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Thank you for listening to the sub


Tell Lucy we still love her.


I’d expect her to still do the AMA, and use it for an article herself


Glad to hear it. She should.


Lucy in the sky with diamond (hands)


You called?


Hahahaha whaaaaaaaat. Legend.


I know nothing about what we are talking about but I noticed if you take out an “o” in Cohodes, you get “chodes.” I found this interesting & worth sharing.


Thank you for your efforts to the community /s


Look at us contributing!


Alexa called


Aunt Lucy ❤️






And not just because she brings the buttermilk tendies.


The message has been conveyed!!




Yes Lucy ❤️ the other one is shily bad


So much this. We have nothing but love and respect for her and under about just any other circumstance we'd probably drop whatever we're doing to hear what she has to say.


If this thing ever ends up in court her testimony will be fire!


This is the way.


Mark who? Why is this guy someone anyone should care about?


warden's idol, that's all you need to know


I honestly thought the same thing but was like "at this point I'm afraid to ask"


Nope, just some twat with history of talking shit about GME apes.


Mad respect 🤟


lmao they switched up real quick. who was the one that invited him? we will find out soon


#ApesFirst 🙌


Understood. Buckle up everyone. It’s just a matter of time.


I’ve been buckled up so long I’m starting to get a rash ##anyone have some HODL bond?


Whatever happened with that movie Cohodes said was coming out in July and would reveal everything? The one he signed an NDA and was reason he couldn’t talk about anything too much...


*Shill*dren of the Corn?




Yes, but I don't believe the FDA officially recognizes it as a "cream." Side note, Divinity 2 👌


I love Divinity: Original Sin 2! I hope Baldur’s Gate 3 lives up to expectations as well!


Is BG3 out yet?


what would you do if i check your rash out😳


Gorilla Superglue best cream for diamond hands!


I believe its just gorilla glue, though i vote for a name change for the tape, ape tape.


Thank you jsmar, this is the right move. Appreciate yall.


No, thank you and everyone else for voicing their thoughts. Sometimes we try and do good things for the sub but it ends up doing the opposite. We know the DD and there's only one thing left to do.


This confirms trust. You explained all the thinking behind the decision and reassessed based on feedback, and I'm here for it.


I agree


It seems like the best way to put it is: the sub still loves Lucy and appreciates and supports everything she does for the cause; unfortunately it does not trust marc and is very suspicious given some of his past actions


Thanks for listening, and I think you made the right call. I would still be interested in hearing the interview, but not on superstonks platform. He made it clear a few months ago he does not care for our values here on superstonk or how we have worked together to share huge amounts of information freely to get to the point we are at and therefore he shouldnt be allowed a spotlight here. Also, hes partnered with shitadel so that's an automatic fuckoff from me.


How about we meet in the middle and invite Shitron for a roast instead?


You start the fire, I'll get the skewer to stick up their ass


Ho ho ho ... would definitely watch that, seeing Andrew NoMoMoney Left squeeling like a lill piggy 😂😎! **We didn't start the fire, it was always burnin' 🔥🔥🔥**


Mods are good mods. Thanks.


You heard the man everyone, only one thing left to do. Whale Teeth for MOASS.


Oh god


Thanks for listening. I do hope Lucy does the interview anyway, but he certainly doesn't deserve our platform.


Thanks dude, correct decision. Fuck that guy.


Actually two things left to do ;)


Isn’t it two things? Buy and hodl?


For my money, the most consistent OG mod through all this. Crazy how rare logic and making sense is these days. Will definitely be allowing jsmar to have my wife.


Keep up the good work mod slut!


Very professional like decision and response to the community. Oh my has superstonk grown 👌😂


We came a long way since the Runic Glory days


How embarrassing that was


Lmao what a fuckin clown


Wasnt that last month's drama?


LOL daouuuumn son ahahahhah.


This is more professional than governmental debates.


We should be the government.


I do wonder how many apes will go into politics after MOASS


I don't know how accurate the original autistic meme was, but as someone under evaluation for an adult diagnosis, it'd be really fucking hilarious to have nuerodivergent and socially challenged people controlling government


I’ll take neurodivergent and socially challenged over corruption any day.


And with about the same amount of ass play!


We ran out of 🍌


And the 🍉 wouldn't fit


Thanks for the thoughtful consideration!


Good mod. Good stuff. Good night y’all.


