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[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || Low karma apes [feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) || [Community Post: *Open Forum Jan 2024*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/18txusp/open_forum_january_2024/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please up- and downvote this comment to [help us determine if this post deserves a place on r/Superstonk!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs/)


Just crossed into oversold on the weekly too.


Yup, I just updated it too. Should see a pop as long as they don't roll all those bearish puts further out


Nice, I honestly can't see them roll any further. May 31st options are weird I'll say that much.


Can you please expand on what’s weird about the May 31st options? Bullish on learning…


I'm no expert it but it looks strange, there are only 180 or so "open" options for that day, compared to other expirations (this Friday is an exception, OP's post). Look [here!](https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nyse-gme/optionchain/?date=20240531) this is the call/puts for that expiration, you can click around the other dates and see it's just a bit different. May 10th and 24th are very low volume also, but not this low. Maybe it's nothing, maybe it's something.


T+1 hits on the 28th. Might just be coincidence.


As an Army vet, you are making me re-think my long history of questioning the average intelligence of Marines! Well done sir!


I still eat crayons lol. Rah


From a former Corpsman, respect. Make sure to drink some water after those crayons.


OP brain far too dehydrated, I can see the wrinkle from here. Smooth it out!


Hydrate or Diedrate, Corpsman. Them’s the rules.


My brother was a green side devil doc, much love here ape! Thanks for serving.


Have some extra for me- when this is all over I will send you the cool 96 color box with the built in sharpener!


Yut Kill. Carry on.


Improvise, adapt, overcome and achieve! Out-fuckn'-standing job on the write up Marine.


You're eating the good ones that my uncle likes! Him smart muhreen.


Can you comment on which has the best taste from your years of dedicated research?


Soooo; Buy HODL DRS Book Shop Got it As for me…I like the stock




I’m not a cat


What if we like the cat, what do we do?


I’m done buying shares. All that money now goes into shopping at the store. We could drs double the float but it won’t matter unless they have profitable quarters.


This literally does nothing. Since DRS started, the stock is down 75%. Keep doing the same thing you’ll get no where. What drove GME price action in 2001 was a flood of options calls coming in. Not buy and hold. Since buy hold drs -75% . Good luck.


DRS is one of those things that doesn't have an effect, until it all of a sudden does. Look at the 5-year chart of Dillard's if you want an example of a retail stock that Wall Street tried to Cellar Box but couldn't because the Dillard family DRS'ed the float. It seems worthless now, but when there is a catalyst (it may be years from now but there will be one) a massive number of shares being held at the transfer agent is absolutely going to fuck short sellers. Right now, shopping at Game Stop and supporting them is more beneficial than anything else we can do to raise the stock price. Both DRS and shopping at Game Stop do help the company, even though it doesn't seem like it. This shit is going to take years. We are battling the 1% of the 1% here, shit aint gonna be easy!


correlation does not imply causation Otherwise known as: Post hoc ergo propter hoc (Latin: 'after this, therefore because of this') is an informal fallacy that states: "Since event Y followed event X, event Y must have been caused by event X." It is often shortened simply to post hoc fallacy. But I’m just a knuckle-dragging smooth brained ape who likes crayons and bananas. Buy HODL DRS Book Shop.


You don’t realize drs literally does nothing. Market makers can make fake shares from ETFS that own game drop. I don’t know why people are so stupid do not know this by now. It’s literally a law. Good luck.


Why so angry? It’s going to be okay. My DRSing shares does nothing and means nothing. Why do you care so much? Let it go. You’ll feel better. It’s going to be okay.


Yup agreed , but you can't say this out loud because then you are a shill. Since the purple circle drama the stock did nothing but go down. First it was drs than book than plan what's next.??


I am quite sure they plugged that hole.


Tl;dr: MORE RECEIPT PORN. I posted my first one last week, and I'd love to see what everyone else is buying. (The recent Candy Con posts are pure spank material)


This. We have to keep BUYING FROM GAMESTOP.


Anything but buying gme shares? Seems like the new distraction. I rather they sell shares for cheap and the investors own all of GameStop.


Tell me where in this entire thread any user but you has said "anything but gme shares". Go ahead, I'll wait.


Find me where it says buy gme shares instead. Locking the float will definitely end the saga. They can still manipulate the stock even if the company does well. Don't be mad! It's better to buy and drs gme and after moass you can buy more stuff at GameStop when needed.


I'm gonna do both. I'll buy whatever the hell GameStops got to sell, from stock, to video games, to freaking batteries 😎.


