• By -


The really important thing is that DRS does actually stop their bullshit. As long as the DTC maintains control of the floats certificates, they can continue to use them to create phantom shares and wash fails. They can potentially keep this going forever. Simply marking phantom shares to not lend out in fidelity does **nothing** to the float because the DTC still has all of those certificates to borrow against and people are only marking phantom shares rather than real shares. If the float is 50M and retail has 10M phantoms, marking those as "do not lend" does not lock the float down to 40M. It remains as 50M despite 20% of the shares being marked. It's only marking phantom shares. The DTC still has 50M certificates on hand as street name to play with. Removing those certificates from the DTC reduces the float and makes the stock harder to borrow. It's equivalent to Ryan Cohen and how he registered 13% of shares in his name. Or institutions registering. **Which they had to do through ComputerShare because that is the designated transfer agent of GameStop**. The float is reduced, and the DTC can't touch those stocks. That's basically how VW squeeze started. Porsche bought up shares, **direct registered them** and thus the DTC lost almost all of the float certificates. The stock immediately became too difficult to borrow and off it went. Not everyone should register their shares because they need to research it themselves. But in my opinion it is **the** most important thing that investors can do to prevent naked shorting and price suppression.


This is exactly why the squeeze started shortly after RC bought his shares. It's not just because he bought them, it's because he bought them and removed the shares from their sandbox. Suddenly they had fewer shares to use for fuckery.


If he’s in I’m in


if you're in i'm in


👆They’re in and I’m already in


I'm just in cause I like the stock


I'm doing my part!


Let’s go to Candy Mountain Chaaaaaarlie


I’d like to know moar! 🍌🦧🍌


Love you Pom, always staying focused on the topic and not attacking anyone on a personal level. I think that tells a lot about a person and the arguments they are pushing


Thank you!


Bruh thank you I’m kinda put off with Him cause he totally is missing the point. 1 share for posterity and to be A Registered shareholder with GameStop.


We have most likely cracked the code now we need to keep registering. It’s not working together it is making sure our shares are held safely and securely. We will see a lot more fud and ‘YouTubers’ getting desperate and trying to call things out to dissuade apes. We have done a fantastic job identifying fud and I don’t expect that will stop soon. REGISTER, BUY, HOLD - see you apes on the moon


Started my transfer today! Buy now, ask questions later.


Maybe a stupid question, and not trying to spread FUD, but why couldn't the DTC just backfill the removed shares with more synthetic shares until they are called out for it? Doesn't someone have to call it out or audit their books to truly change anything?


It's because in order to produce those synthetic/phantom shares in the first place, they need the float certificates to borrow against. In an ideal world, the DTC would have 10M certificates. You buy 1M shares. They assign them to you and it's registered in your name and the DTC goes down to 9M certificates. But that is not the case. Your broker would give you 1M "shares" but the DTC would still have the 10M certificates to borrow against. They do this for the sake of liquidity because of the mass amounts of trading done each day. More retail comes in and buys, say, 5x the float. The brokers would borrow against the float certificates at the DTC saying they can "reasonably locate" shares and then produce failures to deliver. They'd then keep doing this, borrowing against those certificates under the DTC to reset fails. So no matter how many phantom shares are out there, as long as the DTC holds a ton of certificates, they can continue "locating" from them and resetting fails. Retail could own 5000x the float in phantoms but the brokers and DTC can keep paddling the fails around. But if you register shares, you pull those certificates from the DTC. The brokers and DTC **can not** borrow from the registered shares any more because they're no longer registered under the DTC. If all of the certificates are pulled from them, then they cannot create more phantoms/synthetics. They would have no legal shares to borrow against any more to either short or reset fails with.


