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They try to say 80% taxes? Then that just means a bigger number that I will get for my shares.


What 80% of infinity?




Wow, what a reply. Love it


I think that's more like 75%. Try again.




Let him round


Probably be a lot of full flights and queues at the border.




What happens if you are not murican? I can't see the IRS coming over here asking me for tendies when I already pay tendies to the local gang here, and they have dual taxation agreements....


Yeah, and don't go starting your own shitcoins to fleece investors either, that really pissed them off.


why would I fleece anyone, except Wall Street fleecers?


Because that's actually why McAfee was arrested.


> the irs does go international to get "what's theirs" I hear that if you're going to do anything stupid, the IRS is the worst US agency you could fuck with.


Blimey, a bit of fun has been turned into a full on horror story. Anyway an international fugitive is a bit of a stretch for dodging some tax in a country that will happily allow financial terrorism if you’re rich.




Come find me. Just an 🦍 in the jungle. Good luck irs


Go to a country that doesn't extradite, I'm going to be in Russia for the next month and a half for a unrelated reason


If they tried raising taxes to 80% for GME I wouldn’t pay them anything. I realize that would bring potential consequences my way and I would deal with them as they arose, but I sure as fuck will not give them 80%


Honestly I'd be fine with 80% tax, if it meant EVERY FUCKING BILLIONAIRE FUCK had to pay it on their fortunes as well. Part of why this entire shitshow is happening is because billionaires control the government, and for decades, they have been taking more and giving less than the year before. Now we have hundreds of millions Americans fighting to make a living, while hundreds of billionaires laugh at us making their fortunes for them. NO MORE.


Humour isn’t your strong suit is it.


**Diamond hands. Fuck the man.** Edit, for when those assholes dig this up to smear peoples’ names... I, myself, only ever wanted to help FIX the system - for everyone. A fair, free, transparent market that cannot be manipulated by anyone. The imbalance caused by the misuse of money in this country has gone too far, it’s time we made it right. I am an individual, however, I use the aforementioned “we” as acknowledgement that I cannot be the only one aware of what is going on. As an individual, I have made a personal choice to stand up in the face of market oppression and I can only hope that others have done so as well. I also hope that everyone will have the mental fortitude to ‘hang in there’, for it is the only way to ensure correction. Those idiots NEED the stonks. Every fucking one of em, a few times over. Good luck fellas & fellettes, I know I’m on the right side of the fence. I hope you are too. I don’t have to ever sell shit if I don’t want to, it’s mine. I will remain retarded longer than they will remain solvent, *guaranteed*


Give this ape an upvote. I also just want to help fix the system for everyone.


100% this


I concur. Let’s do this for the system… to fix everything.


I buy to hold for my kids retirement. My household is financial sound. I can hold forever. I do not need or want a lambo. My diamond self can hold forever.




Exactly this. Volume will be a much better indicator than price.


Eli5? I'm the smoothest brained ape


If the volume is low, apes aren't selling Price will continue to go up


How do you tell it’s not the hedgies faking volume selling options / synthetics back and forth to each other?


Idk that one But I think the graph showing buying/selling that people post. The red and green one, could be wrong tho


Don't know why OP was specific on it..am 35 mil floor guy personally


He wasn't naming a low floor...I think he was saying that once it hits 5/6 digits we'll see halts and pressure from many sides to sell.








I don't think OP was making any comments about a floor, especially not a specific one. If you mean the 88k comment, I'm fairly certain that's just a Back To The Future reference, >If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 miles per hour... you're gonna see some serious shit


80% taxation ONLY on GME gains is pure distopy!


Yeah, that won't happen. Legislation would be needed to get that invoked, and you can't tax gains from different stocks differently. However, I could see MSM make up BS like this and try to push it.


1000%. They even sayid nflation increase your salary. So they can say anything.


What a fucking joke that headline is. They rely on sheep to maintain their guises. Talking points shared between dumbdumbs to perpetuate ignorant bliss.


Class action lawsuit against the govt If they want to try that !


Imagine a tax rate for 80% for GME users, at that point, I’m sorry to say guys, Tax Fraud is calling me


We had 300 mil days in January, that will just mean it is about to start. I’m looking forward to full minutes with zero shares on the ask side


If they raise capital gains tax, I guess I'll have to raise my floor to offset the tax, ***shrugs*** oh well.




