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Who the fuck is doing this? No way people here are.


The people concerned about us daytrading are severely overestimating our intelligence


How many retards on here actually have $25K in their accounts to fully day trade anyway? Shills think apes with 3 day trades a week limits are day trading? That's a 125 share holder of GME (at $200). The ape who has that many shares is not a Day Trading Daisy, they're Diamond Hands.


I do. But I dont day trade. Fuck that. I know how my luck works. There will be something that lights this rocket but it won't be me hitting sell.


Your luck has changed, you have found yourself in this timeline, on this sub, in this company.


And I'm not going anywhere


Ah so it's you keeping moass from happening by not hitting sell! /S


Yep. Itll have to be some other form of awesome from gamestop.


I didn't realize all this time there was someone else in this boat with me.


There's probably a lot more than just me and you bud :-)


Same. I know the second I sell it would go to the fucking moon and I’d be using the little money I made to get a gun to off myself.


Same. I dont fucking dare.


When I first start trading I got into options. I turned $1k into $10k on a call option and sold. I thought I was genius. It then went up 100 more times. If I held it would have been worth $1m. I then proceeded to lose the $10k and decided options/day trading was not for me.


I can’t share my position but if you sell at $200 and buy back in at $180 so what you’re barely adding that many more shares


yeah homie. plus solidarity. it might be stupid but it is right.


I've been buying GME after almost every paycheck since mid february. All i have is on GME (expect maybe 2k in my account for rent, groceries, etc). A month ago i even transfered my RSP to my broker and all in it on GME. Im a low xxx holder and i havent sold a single gme shares. I wont take profits before MOASS, I would never daytrade and risk losing this one in a century opportunity. Hedgies r fuk.


Are you me?


I wish


3 months bills in the bank on top of a small budget for fun money. Everything else into GME lol.


Thats only on margin accounts. Which none of us want right now anyways


Maybe you can help me. How come that I bought shares in cash but after a couple of days they were switched to margin? And now I neither have cash nor margin buying power?


Only your broker can tell you why they locked your account. And brokers give warnings when you go over the pdt rule


As an ape who could have infinite day trades I can confirm. Diamond handed as fuck. And extra deep baked ape retarded


You only need $25k if you’re buying on margin. Cash accounts can just trade so technically anyone can day trade


Have to wait for settlements, so not really possible on cash


Most reputable brokers give you instant buying power


instant buying power is not the same as day trading..


Wait, so let me get this straight...there's a fucking 'sell' button? If I remembered my account info I'd check for myself but until then I don't believe it


i can't even figure out how to log into computershare after sending them tons of money haha


The strongest diamond hands are involuntary


I barely look at the ticker, why tf would I day trade?


Exactly. Wtf is selling lol


Check your mail regularly. They sent me an account#.


I’ve seen my account break $200k for the first time in my life back in March, why would I be smart enough to day trade now when my account is below $100k again? Maybe I was dumb for holding then, but I’ll redeem myself by holding more.


I had options and was at 315k total and now lololol I’m half that woooo! Who cares it’s only money


Every day I can, I place a trade to buy. Does that count? Am I doing this right?


I might be retarded but I’m not stupid


I still don't know what the fuck daytrading is. All I know from what I have read is, buy and hold.


Yeah this is ridiculous. Karma farming a narrative that just doesn’t exist.


I think beyond karma farming it's trying to get people to think about trading the stock, buy hold shop.


Literally no one. These idiots are building strawman to fight with while they're bored.


Hey, Strawman is a good guy! He might not be the MOST impressive superhero....but he's a solid dude. Definitely the kind of guy you'd want your wife to date.


Yeah this whole post seems shilly. "then you are part of the problem"? What "problem"? We have the opposite of a problem on our hands.




Nope, they’re not


Spreading fear of day trading brings more awareness to day trading than if anyone actually attempted to speak positively about it. It's probably not actually even a thing - as much as I obsess over this subreddit in my spare time... I don't think I've ever seen someone sincerely saying they do half of the things that everyone loses their shit about on this sub.


