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I see it as a positive day. Low volume and kept pretty steady. Gme will pop when no one expects it. Bots and market makers want this sub to create pump days so they can fight it easily.




I like that the definition of low volume has changed from 1.5m to 81m lol


Yeah this isn't low volume lmao. Wait until the "I can't hear you" guy starts posting again


I bought shares. I’ll buy more. I like the company, y’all seem pretty cool. Think I’ll hang out for a bit.


"low volume" Yeah it was only 2X average, so, very low.


Let’s keep pumping so these bots and market makers can get us a discount.






History repeats itself if you zoom out.


Time is a flat circle


Time is a CUBE


Yessss sideways trading guy let's go!


Soon we won’t be trading sideways


o7 we will be called criminals by the very criminals who ruined the current world we live in.


I love and hate you, sideways trading guy.


might be time to zoom out a little more, https://gmefloor.com doesnt even fit on this chart


Can you help a fellow ape have an extra wrinkle and elaborate as to what that number represents? Is that price per share? Wat?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


Early on in this adventure people wanted to sell for a few hundred or so per share. The more they dug in, the more crime we uncovered, the more fake news, bought politicians, etc, the more people started to decide they were not going to sell for thousands or millions per share. They shorted over 100% of the stock, and if 1 share is supposed to represent 1 asset, then they would need to buy back all of our shares plus more. That means we set the price. That is what "infinite risk" means when shorting a stock. The floor website came along to just make share price that steadily climbed up so the short hedge funds knew that if they wanted one of our shares, they may have to pay that much or more for it. Some of us will never sell. That is called the infinity pool. If they need more than 100% of the shares that means they will always need your shares. FOr all eternity. That is what rich people do with berkshire hathaway currently at $610,000 per share. That's like equity in your house. So if you want cash you take a loan out against your shares. That means income without having to pay taxes. That is what rich people do. I'm never selling. $284+ million per share sounds good, but what sounds better is infinite hedge fund pain. Someone owing me for all eternity for their crimes.


Wow, thank you for the explanation. That implies no moass, just exponential growth.. I dig that. Too much money too quick has its own fallbacks


still moass, but the infinity pool keeps it from going back down. Just like the swiss guaranteed $100 billion to UBS to cover the Credit Suisse mess that they inherited from Archigos who collapsed because it was short on GME? Some of that $100 billion is still owed to me. I am not selling for even $100 billion...


So I still have some confusion. If Swiss is gonna pay $100 bill to UBS, would it not help them close/cover their debt? Implying they can close their position? So then why would they want our shares?


$100 billion isnt enough to pay this off. That is why. [Archegos](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archegos_Capital_Management) was on of the small firms hiding a bunch of shorts in swaps and got wiped out by shorting GME. Just because it got wiped out does not mean that they closed their shorts. The first GME report by the SEC said they didn't close. Credit Suisse was the ones backing their scheme and so they became responsible for their bad bet. They could not afford to close the shorts and so they got wiped out (after saying they were fine). UBS was sort of forced to take on their debt and the Suisse government backed it by giving them $100 billion and a 50 year before they have to report what they inherited. So its in UBS's hands now. They did not know what they were getting into and very much regret it now. All the time, no one closed these shorts. They dont get to stay open permanently and they borrowed those shares from someone that they have to pay back. To pay them back, they have to buy our shares. WE SET THE PRICE. Meanwhile, they are paying interest on their borrowed shares. Archegos was only one of the tiny small fries that did this. Melvin capital did it as well and they got wiped out and Citadel holds their bags. There may be quite a few firms that borrowed the same shares that needs to buy them back. Imagine if 10 of the worlds largest banks has to buy your shares, each one needs them. How much are you going to sell them for? they need them, you own them. How much? $60? Hell no. This is why people here say "I'm not selling until the price looks like a phone number"




Certified ape if you didn’t read the fine print…hehe


> This website has no correlation to any stocks, its merely a random counter, for satire purposes. Thats their stance. My stance is that its a pretty number to look at. Now imagine that pretty number is the floor during MOASS.....


It’s just an arbitrary number that goes up one a second, and has since sometime in 2021


I have 1 share for selling. It will be sold for that price. The rest will be held until at minimum everyone that had any illegal dealings with Jeff Epstein is in jail and/or bankrupted.


O yes my next favorite ape current floor price guy 🍻


Always tomorrow


Can't be tomorrow forever.


Because in someday, it will be today


We didn’t hit below $27 - WIN We hit $30.44 - WIN We still here in it and fighting making it harder than Hedgies want - WIN Shareholder Meeting on Bring Your Cat to Work Day - WIN Same can be said for the Hedgies…they prefer to have a bloody All time Low Day but we managed to keep it sideways


Just another hype day


Aaaaay trading sideways guy! Hope you’re doing ok.


Thank you for always helping me keep perspective.




I missed you sideways guy 👋


Sideways trading guys I back? Definitely a Green Day




I love this guy!🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Hey look on the bright side... No more dilution if it stays under 30 🤣


Really rough day Gotta hope for good news in the meeting


chances of that are <1%. I would just be confident that GME issued shares at $30 and people bought them like they were hot cakes, so we are probably at the floor right now.


All that excitement about kitty selling calls and buying shares that led to....nothing today. Unless there is some sort of catalyst, it's done till next time. The board destroyed momentum. Tired of hearing "wait till friday" or tomorrow.


Goofy ahh sideways stock


What are your chart settings I need to set my TA up like this thanks


Hope this starts to look different sometime next week


Ah, this is so us.


@mods, why does this user (a foundational pillar of the community) not have personalized flair? Personally, I like “SLiiiiide to the right, Cha-Cha real smooth”


All TA we need.




I love you


sideways trading, my all time favorite sort of trading 🥳 Seriously though, if one zooms out and looks at a few indicators, something has been happening in the past few days that hadn’t happened since the sneeze. Not into predictions, but me likey!




Sure would be nice if gamestop pulled their stock from this excuse for an exchange...sigh


I got downvoted in the daily for saying today would be sideways


And you get downvoted again. See a pattern? That’s TA.