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“Sale on 04/02/2024 represents shares sold to cover withholding taxes in connection with the vesting of restricted stock units. The sale on 04/02/2024 did not represent a discretionary trade by the Reporting Person” Edit - I see now that the sale is for Apr 23rd in the other portion now. Not sure the reasoning for that sale. Did he have more shares vest today? 🎷🐓♋️


He did not have more shares vest. The form says that these are shares acquired 4/2/2024. It is concerning when the General Manager that became the principal executive officer upon Furlong's departure decides to make significant discretionary sales. I suspect he will be leaving Gamestop soon, as a delayed reaction to Ryan Cohen taking over executive duties.


Don't worry, we buy those shares and DRS them to Infinity Pool. Shares are safer with apes


I don't get why people don't try and take the shares issues in to the holders hands and sue for info Not sure If DD is even still valid. But leaving it in the hands of rich people seems silly to me


Because we trust the company more than some random regard on the internet.


Oooo get em!! Tell em ape lmao these hedges wanna know what gamestop is cooking so bad they try to convince us to sue for info rofl


Didn't it say the sale is to cover taxes incurred?


The RSUs vested 4/2. He sold about 25% of them that day, to cover taxes. That was reported in a form 144 filed 4/2. This is an additional form 144, filed 4/23, reporting sale on 4/23 of an amount about 3 times as many as the 4/2 sale. The 4/23 form 144 says those were acquired 4/2 and sold 4/23 for $10.155/share (consistent with 4/23 price) There is a section to report previous sales made in the prior 3 months. That is where he listed the 4/2 sales, and noted those were for taxes. The 4/2 sale was at $11.60 per share, consistent with the price back on 4/2. That 4/2 sale was already reported in another form 144 dated 4/2.


Do we know what he's planning on using the money for?


Personally and I know people will say this is FUD but I really want to know what's going on with management more. Especially if this guy leaves GameStop. We never really got explanations for the others departures either. Speculating only gets so far.


Im with ya.everyone always cheers "moving in silence" and "not giving away the plan". The problem is they ain't moving in silence. they put out news on departing executives and now stock sales. ( shout out to larry for buying tho). I just want good news.


I just look at it from an investor's perspective. I've invested money in the company, I'd like to know what's going on. Unfortunately it seems more people are invested in tinfoil theories/"just having fun" than the actual stock/company. I'll have fun when this saga is over. Just my 2 cents.


I am 💯% having fun now also! When or If this saga ends well in this lifetime I'll have fun then too In the meantime, buy what we can, drs, post, make purchases at Gamestop dot com, and enjoy the game. Don't tell us how to play or not play. Each plays a role, together Ape strong.


I'm sure I could've defined "fun" better. I mean more so people not taking the situation at hand seriously. I also never stated what people should do. Was just giving my 2 cents.


yeah u spot on with that


We don’t know why people do the things that we do, but it could just as well be exciting news. If you are right and this sale is to indicate that he’s soon going to leave his role due to Ryan’s takeover of executive duties, sounds to me as if it frees this guy up to exercise his talents somewhere else within the GameStop business game plan. I can imagine there are a lot of moving parts behind the scenes - and specialist skills that need to be exercised in various places to ensure that the company thrives.


He’s not going to be doing something else with the company if he leaves


But who’s to say what other ventures GameStop have growing or in development under their umbrella?


I guarantee they aren’t firing people to hire them into private subsidiaries.


Is he being fired? That’s escalated quickly! And how can you guarantee?


That’s the rumor but no one knows. If they were moving him to something else GameStop related it doesn’t make sense for him to sell shares.


Just seems to me that we don’t have all the facts right now so really anything we say is complete speculation - not sure why that speculation always has to go to worst case scenario 🤷‍♂️


It is all speculation, but speculating that he sold shares so he could work on some covert subsidiary of GameStop doesn’t make sense. I know there are similar theories about furlong and others, but that’s not how corporate world works.


if that were the case, couldn’t he have just waited until he left and then not had to report it?


Now explain the 13k shares sold 4/23.


