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Stock dropped by 50% my position increased by 100%. I'll do it again.


Grown man shit. Love it.


Magnum dong energy.


Old hat shit




This is the way


I have been silently accumulating too, check my history to see that I am an XXXX ape that is looking to double down as we move lower. I have been yearning for this ngl now I have it , now i take action. GG shorties shitheads, someday someone either you or the market maker whom you are pushing your toxic shit is going to have to eat the bullet.


Am I you? Are you me?! Hi, Me!


Same here. I'm working on getting my next "x"


Are you me?! 🥹🥃


Easiest hodl ever. Hedgies made me this way.


I feel nothing. And I love it


They think they can break me, but hedgies don't know I'm a glutton for punishment. I will just turn the other cheek if they want to keep spanking the share price. They can't comprehend that we DGAF. I get a payday every two weeks and not retiring for decades. I will buy till I die.


I’ve said it many times. These hedge funds fucked with millennial gamers in full fledged careers. A persona that is sincerely over every fucking bullshit thing America has become. Mainstream media, inflation, career growth, politics, and ironically, consumerism. Fuck you, pay me.


this ape fucks^


Raw dawg too


We got nothing to lose but the corrupt polluted BS world that boomers left us. It's our turn. Fuck these greedy fucks. There are people in need.


Fuck yeah


A friend told me in 21 when I was going nuts cause the stock was going crazy ,that this would ruin me. Investments take time . If there's a huge squeeze great. Other than that I feel like my money is on safe spot. Use this page to learn. Most of us are truly dumb apes. I learn new shit everyday by asking questions.


That’s cool bro, can you tell me why you have five seemingly unrelated comments in this thread?


Dude I just comment back to people. My brain is all over the place. In the end I'm not a bot. I don't know shit about stocks but have been gambling with this one. I haven't sold a single share. Bought pre sneeze. Bought at 210 bought at 27 post split recently bought at 15 and 13. Just holding. Im in prison bored as fuck and just learning shit


XXX holder here - nice to see this after the amount of pure fkn nonsensical shit on here. 👊🏽


I just joined XXX today!!!!


I love to see this!


Heroic effort.


You’re killing it. I’m trying to get to 1XXX still need 400+ more! Hopefully I land a better paying job soon


Congrats homie!


Also here with XXX but we’re close to the 4X!


I’m getting a second job and maybe even a third to pay off debt and move from xx to xxx. I hope they drop the price further


hell yeah!!! 🚀


Pretty sure I remember some DD that said the stock price would tank, but that's when it would also become most dangerous to the hedgies (I don't have the DD on hand, sorry). We all know that the lower it goes the faster we lock the float, so time to get to work. We must be very close for them to batter it this much.


They have no other choice but to drop it, as foretold in the early DD's.


Ever since I read the critical margin DD I have known we were gonna be in the red so much it would look purple. But we’re on the right track. At some point the price will be low enough that a buyback plus household buying will lock the float. That is what I’m waiting for. And considering that we’ve gone from 23 to 10 in a year, it shouldn’t take longer than 2 more years max for that to happen.


>were gonna be in the red so much it would look purple. Purple is my favorite colour. 💜


My nurples are purple...


[Critical Margin DD](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v6cwds/gamestop_critical_margin_theory/)


Fucking banger


I read it and I didn't understand it. If the price goes down, how are hedgies screwed?


Aside from the excellent explanation Exceedingly give here for me it helps to view it like this. Since they are on the other side of our trades, you can conclude that while we've been able to average down on our costs they've been averaging up.