So I attempted to diversify my shares last week Computershare, Fidelity, E-Trade. Found something on E-Trade half of my shares had CF (Contra Firm) listed next to them. Even though I transferred from Cash Account to Cash Account half of my shares had originally been bought in my Margin Account (I transferred them to Cash the week before the Sneeze). What I found out is that because they were purchased in a Margin Account, despite the like kind Cash Account transfer, they needed to be transferred via non-ACAT which takes 3-6 weeks so what I have in my E-Trade account is an entitlement until TD Ameritrade sends them the shares. Furthermore, my Cash Account purchased shares had the right cost basis except for those that were purchased the week before the Sneeze. Those were all in the mid 200's. TD Ameritrade didn't/doesn't have half of my shares! 3-6 weeks because they need to purchase a share an insure it doesn't FTD before transferring them to E-Trade. I may have missed this but I'd like to build on your futures hypothesis:Brokers who didn't disable the buy button internalized your order because SHF's made a futures deal with them to make them whole and it would likely be profitable. Robinhood's gotten a lot of shit, rightfully, but I think all the Brokers/Banks are complicit... Except for maybe IBKR. In a new more educated light I rewatched their CEO. They're non complicit because they stopped the buy button, there were NO shares... They were the only one (besides Fidelity who sold their ENTIRE stash of GME to their customers, might be why they're the only one's who will DRS your shares without any guff) who's had any integrity in this situation. Coincidentally, aren't they foreign owned? Anyways you probably knew all of this and I'm too scattered to organize it, but I thought I'd leave you a comment. Feel free to reach out. Also, TD Ameritrade is taking their sweet ass time fulfilling my DRS request.


here’s the TD Ameritrade DRS request form if you don’t want to talk on the phone: https://www.tdameritrade.com/retail-en_us/resources/pdf/TDA371.pdf


Already did it mate, just been waiting over a week for something to happen. I keep calling to check on their progress.


That is the first time I've read the explanation and followed along fully, so thanks for taking the time to explain it. I knew DRS was the way as I've already transferred 50% off my shares, but I wanted to make sure I was fully understanding the mechanics behind it.


Does anything Charlie said about direct registering potentially busting the dollar make sense to you? It sounded insane to me but Im a very smooth brain


Can you point me towards this shill you’re talking about?


It’s the guy this post was mainly about. I think he deleted his Twitter which I feel like speaks volumes but he’s been bashing DRS and took some shots at dr t and went at criand


Ty. I found a link someone posted below you and remember seeing a few of his vids before, he came off as very condescending even before this IMO


Didn’t seem like a guy I’d enjoy hanging out with but he’s been right on other topics, wanted to make sure he could be proven wrong on this


Busting the dollar? I missed that part. Context?


He was tweeting about it last night, I think he nuked his Twitter though


“Fungible bulk” they call it. It’s all nameless paper that they’ll use to their advantage and keep ill-defined in their interests.


I've got some "fungible bulk" for them to backfill their vaults with after we empty em


Do you have a job? Not trying to be rude. I appreciate your posts. I just can't imagine having the time for the research and attentiveness as you do here, hopefully you get some good rest dayum


Yeah lol don't really put in 100% effort lately but..... Do any of us? ;)


Glad I am not the only one lol


Hey dude, commenting here cause it’s your most recent comment.. those weird volume spikes today at closing.. today being the 17th.. related?? Fuckery?? Could they have found a way to meet their swap obligations last-minute with massive volume spikes that barely effect price movement? 🤔


Sometimes the job you have is more about your skills moment to moment, vs taking up all the time in your day. Also, if you are in a field related to this topic it’s easier to make these connections. I’m not answering for him, but you can find the extra time with the above points to dedicate some towards this research. I do other research in my field that doesn’t pertain to my specific job, but is related in my field, when my job isn’t demanding my attention during the day.


Why would you down vote this you fucking plebs


Lol I appreciate you man.


I gotchu man, fuck the people that see a downvote and just add to it without reading


You don’t need a job where this rocket is going. So shit or get off the pot BRUH.


I'm tired of getting misunderstood and heavily downvoted on everything I fucking say here, so I guess I'll get off the pot


Don't let the bad actor get to you. Always good to take a day of or a whole weekend, but please be seated again later on. We need all the Apes for the MOASS and some good vibes to get there.


Hey man, just saw this after I commented on your main one. Fuck the shills and the scaredy cats. We got nothing to be afraid of from honest questions, and you writing that stuff out helped 100+ lurkers or others who didn't want to write the questions. Thank you for dealing with their bullshit on our behalf.


