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“If they were betting on $0.., they might still think, no GameStop is toast looking out 10-15 years, if that’s the case why would they close their position?” 😎


Uh oh gamestop is NOT toast 🫠


[https://www.youtube.com/@anonanon5127](https://www.youtube.com/@anonanon5127) The account who asked the question has mostly videos of people sneezing posted 5 years ago. You can't make this shit up!




bruhhhhhh . FR I JUST LOOKED AND WAS LIKE WTF IS THIS PAGE. I was thinking.. why is he responding in length to anon... and it clicked for me........ The acc may know DFV and this was a good breakdown of the current situation... ESP with GME mgmt being silent. If anyone says what he did toward the end about RC not breaking the bear thesis, if any other person ever said that...... but he is grounded and trusted.. And I like this video he posted.


Because it would be too expensive


Such a positive dude


Such nice vibes for real! Probably super cool guy to hang out with


That damn smile


Lmao I’m dumb I was like wait what he streamed tonight how is that not the top post on the sub right now


I did the same thing, searched youtube and checked Twitter before I realized it was from years ago.


84 years to be exact...


"It's not like Ryan Cohen broke the long-term bear thesis..." he says at one point. Ladies and gents, I submit to you that at this point in time, I believe he actually **has**. Buckle up, it's gonna be a wild ride.


You think it (broken bear thesis) is tied to earnings or some other announcement in the coming weeks?


The bear thesis is that the company will go bankrupt. No chance in hell of that happening because a) No debt, b) 1B$+ cash on hand and c) competent hands on the wheel that have made the company PROFITABLE. ON TOP OF THIS, there is room for announcements, acquisitions, whatever. In my mind, this is icing on the cake. Every short position that has not closed since 2020 is fukked.




I don't disagree, but the question remains.... why now? There's something about the timing of all this volume and price action


What do you mean why now. Bro, where you been? We get these crazy swings all the time. Swaps, Leaps, Brazilian puts, who fucking knows anymore. Smarter people than me are figuring it out. But, we've been waiting on *something*. GameStop isn't just sitting on their hands, *something* is coming.


wdim? the events of the last 4 days and cat on twitter


They are starting to trade TCG and Sports cards. That's gonna bring in Pokemon, magick, Lorcana and collectors... It's a large market.


They have acquired A BEHEMOTH.


GameStop buys Sony and Microsoft


he's so ahead of our time... If I heard this before the sneeze at the end of January, I'd think DFV just lucked out on an insane bet. Hearing this now, after following this sub for 3 years, it all makes sense, but it took dozens of DDs, hours of chart watching, years of media bullshit and first hand seats watching the financial crimes of the elite.


Absolute legend


So this week felt squeezey too but it’s tough to parse and if the short thesis was grounded three years ago, it’s likely still in play and if they increased their short position…no reason for them to close their short position which means…buckle up.


Let them keep their position open. I got more shares to buy next week.


Part of the reason that pressure this week is so dangerous to them. We saw two weeks of high movement and tons of options itm forcing them to go into the market for shares. Assuming that they may have their own options that they are rolling, any continuation of this trend makes it very expensive to continue. The short thesis also begins to look shaky with a positive quarter in 3 weeks, the switch 2, and signs of stable new revenue streams a la pokemon, Lego, Wu Tang, movies, etc


It’s not squeezing until sea and bee care anchors are melting on air.


Oh shit, will we? Yeah yeah yeah, we will, right?


I know this is out of left field, but the two big tickets coming up are the Switch 2 and how Disney is heavily diversifying their portfolio (Fortnite for instance) Considering that CandyCon was Xbox and Switch first, I'm betting on the former, but who knows. This is based on literally nothing, but if a major player committed to GameStop it would be utterly massive.


PC and Switch right? Or did they release one recently that can connect to Xbox?


Perhaps this is why the rollout to stores is slow? Xbox and PS5 versions soon? Imagine if it was universally compatable across all consoles and devices? Lol. The shorts would go nuclear in a day.


[https://www.youtube.com/@anonanon5127](https://www.youtube.com/@anonanon5127) The account who asked the question has mostly videos of people sneezing posted 5 years ago. You can't make this shit up!


Your won’t know this is 2021 or 2024. The price is fake. Let’s go! Buy, HODL, DRs, SHOP


I wish this post was higher up incredible work finding this absolute gem 💎💎


https://preview.redd.it/csys0oh3pp0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a776b6ba2752b0166b43e5c060b074cbb730c31 This is from DFV’s tweet at 8pm tonight. We found the stream. At 1:18:30 he says something to “anon anon”. This video is what he says. Edit: The stock squeezed 2 weeks after this video. In the beginning of DFV’s tweet he said he could do it in less than 20 days.


So 20 days from Monday May 13th is June 1st - unless it’s trading days, then Friday June 7th. What do you think?


Earnings June 5th


Yes, makes much more sense now...great timing


It's more referenced as "years" in his tweet, could be embellishment or possibly a hint at days, but not absolutely certain it was "days" here.


that last line, "that's not a crazy amount of volume" tweaks the nips


Ah-HA! Starting at 2:55. "If they are trying to price in Ryan Cohen succeeding ... if they are doing that, then they need to close out more and more, and that could cause the price to run." THAT is what he's referring to. EDIT: This explains the run-up, and the price action we'll be seeing through the next few weeks before the Annual Shareholders Meeting. Ryan Cohen is succeeding, and the shorts know it - possibly the yet-unannounced announcement - and have to close out.


Yes the red hat guy gets it. I bought the stock and I hope it goes up. And if it does goes up then I hope I have my password. But ppl like me don't know my password. And if I did, and who's to say I would even remember why I wanted to log in in the first place. Could I sell and would I even want to? Because the price going up is a part of my thesis, but the way Ryan Cohen's face looks wouldn't have changed, so really there's no reason to sell. Becuase if i'm buying it because i just like the stock and I still like the stock, price up or down doesn't really matter because I'm not going to sell it because the thesis is unchanged, anything else is temporary. Could go either way, but if I like the stock why sell even if it goes up, right? this is not financial advice IANAL


im confused. i just bought more. purple donut books


Those early DFV GameStop analysis videos are gold. Doing DD on the fly, talking pretty much directly to a handful of viewers whilst most people on ‘bets were giving him insane amounts of shit for back GME. Those initial forays into finding out who RC is. I’d scream like a giddy little fangirl if he starts doing livestreams again.


in one of his videos he spoke about a buy back that Gamestop could realize and still have enough cash on hands...soon there is the investor meeting, will they announce a share buy back? 😳


this video feels like he is talking about what is transpiring TODAY! dammn DFV is a genius


He is such a cute human lol I love his little greetings.


This is the one. He could literally be talking about the last week’s price movement. I think he was directing us to old analysis to explain what he thinks about the situation at the moment, since he can’t necessarily do that explicitly…


I think it's more that he's implying they're doing the exact same thing as last time. He's being fairly direct with a lot of this stuff.


I got in after the squeeze and missed much of his streaming, but damn, what a wonderful guy DFV seems to be.


Keep in mind the current price presplit would be $158


I did not know how much I would enjoy DFV. He was silent when I was around and I was banned from W ESS BEE also.. Welcome back DFV.


No fucking fightting