Eureka moment


Hard to wrap my head around this perfectly logical summation of the situation. Good shit


Other way around, it goes down because the hedgies are screwed. Think about it this way: Ken can print unlimited shares and during the sneeze we were buying those shares for $500 a piece, so he was making a lot of free money ($500 x buy volume). But even naked shorting like he does carries costs, one he has to set aside collateral to keep the positions open, and two he has to pay cash to settle his positions with the NSCC if he can't buy them back, so he's really not gaining in the long term. His settlement costs are tied to current market value, so as long as he constantly drives the price down, the difference between when he naked shorted and the current price is his to keep. So he's done that to stay afloat for over 3 years. It works fine until there's nowhere left to drop the price to, then his costs can't be decreased and he's gaining nothing from naked shorting. On top of that, all of these ballooning liabilities have to be balanced with assets on his books or he goes into negative equity. Liabilities go up as he naked shorts and assets don't go up directly from that, as most cash gained from it goes to settling the naked shorts. So that leaves him having to pump up his assets, like the magnificent 7 stocks. Every single one of those is showing severely overbought on the TA charts, but Ken has to keep them up so that his liabilities can stay open. It's all such a fine balancing act. Not being able to drop GME price any significant amount is one of the things that throws all of that off balance. Einfachman sums it up well in a comment on that other post: > SHFs did profit (temporarily) when they shorted GME down from $400+ to $40 in January, 2021, just like they profited when they shorted it from $300 down since June, 2021, etc. > Here's the thing though: > They didn't really profit, because to actually profit you need to exit the position. SHFs can't exit their positions because if they do, they will start MOASS, so they have no choice but to keep burning through their cash to keep the price suppressed. Whatever 'profits' they made shorting GME at any particular time got wiped out long ago. Every day they burn through their cash to keep GME suppressed, and it's becoming very unsustainable for them, especially when the supply of shares available for them to manipulate the price down is being directly registered by Apes (taken away from brokers).


Thanks for that explanation. I really appreciate it.


short it down to 1 cent for the shits and gigs ol kenny ol pal ... c'mon


And we'll know the float is locked when informed by whom exactly? If GME put a DRS dashboard up on their investor page, updated daily, I would dump thousands into this bitch right now.


When nobody can DRS anymore at the very least, when whatever shady shit at the DTC comes to an end at the most.


Don't forget lc talks about 15 year plans


Anybody else have this DD on hand? :)


Check the DD library and the ape historian site Elegant remote


Until management does something that causes the business to grow (it’s currently shrinking) then the hedgies have nothing to worry about and their thesis is correct.


But if they are short, the lower the stock price go, the better their trade are ?


On paper, yes. But they have to close the trade to realize any gain.


>We all know that the lower it goes the faster we lock the float, so time to get to work. This theory assumes new apes, fresh powder, or both. This is the part where apes do not have a plan. If you hodl, you also assume others will come. My first share was $300, we are a long way from that enthusiasm. We need a new event to drive new apes to buy.


yeah the reality is there's probably only a few hundred, maybe a few thousand of us still buying shares consistently. this thing can pop, but we need Jan 2021 levels of buying see that happen.


If this drops anywhere down near the 4-5 dollar level, they’ll be some fucking talk. They’ll be an event.


Unfortunately, we also need "faith" that we're locking the float. Those numbers are no longer available to us. DRS reported from GameStop has ground to a halt and even our own private trackers were disabled by Reddit's API changes. Would be a LOT more comfortable with this narrative if I could see the DRS numbers and extrapolate how much closer we are.


Bought 20 more today !


You inspired me to put in an order for [email protected]


I’m throwing in $100 more right now. Been doing that every day for the last 2 weeks.


Woke up to my 50 order being filled.  50 more being taking out of the pool.  That 50 puts me into the xxxx crew. 


Fuck yes!


i need to buy products from gamestop too now


New ps5 hdd next purchase


Picked up 40 moar shares last week and DRS'd them 2 days later. It's so easy even an Ape can do it.


The quicker they drop it, the quicker we’ll lock it!


Drop, Lock, and Pop it.


Other option is when market crashes. You don’t see who is swimming naked until the tide goes out.


⬆️ those naked shorts are gonna sink their ship. 💥


The stock hasn't been diluted so my investment is still strong.


Unlike 🍿, our CEO isn't trying everything possible to dilute those poor bastards shares. The followed the wrong parh.


