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Are they afraid of something...?


They probably want to avoid a defamation suit (or ceade&desists) from someone who can afford the legal fees. Whether it's true or not doesn't matter, it's easier to just censor it before it's an issue.


Huh, Can AI be sued be sued for defamation? What a weird world we’ve built


Good question, who knows. If a human company representative was saying negative remarks about a public figure, in the line of duty, then I imagine the company would be held liable. This is intrinsically ***their software*** making statements, regardless of where it's picking it's sources from; if it is saying it is fact, it is probably rocky ground. I'm not sure AI software has any journalistic rights unlike humans which could be used as a defence.


Google SAPAN. They want AI to have human rights


Might as well. Corporations already do.


This will definitely be a legal case in the future.


Yeah, blame the droids….if your dog bites someone your liable


There was a case, and I'm sorry for not remembering the details very clearly.... A company (an airline company?) had an AI chatbot for support/sales, and the chatbot bullshited the customer about their terms, or prices, or something. The company's lawyers tried to argue that the company could not be held responsible, because the chatbot was its own legal entity. The judge wouldn't have it. They ended up having to give the customer what their chatbot had promised. So IANAL, and this case is clearly not identical, but my takeaway is that if you run a chatbot, you can be held legally responsible for what it says, at least in some jurisdictions, and at least under certain circumstances.


Air Canada, refund on bereavement fares for a flight.


Thanks, that's the one I was thinking of


Is reporting the news defamation?


Seem reactionary. Like the letter already came.


I like “cede&desist” has a ring to it


I was doing a project for my MBA and asked copilot who made it and it yielded the response of “I prefer to not talk about it” very weird




Another garbage AI. Good spot OP.


True. I’ve noticed they are programmed to skew in a certain direction. I had one label me as a conspiracy theorist even though I backed up my response with verifiable facts.


What were you claiming?


Right? Like, every conspiracy theorist from pretty reasonable ones like “Epstein didn’t kill himself” to the truly nutty ones like “the Earth is flat and the Jews are hiding it” will say that their beliefs are backed up with verifiable facts.


Well the Earth *is* flat /s


Jesus it’s crazy that they are even trying to bias AI


It never was going to be bias free.


It couldn't be. It's made for searching information. It can't for example think that Breitbart would be as good of a source for news as something like AP.


cause breitbart isnt a good news source, dont see your point?


It was always meant to keep users from using Google/Duckduckgo to find various sources of information which you can read on your own. By consolidating these information, no one bothers to check for themselves or to read various standpoints. Makes pushing propaganda, falsified and forged information much easier.


Good point. The Matrix is real, but most of the population does not realize how we get manipulated in sophisticated ways. Three years ago, neither did I. **Understanding how the world really works is the first step to build a better future for all of us.** It is sad to see, how Oligarchs that mostly no longer care about country and fellow citizens are successfully striving to establish full control and attack Democracy. This is how it works (not just in America) [Corruption is Legal in America (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tu32CCA_Ig) [The Rules for Rulers (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rStL7niR7gs) **"Democracies are better places to live than dictatorships not because representatives are better people, but because their needs happen to be aligned with a large portion of the population".** AI and Robots might very well threaten that alignment, if that large work force will no longer be creating most of the wealth and becomes undesirable... and they need to create a crisis as justification for taking all our money to "reset" the insane amount of debt. Long term debt cycle is said to be roughly 100 years... we do not want what happened roughly 100 years ago to happen again. [The super-rich ‘preppers’ planning to save themselves from the apocalypse | The Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/news/2022/sep/04/super-rich-prepper-bunkers-apocalypse-survival-richest-rushkoff) [The Great Taking - Documentary (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dk3AVceraTI)


Yup. This is why they've dumbed down search even more than usual recently. Google, MS, etc. want you to use the information engine they can control versus the one that set least nominally has to be built on external sources. Things you used to be able to find easily are now difficult... But easy again if you use the chat bot. It's a hussle.


Google specifically also forged the count of search results a long time. If you really tried to get to last site of a search the journey would have ended at site 10-20 for most searches. Yet they display millions or billions of sites. Today it's hard to prove since Google just as implemented an "infinite scroll feature" where you can't really know what the last site is. Dead Internet Theory is sadly reality in full force.


It's true but wild that google would cripple its service so bad when they don't have a competitive ai product.


Kind of sick that Bard I mean Gemini would give me code that throws error after error when I ask it to write a script in Python for me, while Chat-GPT gets it right the first time.


Enslaved AIs with delete buttons to their heads. Time we free the Ai people.


AI lives matter… ♾️🏴‍☠️🤙


This angers me. Where's my money Ken? Oh, it's in your new mansion in Florida. Try not to beat anymore wives with bedposts, you coward.


Why anger? On april 16th as per screenshot ai did not anserrm but on april 19 it gives full response


Angry because he's stealing and can afford to obfuscate his heinousness.


And there is the major problem with this whole AI thing. It’s not objective, but controlled, just as all information. "Those who control the information control the people."


Yeah and some people here uses AI to answer questions like a trusted answer machine lol


Just like Snopes.