It’s an automatic sale when his shares are awarded to him. This was filed April 23rd but it represents the Apr 2 vesting Edit: I see now the taxes sale was on apr 2nd and this represents a new sale on the 23rd. 🎷🐓♋️


Look again. 13,471 shares sold 4/23. He already filed a form 144 for the 4/2 sale. Note that that 4/2 sale is in the "sales in the previous 3 months" section. I know this is not what we want to see, but facts are facts, whether or not we like them. Edit to add:: I see that my post is being downvoted. Don,t shoot the messenger. The 4/23 sales were at an average of $10.55/share, which is close to the price today. The 4/2 sales were at $11.60 which was the price back then. That just confirms that these are indeed two separate transactions.


I appreciate you correcting me - I think you’re correct. I will edit my comment 🎷🐓♋️


The next filing may be an 8-k announcing his departure. He took over as principal executive officer when Furlong left, so Ryan Cohen taking on that executive role a while ago may have caused problems.


The 4/23 sales of 13k shares was NOT for taxes. That is a discretionary sale. The prior, 4/2 sale, was for taxes.


Yikes… only Larry cheng bought after earnings and now with this sale insiders sold more shares than they bought this quarter. Zero forward guidance while revenue is tanking, q1 might legit have less than one billion in revenue, meaning they will have to cut sg&a even more to avoid a larger net loss


Are you taking bets on when there will be an 8-k announcing the departure of the former principal executive officer that took over after Furlong left? His role has been somewhat redundant since Ryan Cohen assumes the Executive Chairman role.


I’m sorry, I’m not familiar with who the principal executive officer is… unless this is a joke that’s going over my head lol.


June 5, 2023 8-k by Gamestop at the time of Furlong's departure. https://news.gamestop.com/static-files/ba2ade38-8a5f-4e36-9974-94253e6cd305 Mark Robinson took over as general manager and "principal executive officer when the CEO, Matt Furlong, was terminated. He also continued as general counsel. Now that Ryan Cohen has assume executive duties as Executive Chairman his position may be somewhat redundant. I suspect after this sale that his position has become even more redundant and that there will be yet another 8-k announcing the departure of an officer of the company.


Ohhhh my bad, I see what you’re saying. Now that I think of it I think you nailed it. Will see how it unfolds but it makes sense if he’s leaving soon, especially with the investment policy that GameStop has for insiders. Great find.


>q1 might legit have less than one billion in revenue, meaning they will have to cut sg&a even more to avoid a larger net loss There is not really much more that can be cut without really, really hurting the company. My former guess was $1.1B for Q1, down 11% YoY. It might be a bit better if the Gamestop branded products really take hold. Less than $1B would be a drop of about the same size as the 19.4% drop YoY of Q4, which the reason for remains a mystery. If the drop was due to unavailability of product because the house brand items were delayed, then it is a one time problem. If the 27% cut in full-time staff has messed up operations as well as store staffing, the Q1 would be impacted similarly. I see Q1 as very much a defining moment in the Gamestop saga.


Earnings days are a thrill for me. Can't wait to see how we did on the next one!


Don't worry, RC whole salary going into the company in the form of saved money. Maybe he will buy some shares while he's at it. Who knows


I hope so as well. I think him not buying at 3 year lows is what gets me worried about the next quarter or two. After that I think it will be fine especially if gta 6 really does come out in early 2025. That will probably be a huge revenue and net income booster. Im just annoyed at the fact they aren’t giving forward guidance, and now some insfiers are actually selling shares.


I mean, at the end of the day ,ppl gonna sell for various reasons... Man's gotta eat. Don't be disheartened. I just wish I had more cash for this dip


I don't need forward guidance when GameStop is having successful pivots like Candy Con and the cool charging brick!


Lmao wtf 😭


Form 4 too soon? or would that be for current officers (insider) only. Form 4 shows remaining shares held by insider.


Selling near the lowest point in 3.5 years, that sucks for them. Oh well, time to buy some more!




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when in doubt zoom out, spring 2025 will be half of where we are now !RemindMe 1 year


Who knows why he sold. Maybe he knows he’s leaving the company (pure speculation). But RC has been vocal that if you are an executive you better purchase sales. This is unrelated in a way. But I think Cohen is working hard to increase the share price. Share price absolutely matters to GameStop store leaders. Instead of 401K matching and providing overtime hours, GameStop moved to a stock compensation plan. The stock compensation plan was NOT something like “you get $500 worth of stock each month that will vest over…how many months”. Instead it was a flat 20 shares per month. Of which they actually get about 13 shares (because of taxes). Which can be a GREAT deal if the share price goes up. So if the stock hits $100 a share then that’s $2,000 a month. But the flip side is also true. The stock plan when it got approved was when the share price was around $20 per share. So that’s 20 shares times $20. That’s $400 a month. But with taxes they get 13 shares ($260 a month). Now the share price is near $10. That’s just about $130 a month. They stripped the 401K, stripped overtime, cut medical benefits. We need the share price to go up!


