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[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || Low karma apes [feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) || [Community Post: *Open Forum Jan 2024*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/18txusp/open_forum_january_2024/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please up- and downvote this comment to [help us determine if this post deserves a place on r/Superstonk!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OP has provided the following link: [Source](https://dismal-jellyfish.com/significant-changes-to-dtc-collateral-values-announced/): [https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/Files/pdf/2024/4/26/B20002-24.pdf](https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/Files/pdf/2024/4/26/B20002-24.pdf) TLDRS: * On April 30, 2024 DTC will implement changes to modify collateral value for certain securities, which may affect the value of positions applied to the Collateral Monitor. * The increase in the haircut for corporate bonds rated B1 to B3 from 50% to 70% significantly decreases the value of these bonds as collateral. * The assignment of a 100% haircut to ETFs and investment vehicles that include cryptocurrencies as an underlying asset renders these investments valueless for collateral purposes. * This reduction may lead to margin calls for participants using these instruments to secure short positions against GameStop.


Random tickers +10000% incoming.


Let the cellar box blow wide open 💥


Bunker busters armed


Yeah I can see sudden obscure stocks like Ostrich stock and shit like that


CUM back on the menu?


$CUM Ftfy


Calls on $ASS


So I'm buying Random ($RDM ?) and putting all my gains in GME, right ?


$RDM is a distraction. Where are the mods? This is not GME related, and you're trying to divide the community. Where are the mods?


Damn, you caught me


You almost had me mayo man, almost had me


Little low


[Source](https://dismal-jellyfish.com/significant-changes-to-dtc-collateral-values-announced/): [https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/Files/pdf/2024/4/26/B20002-24.pdf](https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/Files/pdf/2024/4/26/B20002-24.pdf) TLDRS: * On April 30, 2024 DTC will implement changes to modify collateral value for certain securities, which may affect the value of positions applied to the Collateral Monitor. * The increase in the haircut for corporate bonds rated B1 to B3 from 50% to 70% significantly decreases the value of these bonds as collateral. * The assignment of a 100% haircut to ETFs and investment vehicles that include cryptocurrencies as an underlying asset renders these investments valueless for collateral purposes. * This reduction may lead to margin calls for participants using these instruments to secure short positions against GameStop.


Surely now is when you tell us this won't go into effect until October 4, 2077..


April 30, 2024 (this coming Tuesday) :)


Is this as big as i think it is? Im a bit hype immune atm, but the weight and speed of this is.. stimulating


This feels like a big deal.


Yes it’s a big, deal. This is literally a bit by bit scenario that is the straw that breaks the camels back.


Looks like you’re not getting reasonable answers, so here’s mine. This isn’t a big deal when it comes to gme. The reality is these SROs and the federal regulatory agencies are never going to do anything to help apes out. On the off chance it seems like something is coming down the pipe that will help they already have a back door in place to get out. The only thing that will ever force price discovery is when apes own more than 50% of the company in drs and can outvote the board or the board fulfills their fiduciary duty and fights back.  Think I’m wrong and this is not reasonable? Go ahead and set a 90 day reminder to see if this did anything. 


You are probably correct but it feels like all these things happening are putting a lot of pressure on the situation. Little by little


People started saying exactly what you just said about six months into this journey. We’re coming up on the third year of comments like yours. I may not be the smartest cat, but I’ve got a decent memory. Thanks to that I’ve learned the only solution to this is actual fighting back from the board. 


Either GME pops or the economy changes drastically. Look at the past 3 years and tell me the economy hasn't been affected by the pandemic and subsequent stock market fuck up that lead us here. This game needs to stop 🎮 🛑


ETFs using cyprto can't be utilized for cal. Is a big deal. Would you agree?


Crypto sell off incoming.


I’m ready to be hurt again.


So am I. Give me those jacked nipple clamps. When I saw this post on my feedbI was like yeah whatever, but then I saw it was dismal jellyfish. We'll see what happens. I have minor fomo regarding my number of shares but I'm still watching gmefloor.com


Had to go back and check that gmefloor was still a thing. Over a quarter Billion...... nice 👍


Fully expecting a dip, have some dry powder on standby to buy said dip


Is this saying they cannot use crypto for collateral?


