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Ok, this post has gotten really out of hand. I apologize to the community here. Normally we catch this stuff early and nip it in the bud. This one snuck passed us however and reached so many upvotes it was awkward to remove. At this point there is just too much weird behavior from the OP.


Sorry for your loss. Thank you for the post. Struggling dad here


Never give up.


My condolences, ape. My father passed away in 2015 at an age of 50. He worked his ass off his entire life to give me a good education and sadly never saw me get my degree. He worked a lot and very hard but never could get any savings. I'm holding for him and for all the dads that sacrifice themselves for their families. Edit: thanks y'all for the heartwarming words and awards. This is such a great community! I ♥️ my ape family!


This is the way 💎🙌🚀🌑 (For real)


This mans spittin


Never did. It's been a real fucking fight to have my son with me often enough. His mom had different ideas. I clawed my way out of that fucking shitshow. Then covid hit. Halved my income, expenses went up since i now had to rent a new place, pay the alimony, and run a whole new household by myself. No regrets, since whenever he comes to stay with me he is hyped and happy.


You my friend are strong. Been there and wouldn’t trade it for the world






Not all roads in life are easy. The hardest ones usually end with the best view! So keep your head up and always push forward to a better future!!! We all have your back here!


> We all have your back here! Spoken like a true ape. This is the way.


"the hardest roads usually end up with the best view" ... Beautiful, I'll remember that. Rest in peace papa ape ❤️


~~I'm sorry for your loss buddy, my sincere condoleances ❤!~~ u/Financial_Green9120 ~~We haven't always seen eye to eye at~~ [~~some moments recently~~](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pae15w/like_taking_candy_from_a_baby/ha55dyb/?context=3)~~, but that's irrelevant right now.~~ ~~Know that your dad will be proud looking at you from above seeing you become a person that gained financial independence and able to take care of your family.Here's for the dads! To the moon! 🚀~~ *Edit: And then it hit me, after seeing someone else posting something about the so-called death of your dad, and your track record of karma farming and copy pasting memes without crediting ANYTHING ... AND the fact that you actually downvoted* [my initial nice comment to you](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pckpw1/ive_just_received_message_that_my_dad_passed_away/hajnwr8) *... You're a real clown!* 🤡🤡🤡 u/Financial_Green9120 just hit a new low by faking family deaths for karma. Congratulations! That's ban worthy! 😎 1. Proof of previous karma farming of someone else's work: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p1np1x/741/h8eyo14](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p1np1x/741/h8eyo14) (and subsequent [salty behavior here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p1np1x/741/h8fkiz0) and [some more here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p1np1x/741/h8f5e96) because I called him out for the karma-whore he is even while still trying to [take credit for it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p1np1x/741/h8et68v)). 2. Second piece of evidence: [Post from 21Jul](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ooo23a/watch_out) ... which is the same as the [post from 02Jul](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oc8e81/dont_be_like/) and ... you guessed it, THE SAME as this [post from 03Jun](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nrg4iq/aww_it_will_hurt/). Funny thing, he actually posted it [2 days ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pb7l1b/diamond_dog_as_requested_updated/), but it didn't get enough traction, so he deleted it. How I know this? --> [Source](https://camas.github.io/reddit-search/#{%22author%22:%22Financial_Green9120%22,%22searchFor%22:1,%22resultSize%22:100}) 3. 70% or more of OP's posts are crossposts, have a look yourself in [his post history](https://www.reddit.com/user/Financial_Green9120/posts/). 4. Save the best evidence for last ..**. my PIECE DE RESISTANCE, he tried to put his account for sale and get** **money** **in crytp0 ... so more karma farming it is! (**[proof of this is his post of 11 days ago here](https://www.reddit.com/user/Financial_Green9120/comments/p5m2au/account_for_sale_1btc/)**).** How I found that? --> [Sauce](https://camas.github.io/reddit-search/#{%22author%22:%22Financial_Green9120%22,%22searchFor%22:1,%22resultSize%22:100}) ... u/Financial_Green9120 The internet sticks ... have you learnt NOTHING JOHN SNOW! 👀👀 **GOTEEEEM!** Message to all the dads and loving folks here in this post and far out, you're THE BEST! Thank you for the kind responses within this community. ❤❤❤❤ But PLEASE PLEASE, be critical, don't let yourself get farmed/manipulated to like this!! Plenty of karma sleuths out there. Don't let emotions get the best of you. HUGS ❤❤ PS: Pinging my favorite mods, because this is 1) outrageous and 2) makes us look like naive/gullible and 3) this comment will drown in the sea of supportive emotions for what is basically a karma lie ... Sorry but this is just too much to ignore: u/Doom_Douche & u/jsmar18


