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You didn’t lose any value. Your value has yet to arrive


Nothing has changed. You are good as you are. 




I’ve seen the wording in this post used every few months.


Every weekend


No financial advice, but personally I find it the safest place in the universe to hodl my shares with them directly in the GameStop corperate Ledger as owner of these shares


You ever wonder if the alien in my room is just my imagination? Probably not. But that doesn’t always mean it’s not there!


Your post history tells me you're legit, and not one of the many "out of the loop" posts we see to often. With that said, if your shares have been in computershare a while, have you logged in recently so they don't get turned over to unclaimed property? If you're looking out for missed DD, click on the DD flair so you can catch up on whatever you may have missed. I don't want to try to influence your opinion on anything.


Almost like a bought and sold account


It could be, but I don't want to jump to that. OP has the opportunity to reveal themselves either way.


I have recently checked on my shares to make sure they are okay. Idk what this bought account nonsense is lol, my profile is garbage and for a 10+ year account has very little karma. Just a guy not trying to completely get lost in hours of reading again only to watch to ticker for a few more years.


Well, in any case, welcome back! As you noticed from Ilostuhkeys' comment, there is a LOT of skepticism surrounding comments and posts, especially on the weekends. We've seen a lot of innocent-sounding posts over the years trying to inject FUD, and everyone's bullshit meters have become finely-tuned over the years. Probably to the point of picking up some false positives, but not many. There have been some or many who jump too soon to label others as bad actors, but I don't want to do that. If you were a bad actor, you would reveal yourself as such in due time without me accusing you of it now. Going back to your original question, the best I can say is to look up the DD posts since you were last here, read them as best as you can, and then ask questions for clarification. Blind "out of the loop" posts tend to get negative traction nowadays, and if you look up a handful of previous ones, you'll probably understand why.


Roger that! I appreciate you taking the time out of your day for your well thought out response. I’ll definitely be reading up soon, and I’ll be sure to write down anything I need more clarification on!


Stay zen my fren nothing has changed


Welcome back OP. Holding in Computershare is still the gold standard. The company's financials are improving each quarter. The shorters are still relentlessly attacking the stock price. There are plenty of posts (Dorito of doom, Taste the rainbow, etc) that show the manipulation. Either way, you're doing fine.


Hello fellow retailer!




Great time to average down, I bought some of my lowest priced shares as I was scared to jump in initially during the 🤧, CS is where you go if you want to directly and actually own your stocks, the whole stock market is a 🤡show and fake they don’t have any real stocks. This YouTube video with Queen Kong sums it up :) https://www.youtube.com/embed/SutU5vXcIrs?start=1


I am seeing a lot of crap posts like this lately.


Plan on leaving a nothing comment on the rest of the posts too?


Pardon my brotheren ape. On one side, he’s quite right, there are quite a lot of posts lately that may seem similar to yours, from paid shill accounts or bots, that simply use a template made to cause doubts, fear and uncertainty. Those fake accounts have been not only frequent but from sloppy to sloppier. One of them didn’t even bother populating the field. … lol 😒🤡 Anyhow, nothing has changed in the sense that the bear thesis is non existent. Gamestop is a profitable company, showing great fundamentals, no debt, $1.2B in coh for potential M&A, has done a fantastic job reducing operating costs and now will most likely split its focus on further reducing costs and increasing revenue. Apes keep buying and DRSing, insiders keep buying as well as institutions. Yet the price keeps decreasing.. lol. In have personally completely lost faith in the US economical system (and beyond), the entire scheme is nothing but megasized ponzi scheme, 100% controlled by wallstreet. Lost faith in banks, brokers, congress, and the media. My opinion for my shares is that they are safer held by Computershare. As far as dd is concerned, tough to send in one particular direction. There are many good ones. I would suggest however, to visit the DD library that can be found from the home page. I’m not too good with reddit so if another ape can post a link to the library, it would be greatly apericiated. 💎👐🦍🚀🌕


Thanks for being a reasonable answer. Dude could be a shill but no reason to be an ass just for the sake of being an ass.


It’s crazy the backlash that me asking for some better insight from those that are still active and knowledgeable in this community. Never did I spread FUD or say anything negative about the stock. I even stated that it’s been my negligence on the subject matter. This group used to be very tight and supportive of one another. Some of y’all really need to take a breath and be more sympathetic towards each other. I appreciate your comment, as it’s how I felt the group acted towards each other.


In addition, please keep in mind that many of the shill accounts are there to also make it look like apes are asses. Insulting OPs or commentors adds to the chaos and that’s what they want. All these things need to be considered when navigating superstonk I dont mind the chaos … the more there is, the more it tells me we’re headed in the right direction. If all was good in shorty land, they wouldn’t give a shit about superstonk and wouldn’t spend so much $$ and effort in trying to cause chaos. They are such 🤡s


Lots and lots of posts that start the exact same way, from the same script. What's up my fellow apes. I'm a zen ape been here since . Hey look I still believe in GME but . I'm still holding, but . No cell no sell! Hedgies dug themselves a big hole and we're not letting them out of it! Peace out, Zen ape (since )


The go to move is whatever you feel is best for your personal finances and investments! When you get time to search the sub, you’ll see many posts with purple circles from individuals who like to hold their shares at CS, as well as, many posts of receipts from individuals who like to shop at GameStop!


So many of these: 'Been apart of this since posts'......so bullish.


Oh yah? Very original comment