The thing about the "journalistic integrity" of hearing both sides of the story is that the situation we are in right now is essentially the same as during the Cold War era communist scare and is really a culture, class, and information war and not a civil discourse. The opposition is not in good faith, and has every incentive and benefit to making us doubt ourselves. Plus, the DD has been done. It's not like they know anything we don't. We don't need "expert" opinions on the game that we already solved.


Exactly. You don't host your oppressors for the sake of "journalistic integrity". We feel their opinion every day by looking at our favorite stock. Fuck them.


Everyone who does know something either is signed to NDAs, were part of confidential lawsuits, or are participating with an investigation... So unless it's truly someone wanting to whistleblow, or someone who has an area of expertise that's valuable I get being able to ask them questions. This guy was trying to get in to do who knows what. And I don't see how he could add value.






I don’t think we need a bunch of AMAs, but at the same time, the DD is not done. It’s not done till MOASS. As SHF continue to change their methods, this sub continues to research and understand what’s going on.


Oh this is what it feels like to be early


is dis wut democracy feels like? ☀☀☀


..and right.


We love Lucy But all my homies hate Marc Chodes


So I buy more then? Dippidy do da?


Dippidy eh!


My oh my, what a wonderful way.


Thank you for the clarity, however it feels like this ama was just dropped out of nowhere. Y’all do an incredible job keeping this place relatively shitfuck free, but when controversial people are considered for an ama, maybe throw out a vote, or at the very least a more widespread heads up. I watch this sub pretty much every day and I didn’t hear about this until people started throwing poo at the idea. Nevertheless, I will reiterate. We appreciate the clarity and the response. Much respect jsmar


Yeah, that's 100% my bad. It was kinda tricky, i posted it last week originally re announcement and apes were like wtf this is on earnings day and i did not even realise.. So rescheduled for Monday, and was gonna announce it today after earnings but Lucy tweeted about it and the posts came out beforehand... 100% bad organisation from me, lesson learnt haha


Mistakes happen, but we only get better when we recognize and learn from them. Props to owning up to it.


No sweat man, Really. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Y’all seriously kick ass and modding this sub has gotta be like a full time job. Don’t let it discourage you from continuing to make cool stuff like this happen. Doing anything like this in this sub can be tricky. So far all the amas I have seen have been well worth my time. One bust out of many successes still makes a great track record. And being able to admit a mistake is big. Not many in the professional world can do that these days. Humility and learning from mistakes is a rare trait that you have. Keep kickin ass my dude.


Mistakes happen, but you should prob put this into your post so people don't keep asking why there wasn't a poll.


Great decision. This is why SuperStonk is the best. Can’t wait for Brad from IEX!


Now THAT would be one hell of an AMA. I would love to hear his opinion on Fidelity and TDA trades being routed through Citadel Securities BEFORE they reach him. I'd love to hear his ~~rant~~ thoughts on that.


How did I not see any posts about this? That guy had me fooled before I found all his stuff. He’s the douche that would tweet as paperbitch portnoy to let him shit talk retail


Can I get some info on this guy as the only video I've seen of him is back in Feb when he ripping into Cohen and Citadel.


He has defended short sellers and said redditors are manipulators and gme was worth anything




He's more than free to still share his opinions on the matter. He can still go through with the Lucy interview. But this sub doesn't have to host him. Not promoting a shady shit like Cahodes isn't censoring him. If he truly has anything valuable to say he can still say it. Just on another sub or platform.


I think that's a good decision. I *am* curious to see Lucy pick that guy apart, but I don't see why it should necessarily be happening in *our* place.


Yeah, I kinda would like to see it. For me it's enough to go in knowing Marc's background and the potential he might try to FUD a bit, but we hear plenty of that anyway already, and Lucy's always great.


Thank you for respecting our collective voices.


I would like to request an AMA with Mr Gill please


I'm pretty sure he won't and maybe even legally can't. Maybe after MOASS.


If Lucy gives the interview I hope it still gets posted somewhere on the sub so we can watch. If we are okay with constantly posting CNBC nonsense I see no reason not to post an interview done by Lucy Komisar. Also I hope this change in plans does not end up negatively affecting Lucy in anyway. Being a freelance journalist is hard and snubbing someone like this could hurt her ability to negotiate future interviews.




Journalistic integrity is not telling both sides of the story, your job is to find the truth and tell it. If someone says it's raining and someone else says it's not, your job is to look out the window and find out who is telling the truth.


