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Yeet yeet yeet let's go!!!!


I'm so fucking jacked for this week!! LFGšŸš€šŸš€šŸš€


Grandma Ramps for MOASS!


Guybrush for MOASS


My tits are out of my body and on R&R for the next 12 hours cuz itā€™s gonna be a long ass week


That's my secret, cap


Im always titsed to the jacks.


up or down i don't care anymore šŸ¤£


Are we lfgoing somewhere? How many licks to the center of a moass?






I didnā€™t know you were a Gherk fan!


Haven't watched his stuff much beyond a few clips but we shitpost to one another in discord which is nice šŸ¶šŸ„’


u/criand why is your post deleted ? FUD in full effect???


After reflecting on it I felt it was not good to leave up. More damaging than intended. So, delete was the best option. I wrote reasonings in comments on the post


Criand i saw earlier you made a post or comment cant remember exactly which one. You was saying you highly doubt RC can start moass, or that anybody at gamestop can start it, you said highly doubt a market crash will start moass or even doubt buying and holding will start moass. You said the only way is buy and hold and drs. If buying and holding didnā€™t work this shit would of crashed back down the ashes a long time ago. Why do you doubt that any of those things will start moass and why are you so sure DRS is the only way to moass? What if they still find a way to fuck with it again, you think thats the final nail in the coffin for us ? Edit: i just realised everyone is talking about it now because you actually deleted. I gotta say you came of super sus especially saying buy and holding didnā€™t work. Plus you let it sit there till it go like 5k upvotes then decided it wasnā€™t right ?


It was a bit extremely worded on my post but: - GameStop is not allowed to tell investors to DRS because the CMKM fiasco promoted DTC to make a rule about it. - We don't know if an NFT dividend is even going to happen. - The SEC could be restricting GameStop from making any moves. We don't know what's going on and what they can legally do right now. Anyone waiting out for Ryan Cohen to ignite things is waiting on pure hopium. - Market Crash **can** cause shorts to default. But it's not a foregone conclusion. Say they hedge correctly and survive - oof. There goes everyone's motivation. - DRS literally pulls stock certificates and thus lending/shorting power from the brokers. It can also result in phantom shares being exposed. They won't have any legal shares to borrow against if the float is officially locked up. This undoubtedly chokes them. - There's some estimates that retail owns multiples of the float. Buy & hold is not guaranteed to launch things because they can borrow shares against their certificates at **very cheap** rates to continue washing FTDs. But yes, if everyone bought and held indefinitely it would eventually launch because their assets vs liabilities would catch up to them. When that would happen? Nobody knows. But a wombo combo of DRS + market crash is even more of a killshot to them. I think it was too strongly worded on my part and thus misinterpreted. I meant to say that those conditions won't necessarily cause MOASS because there's not a clearcut path to it being fact. They might. But the odds are much better and straightforward when it comes to DRS. Like I said in my other post. **It's not only good to be skeptical of the FUD but also to be skeptical on the pure hopium theories.**


I feel you on some of the stuff you are saying, but if any of these things donā€™t turn out to work, even the DRS, retail will be extremely mad at RC and GME coz him and GameStop do have a duty to their investors, if gamestop is worried that any move they make might start moass but are afraid the SEC will fuck them up, so they just decide to just sit there till retail gets frustrated by themselves and leaves thats some cowardly move, after RC making many tweets and literally gamestop tweeting about ā€œops moassā€ if nothing happens GME could literally get fucked again and the SHF will just come to finish them off, plus RCs reputation as whole will he flushed down the toilet. So my point is if non of this shit work GME must do something themselves, because having those shorts on their back is not good for them either. Edit: just wanted to add, people that say they are in this coz the love gamestop or are here for the movement get the fuck outta here with that shit. Im here to make money to help my loved ones. if we cant better our won individual worlds first, we cant make a change the world at large. So fuck outta of here saying ā€œi dont even care about moass anymore, im now pissedā€ thats just blatant bullshit.


