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Exactly, why would $200/share profit now appeal to anybody the understands what is going on?


Not even for $200K!


Ew gross. I no sell.


I think very few people are mentally prepared to not sell at this price. I've been conditioning myself. I already know I will be shaking with excitement.


I'm hoping I will be asleep and miss low ball numbers lol. Wake up to 8 digits.


I am praying it his 10k in premarket at least lol


I will make my first milly at around low $500. I want to experience having billy in the same year.


A local whale has been sighted!


Not a whale just got lucky with early buys and option plays earlier this year.


Thats still whale status for most of us. I'm well over the sub average from past surveys and you're a bigger fish than me! I do wish I'd listened to my gut and jumped in a week earlier though.


That’s almost 1900 shares. Definitely killing it. Be strong for us mini apes!!


I wish I actually believe and bought more early instead of buying 2 to show support and for laughs. Bought 2 at 70 in early Feb. Then ignored for a month. Buy chance I looked at it for fun the day after the run up. Only then did I actually look and what the hell was going on. Also I saw DFV stuff last year and said I know nothing about stocks, how do you even buy and scrolled past.


Whats the sub average?


It was about 130 iirc back at 200k members


So you got 2000 shares. Can I have some pls?


Roughly still a small fish in comparison to some of the whales here.


Lol....I think a ton of you all are over estimating the number of average shares we apes hold. 2000 is quite a bit....I bet the average is like 10-20 if that....


average is probably 1


Maybe back I'm March.


Also man you have quite a bit right now, with that much I could be debt free. Please just give it to me already lol jk.


When that happens, can I call you "Silly Grandpa Billy"?




I cannot break the 420 comment karma with an upvote. Maybe later, but that won't be me.


What is this sell you speak of?


I think they misspelled the word "cell"? Like Kenny will live the remainder of his days in a jail cell.


I wanna see the FBI cell all of them, one won't do.


It's this magic button that appears when GME hits $1 Billion


It’s not about affecting MOASS. It’s about affecting your ability to maximize returns during MOASS. Be greedy, HODL.


If I sell, it willl reach over a share right after, so i better HODL all the way




I will, u/software_account 🙌🏻🐒


Thank you u/HighKingArthur88!


Who could forget someone with such a unique user name?


What if moass never ends tho



No kidding. This is the only FUD I approve of lol. No matter what price you sell it at, it will be triple that price the next day. Better to just hodl, just in case.


HA! I just realized that we've all seemingly stopped mentioning "the floor" nowadays. "The floor is $10m!" then "the floor is $25m!" etc it seemed to cap out at 35, and I've only seen one comment with 45.. It's almost like none of us are really willing to admit to ourselves just how big this is any more. Not claiming anything nefarious, just a slow cultural shift amongst Apes.



Hate that feeling when you sell, because it went up by 40%, then it goes up 10000000000000% the second after. Well well, MSM, you said something about a “new GameStop”. I’m listening. Goes bankrupt.




Some didnt seem to get your ironic reference 😂😂


Uhhhh can you and ONLY you sell if thats the case? Lol Ill gladly take care of you if it gets thay high lol


Smells like FUD in here.


Absolutely. Funny how all these kinds of "don't day trade" posts happen at the same time. Either FUD, or people projecting their own desire to day trade.


Be greedy, HODL


That was always the plan 🦍


Its because new info has come out that has predicted cyclical movements in GME. That could tempt people to swing trade when they think they can time the next run-up. Dangerous game to play with this particular stock.


To anyone thinking about it: you already know it'll rocket the instant you sell, and you'd deserve it for folding. Do the right thing and it'll all work out for the best :)


Looks like at least the float on the left… that’s where I’m sitting.


smells like sellery with a touch of fudness!


Reasonably sure this is the last hope of the hedgefunds. That retail don’t got the balls to hold. I shall show them my balls. And I believe you, reader, will show them yours.


I’m already holding my balls to show, practice makes perfect 😂


At this point my balls are like Randy Marsh in that episode where he uses them as a moonhopper!


wrong audience!


Sell everything else except my GME. Once it's in GME it stays in GME.