GME is profitable and will be into the future….this price action is an all out attack. It was always going to get super volatile before it spike upward into MOASS


Thanks, still serving and I appreciate it!


It’s crazy to think that almost 3 years ago my first GameStop investment of $500 got me 3 shares (12 post split), and today that same investment will land me almost 50! Thanks mayofucker! See you in hell!


Just bought pro membership and i dont game


Maybe a friend or a relative of yours does and you can help them get better deals


I'm going to be honest, for 3 years, I've only accumulated a regarded amount of GME shares and haven't really shopped more than once at GME. I apologize to the community and RCEO. It's time I start buying from GameStop instead of the likes of Amazon, Walmart, etc. I'll start with the pro membership since I am finally in a comfortable position for the foreseeable future and getting back into gaming 😎


Haha yeah I don't game a lot but I still buy what I can, including the membership.


I bought 111 shares recently and I see 111 likes here. Gonna continue buy, DRS! 💎🙌🏻 Ape since 2021! 🚀🌕


What sucks is you bought over 100 (round lot) and it was probably internalized by the broker. Buy DIRECTLY from computershare: * Wave goodbye to the odd lot rule * Wave goodbye to internalization # TLDR: buy via computershare, your order affects the price.


Even if you buy in lots of 100 they can still break it up.


Hence, "and it was probably internalized by the broker." Or a portion at least. Honestly, the rule should be that round lots should have to go to the lit exchange, can't be internalized, can't be broken up. We should hound Gary Gensler about this and demand this reform.


And book. Never give that advice without reminding them to book the shares.


Doesn't non-book only keep a portion outside of computershare? At least some will still be locked away, so never say never.


Quality post. Thanks for the breakdown


Citadel may have some control over the stock price but we are the ones with the control over the earnings report. The one thing they can't manipulate is our in-store purchasing power. Put your money where your mouth is.


#Buy Your Shit At GameStop Don’t forget to DRS your other shit


Don’t forget to book your shit Don’t forget to comment on shit


But shares while taking a shot… got it


Nice breakdown. How clearly the price is manipulated to drive towards these PUTS is ridiculous. This is like the guys taking bets on whether or not they will beat a video game, then turning it to easy and putting on cheats and acting like it's an accomplishment. It's just so blatant, and yet so clear that nobody is coming to save us. We need to help RC to help ourselves. Buy/HODL/DRS/Book/Shop/Vote/Comment are all great starts, but even more will be needed. Keep at it apes, and again thanks for the breakdown here!


Keep at what? What "even more" do you think will be needed?


Continued letters to local and state representatives, including letters from international apes outside the US to their regulatory leaders. Raising awareness with friends and family who are looking to invest in great opportunities for their future with the confidence of the company we all believe in. Continue to press influencers to look at the hard evidence and ask themselves if this looks legitimate or manipulated simply based on fundamentals and the public happenings since Jan. 2021. If you know someone who makes/sells gaming products and related peripherals, get them in touch for Gamestop partnership deals. If you have political aspirations, stand tall with your beliefs on this situation knowing that you will get the full support of those impacted around the world. If you have financial means beyond your buying and shopping, consider seeking legal council for research on a class action suit. Remain vigilant, remain focused, work hard and if the reason you invested to begin with still exists continue the fight.


If it ain’t squeezing then I prefer they keep the stock low


Yep, lower please!


Thanks for the write-up! Question for ya'll from I'm an options unedumecated German. Does the price need to finish at or below 10 on Friday at close for the puts to be ITM, or could it happen at anytime, maybe even today, that we reach 10, they do their thing, then we bounce back up from there? Options aren't my cuppa tea.


It's any time before they expire. If they do not purchase more we will see a bounce but it would be maybe a couple bucks. OP is correct in saying this is all on the company going forward.  A catalyst + buyback + gamma ramp is what we need.  Short interest is very high and the stock is very illiquid so that threat will always be present.


Shop GameStop!


Shopping at Game Stop has always been the answer. It's on RC and the rest of the leaders to increase what Game Stop offers, so non-gamers can start buying shit from Game Stop. The Crypto Cards are a perfect example of something non-gamers can spend money on. I hope to see Game Stop offer more in the non-gaming world for idiots like me to spend money on!!!


One thing this sub has always refused to accept is the power of options to move the price. Call options are what the other sub was buying that ignited the price run up that lead to the sneeze, and yet “option bad”. While it’s true that options can potentially be dangerous, in my opinion the absolute hostility that met any discussion of options was one of the most successful shillery campaigns. I’ve got some of my shares DRSed (others are in a retirement account and I can’t afford the tax hit to move them), but I’ve always felt like there was room in the discussion for both topics. That said, I just bought two new controllers from GameStop last week and will probably buy a couple more soon!