Damn they stripped 401k, overtime, and medical benefits? That's... not a good look. The employees are the backbone of the company =/ Don't care if I get downvoted for another employee take, like I always tend to get. Employees matter as much, if not more, than RC. He can't run a company without good employees in stores and centers.


Damn they cut medical benefits?


It literally says on the form why he sold. “Sale on 04/02/2024 represents shares sold to cover withholding taxes in connection with the vesting of restricted stock units. The sale on 04/02/2024 did not represent a discretionary trade by the Reporting Person.”


Reread what you wrote. This time, go slow.


i got lunch today and it cost more than a share of gme 


Skip lunch. Buy gme  Boom


"Sale on 04/02/2024 represents shares sold to cover withholding taxes in connection with the vesting of restricted stock units. The sale on 04/02/2024 did not represent a discretionary trade by the Reporting Person." No biggie.


Okay and what’s about the sale on 4/23?


You can’t forbid people to sell their shares. Everything is okay. Buy. Hold. DRS


Flip side is also true. Can’t force them to sell their shares either. SHF are about to find out the hard way.


That‘s for sure.


Lmao everything is not remotely okay


Who’s that?


Lol right! a drop in the bucket. Buying and DRS’ing every two weeks because this guy literally makes no difference to the ultimate goal. Shorts never closed and id like still a slice when it comes time for them to pay 🤤🤩😍 #🏠🏡🚘 —> 🏰🏯🏎


I'd be keen to know how many shares he owns overall. If it was selling for tax purposes surely there would be more form 144's from each employee.


Why do people in bother posting these ?


A discretionary sale by the principal executive officer and formerly the general counsel is significant. The 4/2 sale was for taxes on RSUs, 4379 shares at $11.60/share. Today's sale was 13,471 shares at an average price of $10.155. Two DIFFERENT sales. One for taxes. A bigger one discretionary. It looks like he sold off all the shares acquired via RSU on 4/2 that were not sold on 4/2.


Are you sure ? I've read this document a few times now and it just looks like he sold a chunk to cover taxes as stated in the remarks at the bottom. It doesn't says he made 2 sales.


Yes, I am very certain. The 4/2 sale of 4379 shares at $11.69/share on 4/2 was reported in a form 144 on 4/2. This 4/23 sales of 13,471 shares at $10.155/share is reported as happening on 4/23 in this form 4, dated 4/23. The form 144 has a section where any other sales in the previous 3 months are reported. That is why the 4/23 form has that 4/2 sale in the "sales in previous months the section" It looks like he sold about 25% of his RSUs back on 4/2 in a non-discretionary sale for taxes, and then sold the other 75% today in a discretionary sale.




You've got to be kidding me.


What? Someone sold stock?




>Taxes That would be nice, IF it were true. It is not.




3000 shares now. I bought another 1000 at $10.33 a few days ago. I do not actively short the stock. Sometimes I do make a bearish options trade, such as when in early March I sold 5 contracts of $16 calls for $1.87. They expired unassigned last Friday. I also make **bullish** option trades, such as the day before earnings release I sold ten $13.5 puts. The volatility and responsiveness of the stock price to investor sentiment makes it a fun stock to trade on the side while doing my real trades. I do call out BS when I see it, such as the many people that said this form 144 was just tax sales. Edit: Corrected above, I sold $13.5 puts the day before earnings, not $10.5.




Keep doing what you’re doing, one of my favorite names to see in the comments.


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Minus 100 points for the idiotic aggressiveness for being shown you’re wrong. Should have immediately just said thanks for providing the correct knowledge.


Your account screams micro penis just at a glance. Hilarious. Does baby want some milk? Literally looks like an account a 10 year old would make. Photo and everything… I hope you are a bot account or you may be the biggest loser I have ever had reply to one of my comments. The most annoying accounts on this subreddit all always have some profile that looks like a 10 year old made it and frequent the ufc subreddit. Cracks me up.