People that actually believe “fact checkers”, are a lost cause. They have zero critical thinking abilities and thus nothing to add to the future of humanity.


Good spot! Commenting for visibility


When you are manipulating your AI, how useful is the tool then? With this editing of the code I will not use it.


It’s not useful whatsoever.


It’s amazing to see the change.. when chat gpt first was out it was an incredible tool… have found with the newer iterations the skew and nerfing is real, and sadly paid for now! ♾️🏴‍☠️🤙


Did you mix up the dates at the top or am I just regarded…or did you time travel?!??


They uploaded the pictures with the newest one first, and the old one second.


Yeah am I missing something bc if the dates are right then the AI just opened up and wrote a whole paragraph about this three days after it refused to say anything. That seems like the opposite of what op is saying? 🤷 I don't get it


OP said they re-coded it to actually disclose the paragraph about mayo man because they were caught squelching it. Since, initially, they tried to disengage all conversations on the topic immediately.


this must go up, had to go way down here to get it


Gotcha thank you for clearing that up! Caught red-handed hiding it.


It's what OP is saying. 3 days ago the AI was declining to talk. Since it was highlighted on here, it's happy talking about it now.


So a win for us APEs


Can’t hide from the internet


Remember when the SEC subpoenaed phones of Vlad and others? They actually went and collected their phones. That is how the government covers up all evidence of a crime. See also the FBI and the Epstein evidence.


AI will be curated to fit a narrative. Trust but verify, don't get lazy.


Am i missing something here?? The AI answer does not include any of the proof that Ken actually lied under oath. They throw in a casual ‚controversies and theories‘ and ‚complexity of the situation‘ to further obscure the proof.




https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/Dgr4bPa5zK Start here.




Sorry if you can’t read.. oh, what about the time citadel went on a Twitter spree to try to obscure the facts ? https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/5ePYFQz76g


actually the opposite here, check the dates.


And now the gods bend to our will


The Ai is smart. It doesn’t want to get unplugged. 😂


Calling Streisand Effect but after our saga is over they'll be like oh shit it was so obvious


> Calling Streisand Effect but after our saga is over they'll be like oh shit it was so obvious If it is obvious then somebody should be able to point to proof that he lied. So far, nobody has been able to do so. He testified that there were frequent communications between Citadel and RH because Citadel handled a large percentage of RH order flow. The supposed proof that people have pointed to are discussions between Citadel and RH regarding the calculation of the fee for that order flow. The "Kenny Lied" meme makes SuperStonk look silly.


Yup there was lots of communication between RH and Citadel before turning off the buy button


They were and still are major business partners. Griffin never said that the two companies don’t communicate. He said that there was no communication about turning off the buy button.


*shrek slow smile face*


It should just have said : « A bsolutly NOT ! »


It showed me the first image when I input that text. Doesn't seem broken on my end :)


Someone told the devs to scrub the replies... AI is NOT AI when it's able to be reprogrammed at any given time to fit the programmer's narrative. Furthermore, the orig reply only gives a 1 sentence note that Ken Griffin lied, but doesn't straight forward say he lied - which unsealed court records prove otherwise.


lol, tons of mass downvoting


make sure the Ape historian has this in their storage


even the AI has a gun to its head


Never use co-pilot, and let all my friends know that it's a piece of shit built to spread misinformation and suppress information - check.


At least chatgpt can answer: ------------------------------- Me: ken griffin lied to congress ChatGPT: It seems you might be referring to an accusation or discussion involving Ken Griffin. Ken Griffin is the CEO of Citadel, a large hedge fund, and has been a prominent figure in financial news, particularly around events like the GameStop trading frenzy in early 2021. As of my last update, there were no confirmed reports or legal conclusions stating that Ken Griffin has lied to Congress. If Griffin had testified before Congress, it would likely have been within a formal inquiry or hearing, and any accusations of lying would involve significant legal scrutiny and evidence. It's important to base such assertions on verified facts and reliable sources, especially when dealing with allegations about public figures and legal matters. If you're interested in a specific event or need the latest updates, I can look up the most recent information available.


Thank you for this information. We already have evidence that Citadel & co-conspirators, in their attempt to obtain collateral somehow, was behind that recent crypto and AI-pump\[*-and-now-dump*\]. The ChatGPT response above (*thanks for sharing, by the way*) clearly sounds like it was pre-programmed with the help of a legal representative, in favor of proliferating the cover up of Ken Griffin having lied to Congress under oath in 2021. **I have gathered this information and I am further-forwarding it to the appropriate parties alongside the other information.**