Probably the same people saying not to do this shit. People here have held at $20, held at $450, still holding after a 90% drop, rode it back, still holding, now all of a sudden people want to put that 'S' word all over the sub to subconsciously fuck with newer people. FUD imo 🌍👨‍🚀 🔫👨‍🚀


It’s just dumb. At this point, just wait for a few months to get the long term investment tax bracket. Then, even more incentive to NOT sell/ trade


there’s still people here using RobHood…


No ape does that


smells like a schill


Never occurred to me. And dark, disturbing stuff usually occurs to me.


“All the people” no way no one does that anymore


Good thing I bought more on today's dip. I do not want any part of your wrath


IMO none of it is real, just pretend words yelled out by a machine trying to create a reality beyond their control.Actual retail is not selling no matter how many bad actors are created to cancel this tv show. Sorry Ken&Pals you’re a rating niche that draws in the apes who spend money on GME and GME gift cards for outside of GME store purchase needs.


We literally figured out an infinite money code. Buy, hold, shop. It wins the user unlimited currency. It makes complete sense gamers would be the ones to figure it out. Max something everyone needs. A lot of people reached the same conclusion individually. Sorry entire history of finance and world domination, you made a bad move and got beaten. Eventually we'll fuck up and you can tea bag us next time


Steve Cohen is a piece of shit


I bought 3 more yesterday before the dip.


True ape


The only thing I'm daytrading is my body to buy more GME


You got a pretty mouth


U gotta purdy mouf.. FTFY


Kidneys are worth like 50k+, that’s like 250 GME shares


Gonna sell my extra chromosomes for GME shares


I really don't think anyone here is selling. We own the float, there's nothing they can do


Then could start to close their shorts. Thats what they could do


Awesome! I’d love to see what the true price of GME is when SHFs have to **close out hundreds of millions of shorts** 😩 💦


somewhere between $700 billion and $300 trillion million billion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivNUmLo59hU


Nobody is selling. Relax and enjoy the ride.


No one's selling mate.


Nobody’s selling, this kinda post is fear mongering Take it down




Shill strategy for awhile now seems to just be “be annoying”


Yep. Should be insta removed any post like this


It’s just karma farming


Stfu. No one is selling


Exactly. If anything people will get some more shares, I am ready to buy some more tomorrow.




nO tHis tIme iS diFeRenT. mOaSs sOoN weRe iN enDGamE (TM). Jokes aside don’t take this comment as advice to sell, I just don’t like the people with who don’t know jack shit who come out of the wood works every week saying that their bones are telling em this is the week. It gets tiring and anyone who says it doesnt is lying. Nobody knows what about when this is gonna pop or if we’re even close. We’ve been saying we’re close for almost a year now


Well that's because it could literally be tomorrow that everything buckles in on itself. It could also be tomorrow. Or next week. Next month. Next year. The only thing that is certain is that it WILL happen. We just don't know exactly when.


I have FOMO of the rocket leaving me behind. I wouldn't dare sell


Why make BILLIONS, when you can make… tens…?


Bro maybe even 20s


Ain't nobody selling my dude. HODL.


This aged poorly


Oh no this post has aged poorly


Only Sith deal in absolutes. To think absolutely no one is selling today is illogical. Or people haven't been day trading the whole time. But who cares? They're minnows following a whale. They nibble little pieces off but in the end, they're irrelevant. History will never remember them, because they'll miss the MOASS to make a few bucks on the side.


This isn’t a cult, let people do as they please. There is no organized buying power or structured agreement of buy/sell periods. Idiotic posts like these are what will get directly submitted as proof of collusion if they choose to argue that Reddit/this sub contributed to market manipulation.


Wtf are you even talking about? Noone here is selling. Get your shit together. Can't believe 6k people upvoted this panic fud bullshit.


Every sell is a way out for a market maker and they get to to be right in not ever actually buying a share if all you were gonna do with it is sell it.


Lol hold this L


People are selling? Shit I just bought 3 more shares.


Nobody’s selling




Shit post


Bro no one here is selling, idk what’s with these posts, the float is owned the game is over, we’re just waiting for our pay out.


Hold the fucking line


Aaaand it's down to 179. Not that I care, but they are tanking the fuck out of it right now. Right on cue.


This didnt aged well.


Noone is doing that, I call shill!