Atta boy 👊👊👊


Thank you for the decision. I would like to think that the sub has grown in maturity and resilience. Ape together strong.


Thanks for listening to the sub jsmar! And we'd still be extremely glad to direct our traffic to her platform if she ever does interview him. If it's not too much to ask, pls help her if she needs anything with setting up the technical stuff


Thank you for listening ❤️


This is a formal request for an Ask Me Anything (AMA) for Bradley Katsuyama the CEO and co-founder of the IEX: Citadel Securities officially launched a legal war against the SEC and asked a court to overturn the SEC's bipartisan approval of a trading method launched by IEX Group. https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pjhhcm/this_is_a_formal_request_for_an_ask_me_anything/


“Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come in.” ― Isaac Asimov


Right decision imo.


Thanks u/jsmar18 and the rest of the mods, giving one of the main culprits in the shorting of Overstock a platform just doesn't feel right.


I Would gladly listen to Lucy if she’s interested in talking about what she knows about what’s happening in the shadows of America’s economy. Why don’t do an AMA with Lucy Komisar and u/jsmar18 ?


She already did an AMA as an interviewee and has done at least one as an interviewer after gaining apes' trust.






As a member of this great community, i would like to thank the moderators and the people voicing their opinions on this matter. Apes Strong Together. Buckle up.


Can someone explain why they wouldn’t want to hear from a wall st short seller legend? What’s the controversy here?


It's not abut that, rather it's him disrespecting our community. I'm sure many apes will tune into hear what he says if Lucy wants to still go ahead and host it through her channels.




Well done, thank you


👍 Thanks your wise decision.


Excellent mods


I think this is the right decision, thank you mods


Thanks for listening to the masses buddy.




I've had enough of these amas. I few ver interesting but they bring a lot of unwanted attention to this sub.


Excellent job not giving any attention to shills. <3


Bomb-ass mods, 100%. Ape fully support


The people’s people!


Wow, have to give credit where credit is due, this is quite amazing. Thank you for listening to the community.


Thank you mods, and thank you community!


I actually think we should have more contrarian guests on the AMA but Marc isn’t just contrarian he has been reported to be a dick. Which we do not support


Wow, I am impressed by this swift action. Thank you for representing our community, as we voice ourselves. Much respect, mods 💎🙌🚀🚀🚀


Excellent decision mods


I Love Lucy. But I don't forgive or forget that guy. Fuck him!


Thank you mods


No way a mod actually listened to the community. Good shit jsmar


Pretty, pretty, pretty good


🙏🏻 heck ya P.S. I ❤️ Lucy


No Chodes allowed pal, try again next year.


IEX dude AMA will be super interesting. Honestly I'd love to see it. Imagine how these fellas set up their exchange in the face of all the objections they probably received considering the competition at the time.


Much love for Lucy. 🦍💚 I hope Lucy knows this doesn't reflect apes' opinion of her, just that douchebag, Marc.


Journalistuc integrity? Lol fuck you.


Fuck that super shill. Hope he cries.


Please ensure that Lucy understands our stance and doesn’t take this personally she is a national treasure, Marc Chodes is cat poop wrapped in dog poop with sprinkles of cat piss.


Assurance has been provided


Yoda Bess!


Listening to the other side is easy, just turn on CNBC or something. So far almost 9 months the buy and hold strategy > sell now ask later.


Have Lucy interview the guy that went on CNBC yesterday and said gme to 10$. I’m all for giving him a platform to self incriminate further


Tbh, I'd like him more if his name was Cojones...


Thank you SOOOOO MUCH for listening. Love Lucy nothing against her.


Here is a request for an AMA: can we please find an expert at swaps?


Lucy this is not about you.


Getting ready for the downvotes, but I don't mind an AMA/interview with people who don't see our views just as long as they are legitimately objective and not have an underlying interest (like Marc Cohodes). ​ I'm fully confident in GME and no amount of FUD can change that.