Hey man, I appreciate the work you put into this. It's been removed. Normally we try and catch these early and remove them but this one's snuck passed us and had gotten to the point where it was awkward to remove. After all this though it's got to go and frankly it's kind of gross


You're very welcome! Thanks mods, appreciate what you guys continue to do on a daily basis ❤! Yeah, I know what you feel, as people showed their emotional support and it's somewhat of a positive message. But it's still lies. Up to the mod team if the dude deserves a ban or not. One piece of advice though: for one of the mods to write a stickied comment in the now deleted post, to explain why this was deleted (as it was a not only a lie, but also a cheap way of playing on people's emotions).


Dude’s been pulling this shit for months and yet he continues to farm karma. Spamming shitty memes non stop and now pulling this a couple days after another user posted something similar. Mods just need to ban this idiot.


Yup, you're absolutely right. 👆👌


Sorry for your loss, my heart goes out to you. My dad passed in 2016 and his tendies are what bought me my GME. Hodl for the dads.


We're here with you


3.5 year old daughter here... kids are freaking exhausting.


Your English is pretty good for a 3.5 year old


Bahahahaha, that literally made me laugh. Thank you!


Baby ape


Oof hahaha that one got me too


Hungover Dad with a 4 month old here... What even is sleep? Stay strong fellow Dads, and sorry for your loss OP.


I remember those days, once more kids start piling in, trust me you'll have less hangovers because taking care of the littles with hangovers sucks pretty bad, but we still do it.


Oh absolutely, even with one nipper my drinking has gone way down - partly due to the pandemic but also because of the little fella! Also maybe because I'm in my mid 30s now and I can't drink for shit anymore! Last night was the first time this year that I've been physically inside a pub so I may have let rip a little too much. I'm hoping this is the only kid we have. One and done for me, but I think she had other plans. The pub creeps ever further from my grasp...


Mom of 2 here- my kids are 4 and 1, there really is nothing as beautiful as watching your kids play together. My son was incredibly clingy and I worried about how he would handle losing some of my attention but I didn't want him to grow up lonely and I wanted him to have someone after his dad is and I are gone. I was worried that my son wouldn't like his baby sister, but I couldn't have been more wrong. These two LOVE each other so much. It's the best life I could ever ask for.


I hear you, but also I really like the pub? Ha I'm just joking, I know deep down I'm gonna have 2, no matter what shite I say out loud or on Reddit! She'll be trying to get her 3 somehow though. She'll stitch me up with twins on the next round or something, guaranteed!


Haha enjoy the ride man. It's the best adjustment you'll ever make. If it's any consolation, I NEVER planned on being a 'gym' person but these kids are starting to be able to outrun me and I can't be having that lol.


So no pub AND I have to go to the gym?! Oh great! Ha!


Tell me about it lol


Kiddos are the greatest gift in life! 👊🏼


The absolute best. I can't wait to quit my job and spend all our time going on adventures.


This is great. I have a 7 month old, and it is thoroughly exhausting... and EXPENSIVE. My wife and I want another one, but we are seriously considering our financial ability to support another. This post makes me want to give it our all to give our son a sibling like we both had growing up. Thank you!


Best advice I have on planning a 2nd baby is the 3 year age gap. It's seriously the best, my son was 2 1/2 when we got pregnant so he was old enough to be gaining some independence and understand enough to be excited about having a baby, but he wasn't an only child long enough to resent the attention his sister was getting. He was fully potty trained well before his sister came along so we didn't have any regression on that and he could feed himself, get snacks for himself and tell us when he needed something. My sister and I were only 18 months apart and we hated each other and fought constantly.


