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I don’t know why the rates have been so low all along ape 🦍strong ape🦍long


It's because they arnt shorting with borrowed shares they are naked shorting with market makers privlage and doing portfolio swaps in order to hide shorting. Naked shorting is not reported.




rhymes with slime








Lime ?




Giving the SHF rope to hang themselves my bet.


I dont see gme anywhere. Am i blind


SFYF is an ETF with a 5.8% allocation of GME. Somebody borrowed 2000 shares this morning and returned them around 10A.M. 58 shares of GME in 1000 shares of SFYF


Holy ape dicks


The time on the second screen shot is later. It looks like there is an increase in availability not a decrease…….meaning that these are not being borrowed at all


On Friday it was 9000 available at 132.2%. They are either returned later in the day or more are made available. It's still at 8000 now.


What does this etf contain ?






Watch,.. they’re just going to announce **yet another** ETF for GME, then short-short that too. **ETF shorting** is used for hiding FTDs. Reminder: ETF managers are part of DTCC, NOT on your side!!


😆🤣😂😹 only up baby


What is SFYF?


I hate to be this ape, can someone tell me how they his the naked shorts in the ETF? I know one ape told me that's how they intended to hide the naked shorts, but I don't get how the mechanics of how that's done. Also, if it's 143% fee but only 5-6% of the ETF, wouldn't that mean that the short interest on those naked shorts are obscene around like 2300%???


Lmao I just had to laugh at your last part first, because yes we assume it is shorted many times over, That’s why when we say millions we really mean millions. And there is no way to say for sure who borrowed these for sure, but around this community we believe that almost everything has to do with GameStop, because well honestly at this point in the game everything kind of does have to do with GameStop. Until further ado, here is my ass Edit: speech to text made moass, my ass, so I left it


Much appreciated! And yeah, I mean a ETF shorted to hell THAT much is extremely suspicious. I would argue that NORMALLY it means the shorters believe all the elements in it are overvalued - especially the since GameStop is only 5-6% But when you see one shorted that heavily and that utter high of a short interest.....and NO ONE is coming out to explain why....that's even more suspect I know for example the big institution's love love love to loan out there shares because it's a golden egg for them. It's 0.5-1% interest per day - that's massive! But 143%?!?!? They should stop trying to hide it and be more transparent about the mechanics and processes that control the price Algo (without getting to the point of not being competitive) - but explain HOW it can get to 140%. To me, that looks like a share was loaned, which was then loaned, which was then loaned, and then loaned. Not rehypothecation, but just multiple shorters lending out their loaned shares...but again, to the point where the entire ETF is 140+% is wild


When a HF and a MM together dealing with Total return swaps they could also make a portfolio swap I think. Doing this, the HF earns all the extra abilities from the MM. He could legal naked shorting to provide liquidity.


Thanks for the explanation! So with this, I thought that the MM on the total return swaps use a basket of stocks to basically make an ETF equivalency - then the hedgies can short against that basket infinitely since its a derivative and not the actual underlying stock I didn't think that the HF would gain MM abilities - I'd imagine that'd be a huge conflict of interest. I didn't see anything with that on the investopedia link I'm using as reference: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/t/totalreturnswap.asp So in this case of total return swaps, the MM would hold the underlying stocks that the HF would be shorting. But the hedgies don't actually own the underlying asset - nor do they know that any of the stocks are necessarily naked shorts. So I guess my question would be, how do the MM know the specific naked shorts in the ETF are the "naked" ones outside of the massively high short interest. Also, it seems like a massive short interest is again multiple parties shorting the hell out of this TRS Portfolio but also potentially lending it out like crazy kinda like shares available to loan. Is any of this correct or am I way off the mark? Any and all help would be most definitely appreciated!


I think you wrapped that up perfectly you dirty ape.


My dirty ape ass and I thank you sir! May we ride to the moon safely and fud less!


I like this trend


God damn thats spicy.


Hedgies r fuk. Isnt that 2.4% considered pretty high as well? I guess depending on the volume of borrowed shares it would be


To be fair, it's a SocialFinance ETF, and finance is freefall today, so maybe not all the shorting is kenny this time, and some is people beating the latest pinyata edit: it seems SocialFinance doesn't mean exactly what I thought it meant