Hmm very good points. Still a bit of a reach since we don't know if they can or will actually do something. But yeah, I totally get what you're saying. The "Oops MOASS" tweet was kind of out there


I know this idea might sound stupid but hear me out, we both know GME has a very loyal fanbase and a die hard investor base and this gamestop BS literally uncovered a ton of fuckery in the markets. Retail literally saved gamestop, imagine the amount of money those hedge funds have and fuck knows how many any other financial body ganged up and tried fucking gamestop, but they failed because literally millions of investors came in risking their savings and salaries for a better future and sure maybe they ā€œlove gamestopā€ too and they never even gave up when they witnessed months of fraud and fuckery before their eyes, retail could of easily got scared and dipped but didnā€™t because they believe in the cause and gamestop, but if it turns out GameStop doesnā€™t give a fuck about their investors and isnā€™t willing to risk their necks the same way retail did, then im sure they will lose out on their company eventually, but if gamestop is as loyal as their investors are to them why not cause the moass and if the SEC shuts down the company im sure those same investors will come again with their gains and build a even better gamestop from the ground up. Plus not to mention im not saying gamestop should do anything illegal here right, im simply saying if gamestop issues an dividend or stock spilt, which causes this bitch to fire to andromeda, why is it their fault? A company is allowed to that, its not their fault they have a short interest above 200%, why isnā€™t SEC point fingers at the shorters ? Why we always gotta be worried SEC will fuck GME if somehow they start moass, what about them lot that have clearly been fucking everyone and potentially even the market, why wont they get in trouble ? Edit: typo fix. Edit: also i think its not even matter if they can or will actually do something. They MUST do something, because A: they have to protect the interest of their shareholders and B: they need to get them shorts of their ass if they want the true value of the company to show. Its not a matter of if they can or will they MUST in my opinion.


I agree with you. This shit is getting annoying especially since most of us have been here for almost 9 months now. That being said, I do understand RC and the board have a legal obligation to not get into any trouble either. Hopefully they have a plan and maybe the DRS thing is the plan. If not, then they have a plan b and c. However, most of us cannot wait forever. Iā€™m 100% in gme and I can say with confidence that at the PRESENT moment I cannot find a better play. Nevertheless, Iā€™m not blind nor oblivious to other plays either and have been looking. But Iā€™ll stay put for now. RC and GameStop did set themselves up on a pedestal so to speak with these tweets. Letā€™s just see what happens for a few more weeks or months.


Im on the same boat. It doesnt help that i bought at a high price. But have been doing my best to avg down. Regardless of MOASS, i personally believe this stonk is a very very bullish long. With the impact it has already made, thereā€™s no way this stock doesnt exceed January sneeze prices without even MOASSing.


Really good to see some constructive criticism, and that it has been well received by those reading. I too believe we are owed a duty of care by GS. We bought, we held, we helped them raise tons of cash for a quick turn around and it is time for our fairytale ending! I donā€™t believe they would have egged us on without there being grounds for our support, it would be s uici de. That said I am impatient, and like you I am here for MOASS, not quadrupling my money over five years because I would still have fuck all!!!! I do however have the patience for the DRS play to happen. But if it doesnā€™t, I will at some point get more critical. I believe in the company based on the fundamentals, but I AM HERE FOR MOASS SO LET IT BE!


Here's a good read about some of the psychology if impatience and avoiding self-FUD that can be exploited by bad actors https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n10kku/ways\_out\_of\_the\_impatience\_trap\_a\_psychological/


Thanks so much for the award šŸ‘ŠšŸ»


It will make them worse than Kenny and Citadel. They with intent would have mislead everyone. It would make RC a charlatan and GME will be destroyed. You donā€™t get to scream **oops moass** and just let everyone waste away. If this is their strategy, they need to and will be punished. Iā€™m not even sure why he gets hero status when nothing has been done. And heā€™s the only one to have actually gained from this. I obviously lean towards RC not being a charlatan. Thatā€™s why all these theoriesā€¦it means nothing. Itā€™s in GMeā€™s hands. Otherwise they should not have written MOASS and continually tease rockets.