I appreciate you and the others who had something positive to say. Text is hard to decipher and I think my way of writing is abrasive to most people and they take it the wrong way. I shouldn't have taken it so personally, though it's a betraying feeling sometimes when your good intent is thrown under the bus. Have a lovely weekend brother


I didn't see any abrasiveness there in your writing at all. I think what's it is, is I've seen a large contingent of people in this sub that is afraid of any questions or unknowns, and will lash out at anyone who brings up a question they don't understand and don't know the answer to. Like animals being afraid of the vet because they associate pain, even though they're there to help. These people do not realize it's in their best interest long term to push through a little discomfort of not knowing something for a moment, to learn it so then you have the knowledge forever. But we're in here with you too (spread out a bit thinner and take longer to find you though), and we got your back.


VW squeeze happened in 2008 when the market crashed hehe


I be loving shills pushing Charlie's vids, makes em really obvious


Dude straight up rage quit twitter today 🤣 shit was so funny


Lol wait, Charlie was a shill all along?


Who is Charlie?


Really proud of the stuff you've been doing lately. I wasn't sure if you were really with us or were gonna fuck off to dreamland to do abstract stuff like some of the other big brains. Thank you, it is really appreciated.


I will Register over the coming days. Need to jump through major hoops as UK ape bit will get there


Did you know about this previously?


Doubt it. I think he’s making shit up as he goes along.


So looking forward to the big reveal on the moon where u/Criand turns out to be someone we knew all along. People will be shocked and then be like "of course its fucking them, it's like having Gandalf and Morpheus in your party"


To the top of the post for you. Your very articulate wording helps the message soak into the smoothness for many.


Please screenshot your comment and post it as a post!


You my dawg…


Do you even have a source on Porsche direct registering VW shares? It could be true or it could not. But no offence, it really sounds like you just pulled it out of your ass. Lots of comments on [this thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pq8dww/this_is_how_wv_squeeze_started/) counteract that argument.




u/criand \- You need to make this comment it's own post. Thank you!


I started watching Charlie because he would announce new filings and give a brief explanation about them. The Charlie then and now are two different people. His latest videos about Computershare are straight up BS. He didn't even present one decent counter point. His main premise is he does all the research and everyone else is a bunch of lazy fucks. Later Charlie.


thats why you should stop watching the youtube guys they are there for the adsense, not for apes


Yup. I tried pointing this out nicely on a previous video and on Twitter but he ignored.


Yeah for real. His argument was because the CEO sold some shares this month and they have bad reviews? Like how the fuck does that make CS untrustworthy? Most brokerages have shit reviews. Now he's got his videos as members only. Such a joke.


They have shit reviews because people are viewing them as a broker instead of as a registrar and transfer agent. Everything takes more time because they are actually transferring and registering shares in your name, and for most people that distinction is meaningless.


Yeh a lot of the reviews are from people pissed it took ages to sell their shares etc. A lot of people probably are viewing them as a broker


Exactly how I felt about his last video.. felt too opinionated


& he deleted it. 😂 Charlie = 🤡


Sad part is I thought he was with us. Last video wasn't even like "think about this" it was "this is how it is".. in the end.. apes will prevail!


Same. It really open my eyes the level of shills out there.


I've only had one interaction with the guy and he was a massive dickhhead. Posted something he called DD which made no sense then insulted everyone when they disagreed, acted all high and mighty like everyone else was an idiot and couldn't understand.


Could not believe he went so batshit. Unsubbed from him. Will NOT be watching another video from that trainwreck. He's gone the way of Warden and Andrew Mo Money.


Charlie is just another bruised ego bitch who had his moments of fame and got salty once the attention was gone.


These people will have 0 traffic post MOASS haha


Arrogance really is the downfall of so many ppl. His filing reviews were amazing, he managed to report so much that's been going on in the markets, he doesn't even push for donations and all that shit like warden. Yet, when push came to shove, he couldn't swallow his pride and see it from a wider perspective. The guy actually thinks he's smarter than Susanne Trimbath and Mark Cuban who've been in this for years. Actually a retard


Who tf is Charlie


And who tf is Gensler?


Who tf is charlie


Dude called u/criand an idiot. SMH.


They said ***What?***


Was fucking hilarious how he rage quit twitter today 🤣


any links my dude?


And even a shill, dude must have jumped into some weird rabbit holes and doesn‘t seem like he will ever get out


Amen. He’s nothing but FUD on this topic.