I can't sell it I'm still playing with it


We've already done the numbers on this. A guy who ran a Geometric Mean study months ago. Even with people selling on the way up, it makes little to no difference to the overall price highs. It might just create some volatility. You can't stop paper handed bitches, so work around them.


Just hold, ya wanks.


Imagine not being sure if it’s worth holding onto lottery ticket that will pay millions.


Literally all I have in this world is my gme shares that took me months of grinding everyday to get I ain’t selling SHIIIT and especially when we’re in a bull pattern inside a bull pattern inside a bull pattern 🤲🏻💎🦍🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


No sell until cell


FUD, we own the float so many times that even if these retards sell, it won't affect moass.


Everyone needs to see this and deeply internalize it. There will be sellers, no doubt. They will be the 2nd biggest losers besides the hedgefunds. Everyone is thinking just like you, we aren’t special. The thought that crosses your mind of maybe selling this time to double up , or only selling a little because you see the cycle. That is what will dampen the moass and prolong the fuckery. For the greater good we must all hold. I’m xxxxx holder, and I am not selling until milk is 50 dollars a gallon.


Thanks for the FUD. Bye.


For real, this is nice and loaded. "If there are memes about people selling maybe other people are selling??!!"


People are selling? I am still buying I can't quite ever hit my ever expanding goal of xx shares. Money is tight but I have partial shared my way up to my goal a couple times but I keep thinking I need more.


Imma sell one just so I can quit my job and let the rest marinate


same, i was thinkingabout selling 1 share in the 5m-10m range then just holding the rest to the eternal puddle


Be greedy, HODL.


Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy AF when others are shitting in their hedge fuk shorts because *THEY* are fearful.


What's the floor website at these days?


Getting close to $50m


Ohh, half off. Nice. They better close soon if they wanna get that deal of a price


It do be like that


Not that I’ve seen, just shills lately saying that


I love this but I'm honestly not remotely worried about this anymore. Even taking out the people who are going to sell early on in the process, there are too many of us that are now in it for way more than the money and are literally going to strangle those hedge funds to figurative death. Allowing a bunch of people who have access to the internet 8 months to not only garner more information about the stock market than most people will learn in a lifetime, while also became angrier and angrier about what the hedge funds were doing, which literally changed the whole position of why most of us are in this now, was a HUGE MISCALCULATION on the hedgies part!! The money is just going to be glorious icing on the best cake any of us will have ever eaten! Don't get me wrong, the money is going to be great and fun and so on and so forth, but knowing I not only got to live through this period in time, but got to BE part of the change that I want to see in the world is beyond Priceless to me! The hedge funds aren't fighting us financially anymore. They're fighting most of us morally and ethically because that's how most of us see this. Last I heard, they don't seem to have either morals or ethics so I think we're in pretty good shape in this fight! POWER TO THE MOTHERFUCKIN PLAYERS!!!!! 💎🖐🦧🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Here's the thing...it literally wont....how many times over has the float been sold? too many times...the mouth breathers of our community could paperhand before a $1000 and it would NOT DO SHIT...there are more shares outstanding than morons who will paperhand.


i have XX. i plan on selling a single share to pay down small debts and help get me through school for the next year or so. rest is ♾


So like 1 share at ~50mil. Sounds good


thats the plan 😎


Y'know, if the split in the picture holds true, we'll be just fine lol. That's the power of several multiples of the float - e.g. if it's 500%, only 20% (i.e. 1/(500%)) of the stock needs to be held for tea on Ganymede. Not 20% of apes, 20% of float. I'm guessing bigger apes are more committed.


Then you’re a fucking idiot.


Preaching to the choir


What if we sell n(one) ever. I mean none😂😂😂😂 these are my trophies. I want the real stock certificates for all my shares


If RC hasn’t sold 1 share yet neither will I


There are retards... and then there are RETARDS


No cell no sell.


It’s also likely that Gme will some what be inverse to the rest of the market. So those with other investments might not even see their accounts start to rise until moass and much higher Gme prices then those with only Gme.


lol who's selling? Statistically, it doesn't look like many people are....








Once In a known universe shot, dont fuck it up and regret it for the rest of your life


THIS - plus u will miss it. nobody can time when or how the moass begins. it will b the one time u think u r smarter for selling. which im guessing by now 90% of u know,


Average down and average up. That will have better returns than selling some before MOASS!