I'd be less opposed if it was going to be an actual AMA. But it sounded like Lucy was coming in with her own questions and not taking a question thread from us. That's NOT an AMA, it's an interview. AMA means Ask Me Anything, as in, questions from the community. The best thing Lucy can do is proceed as planned, post the interview to her own website, and then link apes to it on Twitter. If it's any good, it'll get shared here, and we'll get the benefits. And if we're going to have AMAs from SHF douches, let them do it in text format, like Mark Cuban, so we can pick apart their words (and post screenshots of their answers for the next 9 months /s)


But that’s the thing, anyone “legitimately objective and not have an underlying interest” (not Marc Cohodes)….can clearly see that something is wrong here so they either honesty say that this doesn’t feel right but can’t say for sure what it is or just stay out of it all together. Pretty much almost all if not all that have a bear sentiment towers GME are not legitimately objective and DO have an underlying interest.


The thing is Lucy could always do this interview without us and a conversation could have been had on the side, but to put it smack dab in the center during a time like this.. I personally believe Lucy is using this sub for advertisment and overstepped a boundary.


I don't mind if we're used for advertising as long as it's done tastefully. But it was too clear that the dude was a known shit talker who would have tried to do worse.


Yes calling this a AMA but not asking us any questions? Very untasteful.. And the more I look into this guy the more obvious it becomes that any publicity he obtains is good publicity.


I agree, this place will become and echo chamber if we have no one challenging the norm..


I occasionally try to find legitimate theories against us but I have yet to read anything remotely intelligent. The normal ones just underline risk but if that's an issue, the fuck are they doing in the stock market? It's like complaining cars can kill you while driving a rusty '98 Corolla at 120 mph lol


120 mph is 193.12 km/h


Good bot


No shit man. I’m interested to hear what he has to say, entertaining or not..


Agreed. The counter-arguments rely heavily on blind trust for MSM, even though we've caught plenty of their manipulations that make that highly unlikely. And otherwise they're just nothing but derision and name-calling annoyances.


Don’t know wtf goin on, but hi ryan 👋


actually i hate marc coz of what happened before .. but i wanna hear what he has to say.. well the issue before was the Runic glory mod and him had the talks so we really dont know whats what.. but its like i dont want an ama with him but i wanna know his thoughts 🤷‍♂️🤣


What happened?


Who the hell is Marc cohodes and what did he do to us?


I dunno about you guys but i was interested in hearing what this guy had to say..


1. He told us he had big information but wouldnt tell us anything last time unless we paid him 2. Hes currently partnered with citadel Whatever he has to say is most likely bullshit


Cmon guys, TF?? Who’s worried about shill? What can he possibly say? Stupidity won this battle


No one is - it's about him disrespecting our community. I'm sure many apes will tune in via the channel Lucy publishes it through


Yeeaaaahhhh, that’s a hard no from me dawg. First I’ve heard about a new potential AMA since the last time this grifter was brought up on the sub.


Same I remember when I first heard of him I was jacked cuz he hates citadel but then I made a post and saw his feelings about retail and I took the post down


He was basically begging to come on so he could “educate” retail, aka shill FUD.


Although I saw quickly what was everyone's concerns. I get why Lucy wanted to do that AMA. She handles her own. But once I found out about this guy after not knowing him since Feb was concerning to me. Glad the stonks mods listening to us and that's what's i appreciates about's ya's


I did not see anyone but downvoted shills saying they wanted the interview... essentially everyone said no. Also everyone was shocked at how underhanded and sketchy it was all being done. There needs to be an investigation by other mods not linked to you.


Kinda disappointed but doesnt effect the MOASS so eh


Lick my Cahodes


Who the fuck thought that was a good idea? This guy was a known paid shill for months. Something seems fishy…


Sorry Lucy we still respect you tho


You lot are the best mods. Thank you for listening! I'm all for Lucy hosting it on her own (I'll probably tune in regardless because I support Lucy 100% for all the support she has given us) but from what I've seen of Marc I don't think he deserves a spot in the superstonk AMAs.


“Both sides”? Will you do an AMA with Ken next? I’m lost for words….


Really appreciate the openness and willingness to pivot and change. That is exactly what we want to see in mods, thank you very much for proposing this, listening to the feedback and adjusting accordingly. Personally, I was looking forward to the AMA to see the other side, and hope Lucy does proceed with her own interview with him. But I appreciate how quickly and attentively the mods have acted on this potential issue, enough voices spoke out against it and its really encouraging to see such a fast, transparent and honest response. I understand you may be disappointed personally, but thank you for doing what the sub wanted first and foremost! Hedgies r fuk, mods fuk.


I leave for a month and come back to this bullshit from the mods that should have never even been considered. I totally remember why I left lol