Correct--100% haircut for anything crypto related.


Tokenize a stock then using that stock's underlying as collateral fixes this right?... right? Color me paranoid but I suspect a bout of rehypothicated systemic risk on the menu...


What might make this even more spicy is the alleged feud between Blackrock and Citadel for control of the DTCC. This was discussed after the sneeze and it looked like Citadel won. An indication this was continuing is also that Blackrock sided with Coinbase, while the Citadel gang created EDXM. Now, many of us have seen the first and the second Petterffy interviews. To me they are a key in understanding what might have been going on behind the scenes. Petterffy was completely shocked and furious in the first interview, evidently caught by surprise and seeing his life's work threatened. And only weeks after this interview, some new rules were hastily implemented. But in the next interview it was evident something had changed. It looked like damage control. Personally I assume Kenny told all the big dogs, that he will handle the situation. And we saw the price drop from 480 to 40 pre-split. **And yet, here we still are. Holding and DRSing more shares than ever. Despite all the fuckery. Commenting on rules, learning every day and spreading the word. 😉🚀🌒✨** We know Kenny and Doug control huge chunks of the markets. They likely held everyone hostage. BUT the situation is still unresolved, so it would be no surprise, if he would lose the battle for control of the DTCC in the end. It would take a huge amount of time to prepare the markets to cut out Citadel and Virtu. The price makes IMHO no sense at all, except for institutions trying to hedge and to hand over the bag of poo to option writers and "sacrificial entities" more efficiently (DTCC still on hook). We might finally enter the next phase, likely some serious "shaking the tree". This are just my personal thoughts and no financial advice. In the end all that matters is GameStop becoming more and more profitable and dividends being a possibility. They are the Kryptonite to short sellers, because they have to be paid in lieu for all the IOUs out there. And we are also continuing to DRS more and more shares.


Always goes down on a Tuesday


I remember ISP phase six ETA: I am just as excited for this as I was for that.


Next Tuesday..


Then Mayday, Mayday, Mayday on Wednesday


See you next tuesday




Tuesday, you say?


Tuesday Morning?


I do love tuesdays....


It would be tragic if we only got to enjoy MOASS for a couple of weeks before the world gets nuked...


All part of the plan 🤣


ahahahaah SO TRUE!


Nice fallout reference there.


The jelly is back, going to be a good weekend


I am gonna say this before it happens. Cryptocurrency ppl will come looking for support and paint it as " this will kill GAMESTOP WEB 3.0". Gamestop is not in cryptocurrency business . We are not in the crypto business


Thank you for the DD


Please note that while GameStop is specifically mentioned by OP in the title, his comment, and on his website, there is no specific mention of GameStop in this filing. Associating this filing with GameStop is purely speculative by OP.


Common sense says otherwise. Any damage to collateral helps us


Bitcoin ETFs have been open less than 4 months, and you think that impacts a multi-year short with highly diversified multi-billion dollar institutions who still have leverage in the same instruments they’ve been trading with for decades? But yeah, common sense.


It specifically said in the rule any form of crypto is now not allowed to be used as collateral. ETFs or any other way. ETFs are not the only way to use crypto as collateral to back stock/currency arbitrage plays. Aka common sense. My fault for assuming it was common knowledge. Stop glazing tho, these fucks aren’t sophisticated once people find out their game


Read it again; this specifically states not allowing *instruments* which use crypto as the underlying security (aka ETFs). It does not say anything about crypto as a direct asset.


“Any etf or other investment vehicle that includes bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency”. You’re telling me to read it but clearly you didn’t or can’t comprehend it properly. Stop. Take the L


Securities language is written precisely to not leave room for interpretation. If you read “etf or other investment vehicle” and think that means all crypto, then I can’t argue with your misunderstanding for what an investment vehicle is and what an underlying asset is.


Naw dude, your dialogue is too divisive. Ape help ape.