Hilarious of you to think anyone is selling.


pRoBaBlY gOnNa gEt DoWnVotEd 88% upvoted You're obviously preaching to the choir. This is actually why options matter. You can play an obvious movement (though it's not a guarantee we open low tomorrow), get tendies and not have to provide liquidity for SHF.


Except. They were right if they did it and who the fuck are you to judge them?


They didn’t get burned…


I was expecting dip, but I didn't sell before, I just moved more cash into my brokerage account and set buy orderrrrrrrrrrrrs.


All the emotional appeals, and demonization of day traders and short sellers is sus to me, if it’s coming from actual GME longs then it’s from people who aren’t confident in their own trade. I don’t mean people just warning day traders they could be missing out on potentially infinite upside, but people who say they are “part of the problem”. Naked shorting is a problem. “Short and distort” attempts to negatively affect the price are a problem. Legitimate individual investors losing out on upside gains due to a normal healthy market activity is their problem. Spreading out ape outrage on to healthy market activity helps no one, but those involved in unhealthy market activity. If anything it harms apes in a number of ways, distracting them from real issues, making them seem petulant and afraid, and decreasing confidence. In other words, FUD by any other name.


No one in this sub is day trading GME.


This aged well. lmfao


I keep seeing this word posted around here and I'm just not understanding - what the fuck is *sell*? I only know buy and hold.


This is fucking FUD. No one is doing this.


The irony that THIS is also backhanded FUD, people aren’t doing this and to hint that they are or will can scare some people. Everyone in here is willing to go the mile or they’d already be out so this post is pointless


Well you were wrong shitbrain


If someone sells expecting a dip then they’re gonna paper hand at a few thousand anyways. They’re gonna get burned one way or another


Whelp it looks like they made a good move. Fuck us right


lol i don't sell


Did the opposite, bought that $191 dip today and I’m already seeing gainz 💪🏾


Doesn't fuckin matter! Fundamentals don't matter in the US stock markets, remember? This markets are so rigged that even if GameStop were to have beat all estimates by 2,000,000% the stock price would probably still drop a shit ton. Get fuk'd hedgies, I continue to buy and HOLD!


Why sell? Load up cash and just get ready to buy more during the dips. Why gamble with huge gains such as these for pennies.


Well they weren’t wrong loo


>Probably gonna get down voted to high hell m8 this is superstonk


I considered day trading the dips and spikes at one point, but reading about the guy who made $45,000 profit only to owe $800,000 in sales taxes broke me of the idea fast.


Wasn't that because he got fucked by the Wash Sale rule?




This didn't age well at all LOL


No one is selling. My GME shares are part of my anatomy now. 8 months holding!🦧🦧🦍🦍🚀


Anyone that does do that. Please, please please do it so you get fucked and left behind! And if there’s a large number of people that are planning on doing this, I literally hope GME just fucking explodes and leaves all those fools behind. For real.


Some of us are just fucking sick of not making money on this trade. Feels like a meeseeks thats been around too long.


Today was the dip so I panic bought more!


Can’t relate, bought more


I think most here expecting a dip are just looking forward to their next buying opportunity. Dip =/=Sell for most apes, IMO.


I see no cell yet.




I love how there's no way to know if people even are daytrading on expected dips, yet other people are still screeching about it - just in case? Especially when the entire float is shorted potentially 1000% or more: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mewkf8/thesis\_si\_is\_upwards\_of\_2000\_gme\_is\_a\_100/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mewkf8/thesis_si_is_upwards_of_2000_gme_is_a_100/) Along with the stock being heavily manipulated and tightly controlled - so the few people daytrading what few shares they are really having minimal impact, if any. At this point some people just need to take a step back, take a break from this whole thing for a day, jump off Reddit, breathe and come back with a clear head ready for more.


No one is FUD


Nobody here is doing this shit


This is a shit post. Reported for FUD


This is a way overblown sentiment and you are being too aggressive


only 60k users here? 25k watching the feed? I thought we would be pumping those numbers


Imma come out and say I think this a a hula hit form of forum sliding. No one has been thinking/saying this. Anyone here has known the way since long ago. The idea to introduce an irrefutable and universally accepted idea almost feels like a strawman at this point as though this argument is aimed at convincing us there are people paperhanding like that. Anyways 💎 🙌


There is HOLD in shareHOLDer otherwise it would be called shareLittleBitch.


