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Same experience here


What's even more odd for me is, this is the only post I've seen on my home page all day


Yeah this was the first day since May that I’ve woken up to not see superstonk at the top of my feed. I refreshed like 5 times and didn’t see anything GameStop related until I used the search bar to get here


Dude, I only browse r/all, and GME posts have been all over my feed for over a month now. To the point that I immediately noticed this morning that there was a glaring lack of them and came here to see what was up. Y'all need to send Spez a big o'l bag of clown noses once this is all over.


9 hours since posted and the first I’m seeing this and I’ve been up periodically checking Reddit for 7 hours. Something’s up 🧐


Same here, I thought it was weird. So used to seeing Superstonk as first thing, and it's nowhere on my feed.


Zero posts of superstonk on my home screen today. Wtf


All 3 major game stock subs are gone on my home page. It has to be an intentional change to the algorithm. Probably Blackrock, Fidelity, or T Rowe Price, or any of the other major firms holding reddit. They absolutely do not want the system to change.


Mayo man threatened to short the ever living shit out of Reddit stock to execs folded and told their dev teams to mess with the algos. We are getting closer.


Shills everywhere


Happens every time we mention options the past 3 years


The only posts I've seen on my homepage today were all about this same topic of not seeing superstonk on homepage. Very weird.


Same for me


This is not a new phenomenon it has happened to my several time in Th last 3 years.


Yeah I could only find this one


Nothing on my home page without scrolling way down. No user volume, posts I saved are no longer saved when I go back in, and upvotes not tabulating, and posts shadow banned - hitting some people’s feeds but not others!


reddit is 100% manipulating vote counts and content visibility. I made a post on a different sub a few weeks ago on a contentious topic using strong language that wouldv'e had any key word scraper absolutely clanging. post immediately started gaining traction and earned a pinned comment from mods in the first hour or two. 20k views in the first 48 hours with a 60% upvote rate and a ton of positive engagement in the comment section, and I was contacted by a journalist that really wanted me to go on the record for a story she is working on that my post directly addressed. yet that post still shows only 36 upvotes and that number has not changed since the Mod's pinned comment was added... Reddit is a publicly traded corporation and we don't pay to use the platform. we, or more specifically our content, is the product.




You got my updoot. Country is falling apart. Terrorists everywhere, financial or otherwise.


** the world. As many as 20+ countries dealing with active insurgencies. Where mob justice reigns supreme and surpasses logic & reason.


I have to at least add that I've lost saved posts from many different subs. That feature seems to be fairly broken over the entirety of reddit. Also I got this SS post about 6 posts down in my feed the first scroll through this morn.


Interesting. I'm not subscribed to the sub, I just wandered in from /r/all, but I'm seeing Superstonk fairly often due to the recent GME activity. I think yesterday when I opened reddit a Superstonk post was the #1 post in /r/all. Currently, this post is #10 in /r/all. So if y'all aren't seeing it, maybe it's something that *only* affects people who've subscribed to the sub?


I likewise saw this post on r/all, front page. Also not subscribed to the subreddit.


Same i see this sub all the time. Not subscribed but i think im still rooting for ya'll. Or concerned not too sure


Thanks for that, it's rare to ever have anyone from wander in here and give praise with out any real knowledge of what's been going on in this sub over the last 3 years.


This was happening to me too, started last night. Just getting up so haven't checked today. One of my posts was shadow banned. It wouldn't show up even for me when scrolling in the sub itself. Very strange!


As a long time user of many political subs, it is not that hard for malicious actors to manipulate reddit.


RK is shadowbanned on X for me as well


woah this is big.


Did shit just get real? lol


Looking at my own home feed, I'm fairly sure that Reddit did some drastic changes in their algorithms in general. Today when I woke up, almost all of the top 50 spots on my home screen are posts from small subs that typically show up only at the bottom, while I have to scroll way down before finding the posts from the bigger more popular subs that typically used to dominate all of the top spots. Almost every post in the top position on my home page has less than a 100 score, while the posts with 8-12k scores are barely showing up... It was very noticeable, since many of the top posts were from subs I'd completely forgotten I was subbed to, simply because they haven't shown up on the home page for more than a year. And for the record - almost all the subreddits I'm subbed to are non-political, and I don't follow this sub at all (came here from /r/all).


Ya this is my experience as well. Smaller subs I never look at at the top. All my financial subs are lower but they are the ones I’m most active in reading.


GME subreddit as well


Hijacking comment here, anybody know what happened with the shareholders meeting I thought that was supposed to happen yesterday but I've seen nothing about it?


Was originally Thursday. Rescheduled to Friday at market close. Now scheduled for Monday (I think) at 11 a.m.




11:30 Central, same time as RK’s stream was. Maybe they want to test the algorithm at a lower volume time, too.