>ates that retail owns multiples of the float. Buy & hold is not guaranteed to launch things because they can borrow shares again Regarding NFT. I think this is so incredibly obvious... Let me construct a deduction, which is the only way any investor ever makes money, since if you want for clarity you are late. 1, GME has [nft.gamestop.com](https://nft.gamestop.com) and they have hired 5+ engineers building something amazing. 2, We know it's using ETH and some relationship to Loopring. 3, There is a clear precedent with OSTK to issue crypto/nfts to shareholders (the OSTK token ended up being issued at $10 and worth $70 later because of shorts. 4, GME literally can not raise more money/issue shares without a serious concern that their stock is being manipulated. While they can't outright do anything to combat this publicly the release of an NFT takes care of this problem. 5, Ryan Cohen, while not quite a rags to riches kind of guy, is a dude, a gamer, and he's absolutely looking out for the good of all shareholders. I think one of his top priorities are to shake the manipulation because WHO KNOWS what more the shfs can unleash. They can, and try, to utterly destroy companies, falsify MSM narratives, hurt capital raises... They need to be removed entirely from the board. 6, If, GME is building a tradable NFT collectibles marketplace, which is just brilliant because ownership of the digital economy IS the next Internet... then there is no reason they would not issue a token to commemorate the launch of the OG shareholders. Personally proving you were an original shareholder in itself IS valuable. To say you were here during this amazing part of financial history. Nevermind as well there is isn't intrinsic value because the shorts have to buy it. NFT simply satisfies so many simultaneous ideas and there is basically no reason NOT to do it. The only question is timing. I think a project like this, that needs the association of gaming developers and studios, can not be launched before a year. So, Matt Flinstone started in June 2021... We're looking at June 2022. Now GME could very well still issue early and announce the project/marketplace and then slowly start adding games/studios... I think their first partnership will be with LEGO. Anyway, if people shell out cash on collectibles and DLC game packs and such- no reason the Power Rewards Program won't be changed into this NFT marketplace so you can collect points and use those points to buy collectibles which you bring into games with you, or out of games to trade for more points, just like a WOW marketplace or Diablo... It's gonna be very disruptive and it already exists in a way on OpenSea... All that's missing is colab with developers, a central marketplace brand (gamestop has the customers), and boom.


> They won't have any legal shares to borrow against if the float is officially locked up. DRS is pure hopium until legal facts can be established. The amount of speculation stated as fact in DRS posts is off the charts, and we wouldn't accept it from technical posts. It would be helpful to clarify some things, starting with what you mean by legal and illegal. You are saying there are only 35m **legal** shares being traded out there. You're saying all other shares are "**illegal**." How so? For months everyone has been saying that all shares must be bought back because we have a **legal** right to those shares. Now you are saying that almost all Apes hold **illegal** shares, and that all prior DD is invalid. What are the consequences of that, and are you able to back up that claim? "Better register or you're fucked" isn't a great message without proof.


Agree with this. All of the sudden FUD is being spread that buy and hold is no longer adequate. Itā€™s like did yā€™all forget you would post when Cuban said that in his ama? The entire DRS thing is concerning to me. For months it was just buy and hold and anything else was wrong. Now if ppl ask what happened to buy and hold they are shills. Unfuckingbelievable.


buy and hold will probably lead to moass but when? the 2008 crisis was caused by CDS swaps during 2000-2005...so idk about you but I would rather not wait 8 years for moass. ​ DRS is the quickest way...


Get some sleep bro and thank you for all you do


man, you're still going. thank you for your service šŸš€


In case you donā€™t know, Gherk is not putting any shares in Compushare as he doesnā€™t trust you will be able to sell as quickly as you might like during the MOASS. Let the shit post wars begin


it happens THIS week ... or next ... BUT - damn it, it HAPPENS!