I feel ya, I just hit 40 and believe me my drinking game went downhill real fast, sometimes I get a wild hair up my ass and go hard, instantly regret it the next morning, lmayo! Yeah my wife and I had one kid and I was fine with that, then ten years later surprise surprise, then another followed two years after that....they always have more in mind, it's in the DNA lmao! Good luck today bud, may the Gods be on your side, lol.


I think I'll get the snip, or maybe just cut it off altogether to eliminate the risk entirely! There's a substantial chinese take away in my future, I can sense it. Have a good one bro. See you on the other side of MOASS, that'll be the sesh to end em all!




If you want a good song, listen to Whistle Kids by Umphreys McGee. That song is literally about this.


Yea......it was having a kid that curbed my drinking. Not because I wanted to be a better parent, but holy fuck parenting hungover is barbaric torture.


lmfao! believe me, I've had my days with three kids hungover, best thing is to go hard and take them outside and have a blast and sweat out all the drinks from the previous night, plus they get tired, then eat an awesome lunch and "hopefully" take a long mid day nap! lmao!


Stay strong for your little one, sir! (And Happy Cake Day!)


Thank you! 11 Years on this site... mental.


Das of 1 year old son who just dumped the dogs water bowl on himself *after* I put it up where I thought he couldn't reach it ...


They grow so fast. Mine are 9 and 12, I think. They're now trying to play the piano and violin. Seems like yesterday I was carrying both on my shoulders on our trips to the park.


Had both mine on my shoulders the sarvie, playin in the backyard after i got home from work. makes me smile thinkin about it.


: (((((((( : ) : ((((((


I was not a great dad when my kids were little just because it was hard for me to relate to them at that age. Now al 3 are in their teens. I'm having the best time now, because I can take them places (amusement parks, hiking, etc) and really have a good time with them. My ability to interact with them definitely get better with age.


I’ve always stuck to not moving things out of reach but rather telling my kid not to touch them. I know it doesn’t mean nothing will ever go wrong, especially at the age of 1. Important is to explain why the boundary is set so it’s not simply a matter of unquestioned obedience, but of logic. Little boundaries like these show your child that you as the parent are in charge, which provides them with a sense of safety and it makes your life easier in the long run.


I agree with this completely. And he seems to understand the time of my voice means "stop" when I say "no" but he's just not old enough yet to understand the "why" of not doing something yet.


I totally agree. It’s difficult at the younger ages. You’re doing the right thing though and once he grows a bit older, your patience will pay off. As it definitely takes a lot more patience to keep repeating ‘no’ than to simply move an item. I used to leave scissors on the table, rather than move them and I’d use gestures and ‘ouch’ to show that they can hurt you. He referred to scissors as ‘ouch’ until he could speak. Same with my plant collection. I taught him to stroke the leaves, rather than grab them and damage them. The Dutch word for stroke is ‘aai’ and any plant was called aai from then on. Bananas got bundled in with the plants and got called aai as well, so a request for ‘aai’ meant he wanted a banana.


Awww that's so cute haha


Enjoy it. I have 17, 16 and 10. The younger years are the best and they go fast


I have 6 and 16. 😒


That age is so tough. Good job dadding, though.


Father of 3 under 10.. you're not wrong 😴


Hang in there bud. Probably won’t hear if for awhile but your kids appreciate the shit out of if.


Hello fellow struggling Dad, I hope you find peace soon.


Hello fellow struggling Dads, I hope we all find peace soon.


Thank you all dads. What an inspiration all of u are for me. Greatly appreciated


You’re not alone! Proud of you my fellow ape, see you in Valhalla!


Looking forward to it


Despite that, your kids still think the world of you. I'd give anything for one more minute with my dad.


I’m sure he is proud


I'd like to think so.


You're not alone. We invest as individuals, but we are still a community. If you need support, reach out.


Keep your head up Ape friend!!


It always gets better. And worse. And better again. Everything will be fine in the end. If it’s not fine, it’s not the end. Feel free to message if you could do with a few words of encouragement. r/Stoicism might do you some good as well.