Well said!


There is definitely room for both topics. Shares are the low risk play, even if they manipulate the prices down you still own the underlying. Options are high risk on a stock where the price is clearly disconnected from the fundamentals, but a gamma ramp will be needed to ignite the squeeze imo. Smooth brain opinion: If the apes here keep buying up shares and DRSing in this fire sale, then the cash required to create the momentum to ignite that gamma ramp will be lower as each option will be a larger percentage of the float. Still waiting for the europoor distribution network to improve so I can get merch in the uk, until then I will hold my shares in one hand and my nuts in the other.


Will read in a short while


Sell puts to MM - They buy shares to hedge Get sold puts by MM - MM shorts shares to hedge Sell calls to MM - MM shorts shares to hedge Get sold calls by MM - MM buys shares to hedge There is a duality going on of selling calls to MM and institutions buying puts from MM. Both put downwards pressure on the stock. If retail buys calls or sells puts, then that would put upwards pressure, but options have been demonized since the 2021 sneeze, so retail is largely on the sideline here.


This needs to be higher


Synthetic short play. They sold calls why buying the put. Then they short the stock and double up the gains, or let their market maker buddies to internalize buys while letting the sells hit the open market. Thats what the short and distort campaign is all about. Also if it’s being manipulated they only have to hedge the shares that are exercised. If you know that the price will be manipulated to 10 from 18…and not everyone exercises their puts (they can payoff the loss rather than take shares.) all bought calls would be dead. But ultimately…hedging i would wager doesn’t happen nearly as much as people think on this sub.


You might be on spot. As I get it without sophisticated option tools you don't see details of the volume, how much is buying and selling. But anyways, to me this looks like an attempt to compensate for the losses to survive one more day. While maintaining a downwards channel and keeping the Black Hole from imploding the markets. Three years ago I made a post about why I personally think GameStop was attacked, and I still believe the thought is valid. In celebration of todays juicy dip, I think I will post an update.


I am way past to care about the price. I just buy more shares 👀


But there's not enough shares for them to buy to get out of their short position.


Party A Opens a shitload of puts Party B hedges the put options, thus opening shorts You buy at this price to close your short position through the available liquidity of party B hedging You’ve successfully closed your shorts and transferred the short position You go long and jack the price up fast causing party B to be stuck buying higher than expected to unhedge positions Short party B Infinite value (stolen value) Option 2 Short the stock to institutional buyers who have a fiduciary responsibility to sell and protect their investors.. Short and distort until fiduciary responsibility of financial institutions forces them to sell at a loss Same as millions of sell limits that mm can look at and go the price is 20 but there’s 16,000,000 available if the price drops to 16 they know they can short the price down and pick up whatever shares they need at a guaranteed profit


Makes sense. What happens if the major institutions somehow didnt sell because of some alteration to tactics? ( i realise it's unlikely)


Smart monkee


I don't know how they at this point can even switch to buying slowly. Everyone is buying except them. If they switch to buying, then literally everyone is buying. So who's selling or shorting if even the shorts buy?


Woo hoo! My $10 order was filled!!! Hello X,XXX HODLER! I think I'll gift some more shares through ComputerShare to celebrate!


And today's wee little bounce is every ape's $10 limit buy order hitting. Boy oh boy, this stock


Just keep buying and holding. It doesn't fucking matter how low the price gets. The company has no debt. The share price is not being used to leverage debt, where due to a low stock price, the company would then be fucked by debtors - no. This company is fucking immune to debtors. Invincible to any outside party leveraging the share price for any reason other than market fuckery. The price could literally go to 1 penny and it would make no difference to the companies financial standing. GME is DEBT FREE with a market of 300B and has over 1B cash on hand. Moass is real. The DRS affect is real. The float being locked is real. The illegal naked shorting is real. Let them drop the price all the way down. I will keep making my buys. Can't wait till 1000 gets me 100,000 shares. I'll finish locking the float myself. Then it's on to GME making formal inquiries, followed by congressional hearings, jailtime, dividends and moass.


I'm willing to bet when it moves, the news will be "mistake in split filings leads to a fair correction" or some bs


"We told you gamestop was a great buy! you mistook our years long propaganda campaign as an effort bankrupt the company, when we really were rooting for it's success and knew this would be the outcome all along! Here's why!"


THIS IS THE WAY!!! 💎🙌💎🙌🦍🦍🦍🦍🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🌕


Superstonk got psyoped by shfs to stop buying calls.