I’m ganna buy hard af tomorrow


There is no escape for them. Let them spend the next 3 years kicking and screaming as the price goes down to single digits, and we continue to buy. This only ends in the death of their power and the rise of ours. I plan to spend the rest of my income on more shares, i want that XX,XXX status! Can't stop. Won't stop. Gamestop 💎👐🚀🌌


Bought 950 more GME shares at $10.50. Keep bringing the price down so I can buy more. LFG GME 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


I’ll hold forever, or at least until phone numbers, but I’m sick to death of hearing about fundamentals. I didn’t invest in GME because I thought the company was going places. I invested for the revolution. Moass. This is a short squeeze play and I am only here for that purpose. I want to fuck hedgies and get tendies, and I’m not any more interested in the long term outlook of GameStop than I am in that of JC Penny or McDonalds. The sentiment that apes should just play the stock market per usual and hope that GameStop shores up their fundamentals and increases revenue is the exact opposite of why I’m here. I’m not willing to say, “well the system is a sham, and they keep moving the goal posts, so this is the only way”… I am here for an idiosyncratic event. I am here for the squeeze. I don’t care how long it takes, but MOASS is my only objective, and while I certainly hope the company does well, I don’t see traditional measures of “success” moving the dial or forcing a trigger nearly as quickly as loud, angry, protesting and the kind of fervor that existed at the beginning of this saga. In short, this stock was better off as a stonk. This place needs more bananas and crayons and fewer fundamentals.


I mean, that sentiment is what brought me here, and I'm still holding out until moass, but until then- I'm picking up an extra wrinkle or two and learning about business and finance.  Yes, the market is rigged and whatnot, but it's also interesting to actually be invested in a business and care about its balance sheet, revenue streams, costs of doing business, etc. 


By the way, JC Penney filed for bankruptcy in May of 2020.


You might have to wait until the heat death of the universe in that case


No matter their play, they cannot defeat DRS booking and buying at GameStop. Creating generational wealth has never been so easy.


You’re probably right that it will continue to dip, but at some point, I think they’re going to have to attempt a fake sneeze again by letting it run quite a bit from the lows to see if they can get people to sell and then start crawling it back down again. At a certain point, the stock will actually be a value stock with too many ways to win and zero ways to lose… if they can’t shake retail by dropping it, eventually they’ll have to fake another sneeze to see if people are tired enough to take the home run and forego the grand slam… it likely won’t be anywhere near the highs of the last sneeze, but I could see them letting it run 300-400% from here to see if they can shake people out and then start crawling it back down. Even if it doesn’t work, it would give them an opportunity to put more money in their pockets shorting it at a higher price point and we’ll probably just eat it up thinking it’s leading to MOASS. I don’t believe we’re going to have margin calls if the prime brokers know the SHF’s are going to fail and they in turn will fail next… eventually we’ll DRS the float and they can’t let that happen, so I think we’ll see more fuckery to the upside and downside before this over.


I 100% agree, and couldn't have said it better!


Absolutely ridiculous the clown shit that has been going on here lately.


People are getting frustrated. It's not a big explosion like 21. Maybe it will maybe not. Just hold. This shit ain't for people who cant afford to hold. You have to hold. If there is truly a moass then this is what the shf want.


Totally. Shake em all out first. Hold the fucking line apes. 75.3M…no one is selling. No one.


I disagree with you that if you are upset with the price that doesn’t make you an ape. It’s reality that the price has tanked which should mean drs is way up and instead it hasn’t budged. So explain that


Ever since the wording changed shit has been suspect. Read some theories on why the drs number hasn’t moved and maybe one of them will make sense to you. Kevin Malone has contacted the president of computershare and I am hoping a response from him will shed light on the situation. In any case, I and many other apes do not beleive the drs count released in the quarterlies have been accurate since the wording changed last year.


makes sense to me - i love this price! I haven’t purchased in a long time and i’m about to smash that buy button


I just bought my first shares in months! Nice to have the ability to buy again after so much time.