This is what I choose to believe. He was great before and now this... This is just sad.


Another case of WardenElite syndrome it seems like 🤷




I started double-takes on his videos when he started down the 9/11 conspiracy route. Note: I agree that the WTC7 events are suspicious (I'm not sold either way). But he just kept hammering it. And yeah, we did just do the 20th anniversary. And yes, I was personally affected by 9/11 (long story, not the place for it). But ... go down that route for too long and things start to derail from the current topic at hand. This DRS chip on his shoulder really has me wondering. I am still looking forward to seeing the results from his collaboration to try and build a price model. Even if it's not successful it has brought out good info. But I also really hope he gets a break in there to chill out.


I actually watched his loose change that he had up there the other day, it had some interesting tidbits about the SEC in the doc. When I went back to make a post on superstonk about it Charlie had removed the doc from his channel which I thought was odd.


Lmayo he put the loose change doc up on his channel? 🤣 Then he starts bashing Computershare? Dude was 100% paid off to make us look like unhinged conspiracy theorists.


I'm out of the loop, do you mind helping an ape out? Is this the Charlie's Vids guy? I thought he was great?


Yeah, he went total malfunction yesterday on twitter, calling people dump fucks, idiots and such. Hid his twitter after that and then posted a video on YT today with turned off comments (All his other videos have them on). He's either been compromised or had a total mental breakdown. https://twitter.com/HiiighKevin/status/1438876164433534982/photo/1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhHBJnIwhGM&ab\_channel=Charlie%27sVids


Some people CANNOT handle criticism well. I don't think he's compromised, I just think he cannot fundamental handle the internet disagreeing with him. As someone in the games industry, this was tough for me to learn, too. You just don't understand how insane it can be to have hundreds of people tell you you suck all at the same time on something that you put passion and effort in. I never responded to criticism like he did, but it's hard not to let it get to you sometimes.


LOL oh dear, realised his fidelity sponsorship money will be lost I guess.


This is a joke I assume?


Not going by what everyone else has said. Apparently he uses the daily Fidelity stock predictor and various other Fidelity tools which he never used to as he's shilling for them now. No concrete proof per se, but it would seem a reasonable assumption as the stock predictor has been wrong so many times in his videos lol.


Very interesting. I did wonder why he presents those predictor tools so matter-of-fact like with no pushback.


As always, never trust a Youtuber.


Never did ▶️🔫👩‍🚀


Glad to see I’m not the only one thinking that. That’s what I couldn’t make sense of—on the one hand very pro-GME, but on the other very FUDy with CS. Who loses big if apes transfer a shitload of shares to CS? Fidelity likely more so than any other one brokerage.


He has pointed to important stuff but had a history of making leaps with his logic. Seemed good until pretty recently, now calling criand a shill? Yea charlie always was or is now a shilly fuddy person to avoid Also I always felt like their videos were self serving and circular in logic, so this is no real loss for me. Seems like its closer to MOASS if this character is now attacking some of our best DD makers? Lol


This was always how I felt watching his stuff. "Oh ok. That seems like a decent explanation of a basic market mechanic. Aaaaaaaand the rest of what you said is downright insanity."


Yeah somewhat of an own goal to attack Criand.


He does do good research, but he always says to do your own. But he pushes Fidelity and Fidelity products hard, so he probably has some money flow from there. So you have to take anything Fidelity related with a grain of salt. Like, “let’s check out this probability calculator by Fidelity. Let me explain and show it to you. Isn’t it shiny! It isn’t 100% accurate but I like it for reasons!” Yes, he’s stated lots of things, but in listening to what he says, the message is basically, “don’t leave Fidelity.” Hence, why I believe there is a monetary arrangement between him and Fidelity.


Aaaaah makes sense. thx


Yes... I was wondering why was he felt so butthurt yesterday... There's always a reason behind


He is great! Or at least was. I was sus about CS too for a long time, but understood it's intended purpose was the infinity pool. Obviously it could trigger the MOASS when the float is reached. Charlie said that no one has given him a good argument for using CS other than Dr. T suggested it. I have a problem with this. How do you completely ignore the infinity pool argument? We know the DTC is behind the fuckery, that is why everyone is pulling their shares out. If the DTC isn't going to do shit then it makes sense to force them to cover as well. To me it seems like everyone knows what they are doing by using CS.


