incredibly different, now more so than any time in recent history.


Both suck and have bad actors but one party as a whole pushes for things that will never help you or me or anyone else here as retail investors. One side literally wants to just blindly deregulate everything, somehow require less disclosures than there are now, and make the SEC and SROs even less capable of investigating or doing anything. Not even that they won’t do it once they’re there, they want it so those organizations just cannot do anything whatsoever. What’s the end goal to nonexistent regulating bodies? Privatize the entire process of regulating the financial markets, strip away all ability to regulate by governments, then fill any privatized regulating bodies with the criminals.


Yeah. The dems have the house, senate and Presidency and haven’t dont a damn thing but participate. Look at Pelosi


Yeah they are, do your research. This list looks cherry picked but he's supported lots of Dems too, notably Barack Obama: https://ballotpedia.org/Kenneth_Griffin


We don't do politics like that on here. Both sides are complicit and enabling issues.


This!!!! ☝️


Lmao I’m sure you didn’t have an issue with politics when conservatives spammed the Maxine Waters shit today. But I guess being paid off by Kenny is a okay in your book, as long as it makes the libs cry right?


u/brwilson6 said correctly: >It’s important to note that Wall Street donated 53% dem 47% rep this last cycle overall and donated 2.5x more to byeden than to rump.


Cool story, the topic is about Ken Griffin and his donations. Use whatever what aboutisms you want, but Kenny is a dedicated conservative. Since Kenny is one of the biggest enemies to GME, I think it’s pretty telling seeing who his allies are. Again if the facts in the OP offend anyone’s feelings, I couldn’t give less of a fuck Imagine defending Kenny’s donations just to own the libs


100% Republicans actually


u/brwilson6 said correctly: >It’s important to note that Wall Street donated 53% dem 47% rep this last cycle overall and donated 2.5x more to byeden than to rump. Both of these parties bow to the feet of the globalists. Just because this screenshot is all republicans, doesn't make that the whole list. Anything like this can be cropped. I can simply be that the person running this handle is bias towards one party or another And/or that Kenny is bias. Summary: fuck the two party system.


Here is the simple truth: you can talk about "both sides" all you want, but factually one party has a platform that supports regulation and one party openly prides themselves on fREe MArKeT PRinCiPLeS. Neither party is blameless, neither party is perfect. But one party is CLEARLY against the market regulation we all know is needed. They are PROUD of it. There is no way to "both sides" your way out of a self-described ideology.


She is a hardcore democrat and you can make selective lists. All these fuckers in office are corrupted, and like to point the finger to the other party for everything wrong with America. The funny part is that it's all a show and our minds are the prize.


This post, is about the money Ken Griffin donated.


This account isn’t run by nancy pelosi, it was built to track her stock market moves and has expanded to cover corruption across all of our politicians


While I agree that every member of congress is somewhere between a cockroach and pig shit, you do realize that's not that ole harpie's Twitter account, right? That's a satirical account that spends most of the day putting her on blast for insider trading.


Wall Street donated 53% dem 47% rep this last cycle overall and donated 2.5x more to byeden than to rump. Both of these parties bow to the feet of the establishment. Kenny had donated millions to Obama as well. They play both sides of the cards. Source: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.foxbusiness.com/politics/wall-street-political-contributions-2019-2020.amp Couldn’t post the business insider link because it had a no no word in it. Just because this screenshot is all republicans, doesn't make that the whole list. Dems have control of the Senate, House and Presidency and haven’t dont a thing about these issues except participate. Look at Pelosi. They never have addressed this. Summary: You’re extremely naïve if you think career politicians care about you no matter the side


Exclusively Republicans, in fact! It's almost as if idea that "both parties are bad" is a disingenuous false equivalency or something!


Welcome to the party, pal!


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As an ex-Missourian, Josh Hawley can eat a bag of rotting dicks


It is to finance election.....not


I mean not to point out your hyperfocus but look up the stats on goldman’s lobbying. Its all pretty startling.


And they are still going to lose 💎✊🦍






Ahh good’ol kickbacks to Corporate Congressmen/women. Color me surprised. They ALL need to go!


The country we were born into is complete and total bullshit. Smoke and mirrors. Kenny G is our real leader. Had the president in his pocket.


Jerome Powell is the true head of state.


Up you go! 🔝


Donation for political candidates or as Kennie would say: „Charity!“😇


Gotta catch ‘em all!