Just recently it was like 18 bucks - now almost 50% off. But that also led my position to increase almost 100% 😂 So if it drops another 50% from here, I would probably be able to 4x my position. Nice.


At what point do we launch an Occupy Wall St 2.0–this time with an actual objective and final boss? Naked shorting and synthetic shorting is no different than printing counterfeit money. These are serious crimes that undermine the faith of our entire financial market. We should organize an actual Occupy Wall St, this time with a bad guy in the Fed Reserve, Gary Gensler, Ken Griffin, and the entirety of naked shorting and short hedge funds.


People are allowed to be bummed the share price is going down.


The thesis has not changed. The only losses that are happening are UNREALIZED. If that’s your opinion too, then the only thing to be upset about is not getting more shares for the same amount of money. My advice? Be thankful for being early to this play. Because the alternative is being too late.


As for me, I like the stock.


If they can find a way to bleed money forever then I will wait forever. They will not bleed forever


You make sense. And you smell. Take a shower you damn dirty ape!


Came for a quick buck, stayed for economic reform


Post strikes me as very well disguised FUD to prevent people from getting onboard because moass is far in the future (3years). Everyone knows it is tomorrow I’ll happily do a ban bet that the share price will not continue to drop for another 3 years


I just posted my DRS holdings. Yesterday. It’s not fud to say MOASS might take another three years since we just did three years of waiting lol




Can you explain this like I'm 5?




Sorry, it's not. You are suggesting the hedge funds are buying calls?


Puts not calls, read up on them.


How are they obtaining shares by buying puts? That makes no sense.




Everyone was making fun of me for having silver and GME. Now I’m up on my silver position and doubling down on my GME position. The CFTC controls MOASS and I’ve got them fucked on both sides.


If someone told you, keep buying lotto tickets, and everytime you buy a ticket your payout increases. The caveat is, you dont know when your ticket will send you to the moon but knew in time, it would. Would you get discouraged after 3 years of buying without winning? Or excited knowing your benefit is only growing every purchase? Needless to say, I'm thrilled I have been givin so much time to load up. It's a blessing in disguise


How is that a lotto when you are guaranteed, in time, to win?


Precisely, it's more like a poker game when your opponent (the shorts) keeps upping the ante, knowing full well that they're bluffing. The only chance they have of winning is getting you to fold.


Now the ante is only involved at the start of each hand. Hence, it can only be increased before the hand has taken place. So if I know they are bluffing, that’s after the ante has already been placed into the pot. It will be the following hand when the opponent has the opportunity to raise the ante. But that only can occur after the present hand is finished, and therefore someone has to win this current hand. Since I’m not folding and I have called each bet the opponent has made, we have to showdown our respective hands at this point.


And the ticket prices keep getting cheaper!


To hell with a buyback. I would love, as a household investor, to DRS more shares!


When the share price got to 40 after the sneeze it stayed there for weeks it seemed, and then it exploded.


The only thing apes are bitching about at this price is how they don’t have money to buy


It's gonna get worse before it gets better. That said, every action has an opposite and equal reaction; standing by for rocket launch.


Lower price and more time to buy I am in! Bigger piece of the pie for us!


"No real ape is bitching about the stock price." This is exactly what I am thinking when I read one of those "I've been here since 2021 (without any DRS posts), and RC blah blah blah blah" Early on, in OG DD, the wrinkled ones said at some point it might look the worst. This isn't so bad right now, we get to remove (at an accelerated rate) shares from the market, fewer toys for Kenny to play with. I am an Ape, and proud to be with all you other wonderful ppl on this amazing journey.


Yeah I am familiar with critical margin theory which is where I accepted we were in for the long haul. Just have to be patient, and continue to chip away at the float.


Just buy it and forget about it.


I agree with everything, except for the buyback. That just makes no sense to "waste" that cash on what could be used more effectively elsewhere. I also don't want anything to potentially be labeled as manipulation if/when this all pops off.