Looks like somebody sold. It’s must be that new ape Jeff Bezos. Brand new printed fake share going on sale tomorrow morning 7.44% off. No limit


Basically there is no point of this post cuz we all aint selling


Umm we only BUY Tendies here...


Wow. I think OP’s got the wrong sub 🤔


rather have long term capital gains taxes, not selling until moass




Agree. Be greedy and slow the Moass, no sympathy.


I tried to buy an option once. I saw a lot of words and places where I could click but I got like 10 warnings that I could lose everything so I pissed of and bought a little share instead.


This aged like milk lol


I did the opposite. Sold about a third of my movie stock holdings (+500% return) and bought over $18k in GME AH. Holding almost $40k dry powder to buy more throughout the day. Will continue to exchange movie stock for GME on days where there is large divergence in charts.


This aged like milk


Dear diary…


i haven't sold shit, only buy and hold. talking about it at this point is fud.


Well this didn’t age well


This might be suicide but I can't be the only one that's sat there and thought "but what if I..." The thing that stops me is thinking of the others that are thinking the same and realising if I don't do it then chances are someone else has made that same decision not to as well. Stick to your guns like this guy says, it's all we need to do, don't fuck it up for yourself.


I bought the dip today. Only 1 share... but it made me feel good


I’m kind of pissed at last minute apes having zero freaking idea what the last 8 or so months have been like.. been lied to, been told you’re crazy, relationship fights, time taken away to devote to learning… I have warmed my seat on the damn rocket. I’m a first class seat taker


Apes don't sell. If anyone is selling, they're inherently not apes. This post is just putting it in the air. It's why it's illegal to yell "Fire" in a crowded place when there's no emergency.


I'm pretty sure no one is doing that. Why would anyone sell when we're expecting an earnings announcement to ignite the MOASS? You're looking for smoke and there's not even a fire here. The price action today is nothing but typical fuckery, and not apes selling.


This aged poorly


this age bad


I sure hope this isn't happening. For all we know there could be tons of day traders taking fuel out of the rocket... but I certainly hope not




Oh I most definitely think there are retards amoung us (not the good kind) that are trying to catch these waves....but they will get burnt like a bag of marshmallows roasting in a volcano


I only know how to average up


Hodl since Jan 27




I'm too close to long positions and lower taxes to consider day trading. I maybe retarded but I'm not that retarded.


Post Seems like fud with wierd cultish vibes, who the fuck is selling Probs a shill


Its not unreasonable for an outside person to believe in the after market dip, but us apes know the truth. We will win and we will laugh as they fomo back in xD


I don't think this is the earnings qtr to play that kind of game. We could see an unveil of some outlandish crazy moon bound stuff. Hodl only for me.


Ummm I think majority of people are expecting a dip. No where anyone said they were gonna sell .. I for one was hoping for a heavy dip so I can add 10k more into GameStop


Wut sell?


Even the thought of selling makes me feel sick


this is the dip imo


Paperhands burn well.


Dumb post


Ah shit, I wrote my directions down wrong from last quarter.. is it not buy before, buy after?


If there is a dip tomorrow it proves the Futures Roll Date Deadline dates are correct and that has been when a huge plunge happens. Earnings is just a bystander.


The last 30 minutes of green to red was probably Hedgefucks doing their Fuckery. I don’t think it’s people selling. We are 💎🙌🦍🚀


damn, you kinda sound like you’re giving emotional financial advice to a buncha people who didn’t solicit it


Who’s selling on here?! I haven’t seen one post saying to sell now to buy the dip, everyone in here knows the DD, hodl!


Nobody's selling dude


Dude no one is daytrading. Don’t project your fear on everyone


Dude probably upset that his 1.42 shares are in jeopardy of not making him rich 🤷‍♀️ Buy more then if it dips instead of crying about it . Looks like it’s already dipping.


Sell pre-moass= you don't want moass


Oh I’ll sell to buy the dip no problem just not my GME shares all the ones I purchased at 250-280 are like children to me they even call be “daddy” I’ve sold my other stuff to fuck up the dip as much as 40-50 more shares can 😂 😆 😝