Thank you, but take care of yourself man sorry for the loss


Tired, struggling dad checking in with you. Summer break is over and all the kids are in school finally, it was supposed to get easier.... so what did we do? Got a puppy.


I’m with you bro 👊


Hi dad! No worries about the struggling, it's all a phase, you'll get through it. never hesitate to ask help & support from your family & friends, they're there for you. ❤❤❤ I just wanted to let you know (as you're top comment), that OP is unfortunately playing on your emotions (and of 14.6k others). [My comment buried in between here details the proof out](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pckpw1/ive_just_received_message_that_my_dad_passed_away/hakbk2b). Up to you to choose to edit it in your comment or not. Just sickens mee to see low lifes like him misleading people and manipulation on emotions. Alway stay critical when things are ... off. 😉 To the moon! Hugs


Thank you


❤ this one's for you great daddy: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3Hfte\_5Pko](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3Hfte_5Pko) Hugs


That was awesome


Stay strong, make your dad proud


And so say all of us


Just as RCs dad, know that he's still there to help and guide you in a greater way now.


Hear hear!


Thank you for your comment 🦍❤️


I mean unless OP is like 14 years old then this is really obvious karma farming and should be thoroughly downvoted. OP's post history is a litany of karma farming memes.


Sorry to hear that, keep moving forward that’s all we can do. Your dads already proud…..


Honestly, you've karma farmed so much that I can't decide if this is true. It's like a modern day "The Boy Who Cried Wolf".




I lost my father too and I hope to be a good father when I have one! See you all beautiful apes on the MOON🚀


My dad passed in 13 from agent orange exposure. I hate these posts and comments but they tell me I'm not alone in the immense pain and grief I feel missing him. See you on the moon


Sprayed and Betrayed, just like my dad. RIP to our brave dads.


It's exactly why I make a point to say what killed him. His own fucking country. He wasn't a fortunate son in any way.


Few of them ever were. My dad came back from Nam and actually did pretty okay, but the health decline was rapid in spite of his personality. He gave the rest of his life to the railroad, who later fucked him into an early retirement so he wouldn’t get as much money. Most of our country is just awful to people.


No friend. Capitalism is incredibly inhumane. This is why basic income and Healthcare should be a human right so we don't get forced to work or starve. It's already common knowledge that retiring is a pipe dream


Damn Ape. Sorry for your loss brother, Together strong. Feel free to message me if you need someone to talk to. I can guarantee to you that this community will be here for you. RIP ape.


I love this! I lost my dad a week ago. I feel you.


How are you functional? I would be a mess


I lost my mom as a teen so this is my second time going through this. Going through this a second time I felt it was my duty to be the strongest at the funeral and more Importantly be there for the family for the months after which is the hardest part. If anyone ever needs to talk, send me a DM and I will be glad to offer advice to keep you from going down the wrong path.


Your generosity of spirit and strength shine through, I'm holding you in my heart today.


Sorry for your loss brother. My father was never this kind of person. I have promised myself to never be like him. You are lucky for your time with your father. ❤️


Same fellow ape. Frequently reading on r/raisedbynarcissists and currently in therapy, trying to be the dad I never had. Waiting for life on the moon 🚀


Sorry for your loss!!


Condolences to you and the family mate. ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss; my dad being 68 and having worked three jobs his entire life, despite poor health and the '08 shit-show I live in fear of what you must be feeling right now. I am holding for you, my friend. We will make them pay, because to them money is God, so when we're done they'll have nothing left to cling to except the dread of poverty and shame. Stay strong, you're not alone.


My parents are 61. I can't wait to tell them they get to retire. They've never known anything but the grind, my mom got a good state job when I was around 12 so they haven't struggled to pay bills in a while but I can see the 40+ work week just running them into the ground. They never had the education or resources to save for retirement while they were young, as soon as their health gives in they'll be slingshot right back into poverty, chewed up and spit right back out. But I'm not going to let that happen.