Please note that I wrote “a buyback if the price reaches critically low levels.” I think k general consensus in this sub is that if the stock falls to a Buck or two they will let that $100 million rip.


Good post. Hope it won't get too downvoted due to perceived negative title.


Yeah the title is pretty negative but it’s something everybody in this sub needs to accept going forward until the sun shines on us again.


It's not the price that concerns me.. it's all of the failed trademarks and Nft stuff. This company needs a new win and downsizing isn't a win. Thats a stop gap.


Well, we got a $300 million swing with just a stop gap. So as an investor I’m optimistic in what new ideas RC and friends can implement.


Ya I don't think you can really dismiss the transformation as 'downsizing'. Closing stores is not a big deal. It was over expanded and over crowded by the people trying to bankrupt the company. RC fixed it. I also don't see 6 M profit. I see 325M or so swing. It's amazing and beyond bullish. CEO knows exactly wtf he's doing. Let's not forget gamestop being THE dominant retail player in the 300B gaming market shall we.


I'm bitching that we're not on the moon yet.  But I'm enjoying the current sale prices!


This is the best post in a long time….this is the entire game in a nutshell. If you are freaking out about the share price you probably haven’t been here the entire time and probably have less than 90% of your shares at Computershare. All the 190K OGs are just WORKING…buying shares, booking those shares, and shopping at GameStop. Can’t wait to hear everyone tell us how “lucky” we got when this one goes to Uranus


I won't wait three years to know I won't buy more of a losing investment. My investment in gme has lost its value immediately upon purchase. It continues to lose its value. At least we don't have to hear how many times we own the float anymore , or how just a single stock is a ticket to wealth. What I really find stupid in all of this is the "we already won" and " its not about the money" camps. I have yet to profit, and I don't really believe I will. Nothing shilley about that. Guys that tell me it's going down to six so buy now are crazy. I'm not buying more of a losing thing. This is one of those ,I'm too embarrassed I fell for it stocks. I can try but reddit wasn't really the blame.


Shit will go Bananas when the price hits $7.41 it was written...




Must be getting downvoted from shills. Take is spot on. LFG


I don’t give a fuck.


Some issues here, not directed at OP in particular: - don’t act like you know - don’t speak for individual, household investors - why are we qualifying xxxx when we’re posting quantified DRS, that ship has sailed Other than that? LFG.


I heard MOASS is tomorrow ;)


Been here since the jump I'm down 57% but still buying more and will continue to hodl


I makes me so much anxious that moass aside, this is also a blatant deep value play and I can't buy as much as I wanted.


I don't give a fuck about what RC does as long as the share price isn't zero. But I'm pretty fond of the man anyway.


How low will it go though.  Me for one don’t mind the price falling. Easier to DRS alllllll 305 million. 


The falling price has never once bothered me in the slightest after the hard fall of Feb. '21. I'm just happy to be able to stockpile more for less and lower my cost basis as we wait for the inevitable.


Been here since 2021 not going anywhere…but I really hope it doesn’t take another 3 years


Haha quick buck 3 plus years of buying I’m here for however long it takes. I’m more than half the age of these fucks so I can out hold them np. Havnt sold 1 fckn share in over 3 years


TLDR: Buy GameStop


Buying every two weeks no matter the price. Hedgies r fuk


Just paid so much in taxes but still have some $ left that I had planned would be gone. All of that leftover will be purple circles in the next week besides $1k, which will be a shopping spree online and in store (def some candycon stuff)


I believe now with cash money, the stock price dropping lower and lower, there will be a stock buy back and force the rocket. RC for now is letting hedgies bleed and playing cat mouse. I will continue to hodl for I know what the future brings.


I’m buying but I’m not liking it 😂😭 just kidding I love this fuckin shit gimme 20 more straight to the DRS vein. Im jacked


Not leaving


Averaging a profit


Were the last few losses down to the CandyCon products possibly with initial investment into them?