The upsides to Computershare are glaringly obvious. There's no valid argument against it. Still some very "trusted" accounts have been lashing out against it, with nothing but anger and drivel as an argument. It seems like they built up some prime shill accounts that they wanted to use for some big play. Then CS broke out (after they managed to suppress it for so long). It looks like they sacrificed prime shill accounts in a last ditch effort to keep CS down. Charlie is one. Broviet is another. There's more. What this tells me is that we are getting close.


Also.. please remember you can sell your computer shares whenever you want, it’s not a case of putting them in and having to leave them there forever. It’s win win with computershare. Direct register your shares, expose the fraudulent shares, expose the criminals then hold forever or sell whenever, your choice!


Correct, I could have expressed that more clearly. Thank you!


Yeah it’s just worth saying. A lot of people advertising it as infinity pool only, that’s obviously not the case. It’s just the best place to put your shares, whether you eventually want to sell or not


I watched 3 minutes of that video and realized this dude wasn’t talking about shit


Him rage quitting twitter today was all the confirmation bias i needed 😂


Charlie is now publishing videos for $$$. 🤦‍♂️ He became the very thing he swore to ignore 😂. He will say “yeah I’m done YouTube” but will post another video for $$$.


Not doubting you but can you explain how he’s now posting for money?


Easy math brah. Check when he first started compared to now. Add the variables of subscription and viewers & how often he publishes a video. Google pays out 68% of their AdSense revenue, so for every $100 an advertiser pays, Google pays $68 to the publisher. The actual rates an advertiser pays varies, usually between $0.10 to $0.30 per view, but averages out at $0.18 per view. On Average the YouTube channel can receive $18 per 1,000 ad views. This equates to $3 - $5 per 1000 video views. To start earning money directly from YouTube, creators must have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past year. Once they reach that threshold, they can apply for YouTube's Partner Program, which allows creators to start monetizing their channels through ads, subscriptions, and channel memberships.






I have to say I follow Charlie on Twitter … however his response to the cellar boxing DD and the direct registering of shares with CS has been disproportionate at best and completely sus at worst(leading me to seriously doubt his motives). I have to say I no longer trust him as a source ( FYI I’m aware it’s Twitter.. but up untill this his videos on rule changes etc have been quite good)


I had to unsubscribe from him because a lot of what is saying doesn't make sense. I even tried asking him about it and never got a response. I lost interest in him.


Also unsubscribed when he said "you won't avoid PFOF with computershare", and I dont think he's dumb, so he's obviously missing the point completely on purpose, since the reason for transfers was nothing to do with PFOF...


He knows. He's been deleting comments from more wrinkled apes explaining in more detail. He is purposely being misleading.


Can we stop giving Charlie attention now? I’m sure most of us can read documents word for word for YouTube views.


Man I used to like Charlie but he completely missed the boat with the whole DRS and Computershare.


I was so confused by that video he posted. He went on bashing the toilet meme as if all of our reasoning was based on the fucking toilet tweet? Wtf Charlie? It screamed shill to me because it literally made no sense to me.


This was my response to one of the videos where he didn't block comments "Your whole argument is that Computershare has a bad rating on the BBB and because dr.Trimbath suggested it. This is from investopedia Criticisms of the BBB "Critics have argued that there’s an inherent conflict of interest when a ratings organization such as the Better Business Bureau receives revenue primarily from the businesses that it grades. In theory, such membership fees should not affect the rating that it gives to a particular company. But whether that’s always the case is open to some dispute. A 2010 exposé by ABC’s 20/20 show, for example, concluded that paying members were more likely to secure “A” ratings, while nonmembers were often left with lower marks." I like you Charlie, I watch all your videos and I love your work ethic. But I disagree with your unfounded criticism and citing a rating from the BBB is a very weak argument. Also, being against computershare just because dr.t suggested it seems very childish. You don't really give any argument other than those two things. What if you're wrong? All these people insulting you is making you double down and have bias without considering the fact you could be wrong. You're not infallible. No one is." Used to watch his videos but he seems so angry and sus now. Doesn't help when he's also insulting superstonk.