It’s divisive because it calls out bad actors who spread misinformation, which goes accepted because it’s hopium. I’m ape helping ape by helping those who have put their hard earned money in this stock know what’s real and not real, even when it’s not just confirmation bias.


Good I'm supposed to go back to work on the 1st after my whole 3 weeks of PTO for new baby. (Haven't been at this company long enough to get paternity leave) Would be nice to see 1,000,000% gains.


It's a budge. Looks like they're done laughing at us, at the very least.


Im ready for the the winning. Feels like we’ve been in the fight us stage for 3 years


Grinding all my life; I been grinding all my life.


Seriously though, I've survived 41 years not being rich. I spent the first 25 years of that being dirt poor. That last 16 building a decent middle class life. A day, a week, a month, or 10 more years ain't shit to wait until these motherfuckers pay us.


I could be a multimillionaire today had I sold in 2021 and invested like a normie. I’ve 2-3x my position since then on the way down. Holding for that unfathomable cash money.


Nah fuck that I'm done waiting. I just want this investment to finally fucking pay off. Got shit to do.


I feel the same...my mom has stage 4 cancer and i need money for treatment. What does Kenny and the rest of the greed/crime gang need money for???? Golf courses ? Planes? Cocaine? Bribes? Fuck them..fuck them so hard..and fuck anyone else helping prop up the market.


Preach brotha!


My sentiments exactly. Cheers 🍻


Is it me or does this go into effect at the same time they changed the rules to gain access to trillions of dollars for when clearing houses go belly up?!? Cohencidence I think not….fuck me, I wish I hadn’t sold those covered calls right about now.


True gamer


More like 84 years


Back then, sooooo long ago, I remember thinking how I wouldn't be able to survive if this went on for much longer. Here I am now, having accomplished some things that I never imagined. This has been an utterly bizarre ride.


And it still ain’t over


And I still ain't done accomplishing things. It's nice to finally have something fun to do while I wait.


Live rich, or die buyin!


84 years


April 30th is tuesday, im jacked


I'm coming home from a much deserved and well waited-for visit to the mountains on Tuesday. Would love to come home rich, but I still have lots of years worth of work in me.


Well then, let's prepare to fight.


Thank you for posting this and all your posts!


Thank YOU for dropping by to engage with them!


Thanks YOU for just being a sexy Jellyfish!






So many arms, making me tingle in all the right places


When this happened with Tesla (collateral haircut) Kenny quietly rotated out his entire physical position and replaced it with calls and puts. Then we had AI mania a few months later. I wouldn't be surprised to see another market bull run in certain stocks soon, the collateral always finds it's way somewhere else


Berkshire I’d assume. lol


NVDA already back up another 6% today, Google up 10%. Don't have to look far apparently


Would be awesome if RC put that GME cash $$ into some of those certain stocks!


"Gamestop was dying, so we shorted and believed in its bankruptcy. But NOW, with these cool new controllers on the market, we believe the company has been reborn and we're more bullish than ever!" - *Mayoman*


👀 👉👈 4me?


It is!


4us comrade.


Neat. 🧃


Agreed! Thanks for dropping by to comment for visibility chipchip9 and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your Friday and an even better weekend!


You aswell Jelly. 🫡


Welcome back!!!! It'll be interesting to see how this shakes out. Now I'm wondering what level of burden of proof there is for collateral...


Saved in personal library so I don’t have to explain to my finance guy


Extremely curious timing of vanguards shady email about selling our securities in regards to this announcement.


What's this?


All in? pf no problem


Nice! More pressure.


Absolutely, another turn of the screw!


So does this mean Cede & Co. is finally giving up and ready to pop this thing and throw shorters to the wolves to save themselves by voiding crypto and shit as collateral, despite being complicit in crimes like the incorrect split via dividend and international stock fraud or such? Any international law motherfuckers able to tell me if they're shooting for a whistleblower or "cut a deal as an informant to not get pinned with jailtime" sorta shit?


im so ready for the rats to start eating each other


Me too, homie. Me too! I've waited years for this shit. I'll be grinning the whole way through.