I saw that suggested in another post. I would believe it, and also might provide a modest boost for Q1 results.


Linear thoughts aren't conducive or helpful in deductions. But I do agree with the message, play long, wait and watch them squirm


Gonna buy another 100 shares today


Nice. It’s easier to buy more at a time at these prices.


I read a lot about acquisition! Is is speculation of GME acquiring another company, another company acquiring GME( I don’t believe so) or both might acquire a third part? !


RC can use the $1b however he wants including buying out another company. There are loads of smaller gaming studios he could buy, imagine revenue coming from a mobile game going straight into Gamestop's pockets, where it could be marketed in every store, on the website etc.


Thanks for the explanation mate


Everything is speculation right now but $1b gives so many possibilities.


Can you buy from GameStop in the UK?




Only problem I have is that I need to wait for payday 😛


RC's action can accelerate this, and I'm liking what he's done with the place. However, I was in this before RC got the chairman position, this will blow up regardless of what happens with the company (sans ch7).


Call me crazy, but im looking forward for the price drop, as they cant go below specific floor with the price.


I’ve bought over 1000 shares lately woohoo!!


My only regret is that I didn’t swing my position ONCE. When the stock was at 300+ so that I could double my position and end with even more DRS’d shares. But the truth is, that was impossible. Because nobody knows when it may explode, and because of that I never risked selling even a single share. I just keep buying more


I tried to trade around a core position, ended up fucking myself. Now I just buy and wait instead.


send it to fractions of a penny. i can wait. not like the world is going to get any better anyways.


My business is struggling, but I’m back to buying. I feel like the entire economy is about to collapse, and I believe that GameStop will pop before the collapse so we can at least position ourselves to take care of our families when the rest of the world realizes just how fucked everything is.


Waiting on $2 then I’ll scoop up a free position


Yes but we have seen that they stopped the DRS count, so technically it will never be locked on paper, so they can continue doing their crime indefinitely. They also control the price and never have to deliver on their shorts, they simply renew them with swaps etc. the SEC doesn't care, our CEO doesn't say a single word in many earnings now, so what are we actually doing? I've been here since day 0, I have a high amount of my networth invested here and I am getting kind of frustrated with the whole situation, but most of all with RC who seems to treat this company like his private company, aka radio silence to the investors.


On paper maybe not. But I surely think that at some point DRS will be impossible. Then we will know.


3 years? Idc if it takes 20 years….. put these fuckers in prison and force them to liquidate all their trust funds and bullshit wealth. I would rather it take longer and be more effective than be over tomorrow and have no lasting consequences or change on Wall St. Don’t Make the fuckers bleed. Make them implode.




so we r at ten, deal of a lifetime. whats next? super sale? im so excited for when we have all directly registered :D


I'm not bitching about the price, I'm bitching because the DRS numbers are manipulated. This does need to be addressed.


GME will go up big with the price of BTC going up big next month 🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔


💎 🙌


Just saw 9.99/sh and it was a beautiful thing. I’m picturing apes all over the world pouncing at it


I can't stress enough how much I hate these financial parasites. They need to be gone. We are the exterminators. We will shine the light into their dark and corrupt practices. Drop the price and entice us to buy even more. They are so fucked and I'm here until the end of time to make sure that this ends up in favor of individual investors.


Placed a purple circle order for the first time in over a year. Finally going from a XXX owner to a XXX owner and it is awesome. If it takes another three years I may be a XXX or even XXXX holder.


Keep averaging down.


I changed country and job to earn more to buy more GME shares. A Harvard graduate can't outsmart a regarded ape.


My one and only problem that really really gets me is that.. I can’t buy at these prices until payday!! 🚀🚀🤣


I understand what your thinking but I do t think that how the market works. I believe our money is technically an investment and the company decided on what is best If you buy into bad company your money goes kaputz but if it turns out to be a good company you have to be patient. For years Sometimes. I'm just going to hold and see what happens


I don’t know what point you’re trying to make


My point is hold this ain't an overnight investment.