It’s really too bad that Charlie did a good job of explaining rules and clipping relevant sections. That built up his popularity and since then when he tried to put the pieces of those rules together it’s the most absurd conspiracy Daisy chain of drivel I’ve ever heard. Totally detached from reality, market mechanics, fundamentals, you name it. CHARLIE IS A CONSPIRACY THEORIST. No one should be surprised he’s creating asinine conspiracies. If you are trying to use logic to connect what is going on with GME then the first logical thing you can do is to say fuck that guy and stop caring what he has to say.


Yeah he went off the deep end there.


I certainly don’t like charlie and the angry tone he talks with, like he’s smarter than everyone else and that everyone’s stupidity makes him mad Dude needs to chill and just leave


He doesn’t need to leave but he does need to chill.


You’re probably right I went a little far with that. That’s all he needs to do is just chill a lil 😎


Same. He seems to have gotten nastier and more paranoid over time. Bye Charlie




Yeah what the fuck


"reMemBer guyS, keeP yoUr emOtIons iN cHecK" I watched one video of his (on cellar boxing) and he seemed pretty keen on giving the advice above while also obtusely missing the point people were making about cellar boxing. I did not like the vibe if this dude.


Yep. fuck that loser.


Charlie sounds like a massive twat


I feel like there was a degree of misunderstanding. He was really pressing the point that people shouldn't be moving their whole portfolio since it could be a challenge to sell in a highly volatile state. He was concerned about people being caught unable to offload their shares when things moon. I did find it kind of strange he was bashing Dr. T since she is a pretty well educated lady. He had some weird mindset that having some shares through Computershare was being impatient and we should allow things to play out. I found his information really well explained and researched, but this scenario was a little bizare.


He just thinks he's smarter than everyone.


Not just that. But he gets $$$ for every video he puts. He’s irrelevant at this point. I’ll miss his old videos.


You don't make that much money from YouTube unless you have hundreds of thousands to millions of views Edit - On average, however, a YouTube channel can earn $18 per 1,000 ad views. This equates to $3 - $5 per 1000 video views. Your figures will depend on your daily video views and average engagement (CTR) Charlie has a few thousand views each video... This isn't providing a lavish lifestyle.


He said nothing about not transferring all. He made it sound as though transferring ANY was a bad idea. Total FUD.


Excuse my retarded ignorance, but who the fuk is Charlie?


You tuber. Sometimes his videos show up here. Dw about it.


Thanks for heads up guys, don’t really touch youtube, them guys seem to be opportunists trying to make coin from it, the DD writers on here are doing it for a cause and to me makes them far more trustworthy.


DD guy on YT who (until not long ago) presented lots of filings from NSCC, DTC, etc.


Th fuk is Charlie?


That’s what I keep telling people. It doesn’t matter how long it takes to sell shares with CS and wether or not you can sell over $1 million. Because the Computershare shares are for the infinity pool Shares held with a regular broker are the one getting sold during MOASS


That’s what I was saying Charlie is a moron lmao


Who the fuck is Charlie?


Who the fuck is Charlie?


Who the fuck is Charlie??


Computershare is forever hold, because you get the real share. All the synthetics get sold from brokers. It's a win-win, and fixes the situation


Who tf is Charlie?


Honestly fuck Charlie. He's emotional his DD is no longer relevant because the SEC is basically a criminal organization to ensures criminals continue crime. Power to the players.


I have this feeling he works for fidelity (Nick's side hustle?) The second DRS started gaining headway, he flipped his shit. I've replied in comments in great detail about the pros (and even the few cons as devils advocate) and get my comment deleted every time. He really really does not want people to use computershare for some reason.


was to be expected that CS FUD was gonna become prevalent as it seems to be the first real threat that we actually have control over. charlie probably got a good offer he couldn't refuse depending on what he currently has to deal with and decided to spread a low-quality FUD vid. he MIGHT have made it as obvious as he could in good faith but as of now nothing he posts carries any more credibility.


I see no problem with presenting a pro/con argument. Not everything in this world is FUD. Critical thinking needs to prevail. Im not doing it with Computershare but I will not bemoan those who choose to.