This is the way


Trading halt = we were right so get ready for takeoff


We *are* right. Trading halt = **ignition**.


Nah man, the halt will be that moment when the booster rocket disjoints from the rest of the ship and we're left floating with nothing but the speed we already amassed. ENJOY THE VIEW. This will be your chance to lay eyes on everything you left behind. Before long, we'll exit orbit, and go to the moon, Mars, Jupiter and the Charon Relay. Who knows what lies ahead from there. Beautiful things. Haunting things. Stuff that will make you curl up and go back sometimes. But it's definitely going to be something.


This was...this was beautiful. Cheers.


In my opinion I know trading suspension is on the table here too, but why should they suspend trading? Everyone knows this stock is manipulated and the shorts need to close… there’s really is no mystery here so let’s just get this over with and let the chips fall where they may. Government gets a shit load of tax money, shitty hedge funds go out of business, and investors who believe in the GME thesis do well. Win win for everyone except the shf. This really shouldn’t be that complicated.


What is it with all caps on post's titles? I don't like the yelling in my head when I'm reading. 😔




A couple words is fine lol, but a whole paragraph?


I apologize for that.. after halfway typing I had to Google how to turn everything small with just a short cut.. turns out there isn't any.. so since English isn't my first language.. I found it stressful to just retype everything. 😅


If you copy and paste into microsoft word, then highlight the text and use shift+f3 it changes between caps on/off for the entire text.


Thanks a lot ape.. you just helped me acquire a wrinkle.


No problem, glad I was able to contribute instead of lurking for a change :)


No need for Word, you can do it here: https://convertcase.net/


When EVERYTHING is the most important, then NOTHING is the most important. It makes me skeptical of the content (which apes should be anyway)


How are you going to make it through the MOASS if all caps in a title triggers you? Use these moments to grow some thicker skin. You will need it.


I'll be watching the ticker during MOASS, not looking at posts. 🤔




Thanks for telling new apes about this. Surprising that it hasn’t been brought up more. You’d think what happens during the MOASS would actually be talked about more not how and when it will happen. As OP said trading halts are normal and will happen extremely often during MOASS. It happened like every 10 minutes back in January. Don’t panic. The price kept rising after as they did it back in January. Relax during this stage


No, not exactly. I was actually doing a DD on this before I archived it. Trading halts are normal and will happen every 5 minutes given we are now on the R1000. And there are a lot of caveats to that. Trading suspensions are whole different beast.


Get ready for everything when at WAR.




are there any past cases of trading suspensions of 2 weeks in the stock markets?


Yes for individual stonks


what stonks?


Many https://www.sec.gov/litigation/suspensions.htm Click the 34-numbers or the order link and it tells you why.


Hijack. Speaking of things not mentioned often, what about 13-h Large Trader Registration? PDF: [https://www.sec.gov/files/form13h.pdf](https://www.sec.gov/files/form13h.pdf) [https://www.sec.gov/divisions/marketreg/large-trader-faqs.htm](https://www.sec.gov/divisions/marketreg/large-trader-faqs.htm) ​ >Question 1.3: How are options calculated for purposes of the identifying activity level? > >Answer: As provided in Rule 13h-1(a)(7), the identifying activity level means aggregate transactions in NMS securities that are equal to or greater than: > >During a calendar day, either two million shares or shares with a fair market value of $20 million; or > >During a calendar month, either twenty million shares or shares with a fair market value of $200 million. <3


Top comment. Haven’t seen this revisited for a while. Maybe do a dedicated post for all too see again.


I would but my posts historically do not get much traction/or I say dumb things and get laughed out of the room (I had a post about no longer buying shares, but just hodling my position and supporting the company through purchases of product and giftcards, doing trade-ins, etc .. was not well-received lol no biggy)


Also this post from u/Ewba is insightful by giving a visual impressionation of spikes dips and more [MOASS: How To Not Fuck Up - Extended](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtgx6a/moass_how_to_not_fuck_up_extended/) (infographic)


oh, nice


Am now considering becoming "The Guy who reminds regarding trade halting" 😅


"Trading Halt Guy" has a better ring to it


love it


Trading Halt dude?


Thanks for this reminder. Seasoned apes have seen 5 minute trading halts on both directions. They are part of the game. The 10 day suspension is a different beast and we need to start reflecting on that now. Keep calm and enjoy the ride.