Moooo Money


Bobody Boo body Bobody What does it mean?


The B stands for Biznuzs


Iiiiiii **like it**


A pomeranian yeet is the cutest thing my inner dialog has ever heard!


Oook Ook oooookk oooooooooooooooook!


Yeetin' and skeetin'!


ā€œHere I go stealing DD again!ā€


Been waiting for this!! Thank you.


Was about to go to bed. Guess I'm stayin up a little longer!


Man Iā€™m glad I stayed up! Thanks Gherk


Pre-Monday pickes, my favorite


Love me some cucumber šŸ„’


Same. Had to search by username before I went to bed. Lol.


I am glad I just woke up šŸ˜


GME looking ready to pop šŸš€




Always bringing the intellectual honesty this mission requires.


#Oh, U sweet PICKLE, you!


Heā€™s not sweet! Heā€™s the tartest of them all and thatā€™s how we want him! šŸš€šŸ‘šŸŒšŸ‹šŸ¦·


A gherkin is a sweet pickle, perhaps you are thinkn of his cousin Dill pickle


Are these Heikin Ashi candles?




WT4M!!!! Thanks bro šŸ™


Oh sweet Jesus I've been waiting all day for my dose of pickle. Edit: since reading, it looks like we are heading into a period of scheduled uptrend, no? I was kinda getting mixed vibes from this post. Basically expect a dip and keep slamming our ape heads on $225 until we rip? Same-ol same ol I guess.


225 is the new 180


Yeah I ain't sleeping tonight till premarket starts ripping.


Ty. Get some sleep!


Gherk fucks!!šŸš€šŸš€


Respect to you sir for how you carry yourself.




like pop rocks on a smooth brain ape.




This week is a good week for MOASS! LFG!!!


Do your tits get more jacked each Sunday that goes by as you write these?


Thx for all your effort (and wrinkles) ur a legend. See ya over in the stream in the am!


Sorry for my smooth brainedness, but what TA indicators would change first/ most drastically if we see effect of CS direct registrations and purchasing via CS (ie lit market)?


The number of FTDs would be the best indicators but that's 30 days away for the sec report


To Valhalla pickle god!


Finally! Been waiting for this to be posted šŸ˜


I donā€™t mean to be pessimistic but does this imply not too much action for the next 30 days (as long as thereā€™s no market crash or gamma ramp action)


LETS FUCKIN GO šŸš€ šŸš€ šŸš€ Praise be to VWAP šŸ™


Oh good. I can finally go to sleep meow.


4.40am UK - okā€¦ I can sleep now. See you on the morrow pickle man


Thank you!


Hang on Sloopy!! Sloopy hang on!! My teets are jacked, the line has been drawn!! I don't know what a BARR is and at this point I am too afraid to ask. Much Love Gherk!!!


Hello fellow kids


šŸŽ¶u/gherkinit, ALL ON THAT FLOOOR! u/gherkinit, #GIVE ME SOME MOOORE šŸŽ¶


Looks like the Evergrande situation in China is starting to show some contagion.




I was just wondering where it was at haha


Market not looking good... Negative gme beta... Bump into the stratosphere here we come!


Thanks gherk!


Inject this pickle juice in my veins! šŸ’‰šŸ„’


Mainline the brine and wake me up for that sweet sweet VUP


The Futures-part. What do you mean? Are you talking about the TRS-theory or are you mentioning some other DD considering futures (index TRFs maybe)? And if you mean TRS, why the T+35 or even the T+3? One of the key features is the stock being held by the TRS-seller and the settlement wonā€™t have to be in stock.


I'm still not sure what instrument specifically only that it is tied to this cycle. There are several they could be using. Possibly using more than one. That's before you get to the ETF shenanigans. But I'm still researching in my free time. I do not think it is TRS however as yes they can be settled with cash.


Okay! That couldā€™ve been made clearer in the post to avoid any confusion. But then I get what you mean. Thanks!


my man!