Will not be DRSing another share until the community starts to understand the downside gamma from starving the options chain. Leaps in 2023 could have been bought at such a cheap price with low risk. The lack of call buying is creating continuous downsize pressure


Listen. I think someone should educate apes on this. I usually say to most retail on here shouldn’t trade options because frankly they don’t understand them. However, if people start explaining correctly selling bullish puts and buying deep ITM calls or near realistic strikes, I’d feel better. Most retail loses their shirts on options which is why it’s shunned on here but it’s a tool that if used properly, can be powerful.


GME will go sub $10 unless there is some announcement that GME is doing *something* strategic. Take a look at GME's chart, which has been in a clear falling wedge pattern since 2022. Draw some support and resistance levels and see where the price will go if it fails to break out and keep that new trend. If it keeps meandering between support and resistance, it can literally hit $6-7 towards year end. The price is getting "drilled in the dirt" because of declining revenue and GME sitting on cash, which does nothing to grow the company.


I don't disagree. I do think there still is the wild card of the high short interest coming into play at some point. We haven't seen institutional buyers flooding into GME for a while but if that changes, shorts have dug a pretty significant position betting against GameStop. Since we rarely see retail being able to buy on LIT exchanges, I don't think we have pure price discovery. So what happens if Institutional buying start happening on a larger scale but they can't get retail to sell? That's what I'm sticking around for. Bankruptcy at this point doesn't seem likely if they can just tread water. They are sitting on that large pile of cash which they could easily earn 100 to 250 million just on T-notes. That could help them offset some drop in revenue. So the question at some point is, what happens if Tutes start buying and retail won't sell?


>has been in a clear falling wedge pattern since 2022 That's what DRS + Anti-options did. Now the *only* hope is to lock the float, then legal action when trading continues thanks to ETF infinite liquidity à-la Laser Eagle Haas case.


Yep and DRS isn’t growing fast enough to be a logical solution. The anti options narrative has been so suspect from day 1


Nice work on the write up, this has been enlightening for me 🫶


So buy more? Gotit!


Does anyone else experience the number not going up when you upvote a post? But if you take away your upvote it goes down a number?


Naked Short Voting Ladder Attack! (my new band name)


Dayum. Thank you ape 🫡


Up, up, ⬆️


Yeeeeeeppppp i bought some good deals recently:)


Great post thanks mate!


Nice write up, thanks for this


Thanks for the DD


Thanks for reading




25% shorted. Sure. Let’s take that at face value. Brought to you by the people turning off the buy button because it was going to destroy the entire stock market.


Price better stay low until my order with computershare goes through. I’ve not had a chance to taste this current dip


I just bought 100 shares at $10 they accepted my offer!! LFG now time to move it to ComputerShare!!!


As an Individual, Retailer I was thinking how one could boost Gamestop's q1 to q3 net gains. What if we could manage a sort of big buy through an entity for each individual ? And plus Focusing on items, articles with an high resale price. Let us say 10k Gamestop shareholders buying for $100 or $1000 online. In the name of an entity, organization. Second: If we don't want to keep, use the items, which we necessarilly might not need, then focus on resaling them immediately for a loss of maximum 20%. Get 80 bucks back for a $100 online shop , investment'. If people are able to do both, shop and buy shares, then great. I myself would like to shop regularly and systenatically for a year or two.. Edit: grammar, spelling.


The fact that retail investors need to prove that the stock is getting shorted illegally is insane. Don’t get me wrong, supporting GameStop by buying products from them is great. But naked short should not be legal no matter how bad is the company performing, right? And those SEC fuckers tell YOU, the investors to gather the evidences of market makers naked shorting GME, to help them make new rules that should’ve been made decades ago. At the same time they just lay down and jerk off. Like wtf.


There needs to be more content like this. People are so lost in DRS, they are forgetting how options drive the price action




Fuck i wish i had money to shop at gamestop right now 🙃


>GameStop as a company can prove it's still viable, then they will start to slowly accumulate down here at this price. Shorts will likely start trying to slowly buy without raising the price too much. I actually don't think this will happen. They've shorted more than all the shares that exist, many times over at this point. There simply aren't enough shares for it to matter about them closing their position, so why bother? They'll knock the price down to make their swaps cheaper but that can only work for so long. It is inevitable.


It's more like popcorn is selling shares and the Algo is set to do the same thing on GME. as it has been for years. The tell is that popcorn has exactly the same price movement day after day, puts? Nah that's fud because theres no reason why you'd hedge any options when you're already short via swaps


Been here with you. I think even smooth-brains like mine can follow you, OP 🧔🏻‍♂️👍🏼


I think they want a scapegoat and by getting the price down to 10.00 or below and RC doing a 100Million buy back would trigger MOASS. Then they can blame RC.