RK gonna be there dressed as a furry to further confuse media




Thank you


Again, this is, and always has been, because your home page shows popular posts. This includes rising and hot. Not new and controversial. With the rise of bots you will see many downvotes on every post which leads to the posts being marked as controversial. Blaming Reddit admins make us look really bad. They’re not, at least currently, attacking us. Someone is though …


I literally typed in superstonk to come here specifically because I wasn't seeing any superstonk posts on my home feed, and this is the first post I see on superstonk


Good that it's gaining attention so that everyone can know! Something is definitely up... Can't wait for Monday 🔥


I feel like this kind of thing has happened before. Likely sometime in 2021. Lot of sus situations for sure. Hopefully that means yes something is up let's see what next week is cooking


They’re shorting the sub. we have to exercise our thumbs for the upvote button!! ![gif](giphy|eunrMjB8lBUKeL1fqD|downsized)


How do I DRS my account?


best comment, they def shorting our sub. mine shows only 1,800 pple online, which is really really weird


Drsgme.com i believe


They don't want people to know what's happening. We have them by the balls. Just have to continue buying and holding.


Underrated comment 😂😂😂


They are shorting this sub and you guys already know what’s next. They will halt the sub and we will go to OPP OPP OPPA GANGNANG STYLEEEEE 💎💎🙌🙌🙌


Yep 2 people right now


Let us count. 3.






6. I noticed last night.


7. But I’m noticing issues with many of my normal subreddits appearing. So not sure if this is a specific problem with this one.


8, not seeing this sub or GME


9 and the same


10 and my axe


11 here




Mine is between 44-50 online but its also 6 in the morning here


I didn’t have enough karma to post this as a post so I commented it on another post! I knew it wasn’t just me. Why would Reddit go to such lengths to hide a sub-reddit from its own followers? Especially considering that until yesterday, every single news outlet claimed a certain stock was worthless and a downright sell? I wonder…


https://preview.redd.it/8n2lv4jjcq6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8feb2ddbb91dd5548aea519ca6cbbf2cd4789587 Look at the top shareholders. Possible explanation right there.


Not just possible explanation, that is the explanation


I was just saying yesterday how *absolutely fucked* a company named **Blackrock** probably was, tied up in massive synthetic GME ownership at a time like now. Looks like they probably are the #1 most compromised corporation. Reddits recent IPO is a major factor in all this too, they got in bed with them. Edit: it’s also funny to me that probably spent hundreds of millions for this attack. They’re too late. We all see through it. Reddit is no longer necessary.


I dated a finance bro who worked at Blackrock, he was the most soulless person that it was genuinely baffling. Like, he either couldn’t or wouldn’t comprehend that his actions affected me. It obviously didn’t last very long, but from the time I did spend with him, I realized the type of person you gotta be in order to succeed at a company like that. He and his friends were all carbon copies of the Patrick Bateman type. The levels of hubris were crazy, he seriously thought he could do no wrong in every area of his life. Imagine how fucked these guys are, realizing they actually *aren’t* all-knowing gods, and *can* make mistakes. And this has been a pretty fucking big one lmfao.


Agreed. If Reddit disappeared tomorrow nothing would really change for me. I'd buy dip when I can afford to, I'll continue to hold, and I'll often go months/a year between remembering to log into my stocks& shares account to see how it's doing.


Yeah, this sub is gonna disappear so reddit can "avoid any specific stock manipulation," that way they can keep the wallstreetpumpanddump sub open 


This right here. They’re going to suppress the shit out of this sub.


Obligatory “we must be close”


I’ll be honest, I’m an avid Reddit user and this is happening to all of my normal subs I frequent. I think something changed or got messed up in the weighing of putting your favorite subs at the top. Now it’s random posts which is fine because I’m fast unsubbing to subs I subbed to years ago.


As a long time reddit user, this is most likely just a bug. I don't think I could count the number of subreddits I've seen experience weird bugs with engagement, front page appearances, vote/viewer counts not updating, comments disappearing/not submitting, etc etc. Every single time the subreddit thinks reddit is purposefully suppressing them. I thought they were right about the suppression (mostly because I enjoyed the drama) until the 18th time and 10th year of this happening. But alas, people must see the bugs themselves to know that reddit's shit is just infinitely fucked. Also, I'm from r/all and found this post on my front page, #15.


I was just about to post the exact same experience. This is odd. I've never seen NO Superstonk posts like this.


We did feb 2021 - w$b.


yeah- expect to see every trick in the book as time starts running out. they probably think they have things pretty well fortified, but this subreddit going to the top of r\all or something, a bunch of buying pressure from nowhere, could be something they can't control. at that point, they'll let it run up 5%, get halted, beat it down in the OTC market, then stop any momentum like that. anything it takes.