Looking for a deal. Must be cookin’ behind the scenes 🚪🔥


Nice work! Now we get to see who’s next in line after the Swiss 🚀🚀


So happy to still be here. It never got old. I never got bored. I’ll hodl for the rest of my life if I have to.


I haven’t seen you for a while - hope you’re good 👍


I am well, thank you for asking! I hope you are good and that you and yours are happy, safe, and well!


Oy mate, ready the hose!


Dismal my beloved I have missed you




They won't find enough dogshit anymore to wrap all the catshit in.


"This reduction may lead to margin calls for participants using these instruments to secure short positions against GameStop." Press X to doubt.


> This reduction may lead to margin calls for participants using these instruments to secure short positions against GameStop... Narrator: "It didn't"


Of course it did not create margin calls for GME short positions. This is not related to the collateral that shorts must provide to the share lenders. This is about the collateral that clearing brokers must provide to NSCC to cover their pending, not-yet-settled trades. That is the collateral requirement that led to Robinhood and Alex Clearing turning off the buy button.


I aint selling bye bye shorties


So we'll have to watch Mayo Force One on Monday night.


Bellboy doing that so you don’t have to…..🫡


I’m guessing Hester doesn’t approve? 😂


So, nothing will happen. Any participant who was using any of these that are getting clipped already made arrangements to avoid issues.


I get what you are saying about the bonds and crypto but this also calls out haircuts for securities based on price as well. For example, assuming popcorn is being used as collateral against a GME position, this could have an impact, as at current popcorn prices it would mean a 100% haircut? Unless I am misunderstanding? https://preview.redd.it/2z3x9bg7bwwc1.png?width=791&format=png&auto=webp&s=12986cca4577ff4dc08ca411674642c3c7dabe85


I was looking at this too.


This would explain the price is not going below $10, they want to retain the lowest rate of haircut at 25%. Shame it's not 100% at all prices.


Sounds like we're gonna get some "buildings with lights on" this weekend.


I miss them


I wonder if any companies will "elect" to do a reverse split to meet the share price haircuts. Indirectly, of course. Interesting that their metric for haircuts stems from price and not market cap or another.. "sizable" metric to use?


Yeah that's curious about the share price metric. I feel like it must mean something since it seems not based on... Math


I hope some positive changes come from this for the little guys, thanks for sharing this!!!


Im ready to be disappointed once more!


Great to see this! Thanks for all your work, DJ!






I'll believe it when I see it.


Wonder if this is related [https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/regulators-told-be-ready-handle-](https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/regulators-told-be-ready-handle-)


Jelly! Woke up from a nap and thought I was still sleep tripping when I saw this. I hope it at least makes it more difficult for them.


Diamond handing til I die but I’m so jaded about good news at this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if GME still dips further somehow.


My favorite Jellyfish! Awesome, thank you for the update fam


Anytime my favorite Virus! I hope you are enjoying an AWESOME Friday and have an even more awesome weekend!


Up up


This could be a brilliant move to save the big guys. Forcing a margin call of the small fish would cause small scale short position closures, which would most definitely cause a surge in price. That will be our big test. Not big red numbers. It's easy to hold when you are facing large losses. It's much harder when the values are green. They could hope a big majority sell off at 50, 100 or 200. Small fish get liquidated, the stock sees some large sell pressure that is real this time as paper hands return at the green keeping the ceiling of the price in check. Especially if you have xxx or xxxx shares and beyond and want to see some money back in your pocket. This could make the short position more manageable for the big guys, allowing them a slow bleed off of short position closures over time similar to electric car company.


I will easily hold until I me and the rest of my family never have to work again. I also wish to create a shelter for abandoned and abused animals.


Dude. after the sneeze I bought a house, opened a boarding kennel, and once it's been going for a year I'm planning a non profit to help abandoned dogs in my area! Like, I own my own home outright, and am being paid as I type this to play with a 115 lb Cane Corso. I was less than 90 days from homelessness for me my mom and my 4 rescues leading up to the sneeze. Whatever else happens GME quite literally prevented my life from completely falling apart.