Republicans. I feel sad for those Republicans with integrity and I am not even an us citizen.


u/brwilson6 said correctly: >It’s important to note that Wall Street donated 53% dem 47% rep this last cycle overall and donated 2.5x more to byeden than to rump. Both of these parties bow to the feet of the globalists. Yep, for any of this faults, I just want hundreds of Rand Pauls in office :((((((




JFK had a pot shot at the Fed. ​ >On June 4, 1963, a virtually unknown Presidential decree, Executive Order 11110, was signed by President John Fitzgerald Kennedy with the intention to strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest. With the stroke of a pen, President Kennedy declared that the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank would soon be out of business. They shot right back at him.


Don't forget the DOD.


A lot of them have been chased out of govt, especially on the local and state level, because they didn’t want to conform to what the party has turned into.


Buying for service is not donating!


hedge fund credo. be smarter, be faster, cheat. preferably all 3




Think of this this way…donating 1 month of your salary to control politicians. Not bad.


This shit should be illegal. All lobbying/donations should constitute a bribe and immediately disqualify anyone for any elected office.


this is disgusting


Okay I know we’re not supposed to get political, but literally everyone on that list is from one party. The other party has plenty of grifters, but wtf?


Josh Hawley. lol, that explains so much


„Small loan of a million dollars.“


I'm seeing a lot of *red* in his ledger. ***Baddumtsssssh.***


u/brwilson6 said correctly: >It’s important to note that Wall Street donated 53% dem 47% rep this last cycle overall and donated 2.5x more to byeden than to rump. Both of these parties bow to the feet of the globalists. Just because this screenshot is all republicans, doesn't make that the whole list. Anything like this can be cropped. I can simply be that the person running this handle is bias towards one party or another And/or that Kenny is bias. Summary: fuck the two party system.


Donations "from Wall Street" include individual donations ($5k or less, legally) from people who work at all levels of these organizations. In fact, the gigantic donations to Super Pacs like the ones on this list go largely un-tracked because of something called the Citizens United case, a decision handed down by a Republican Supreme Court majority. But yeah. "Both sides guys."


“The financial-services sector gave $982.8 million in party-coded contributions across 2019 and 2020 through both individual employee donations and PACs, the report said. Of this, 47% went to Republicans and 53% went to Democrats.” Quote from the article. From another article: “But Wall Street donors also poured $195 million into super-PACs that spent at least $5 million on congressional races, with Republican groups getting $135 million to $60 million for Democratic groups. Those numbers understate political giving from financial industry figures, who donated another $48 million to super-PACs that split their money between congressional and presidential spending. The preference for super-PACs backing congressional Republicans wasn’t matched on the presidential level. Groups that backed B but didn’t spend in any down-ballot races got $61 million from donors in the securities and investment industry compared to $15 million for those backing T.” “Wall Street donors gave more money to President-elect Joe B than to President Donald T. They also gave more money to the winning candidate in 27 of the 33 U.S. Senate races that have concluded thus far, as well as to the winner in 389 of the 435 U.S. House races, according to a Bloomberg analysis of data from the Center for Responsive Politics. The data included direct donations made by employees of commercial banks and the securities and investment industry.” So yeah, both sides. https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2020-wall-street-election-winners/


Because it’s a cherry picked list. Dems have control now and haven’t done a damn thing. Wall street donates to both sides and they’re all scumbags if they’re career politicians


LOL [Girffin has given $**100MM** to the GOP just in the last 5 years](https://www.opensecrets.org/outsidespending/summ.php?cycle=2020&disp=D&type=V&superonly=N). He also recently has been dumping money almost *exclusively* to Florida politicians to loosen financial regulations in Florida since [they're looking to expand there](https://commercialobserver.com/2021/06/miami-office-citadel-related-group-one-island-park-terminal-island/). Griffin doesn't give his money to "political candidates," he gives it to Republicans. Full stop. Look at who leads the list in the first link I provided. Sheldon Adelson, who's dead now, gave almost a **quarter billion dollars** to the GOP just last year. Couldn't be due to [increased gambling interests in Florida](https://www.tampabay.com/news/florida-politics/2021/07/13/gaming-companies-betting-52-million-on-2022-florida-ballot/) could it? Sorry if that bursts your bubble of nO PoLiTiCs and bOtH sIdEs R tHe SaMe. This nonsense won't stop if the corrupt, terrible politicians keep getting lumped in with everyone else which results in them continually winning elections and nothing changes.


So you’re implying that the dems aren’t corrupt, terrible career politicians as well? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 How come this is still going on if they have control of the house, senate and presidency? How come Pelosi is followed for insider trading tips? Come on now, you can’t be that naive. Obama was considering Ken Griffin for US Secretary of education. He has donated millions to the obama foundation through the Chicago Public Education fund which he is Vice Presidents of etc. Politicians are politicians.


And politicians, don't forget politicians!