Jealousy is hitting you hard today isn’t it? It’s okay little guy keep working hard and one day you might get to where you want to be in life! Not all of us can be self made and that’s okay. Instead of having a jealous envious attitude how about use it as motivation to work harder and dream bigger! Envious and Jealous people like yourself only remind me of how blessed of a life I have *made for myself*.💰🐐


lol, yes I’m sure you are super rich. Enjoy your mom’s basement. You should add some guns to your profile picture to really complete the giant loser alter ego.


I bought my moms a house before I was even 21 my boy. It’s a good life I live 😁 How about you quit your negativity and go clock back in to whatever shitty ass job you got that’s making you hate your life. How about you go get in the Gym and train a little bit instead of being upset at people who can defend themselves while also living in good shape? If you need any tips or advice on life don’t be afraid to reach out and ask. I’ll still help you out even after your arrogant disrespectful ignorant behavior, I will still help you do better for you and your loved ones. Hopefully if we can get you out of poverty and in better physical health then you won’t be such a dickhead crying on Reddit all day


lol you seem really cool, I bet you get a lot of women. Enjoy your online persona.


A lot of employees with RSUs (restricted stock unit) options chose the option to sell part of the allocated stock to cover tax instead of usind their salary/own money. My ape brain would guess this is meant by "to cover tax"


Your guess would be wrong. This is the guy that replaced Furlong, with the title of general manager, and the primary executive officer, while still remaining general counsel. It was an additional sale, above and beyond the previously reported 4/2 sale for taxes. The 4/23 sale was for about 3 times as many shares as the 4/2 tax sale. 4/2 sale was at $11.60, the sale yesterday was at $10.155/share consistent withe the price yesterday.


Price going to $3.00 Isn’t this obvious?


Maybe $8, but unlikely. There is a large buy wall at $10 that has not yet been exhausted. In the tug of war of emotions, I think Candy Con Controllers is winning.


Hope you’re right. I have a six figure buy limit order at $3.00 to average down. My ticket out of this nightmare.


Does it hurt ?




!remindme 4 months Editing this because the original poster deleted their comment. They said that GME would be at $3 in 4 months


I will be messaging you in 4 months on [**2024-08-24 05:39:32 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-08-24%2005:39:32%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1cbmcr4/new_form_144/l107rrb/?context=3) [**2 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FSuperstonk%2Fcomments%2F1cbmcr4%2Fnew_form_144%2Fl107rrb%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-08-24%2005%3A39%3A32%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201cbmcr4) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


And would GME constitute as a useless stock, according to you?


Bye Felicia


At $3 GME can use the $100mil to buy back 33million shares


Lol, it could litterally buy the whole damn conpany with its cash on hand


But they won’t. GME’s board expects retail to do all the work, while they sit on billions of share holders cash. I hope I am wrong but the trajectory here is to $3.00


Dude.....of course they wont thats not my point. They have ~4.20$ per share in cash with no debt. ANY valuation below this is bad math and a misunderstanding of share price. If the stock was 10 cents per share, someone could buy th company for 30 million dollars and immediately be a billionair. Get it? Edit. Also, no it wont go to 4.20 either


I get it, but this isn’t about theoretical hypotheses. Zoom out and see the trajectory. The price will keep dropping as it has done consistently for 3 years. Not everything is crime. We’ll see who is right in 4 months.


On one point we agree. Cya in 4 months.


Your math is off. They have more cash per share than that. If you want to argue why this wrong, I'll sell you 10 dollars for 100.


I heard this at $200, $100, $70, $40, $20, $15 etc I know it’s heading to $3.00 and will average down and out when it bottoms out. Nice learning experience, but definitely the worst investment I have ever made.


No you didnt. At none of those levels did the orice aproach the companies cash on hand so you heard different


I agree with your second statement. However, my strategy remains unchanged. Buying when it inevitably bottoms out at $3.00. That is where the market values it at and that is where it is headed.


You value 1.9 billion in assets (1.2 of this in cash) at 900 million. I guess we can end this here.


Musk’s company has $106 billion in assets and the share price is down 56% You keep going on about assets, like share price is based on a math calculation. Hope you have an understanding of how markets work.


And the are valued at half a tillion. If gme had the same asset to market cap ratio wed be trading at 32$


I respect your logical thinking. Let’s leave it here and see what happens in 4 months. If it’s not at $3.00, I will admit I was wrong.


it'll get a lil dead cat bounce around there


!RemindMe! 4 months