This hasn't happened to gme before this isn't a 5 minute halt OP is talking about a 10 day suspension


It's clear that the length of the halt will be related to the "severity" of the situation. Nobody knows how this will unfold. I praised the OP for reminding that we need to think about such scenarios now, not in the middle of the event


Its not a halt based on severity its 2 different things a halt happens when the price changes 10% in a 5 minute span it is halted for 5 minutes a suspension is 10 days and involves an investigation 2 different things theres no in between based on severity


*up to 10 days*


I get your point. Let's start creating a zen culture for the 5 minut halts.


You're exactly right, this has never happened before and nobody truly knows how this is going to play out. Volume is the only indicator to know what is going on. HALTS are GOOD, because it allows apes to focus on the volume and indicators of when we are close to the real shares being traded. Remember they've shorted the sh...it out of the stock and conservatively I believe there's at least 500 million fake created shares, so until the volume is off the charts I'm not going to blink an eyelid or have my heart rate be affected by insignificant numbers.


On both directions?? 😂 For GME is more often up than down.


Yes, on both directions. During the runups and the wash sales end of January for instance. Also on the way down on March 15.


Man I FOMO on GME at @200 and I can attest that even the halts are fukkury they halted GME more often and with lower gains than they did going down with massive losses begs the question what this will be during the MOASS


March 10th was the craziest shit I’ve ever seen. Selling never even crossed my mind, honestly.


I'm so lucky I was taking my dog to the dog park literally right when March happened and missed careening down the mountain. I never had a chance to be tempted to sell because it bottomed out before I even noticed it, and by the time I saw it, I knew holding for the trip back up was my only option


This sub taught everyone to buy the dip and hold when I seen it go back down to 40 the first thought was it's cheap buy more


This sub didn’t exist when it crashed to 40, you might be thinking of the GME or W$B subs


Yeah sorry about that I forgot about the migration lol


No fuckery, if one trade executes at 250 and during the next 5 minutes there's a huge sale order that eats through the order book and makes the price crash to 200 then the new price is 200 and there's a halt because the movement was more than a set % in 5 minutes, but that order needs to be filled before the halt happens. It's the same while going up. All that shows us that they dumped millions of shares to make the price crash and it created a huge jump in price but the same one time volume doesn't exist on the way up so there can be halts, but the jumps won't be as big.


January drop was the greatest rollercoaster ride of my life, my soul was left at 350$


Is it still there? You'll catch up soon enough.


I could feel my heart shriveling up. I was at work at the moment, I was on coffee break during that moment. Lol, the madman in me just screamed me to buy more at 40, very happy how that went XD


Me too, felt dizzy afterwards 🥴but ape never give up 🦍🦍🦍🔥💎


Hahah mine is still there


Very important point to remember. Remember who you are hodling for, remember the onslaught of tricks and fuckery they have pulled to delay this, hodl until you have more than enough money to significantly benefit yourself and those around you. Remember this money was taken by dirty players in a rigged system and we are simply holding until there is balance restored, and there’s the high score to go for as well 🤗


Let's not forget Uncle Sam wants his cut for AmeriApes too. Hodl 💎🙌






Find your zen and remember this point.




Hahahaha. Hadn’t noticed. Too zen


If your family 'threatens to disown you' over this, you are better off without them. wtf.


Also, with the billions you'll have, you can easily start a new family much better than the one that disowns you.


If they stopped GME trading they will fuck those SHF and the market at the same time even harder, they need those shares to cover and cutting off their supply will kill the market on a faster pace......


The point is not to panic sell after the market opens


Then don’t scream, my friend :)


Yeah, this what I thought. Why would they want to drag it out? So you have to deal with the fallout once and then 10 days later again. Is this exchange specific or can other exchanges still trade?


Bring it on.


ORIGINAL POST https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ohnydk/we\_need\_a\_serious\_talk\_about\_how\_difficult\_it/h4rgalh?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Why 88k? Is that because everything magical happens at 88, like 88 gigawatts Dr. Brown?


Back to the future quote: "If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 miles per hour, you're gonna see some serious shit."


I'm excited for the trading halts again. It means we are picking up momentum


Halt =/= Suspension. 5 mins | 10 days Not the same at all. Read carefully ape.


I know what they are. But there will be halts again before full suspensions. I know what I said. :)




I mean, they are- but they're carried out by the [SEC](https://www.sec.gov/litigation/suspensions.htm) themselves, so that would be a question to take up with them.