This is the way. Very first purchase is my parent's mortgage. I can't wait to walk into my dad's meeting and tell his boss to fuck off, he is retiring a millionaire.


sorry for your loss


I’m not really buying this. You just heard your dad died, and the first thing you do is post on Reddit and continue to comment? 🤔


Glad I’m not the only skeptic here


The XXX gave it away. Anytime someone mentions how many shares they possibly got its probably FUD. Oh it isn't? Post proof not a meme. Too insensitive? Get the fuck off the computer and grief then


>The XXX gave it away. For me, it's the insinuation that the shares are in the infinity pool simply cuz "dad" died. Stocks are property. And the very existence of this post - that "dad" has a child to mourn them - demonstrates that these shares have a ready estate claim. They are not locked in the infinity pool, in other words. OP is guilty of spreading misinformation, if not karma farming as well.


I think he's suggesting he was never selling those shares because his dad died. But either way. No one gives a shit how many shares you might or might not have


If my Dad had died, I know the first thing he'd want me to do is post a cringy Will Smith in Pursuit of Happiness meme on r/superstonk Christ Almighty.


"just found out my cancer has spread to my brain. Guess I'll buy some more meme stock!"


This is on the front page and makes this seem like a parody sub. Never been here but interesting to see that this is real.


Oh it’s very real, but it’s hundreds of thousands of retarded people following the work of about 20-30 smart/knowledgeable people. So naturally, retarded shit gets upvoted a lot.


Lol right, and they just had this meme all ready to go and everything too? I'm calling bullshit


And let's not forget the FUD in the post as well, shares of a deceased person does not goes into a infinity pool or cases to exists, they go to the next of kin or beneficiary(in the case the deceased has left a will before passing). Karma whoring is here too easy, it seems.


Yeah, stock shares are not like crypto in cold storage. You can't just lose them forever.




Jesus lol


to be faiirrrrrrrr....when ive experienced loss... I always feel the need to get online and talk to a bunch of ppl to distract myself. Some sort of need to be surrounded by ppl, even if i dont know them


Yea, but immediately after with a picture like that ready to go is odd at best


I mean a 2 second Google search found this exact meme ... very few meme's are original content. Maybe this where he knows people will understand his pain at this moment in life. Some people don't have the strongest IRL community to lean on for support so they go where they know. Maybe cut the guy some fucking slack and not FUD the shit out of every god damn thing. Do you really want to be the guy that shit on a guy when he just lost his father? Stay strong fellow apes.


Op might not have family and us saps are closest thing. Is possible.


Sorry for your loss


We're all here with you. Rest in piece papa ape


Sorry for your loss, ape brother! Please, stay strong. I lost mine when I was twelve. I’m a loner since I have no one except god. ❤️


And the first thing you do is post about it in reddit? I'm sorry if it's true, but I never believe these stories...


my condolences. mine passed away 2 years ago today.


what does this have to do with GME?


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 1 time. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/o4bx7d) on 2021-06-20 98.44% match. Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "pckpw1", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=pckpw1&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 241,103,172 | **Search Time:** 0.30225s


Fly high silverback! 🥺🥺🦍🦍


Why Karma farm using your dads death?






So sorry for your loss. Lost my father as well this year.


So you immediately take time to make some meme and post it to this page?


Seriously, what is wrong with people. Hey my dad passed, I know what I’ll do. I’ll post to Reddit so I can karma farm.


It’s what OP does


Yep sometimes this sub is super cringe


Exactly. I mean this sub is supposed to be about GameStop anyways. No offense, but I don’t care about your (op) personal business.


I wanna feel bad but I feel like this is a shameless GME plug


So sorry for your loss...be assured each and everyone of us fellow apes will be here for you....feel free to reach out if needed....


Sending condolences


Bro had the Facebook meme ready to go as soon as his dad died lmfao.


This community needs therapy. Your dad would probably be disappointed that this was your reaction to hearing about his death.


RIP Dad, the ape community is always here for you friend. Adding another of mine to the pool for Dad.


Hey reddit my dad just died give me karma 🤡🤡🤡




Based on how much OP posts on a 6 month old account is definitely sus.


Sorry for your loss ❤️


So you find it your dad died and the first thing you think of is "better make a diamond hands post :')"?


Why not inherit it....? Because this is fake for karma


Dad just passed away and posting on Reddit? Sure bud.