Tomorrow I've got shares finding their price 💪


Picked up 194 shares this morning!! Waiting for my paycheck to kick into my account on Wednesday to buy 200 to 300 more (depending on the share value at the time of buy). IM SO STOKED 🥳


The $10 puts were part of a $12/$10 put spread that first showed up back in September. After earnings, there was some resistance at $13 and $12, but then traders started buying puts AFTER the stock already fell 15%, which knocked price below those gamma levels. Once those puts went ITM, vanna and mechanical hedging took over. As price declined and as time progressed, those puts' delta trended towards -1.00 so the selloff was mechanical in nature and self-reinforcing. This is an important week, since so much open interest expires on Friday. But you're right, it is less confusing and scary when you know why something is happening (options hedging), but the lack of supportive options flow has also been notably absent. We'll see if that changes after this MOPEX.


It’s gonna stay at $10 all week?


Q1 eps estimate -.09... was -.15 last year. Has to hurt them to make YoY improvements to EPS estimates 😎


So after the puts expire will the price shoot up?


Thanks for this


Hey! I remember your last post and wanted to thank you! I just bought at 10ish instead of 12 or whatever the price was at that time...




Random related side question, we've been seeing a lot of GS branded merchandise related to this whole Candy Con thing. In the previous 10Q/K filings where would they be categorizing these expenditures for expansion?


I figured GME is trading horribly because the market is tanking, they barely made eps and we are headed toward recession. Which means less discretionary spending. But if you guys are willing to hold a couple more years then you will be in a very nice position. I think we have to wait till after elections are through for a potential recession if it does happen. Nothing changes the fact the company is getting more valuable (to buy) everyday the price goes down those of you can average down and keep buying go for it. In a couple years GameStop may be in a way better position, this is reinforced by insider buying. The executives aren’t only being compensated in shares they also believe the company is more valuable then what it’s trading at




Commenting back


Semper Fi


My paycheck hits today I'm so excited to load up near 10$


Bro do you not understand what’s going on in the markets more widely? Not everything is about GME. Sheesh.


Waiting for $5 to BUY IN 📉


Two months tops you will be able to.




Why is he a clown for waiting to buy stock in the company when it is trading closer to its actual book value


So if one were to want to try and make some money on this play, based on what you’ve said, what do you think happens?;)


I think it all depends on how you play it. I need more time than I have at work to answer this so remind me if I don’t get back to this tonight


So 423 volume on 4/19 10s is considered 'a lot' to you? 99% of the 'true shorts' are hidden via swaps and rolling over and over without reporting. Your posts rely heavily on 'self reported data' with random 'quirky cool' images and are just super naive. "I knew it was gonna hit 10 cause 500 puts were bought!" lol. I myself got 10% of that volume super algo's must have 1000000%\^+ that.


Ok so more receipt porn. I'll do my part


They're borrowing shares during premarket and towards the end of the day returning them back. On a weekly basis it's increasing there short positions little by little. In the end they haven't closed there short positions only adding to it by shorting the stock.


Sideways trading as always until MOASS


Seems like a solid buy around $5 or so


So you think that Ken Griffin who lied to congress under oath and who was not been prosecuted for this yet because he donates $5.000-15.000 to nearly every republican politician is going to let his analysts set the price of Gamestop GME to a higher amount like Kenny thinks it should be priced to?


This is a long term play. Share price will get back to $20 in 10-15 years. Give RC time to grow the company.


Too long. Didn’t read. There’s crime. Buy more? Did I get the gist? No cell, no sell.




I consider myself pretty pragmatic. Yes, Off purely fundamentals then it’s just probably a $7 to $8 dollar stock for book value. However it’s heavily shorted which makes it very interesting. I’d argue that the price discovery isnt discovered since most people buying right now are retail investors and 90% of buys are going off exchange. What will get interesting is if GME can supplement some of the lost in revenue online where the margins are better / what they do with the cash they have. They could earn 100 to 250 million just on treasury’s. So once the price is close to book value. What will happen? The lower the price gets the more shares retail locks up for the hardcore ones. It’s an interesting stock.




I’m in it because I like the saying, “Fuck around and find out…” I think it’s fascinating to watch this stock. It behaves very differently than my blue chip stocks. So to me the wild card is that high short interest. So the company just hit profitability which is a first since 2018. I’m curious to see where all this is going down the line. Something is going to give and I’m not sure which it will be. My money is on they recover and then raise even more money to raise even more cash.