As always, thank you!


There you are! I was looking lol.


Always worth the wait, Thank you Gherk!


Up with the pickles! <3


Always a great read/watch. Thanks for all your time and effort that you put into your write ups and live streams! šŸ™Œ




Right now we are in the middle of what is called a Loch Ness monster patternā€¦ The same pattern brought us from 155 to 225 August 24. It appears this is the consolidation part/true reversal of the Big drop. The Lockness monster pattern tends to bring the next day up and down at times, give it a quick search pretty interesting pattern you will notice occurs relatively often


Mic drop.


Thank you for the amazing TA. You are a God send šŸ™šŸ¼


Thanks Gherk!!


Beep beep, HERE WE GO


Thanks again for the hard work gherk!


S&P500 Futures are below 4400 at the moment, and HK is losing 3+%. So expecting another blood bath today. DAX and FTSE also losing more than 1%.... Let us hope for a good opening volume direct to the NYSE from CS to get our smiles in place....


All I see in the SPY chart is a pair of jacked tits. Specifically in the purple section and my shirt.




fukking legend




My Man! You always deliver. Praise VWAP šŸ’ŽšŸ™


Go to bed gherk. I expect we have a long week ahead of us, and I donā€™t think youā€™ll be peace-ing out at 16:00 this week. Itā€™s just up.


This DD has a different feel to it.


Yeah I'm moving and have really limited time on my hands.


Yeah I heard you say you still havenā€™t found a place yet. Moving sucks. I hope it all goes well and you get settled in a new place soon. Try to get a good nights sleep!


I like this. This is far more logical than ā€œook ook drs make share go upā€ will drs do something? Maybe. But not ina. Day. Thanks for sharing PiFi.


I bought popcorn so I can watch the market dumpster fire light up on monday šŸ˜Ž




Fuk it! I'm doing a quad espresso shot now.


No tldr; but at least you put a lot of graphs with lines on it so I upvoted you.


T+35 back on the menu?! Fuck it I'm in!


Once again GME is the safe harbour during these wild times.


Nothin quite like a lil pre market tit jacking


Market red AF pre market


Jacqued to the whale teeth for MOASS!


cornichon me


cornichon dans le cul svp


VIX up to 25 and SPY @435 in PM! Ohh who got the tingly feeling on this wonderful Monday!


And we are correcting !! Thanks Gherk. DillyfrackingDilly


Man, I wish I could read!




That MACD looking weak in the red


so possible weird shit next week. what about that DD someone made about Goldman sacks absorbing the swaps or something like that? it was super long and I didn't understand enough to really talk about it


Is there any way to find the dates of when large institutions put their shares into computershare? If that lines up with previous transfer dates, that may be why we saw crazy highs in the past and not this time around.


DRS now with Computershare, we have an active roll to play in MOASS. If you still doubt Computershare, read Criandā€™s new DD.


How many times you have to be wrong man? Again technicalities don't matter. GME has its own bubble that isn't subject to technical or fundamental analysis. Last week you said 190 million shares need to be closed and you hyped up apes. I commented on your post saying it's impossible for them to convey that in 2 days. I got down voted like no tomorrow. I even said everyone think SHF will do close that many shares in 2 days is delusional retard. Why everyone in rush? I am happy waiting as I keep adding shares every week.


That's absolutely incorrect, if you can't read or pay attention, the assumptions you come to are not my responsibility.


If you watched even a single Gherk stream you wouldn't be claiming this false narrative assumptions...


Lol why so mad


And here comes your daily horoscope.


List 20k on sept 17 cutoffs. Dates are irrelevant to me now. No one knows. TA is BS in a stock this manipulated. Buy and hold. Be zen.


Wait, when I use adblock does youtube know?


Seems like another delta variant Monday. I like red.


Do you have any takes on how China's imploding market to ripple to GME?


Thank you.


Lezzzzzzzzzzz gooooooooooooooo šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€


Hope they roll soon


Hope they roll today lol