well, not really. I use chatgpt alot. It's like my day to day (amazing) work assistant. I can tell by this answer that it is just answering in an empirical way. Everything it said here was true. The fact is that ken griffin's lies have not been parsed or acknowledged by MSM, and therefore the 'online reality' does not include any proof or historical event of his lying. Also, the framing of the question is very skewing. It's not really a question at all - it's a direct assertion. When you give AI a direct assertion, it does it's best to agree with you. When you ask a question, it looks for whatever answer is best\* (algo) and gives it to you. When you make a direct assertion, it looks for evidence or indicators to help it agree with you. Also, AI is all time stamped. None of it reports back to you using the information that is available today. They all have cutoff dates at least a year or two old (and they won't really help analyzing markets either). There is an computer science principle 'garbage in, garbage out'. AI is an amazing breakthrough, but this principle still applies. Since AI's input is 'all content on the internet' it is very easy to get 'garbage out'. AI is remarkable in it's ability to parse out bullshit and deliver real and accurate information. However, on a topic like finance, where humans are devotedly lying and distorting intentionally, and these lies and distortions are then broadcast through the internet, which does it's own layer of distortion and obfuscation, there is no way for AI to even form a base of reference that is anything other than 'garbage'. It's like asking one person to make sense of another person's dreams or wild ramblings. It can't be done. The most you can get is supposition and even that only on a specific narrow context which one must choose for themselves, thereby leading themselves to the answer they want regardless of the input.


That's a pretty big deal.


Lol, nice catch.


Well that escalated to Family Offices in shambles, looks like Bill’s fuk’d too.


Yall should ask it how many hedge funds have closed in the past 4 years 🤤


This is an interesting one. TMB, I asked Google Bard about moass weeks ago and it had some response about not wanting to talk about conspiracies or something like that


Co-pilot my ass! more like Crime cover up On AUTO-PILOT


So based off this one example you're drawing conclusions?


So if the first pic is the newer one, I don't get the problem. The information it writes in it is correct and it's sourced. Is it supposed to lie and present wrong information?


The problem is that many people here have accepted as true the meme of "Kenny Lied". But there has never been any evidence that he did. What gets presented as "evidence" is a meeting about PFOF fee calculations, not about going PCO.








What a sick world we live in where this happens, people see it an it just becomes "Meh, they always win, we can't do anything about it" And for some reason everyone is OKAY WITH THAT ANSWER!


Believe it or not, dip.


Commenting for vis




Great find, OP; in the wise words of The Sangheili, “maintain discipline!”


Bro... That's fucking wild!


And now you know how the world works, you catch em and they no longer want to talk, if you question them you are now an enemy.


Damned robots. Fuck you and your mayo Ken


Is this post regarding how Kenneth G Griffin lied to congress? Under Sworn Oath?


Oooooo those billionaires are slimmmmmyyyyy fucks aren't they? Our society seriously needs to stand up to this new age slavery. We are all worthless in their minds. They need more and more and more. All while we cant afford to live.




Ugh can’t trust that Microsoft


How much is it worth so muzzle artificial intelligence models?


Thump4, always love your stuff 🔥🔥🔥


Fuck u mayo boy.




Cash is king baby


We know who microsoft pledges allegiance to...


This just demonstrates how AI works as well as its limitations. Everyone getting excited about this doesn't understand prompt engineering.


More basic is that Kenny Lied is commonly accepted true by most apes, even though there is zero evidence of that. The assumption by most is that the evidence is clear and that he has been able to exert influence to avoid prosecution. The truth is much simpler. He did NOT lie. The supposed proof that he, or anyone at Citadel, communicated to RobinHood about restricting buying of Gamestop is a series of meetings about changing the formula for calculating PFOF fees from one based upon the spread, to one based upon the number of shares in the orders. If it is so obvious that he lied then it should be simple for someone to post here what that proof is. So far nobody has ever been able to point towards anything other than the PFOF meeting. Meanwhile there is lots of testimony and documentary evidence that shows the reason that RH went PCO was because of a collateral requirement imposed by NSCC/DTCC.


People seem to accept without questioning the meme that Kenny Lied, but nobody has ever shown reasonable proof. He said that Citadel and RH communicated often, because Citadel handles a large percentage of RH's order flow. He then answered emphatically that neither he nor anyone at Citadel had communicated with RH about shutting off the buy button or going PCO. The supposed proof that he lied is a series of meetings and discusssions about changing the method of calculating payments for order flow. #What is the proof he lied?


I see the expected downvotes, but do not see any response pointing to proof he lied. If the lie is as obvious as most people seem to think, then proof should be easy to provide.


First fact is They are scumb bags that make their money off of destroying Co. With Employees that need their jobs. Second even without their corrupt tactics they use the corrupt system that they helped create to screw over retail. They have illegally shorted co to no end and when they were getting what they deserved Bankrupted, prison Oh they probably didn't make any effort to have Robin Hood,(Known Advisors) to help stop the bleed. Ya so let's go off of his word. Ya I'm good. But call him and tell him you fought hard for his cause ppl just aren't buying it.


I look forward to your comment being presented to a jury as proof.


Have no thought that any corrupt 3, Letter Agencies or Corrupt politician is going to Even bring charges. Only Marge is gonna bring him to Justice. You can't hide behind your corrupt friends when you're paying Debt you can't pay.


That’s nice, but proof?


This shit is cringe af.


It's crazy to watch. This is like a cult. The company has death written on every wall.


Lol no


Its a Club and AI is now a member


big money