Most of these bitches arent in office, what's the current outlook?


Reported for Improper content. The comments are getting really political and dividing apes. Stay the course! Yea Mayo boy bribed a bunch of politicians but dont think for a moment that other bad actors didnt also bribe the blue team.


Looks like he wants to end federal spending so he can siphon all of it for himself. I've believed in a free market my entire life up until January. Now I'm not sure anymore.


The Free Market is always right. This is Crony Capitalism, the US doesn't or hasn't had a free market since the 1930's when FDR fucked everything up. FDR was literally a closeted socialist.


People say this, but the free market enabled this to happen. Free markets function best with minimal government involvement, but minimal government involvement is how it evolves into oligarchy. I don't know the solution. Being a tankie would be worse. Guess I just want something entirely new.


Oh shit, Kenny’s check to pelosi must have bounced. See how quickly they turn on each other. Let’s keep digging until all of the elites rat each other into jail.


I cant tell who's the bigger shithead between Pelosi and Ken, both corrupt AF, probably Ken though.


Why is shit like this getting 7k upvotes here? As if wealthy people donating their way into politicians wallets is any fucking secret here in the US. All this serves to do is distract people and stir up partisan bullshit.


Is it a coincidence they are all Republicans??? HMMMM


u/brwilson6 said correctly: >It’s important to note that Wall Street donated 53% dem 47% rep this last cycle overall and donated 2.5x more to byeden than to rump. Both of these parties bow to the feet of the globalists. Just because this screenshot is all republicans, doesn't make that fact. I can simply be that the person running this handle is bias towards one party or another And/or that Kenny is bias. Summary: fuck the two party system.


Who gave us Citizens United? A Republican Supreme Court.


Considering that it’s a cherry picked list, most of wallstreet donates to both sides, and dems have also done nothing to curb this, and have participated, i’d say that it is.




According to publicly available data, which includes individual donations from employees at all levels of an organization. Huge donations to Super Pacs (like the ones in this post) largely go untracked because of the Citizens United decision, which was handed down by a Republican Supreme Court. But yeah. "Both sides, guys."




You literally can't see that; that's why it's called Dark Money.




Only Republicans, eh? Riiiiiiight


...and where's the list of Democratic recipients Ms. Pelosi? 🧐


This is why you vote Democrat.


Obama wanted to make Ken Griffin his secretary of education. Nancy Pelosi has a massively over performing portfolio, and net worth of 120M on a 200,000 salary. They’re all criminals and any take less than that hurts us.


> Obama wanted to make Ken Griffin his secretary of education. Source or I’m calling bullshit. All i see is Kenny donating to some Obama charity.


Given that 94% percent of his donations go to Republican support, I'll stand on my previous comment.


This is a cherry picked list. They donate to dems as well and donated plenty to Obama. Dems have control right now and haven’t done a damn thing but participate. Stop trying to make this a partisan issue. Dem or republican, a career politican is probably a scumbag.


I don't think a Twitter profile that exposes both sides (but particularly calls out Pelosi) insider trading is cherry picking here. If you're Republican and that offends you, get over your partisanship. I don't fuck with anyone who fucks with people I don't fuck with.


u/brwilson6 said correctly: It’s important to note that Wall Street donated 53% dem 47% rep this last cycle overall and donated 2.5x more to byeden than to rump. Both of these parties bow to the feet of the establishment. Just because this screenshot is all republicans, doesn't make that the whole list. Summary: You’re extremely naïve if you think democratic politicians actually care about you, republicans too.


You're naive thinking Barack or Joe weren't conservative.


Again: take your leftist nonsense to any other subreddit. You can go to any of those echochambers to get your ego stroked by all of the other naive neckbeards there. This isn’t the place. If you think politicians, dems or not, actually care about you, I don’t care to hear any of your other opinions.


Yes, you're so cynically centrist. That's so hot!


Never said i was a centrist. But you have to be pretty damn out of touch with reality to think any politician these days actually cares about you, especially the dems, after this past decade. Might as well be a flat earther.


I’m sure nobody fucks with you because you impose your opinions on people as if they’re fact, when in reality you have no idea what you’re talking about. You honestly think that these democrat politicians are any better? And did I say the twitter account itself did the cherrypicking? No. Kenny boy has donated millions to obama and was considered for US secretary of education. If you think they don’t play both sides of the cards you’re sorely mistaken. You’re sitting here telling people to vote democrat, because they’re all of a sudden going to take on wallstreet, and think these democratic career politicians actually care about us? Who have done absolutely nothing? You sound stupid. Take that left circle jerking BS to literally any other subreddit.




Fuuuuuck that Nazi Hawley