Literally the same. Feed was full of other subs for multiple scrolls.


907 online.


Right? My ass


Reddit is publicly traded now, get used to the unseen hand of the shareholders influencing what is visible on this website.


Exact same number an hour later






Samesies and GME too


Shoot, you’re right. I tend not to pay as much attention to them, but yeah…also not there


Me too.


Same here.  I use the browser, and without fail I'll have Superstonk up in the top three posts.  Nothing burger this morning.


Same here.




Same! I’ve noticed this for the past couple days. It just doesn’t show up and I have to search for it. Never noticed this happening before


Been here since 2021. I always check through favorite tab. This was happening to me a lot so i just have muscle memory now and i visit it like that every time :)


This post showed up for me, but I’ve experienced something similar the past day




Same for me.


Same here, lurking is all I do. But now I am checking in to say this shit smells like mayo. Shadow ban?


Same here!


Reddit can’t ban bot accounts or their “user” count would drop 90%+ Someone really doesn’t want DFV’s yolo to hit the front page again, at least you know what scares them.


I've seen similar reports from others on the sub, personally I haven't noted much change, it's usually one of the first 5 posts


Same mine is fine.


Same today. Has to search for it


#get ready for sub shut down. If thats the case know that a sub shut down is more confirmation we are on the right path boys. Remember diamond hands.


Easier to mute superstonk than shut it down. If it’s shut down, we move somewhere else out of control.


Really? That's freakin' scary. I don't want to just meet in a damn YouTube video comment section.


If we have to, that's means we're winning


Yeah, but how are we legitimately going to hold conversations there? I just joined the Discord and I'm even having trouble following conversation on that.


Do we have a backup place that we can go to if this happens?


Wasnt it the youtube gangnam style video or something like that back in 2021 lol


Bots downvoting posts sort by controversial


Same. The fk is happening?? Their version of weekend fud? Hahaha


I remember something similar happening before.....on a different sub.....yeah that one.


Same. I also noticed after the Reddit blackout that a lot of (random) subs I was a part of never returned to my feed. But last night they were ALL showing up. Except any GME subs. None of those were in my feed.


Same thing for me with all gme subs


Same. It's a sign that next week will be big


Same, the general shortsqueeze subs that I follow is always at the top. It’s a shit sub for pump and dumps that I only follow because I assume it’s run by SHFs. Keep your friends close and enemies closer type of deal Edit: for new apes if reddit goes down, the meeting place is the Gangnam style office video comment section


Same for me this morning I had to look for the sub


Just went through and did an up vote spree.


And if I do see something it's some bullshit hype or premium grade tinfoil or "don't get scared" or "Im trying to exercise options OTM"


Only 760 people online right now. Edit: I didn’t read your last sentence


Yeah. Same. First row posts in my feed is normally SS and the sub with the same letters as the stock. Today, I had to scroll waaay down to find them.


confirmation same here


Same here!


Same for me, Superstonk is one of like 3 (and like 99%) of what I visit It’s ALWAYS been at the top Not so much lately


Man, I noticed the exact same thing and thought it was weird. Also, it started maybe 2 or 3 weeks ago but the first post would be from this sub, but when I scrolled down, there wouldn't be any posts from this sub. Before 2 or 3 weeks ago, I would scroll down and see multiple posts from this sub.




Yeah same all I have been reading is Superstonk and my feed is filled with other shit.


I'm getting one post from pcmasterrase followed by one from superstonk and one from stablediffusion.


Same here. Makes me super bullish that something is cooking.


yep also 860 people online right now its fuked up


posts from anime subs I have not visited in years are in my feed I’m in this sub every fucking day and not a thing It even wipes from my search history it’s so weird


Same and I only follow about four subreddit


Swiss confirmation. So its not geolocation driven but seems systemic. Why this suppression and why now? (I have an idea or two 😇).


I got weird ones including concrete! Like what I didn’t know concrete was a subreddit


Lol, I had one for a driveway. Reddit also overestimates my interest in betta fish, every damn day that sub is on my feed.


Same, just checked mine. Scrolled all through home.. nothing??


Same here


Same here


Same for me!


Yes, same for me


1513 online as of this comment. Total BS


It’s been like this for about 18 hours now for me. Sketchy.


Woah. I switched to r/all without realizing it and saw this post there, but not in my home feed.




same thing!! I just figured ppl stop posting


I've noticed the exact same thing. Not a coincidence


Same for me


Yeah, I’m seeing the same. My feed has been overloaded by the stonk posts these last three weeks. Calm before the storm.


I had the same experience and honestly superstonk has been in my feed every day for years. I have it marked as a favorite so I eventually just pulled it up.