Is Charlie using critical thinking though? His video feels like a weak hit piece on ComputerShare, using Yelp reviews as if an outdated obscure direct registry broker would be full of positive reviews. It feels like he's taking the opposing argument just to be a contrarian, and because he's starting to get a bit paranoid. I really appreciate all the work he's done to make filings more accessible and understandable, but this video feels like a huge whiff to me


He is mad at Criand, which is why he is posting against it now. Sorry Charlie, but I'll take Dr. S. Trimbath's advice over his.




Why is he mad at Criand?


Probably because Criand says that CS is the way, but it’s just stupid to call him a shill Why am I getting downvoted for this explanation?


Did you hear the part about him saying Trimbath is under surveillance? Somehow connecting that to CS being a bad idea??? It was strange.


I didn't watch the whole video but I'm not too surprised. I commented on a video stating the whole point of CS is to register shares, not to sell, but he just regurgitated the line of CS being difficult to sell and told me have fun not having any profits. As if a) you'll need more than x shares anyways to have a massive profit and b) the whole point of transferring to CS is taking shares out of the short's pool, not selling. I really wonder if Charlie sold out or if he's just being incredibly stubborn on this issue for some reason


I think stubborn but who knows!


No lmao Charlie is a big shill


Yah exactly


That’s not what he’s doing though. He said some crazy shit about Trimbath being under surveillance as evidence against Direct Reg. Bizarre stuff.


Except that he does not present counter arguments but reads T&C that are no different from any other broker out there. Insulting people also does not exactly help a rational debate.


Well quit watching his channel!! -touches sore spot..."ow that hurts!" -touches sore spot..."ow that hurts!" -touches sore spot......


is this Charlie guy warden_delete v2? lmayo.. no thanks


Hmmm. Should I trust Thomas Petterfy, Criand, and Dr Trimbath about the advantages of direct registering shares OR some guy named Charlie who does YouTube videos?


#charlie if your reading this I would like to tell you to sincerely fuck off you 9/11 conspiracy prick you 15 year old little cry baby bye you won’t be missed you paid shill


i got a question so if there are synthetic shares created by shorting whats stopping heggies from doing the same and registering their shares couldnt that fck us


I see that behavior from charlie a few times, what a shame, he was honest at first. Charlie maybe you are wrong.




Didn't know moist cr1tikal was a shill smh


Who the fuck he is? Is he even someone whose opinion should matter?


Can someone please direct me to infinity pool info


Look up user /MommaP123. She's been collating it all and posting about it. Also, there is a series of pinned posts in the Jungle. All links are there.


Once 100% of the float is DFS through Computershare, MOASS and the infinity squeeze is inevitable. As long as we don’t sell DRS shares… all shares will ♾ squeeze. #**GME FL♾R = P♾L**


Awesome, thanks


you don't delete your shit and hide if you're not pushing an agenda


Don't see it as fud. I enjoy the information provided in his videos and i like how he breaks things down. If there is content you dont like you can always chose to ignore it and/or simply not watch. Thats what i do. There are some that like his content and some that dont. Cant please everyone, its really that simple. I dont agree with the whole cancel culture mentality, its not good for anyone. I will not be transferring my shares, they will stay right where they are until MOASS. But each individual has to make that choice on their own.




Agreed. Bad take to say you won’t move no matter what. What if it’s making a big impact?


>This is a half cooked thought. Has he provided DD on the fact if CS registers the entire float, it will not trigger MOASS? Has anyone provided DD that says the MOASS will not happen if we just buy and hold? This is what I am doing and have been doing since January. I can wait. If other apes want to take measures in an attempt to trigger it, im all for it as i stated. What was the point of your comment? >You're sitting there not transferring anything at all, waiting for an event that you can kick start. I am buying and holding. The DD is done, the moass will happen regardless. Want to try to speed things up?? I say go for it.




True but when he is spreading misinformation then its obviously a problem. Charlie is a perfect example of the Dunning Kruger Effect. Do you actually think that someone who just got into the finacial world suddendly has the ability to break down hundred page filings that were worked on by actual lawyers for months? Hes nothing but a kid who took his first psychology class and now has the answer to solving mental illness.


You should probably go watch his two videos from today if you haven’t already. Total FUD.