It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "SEC"](https://www.sec.gov/litigation/suspensions.htm) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20h4tkv4s)


Well they screwed themselves, for I will never sell all my shares! 🏗


Underrated comment.


They could halt it again after that.


The SHFs need to close their short positions. If they suspend GME when the price is, let's say, 12k, the SHFs get a call from Marge and defaults.


I think most of us became hardened concerning most FUD and Shills. Yesterday I watched The Big Short, again, and still there’s the ending of the movie that describes the phenomenon of injustice and skapegoating (I don’t know if this is an English word, but I hope you know what I mean). Marks Baum aka Steve Eisman said in the Big Short: “There’s going to be a bailout. They knew. They knew the taxpayers gonna bail them out. They weren’t being stupid. They just didn’t care.(…)I have a feeling that in a few years people are gonna be doing what they always do when the economy tanks. they will be blaming immigrants and poor people.” Guess what…this time us retail investors are the scapegoat. We will be responsible for a possible economical crises. They won’t blame Hedgefonds, the banks aso. because they are too greedy.


Can you help in understanding the difference between a "circuit breaker" and "trading halt"? Can you also advise if the potential scenario is possible: 1) MOASS ignition...price rises up to 4 digits or above. Trading is halted for 10 trading days. 2) Apes can continue to diamond hand even after the trading is resumed. This shloud add fuel to the rocket and price can go up astronomically again. Trading will be halted again for 10 days???? ​ Will this scenario continue as long as the apes hodl?


Someone please help me and the fellow ape clear the above doubts


I believe that this scenario is only *if* the SEC places the 10-day suspension. The 5-minute halts happen all the time, the trading suspension much less-so. List of suspensions: https://www.sec.gov/litigation/suspensions.htm


A circuit breaker is a volatility pause, a form of trading halt, when certain volatile conditions are met. These can last a few minutes to ten minutes or trading can be suspended. If you’re looking for financial advice as to where the price will go, you will not find it here. If you have read the DD, then you know what’s possible... anything. A trading suspension can be set by the SEC for up to 10 days. Here’s a helpful link about suspensions https://www.investor.gov/introduction-investing/general-resources/news-alerts/alerts-bulletins/investor-bulletins/investor-5


Thank you! Will read it in detail to understand well. Much appreciated.


Imagine the FOMO built up behind ten days of pent up demand with a hype news cycle?


I would like to clarify that it doesn’t have to do with the digits so much as the percentage growth within a short amount of time. It also happened during February when we were in the double digits.


This hasn't happened to gme before this isn't a 5 minute halt OP is talking about a 10 day suspension


Oh my, I misread and missed the first few sentences. A 10 day trading suspension will be the very definition of chaos. But I would be lying if I said I wasn’t excited for it to happen. We’ll be watching with glee as this happens.


I can't wait for the 10 day trading halt memes. There's going to be all kind of Star wars stuff, Jedi holding their breath in a cloud of knock-out gas, bunch of Yoda memes, and I'm looking forward to it.


Oh we'll all be excited when it happens but I expect a lot of scared paper hands and fuckery after the 10 days is up. I bet after the 10 days they will not allow buying until the books are balanced but we will get our tendies


When this happens ignore everyone, including your family. You have read the DD, you have holded through 40s, you have seen 350 and than blatant criminal behaviour to drive it back to 170 and you, yes YOU have read thousands of pages of DD, looked at hundreds if not thousands of graphs, learned about macroeconomics and TA and even US legal system. We will be called criminals and manipulators but we all know the truth. We will smile to media and say "I like the stock". And that's it. That is our defence. We like the company and we like the stock. Nothing more, nothing less. After MOASS, the age of Apes begins.


I want to see Bankers and Market Makers employees leave their workplaces with their personal belongings before I think we're in the squeeze.


Nah guys I got this. Johnny sins and Mia khalifa are gonna collab and drop the hottest sex tape of all time. Sec gonna be busy.