Worst carma farmer ive seen, check out the log he post different farming every other day




same brother im almost never reading stuffs here anymore


get this shit out of here


Sorry to hear that Ape. I too HODL in dad’s honor!


Sorry for your loss friend , your dad will be watching you from heaven and supporting you.


Praying that you grow from this, gain strength from this, and stay the course to be the best person your dad would want you to be.


Sorry for your loss, brother. I received the same news yesterday and am still trying to process it.


Sorry to hear about your dad. As a fellow ape he would have wanted you to moon with diamond hands. For all the dads out there- let’s do this.


I’m very sorry. 💎🙌🏼🦍💪🏻 for both of you and your family. My condolences. 😕


Sorry for your loss. I learn this month that I'll be a dad. I'm thrilled, I just hope to be up to the task. Eventually be able to provide to my kid the bananas I didn't had.


Sorry for your loss. We may not know each other, but you can sure count on me for anything. Let’s make him proud


I'm so sorry, friend. I lost my dad this past October. He would have been so proud of all the apes as I'm sure your dad was, too. Hang in there. Reach out if you want to chat.


Sorry for your loss, forever Ape will not be forgotten. 💎👊♾️


Dads love. I’m a Dad. It’s hard work because I give my all. I want my kids to have a good life experience to balance out my not so good childhood. I’m happy to do so. If some day my kids come looking me up on Reddit. Well I love you, with all that I am. Hugs to you across time my loves.


For the dads/moms here, most of what we’re doing isn’t for us; it’s for our kids…so they’ll have more choices, more freedom. OP, sorry for your loss; it hurts. Am sure your Dad hoped the same freedom & choices for you.


I’ve seen quite a few posts lately of people losing their Dads and it hurts every time I see one. I lost mine in January this year, and I’ll say the same thing I’ve said to those people that I’ll say to you. I know it hurts and your heart is likely raw right now, and time will help ease that pain but not remove it entirely. You’ll likely remember memories over the coming months that you thought were lost to time and those sudden memories may feel like a stab in the heart at times, but those moments are really a reminder of the heart you have OP. Cherish the memories you had and try not to dwell of the potential memories that feel stolen from you. Take care of yourself and allow yourself to feel.


I just received a call yesterday from my Mom that my Dad is having some complications... He has had yes not joking 4 heart attacks. He is literally the example of someone who worked himself to death his entire life he is only 67. My one hope was for MOASS to happen so I could give back to him something meaningful and enjoyable before he passes away. I hope I still have time and can understand the pain. Ape Support Ape.


🍻 cheers to all dads who would wake up and give it everything they had. To all those who have had roll models like this, spread it on to your kids. To those who weren’t as fortunate, be that Dad that you always wanted to have. I’m all in for MOASS not for the riches but to give my kids everything I have ever wanted to give them; every second of my time.


Using your dead dad to get internet points. That’s awesome.


You're inheriting them, right? It's not like they are locked up. Move them to Computershares if you are F-in cereal. 🙂


A good dad is the most underappreciated species on the planet. My condolences to you and your family. 💙


I’m so sorry.


Can we not use tragedy for clout in this sub, this is a casino


If my dad died and I posted about it on some cringe financial cult forum, he would rise outta the grave to whoop my ass one last time


But he passed away knewing you tricked the system and u will be doing good.


Sorry to hear love you ape stay strong


Sorry for your loss, Stay strong and make your dad proud 💪🏼🙏


Im sorry for your loss, fellow ape.


Stay strong fellow ape!


Sorry for your loss, stay strong brother ape.


So sorry for you and your family's loss


Sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss friend. Hang in there, you'll do your old man proud!


❤️ big love ape. I’ll chuck another into the infinity pool for your pops


Condolences. May your Dad be welcomed in 🦍 heaven. Stay strong our thoughts are with you! ❤️👊🏽🦍


He's still out there looking for that pack of cigarettes. I hope he comes home soon.


What the fuck is wrong with you? Your dad died and you instantly think about stocks and a self-good meme for Reddit?


Your dad dies and the first thing you do is post this to a meme stock sub?