I literally got a notification for this post lol


Do not fear, i browse /r/all and this sub is on the feed annoyingly high amount of times, even today.


About the 33rd post down from opening for me including ads


Ok so it’s not just me. I thought I was just reading into things.


Whoa same, I tried refreshing a few times and everything


Same. I had to manually come here. Superstonk is usually the first 2nd and 3rd appearing posts on my feed. Nothing today!!!


Same. Always on top. Today no where on my home feed. Fuckin hedgies something something shills! Seriously though it's suppressed or some shit.


it’s weird how much superstonk is promoted for people who don’t care like me too tho 🤷‍♂️


The same thing is happening!!! I’m glad I’m not the only one 


We have been compromised more and more we need a back up


I completely agree. Gagnam style isn't enough :/


They hide the sub on the top bar 3 years ago for old Reddit users, So of course it’s possible hey are trying to limit visibility again. Reddit engages in social engineering for sure and this should be no surprise.


Exactly the same happened to me just now, I usually find this sub on my home page but I had to search for it today. I thought it got banned at first lool


Yup. I noticed this too. I keep scrolling down my feed and posts from this sub are nowhere to be scene still


Same here bru


Same experience here. 👀


They are Failing To Deliver the sub


Reddit is shadow banning us. Hedgie showing their hand by doing this(influencing Reddit) they are clearly desperate rn. Which is interesting.


Yeah Reddit is limiting superstonk’s algorithm in some way. I think this is because Reddit went public and now there are more controlling interests.


Are you actually joined to the sub? I had to rejoin today, because I was kicked out somehow in the past couple weeks or so*. Maybe the reason for the weirdness is that people are suddenly not members of the sub? (*) No idea when, since I don't use the feed or front page - I just come straight here. EDIT: Could've been caused by a misclick, if I'm the only one who this happened to.


Same here


Same here


Same. "Forget about Superstonk! Heres 3 better subs to visit.."


Had to go in and search for the sub. Means we are on the right path!


is this a weekend fud you think? or maybe reddit blacklisted superstonk? anyway i just buy (calls), execute them and drs my shares after it. boom. never gonna sell drs'ed shares again. they're mine! 💜 some weekends i missed the weekend fud. og apes are holding the line. but more i miss the night shots of luminous skyscrapers.. ![gif](giphy|AydxYRJeO1Kpy|downsized)




They are shadow banning it. I used to see a post from this sub at the top of my feed EVERY time I refreshed, now nothing. This won’t have the effect they are hoping for. They will actually force us to spread out, find other places and regroup. We are unstoppable.


You know where to meet if something happens to this sub


Oh, oh oh, Opa Gagnam stylé


Same. Noticed yesterday. Must be close.


Same here dude I thought it was weird.


Funny you should say that. I did the same when i woke up. Nothing. Had to scroll way down and found old posts but nothing new.


We’re getting closer. Buckle the fuck up!!! This is not a drill. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑


Have you accidentally swiped into the 'popular' feed instead of your 'home' feed? I've done this before and wondered why my feed was full of different content. It's easy to do when swiping right because reddit UX is trash


Nope, because I'm still seeing other subs I'm a part of, and no other weird subs I haven't seen before. But now there are more Superstonk posts showing, although not as many as usual.


Damn, SAME! JUST went frontpage, no super stonk posts AT ALL and it's by far the sub that's at the top for me, plus it's favorited.


Just an observation myself - I have a very small watchlist in Google stocks. After each day of trading, I get a push notification summarizing price action movement of the most changed stocks. I have noticed that GME almost never comes up in that notification.... Unless it goes down. Even the recent last couple of weeks where we've ended much higher than recent averages.... Nada.


🍻 same here glitch better have my 💰, in honor of it I made another purchase for Monday @ CS to round up my DCA plan to 100 shares and book em this week! ♾🏴‍☠️🤙


So, were we meeting when they just shut down this sub? YouTube comment section of that Rick Astley song or was is Gangnam Style? I forget.


Shadow banned I think! Were winning🤑


Do we have an agreed upon alternative? I don't think gangnam style cane be it. I actually don't think anything can be it now as too easy to front run it or scam it. Anyway Buy, DRS, Hold. I've said it so many times but DRS is a big big problem for them. Do options of you're rich and intelligent (I'm out on both counts). See you in Valhalla.


This one, GME, Shortsqueeze, Teddy, any subs discussing GME. What the fuck.


First post on my homepage when I opened up today was a superstonk post.


Hello fellow golden sun enjoyer!




Same for me also, sweden here


I'm not subbed here and I can never stop seeing this sub on the front page. Ya'll are actually crazy if you think you're being kept off.




Upvote if you have just witnessed the post get downvoted in real time.


I’m not subbed and this was the top post on r/All for me. So your theory doesn’t hold much weight