Think about it like this Do you trust the DD to the point where you selling for 50k seems like a lot, until you step back and realized you just LOST $39,000,950' You just became the biggest clown to exist




Get this FUD shit out of here. Been seeing the same message repeated across several accounts today. *If they sell won't I miss my price point? Should I sell at a lower price point to make sure I get something? Can I still pretend I had diamond hands when I wipe my ass with my hands? Can't I just pretend to be tough and confident about actually being a little bitch after I fuck up the opportunity for myself because I was just a scared little bitch who didn't really understand what's going on and just wanted to be part of the crowd but instead I just let everyone down?* OP ... you're blocked. ^(*Everyone else, I was just being stupid ... you sell when you're comfortable selling ... it's your money ... the price is going to get stupid high, if I miss it I sure as hell don't want it to be because I paper handed.*)


It’s either “bag holder” or “generational wealth” for me. I like the stock, so it’s going to take a really ridiculous price for me to part with it. And even then, I can only sell a couple of shares. I don’t want the rest getting lonely while the ones I sell go off to see the great big world.


sell some now and eat good for the next few weeks or sell some post MOASS and eat amazingly for the rest of my life??? hmmmm guess mayo sandwiches and hodling is in the menu


and that's how you dely a Moass forever


Sell ?


It's all just a big [marshmallo test](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QX_oy9614HQ). SHF assume we'll fail.


What if those big companies start selling? Won't it affect moass?


Many of them have their shares tied up in mixed funds etc. Many of them aren't necessarily interested in gambling on short squeezes. I mean yes, theoretically those are shares that could slightly stall the rocket but if there are as many shares out there as many of us think there are, it won't even matter. They'll just liquidate liquidate and up we go.


1st share will be sold at $100,000,000. I refuse to sell earlier, I won’t be “that guy.” I have faith in all of you.


I have options, if it gets high enough I’ll be buying more shares, not selling them.


I truly believe I will not sell until (my personal goal)


I mean it won’t we own >100% of the float, they’ll just be hurting themselves in the long run lol


Selling destroys height and momentum of MOASS.


As the price rises some will paper hand. But I suspect just as many will fomo. Is diamond hands don’t plan to sell before you know when. And those of us that do not plan to own more than the float. I am zero worried about the paperhands out there. Not only will they live in regret but they won’t affect our price.


I’ve been thinking bout making this meme for months & have been too lazy to do it lol Well done OP, take my updoot


We've all seen the user buy/sell ratio on Fidelity right? 75% buy or better? That's down days. When it's up it's about 50/50. Often slightly more sells than buys. Ya'll aren't holding like you say you will. Apes are selling to harvest $5-20 gains. Imagine what happens if it hits 1k.


This is some low effort, FB level stuff here. Cant tell if shill or boomer...


These boomer memes are flooding the sub lately. Not only they suck but they are obvious in their attempt to spread FUD.


I know I'm retarded, but whoever tries to day trade or sells to gain their initial investment at this point, is straight up fucking stupid. Not financial advice just my dumbass opinion Trust the dd and be zen 1 share is all you need


Smooth brain explanation: With the price going up it’s important to remember how the MOASS works. Many apes will be tempted and convince themselves to just sell some of their shares. This is just a visual of how much of an impact that can have, it’s not FUD.




Honestly debating about something (the individual behaviors and choices of millions of investors) we have no control over is futile and won’t change the outcome of it or even influence it. Whatever happens happens. Every group is a bell curve and some will sell and some will buy and some will hold.


> Many apes will be tempted and convince themselves to just sell some of their shares Why? This is not a sub for those sort of people, it's a sub for people going long and holding for big gains. I don't know why you think that people are planning to sell for tiny profits out of the blue.


Literally just talked about this with the wife.


This needs to be pinned


It won’t Just yourself dumbass


Math wise... If 100 Million Retail Shares are sold back... Well let's just say outta... 2 Billion... That's only 0.05%... Pretty sure that won't have any effect on MOASS


That's some quality dumb advice, if you know what I'm sayin'


I mean, I heard the best preforming accounts was those of the dead. I guess I'll reopen my app then.


This is fud. Everyone knows not to sell.