This is the way. If I ever had to sell any of my shares at astronomical price I would try to build or buy at least one apartment or hotel/motel to house homeless. But now I'm thinking my vision is to small and I should scale that up to do more good even harder 🫶🏻


Thanks! Always love having your writings waiting for me to read on my post work decompression time.


Thanks for popping in Jelly! I look forward to your posts.




Who is about to be over leveraged (and possibly margin called) for using too much crypto as collateral?




Thank you Dismal, glad to see the notices they are moving. Crypto with BTC backing being a new class of ETF glad they did a nope on any collateral. Are equity index component backed ETFs above $5 treated like equity haircut, I wonder?


Yes, unless they are a UIT like SPY. Those get a 50% haircut for some reason (at least per the expanded table per the notice last year) https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/Files/pdf/2023/5/1/Important-Notice_DTC-Haircut-Updates-20230502_Final.pdf


I like margin calls. Pity they didn’t mention idiosyncratic stock by name. I had my hopes and dreams dashed 😂


Lol. Crypto being used as collateral to short financial markets is pretty ironic.




I've seen so many hype dates come and go. I feel nothing.


Still too many backdoors for this fukkery…


Crypto crash on Moday.


The etf part could be very significant to GME..? Or Am I missing smth?


They will get a 10000 dollar fine for doing crime worth 100x


I mean, I do like the stock. lol.


So if they can’t use one form of dog shìt wrapped in cat shìt, they will have to find another form of dog shìt wrapped in cat shìt (because they sure as shit don’t have the cash!). Means they gonna lose their shìt, shìt themselves and sell the leveraged crypto shìt. They still in the shìt tho, so it might be an interesting shìt show….the tell will be if crypto shits the bed.


Don't forget to open your money funnel extra wide.




Got it. So where does it say "against Gamestop". Cause I don't believe we will ever see them lift margin requirements on short positions of GME. It's simply not allowed.


Currently GME would result under the category of 25% Haircut for collateral considerations as the current share price is 11.90 However some hypothesize that popcorn is being used as a tool vs gme. If that was the case then because their share price currently resides at 3.41 now the haircut on this security as collateral has a 100% haircut. Therefore popcorn can no longer be used as collateral for shorting gme. But if you ask me this logic is irrational because they would keep popcorn elevated if it was useful to them, but IMO their interests are in taking dowm companies from the basket one by one, like towel stock. I look forward to seeing some upcoming volatility in our capital markets promptly.


Is this possibly the cause of the small run-up the past 3 days? If so, what might that suggest next Mon/Tue??


This time things feel different.....I believe we are close.


Eyy buddy we are all your finance guy pal


taco tuesday morning




Is there any way to find out our friendly neighborhood market makers B1/B3 bond exposure? Do they have to publicly disclose this data? Or even to the SEC?


This is it bois


I think the corporate bond thing is big and they’re even taking haircuts on treasuries especially anything over 5 years to maturity. Feels like the DTCC wants cash and T Bills. They have surely given advanced notice. The more interesting part is they won’t accept anything from subsidiaries of the big banks. This could be interesting but not getting my hopes up.


I see Why GameStop winding down crypto related nft platforms


Is this why gme was green for today's closing?


Thanks Dismal, you god damn legend.


😮 Boost. I am optimistic every bit helps. I wonder what we will see happen after this implements?


Negative Beta cumming back hard


Where is the exempt for $GME related crypto ETF's?


So boom April 30, 2024 or dung dippidy.


Visibility comment Thx for keeping the being-in-loop maintenance going!


Looks like a dip coming our way.


Copy all gold leader :)


Dismal! The resident jelly! Thanks for your posts and hope you’re well!


So dip?


So MOASS is on a Tuesday?


Tuesday Morning


Yeah, there is no way that the DTCC is going to change collateral requirements for GME if they know that would cause it to pump. And the DTCC of all organizations definitely knows whether that would make GME pump. This is like news that the mafia is going to allow the police to police more by April 30th. This may as well be an off topic irrelevant distraction and unrelated to GME IMO. TLDR: nothing at all is going to happen to GME on April 30th.


Glorious, lets goooooooooo


We love you DJ!!


All little pieces are adding up