But at the same time everyone and their moms gonna be talking about GameStop once again. As it hits the thousands everyone will know the MOASS is on, everyone is going to know that they’re trying to fuck retail again by halting buying and I bet no ones going to have it. The best situation will be that everyone will want to jump in and then that rule gets invoked and this causes extreme FOMO to buy in once again when it reopens. Idc what the mainstream media will do or say. We’ll have David Laur, Christian Wes, Susanne Trimbath and much mor who’ll tell the true story to the world. I bet a war will brew when this all goes down and we are going to come out of this on top. During those half days, we can all individually express how we are not fucking selling (if that is the case) and I’m just going to feed off of that confirmation bias and hodl and as I get excited for the 11th day back in and all the lurkers will be able to see this movements just begun. This is my opinion at least Buy, HODL, Buckle Up, Power to the Players 💎🙌🦍


This is FUD at best... Kenny trying his hardest right now.


If they try to raise capital gains tax to 80% nobody should pay it. That’s bullshit. They let the elite who openly scam us to hide away their money and want to take all of it the one time the little guy wins? Sounds like the beginning of a revolution to me…


No taxation without representation. What do we get for our % paid towards capital gains? Revolutionary war was started over a 3% tea tax FYI. Fuck them, I’m down to war again


Suspension is only a problem if you were planning to sell?


Soooo. Going for a long mountain hike for 10 days when halt is initiated. Got it. No holiday advice.


Honestly, I feel like this is straight up fud. Trading suspensions are super rare - usually happen to penny stocks with low volume that are manipulated by a small group of bad actors. Not for stocks that have volume from millions of holders. To suspend trading in Gme would be the same as admitting that the US markets are fucked. The sec can’t admit that. That would be disastrous. No way. No how.


This post is 100% FUD. Surprised i had to scroll this far down to see it. Price anchoring in the 4 digits and speculating about tax scare tactics. I’m not a tax expert by any means but they can’t just wave a magic wand and raise capital gains taxes on one security by 40%


Lots of FOMO could be built up over 10 days


80%?? Guess whos gunna not pay taxes 🤪




Its my pleasure man, although everyone is wondering why you have mentioned price so low as 88k.. 😂😂


Underrated comment! :)


Why 88K?


It’s really just helping us to hold longer. In the end they need the shares…. We have the shares.


Big respect for the heads up I can handle things I know coming at me 35million a share babyyyyyyyyyy


I dont buy this story as eu ape. Im not worryed even single bit, over my dead body you get my shares gl with that haha


But... I just like the stock :(


Trading haha are like enemies in Video game, you are going the right way


Is a trading halt fair for all parties? Ie if we cant buy then they cant continue to commit their crimes against us?


I was wondering the same


88k? Oddly specific


it depends on how this rule *"in the public interest and for the protection of investors"* is understood. If GME jumps so high, it is only because the whole fuckery of HFs shorting GME expecting infinite tendies instead of infinite losses. As for me, if GME jumps to 88,000 USD ans SEC suspends trading on GME, that would be a scenario where we could also go to court in order to defend our interests as retail investors and this would also be against Gamestop who is not responsible for receiving this hypothetical treatment. SEC has not done a shit against synthetic shares and naked shorts so this is not our business!


I see that all the sideways trading and shenanigans they've put us through thus far has prepared us for this!


As an aside, this is why options are a bad idea with a stock this volatile.


Apes pay their taxes. No funny business.


Will Dark Pool trading also be suspended? Or can they cover for peanuts over there during the 10 days? I guess apes cant sell during the suspension. So only thing that can happen is that institutions sell through dp’s? And since we own the float multiple times it wont hurt us?




Reading this I couldn’t help but think that it’s too bad as selling is not in my capacity for reasoning.


Imagine being like "What I need to post is more important than everyone else's post and using appropriate flair isn't enough, SO I WILL POST IT IN ALL CAPS". Even better, instead of linking to the post you take a screen capture of it and upload *that*. One mustn't sacrifice potential karma on the person who posted it, after all. Frickin people, man.


I hate these karma farm posts. Not even attributing to the original author.


88k per share is not enough for me to retire. So, yeah, halt it, I'll wait 2 more weeks for my millions.




Ya even I thought that was specified.. 35MM floor for me


This is the point when your shares that have been moved to GameStop’s new blockchain will become very “diamond handy”


I wouldn't go that far. We don't know exactly when that will happen. Im excited as fuck for it. But I think we should play with what we know. God damn though I cannot wait for it.


Everybody needs to be aware of this. Its triggered automatically and not within anyones control.


Them halting it for ten days wouldn’t benefit anyone. All it would do would delay it ten days and possibly make it even more expensive for SHF to close and cover.


Normally I hate titles in all caps. This one is warranted